Broken Marionette

By Lazy_Sloth120

24.3K 1K 114

A tale of a girl who lived two different lives but experienced the same pain in both. The story of the unknow... More

Character Introductions/Profiles
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
10K Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 11

1.2K 47 2
By Lazy_Sloth120

"M-My lady, You've been asleep for 34 days."

Siergen POV*

It's been about over a month now, since Mallory fell unconscious. I still remember the sight of blood dripping down from hr mouth as she looked at all of us with a sad smile on her face before going in to a deep slumber. The way I watched in slight horror yet amazement as her once purple locks started to fade in to a golden blonde. Her last words still ringing in my ears. What was it that she was hiding? Why did she hide it? I thought that we had built a mutual bond with one another. I even thought and saw her as my own daughter. Was she being threatened? Or is she a spy from an enemy nation? But why does her actual hair seem so familiar?

"Siergen!" loudly called outa voice, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. "Huh?" I said in slight daze. "I've been calling your name for a while now. You have been very out of it today, something going on?" asked a slightly red head. Oh yeah, I'm in a meeting. Where I am completely slipping my mind fora second. "Oh. Are you worried for me now Duke Solveig ? I'm so touched by your concern for me." I teased a shit eating grin on my face.

The red haired Duke clicked his tongue in annoyance and muttered something under his breath, as his leaned back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. Though this would usually bring a sense of joy in me, this time for some reason it didn't. Maybe because my mind is still occupied by concern for my....daughter. It feels great saying that. My daughter.

"Duke Solveig, does have a point however. You have been acting very odd lately, not today specifically. Your mood seems a lot more lighter. You're not the only as well as I have noticed" Pointed out The grey haired male with similarly blueish/grey eyes, sitting next to the red haired duke. "Are you trying to say that I am constantly miserable now?" I asked raising an eyebrow in suspicion. "You know that's not that he meant. Duke Csintalan is just trying to say you seem a lot more happier these days" sighed Duke Alpheus, defending the grey haired duke.

"So I was a miserable old man before" I said acting clueless, obviously I knew that wasn't what he meant I just enjoyed messing with them. "At least you won't be as old and miserable this one" Joked Duke Csintalan , pointing his thumb to the other side of him where the duke with the longer black hair and grey eyes sat. Hearing the insult thrown at him, the long haired male glared Daggers at the man sheepishly laughing beside him. "I would beg differ, there is no one more miserable than you Duke Csintalan. Were you not just complaining about your children a minute ago" spat back the black hared male. An imaginary arrow seemed to have pierced the grey haired duke square in his chest as a slightly pained expression came across his face.

"You are making my dear sweet children sound devils, Duke Valentine" Pouted the grey haired duke, his hand over his heart.

"I'll have you know my son is an absolute jem, my pride and joy. He takes after myself in so many ways" Boasted Duke Csintalan, chest puffed and nose high. "Then what about your daughter?" asked Duke Solveig. A conflicted expression making its way on his face. "Oh yes, how is your daughter? Last I heard she fell ill with the cold" added Duke Alpheus. "S-She has recovered, rather quickly so there is no need for your concern. She's back to her..... energetic self now" sweat dropped the Duke. I silently chuckled already knowing how his daughter is. She's a little fire ball much like her mother.

I zoned The rest of them out as they all began to discuss about their children, my mind and thoughts drifting off to the unconscious girl back in Helion. No matter how much I wanted to remain in Helion and by her side, I had to come this meeting. It was something I could not make an excuse about. This is the Annul meeting of the Dukes across the Obelian Empire. In total there are 5 Grand Duchy's across the empire, each with their own land that they rule over. In the past, dating back to the foundation of the empire, it was these very 5 houses and the Imperial who fought and battled for this very land. After years of blood sweat and tears, they finally won. Creating a land ultimately ruled by the Imperial family. However as a sign of appreciation for his comrades the first emperor gave each of his companions the title of duke and a piece of land to rule over as their own.

The Grand Duchy of Alpheus in the Central, after the war it was the house of Alpheus who helped with rebuild of the empire and it's economy. The Grand Duchy Of Solveig ruling over the south, known for producing some the best warriors specializing in long distance. In the war the House of Solveig was the back bone, supporting the group from behind with their unwavering aim. Then the Grand Duchy of Csintalan who rule the West, known for their sly and trickster like nature. Their family coming from a long line of some the most skilled and well-known mages through the empire. Just like the house of Solveig, Csintalan supported the group from the back during the war. Finally the Grand Duchies of Helion and Valentine, ruling over the North and East. Both of these families producing some of the best Sword masters and war hero's ever known to man kind. So it's no surprise that it was theses two families who were fighting in the front lines of the war, and then holding receiving the honor of leaders of the Obelian Army. However as of now, the Head of the Imperial Knights is currently Felix Robane, as myself and Duke Valentine had no interest in leading an army.

As to keep the strong bond between the 5 power houses, an annul meeting is up held and the head of each house must attend, if not then their successors. Though it was Fiona who inherited and succeed the The Grand Duchy of Helion, it's still me who has to attended to these meetings. Though I typically wouldn't mind as the 5 of us are rather close, we all attended the infamous Academy in Arlanta and their sparked the relationship and bonded between the 5 dukes. It's sort of become a tradition at this point. For all the Duchy to send their successors to the academy, where they will be friend one another and continue on the legacy of their own respective Dukedoms. Unfortunately however, Fiona and Myself haven't succeed in having child yet. After a few visits by the doctor, we later found out that we are will be unable to conceive. Though it was heart breaking for both us, we later started to think about adopting a child. And that's when Mallory strolled into out lives.

As I was on my way back from yet another orphanage, I spotted her. A small, yet fiery girl fighting a brown bear with promising skills in not only swordsmanship but also alchemy. Something about her as well drew me to her. So I brought her home with me, under the excuse of taking her in as a disciple. After only a few days of her living with us, she had already brightened up our lives so much. The Duchy before was so quiet and dull, almost lifeless at some point but when she came. It suddenly became brighter, as if she brought life to the once dull mansion. However before I could finalize the documents, she was poisoned. It wasn't long before we found out the culprit, who was a newly recruited maid. Abel locked her up in the dungeon and proceeded to interrogate the girl. But the information we got the girl was useless, she would speak of anything then what we would ask her. So we simply gave up. Deciding to not waste our time an longer

"Ah, yes. Duke Valentine I heard that you have finally found your missing son. Congratulations" congratulated Duke Solveig. "Oh yes, so have I. Congratulations" added Duke Alpheus. Hearing these words brought me back to the conversation, it's no secret among us Dukes that Duke Valentine had lost his son when he was only a mere baby. It was said that someone had snuck into the sons room and kidnapped him. The Duke and Duchess here obviously devastated to hear their first child was taken from them, they never once stopped looking for their son. So hearing that after 9 years of hard work, he has finally found his son. So it's a pretty big deal. "I am happy for you Duke valentine" I smiled sincerely at my friend. The long black haired male just stared at us fora few second before coughing up a "Thank you". We all smiled at his words knowing that this was most amount of affection we would ever get from a rock like himself.

"I guess that just leaves Duke Helion, the only without any kids" pointed out Duke Alpheus. "Now that I think about it what are planning to do about not having a successor?" asked Duke Caistalan. "I'm not sure myself, but I think I have found a kid I want to adopt and Successes to the Duchy. However a few complication have come up as of lately" I vaguely answered. "I wish you the best of luck then" smiled Duke Alpheus. "Me too" added the other three. I just smiled at the three of them as the topic of children drifted off the only daughter of the Emperor. Though his Highness Claude may not show it, we all know how much he adores his daughter. All of us bursting out in laughter and chuckles as Duke Alpheus told us about his personal encounters with the Her Highness.

"She really calls you a dog" cackled Duke Caistalan, holding his stomach whilst gripping onto the edge of the table. "I already love the princess" laughed Duke Solveig comically whipping a tear. Before I could comment on the matter as well, the doors of the meeting room were flung open, causing a oud bang to echo through the room. Immediately silencing all of us and straitening our backs in panic. Turning our head to the doors to see who just rudely opened the door, I was surprised to see Fiona but that wasn't the only problem. She looked panicked and she was also panting and sweating as if she just ran all the way here. "Fiona. What's wrong? Did something happen?" I frantically asked getting up from my seat and walking towards my wife. Gripping onto her arms to help her stable her self.

In return he n dug her nails into my forearms as she looked up at me with tears in her ruby eyes. "Fiona what's wrong?!" I asked now scared as to what could be upsetting her this bad. "S-She's woke up. Sirgen, Mallory woke up" she breathed, obviously trying to hold back her tears. I felt myself freeze the second those words rolled off her tongue. The words I had been hoping to hear for so long. My daughter. She finally woke up. "We have to go now" I exclaimed, further confusing the 4 men inside the room. Fiona nodded in agreement already turning around and walking off to most likely get the carriage ready. "Sirgen what's wrong" asked Duke Valentine his brows knitted together in confusion. "I'm sorry to have to leave so early in a fuss fellas, but something has happened in Helion and I need to go back." not waiting for a response or saying anymore I left. Running down the hallways to the courtyard.

Where Fiona was, Already climbing into the carriage. I followed behind her, wasting no time in entering and immeadtly telling the driver to leave. Tension filling the air inside the small wooden compartment, so thick it couldn't be cut with a knife. Once we arrived at the certain spot int he forest, I looked towards Fiona giving her silent nod, Clenching my teeth tightly. Seeing my go, she ripped the green scroll in her hand. Teleporting us to Helion. Magic truly does wonders.

Now arriving at the mansion, I flung the door of the carriage open, startling the servant who was about to open it. Jumping out, I looked around and spotted another carriage beside us, Abel climbing out o it with a half worried and half panicked expression. It seems like he also got the news.

The two of us locked eyes, the servant gathering the courtyard to greet our arrival but there is not time or that. "Where is she?" demanded Fiona standing beside me. "The lady is in her room, a maid is currently assisting he-" before the maid could finish her sentence the three of us are already running towards the door, climbing the large stairs in record timing. Not caring for all the servant that look at us startled by our sudden arrival. Rushing passed the many doors, to hers. Finally arriving to her opened door to see her sitting upright in the bed.

The sight of her Golden blonde her shimmering in the sun and her jewels blue eyes that stare at us with wide eyes. Slight hints of fear flashing in her eyes. Her eyes had us all frozen in our spots, not believing what's informer of us. How is this possible, she told us she had no family. But then, how is she related to the imperial family. Those jewelled blue eyes, the statement for the royal family, is not one to be easily mistaken for.

"M-Mallory" I stuttered, all the words and questions I want to ask stuck in my throat. "Your eyes" gasped Abel.

Mallory/Athelinda POV*

One moment Llaria was explaining to me how Siergen and Fiona had to leave for the capital, to attend an important meeting they couldn't miss. Abel was forced to head back to Arlanta as he still had important things to take care of as a professor at the academy. Three apparently really didn't want to leave but they had no choice. Llaria also began to tell about how the whole Duchy was in panic when I fell unconscious. Doctors said I had been poisoned by some unknown poison, fortunately I had only eaten a small amount of the poison but it was enough for it to cause harm to my body.

As Llaria continued to talk about what happened in the past 34 days, a bunch of ruckus could be heard in the hallways. Knitting my brows in confession as the ruckus seemed to be getting closer and closer to my room. Next thing I knew, the said three adults were standing at my doorway, panting. Their eyes wide as they take me in. Why are they looking at me like that. "M-Mallory" stuttered Master being the first to speak. looking at him blankly, as of to say what is it that so surprising. "Your eyes" gasped Abel finishing Masters sentence. My eyelids flung open as it just hit me, My eyes. My magic wore off when the posion started to take affect. Shit! how could I forget?!

Llaria looked confused before a second before turning to look at me before letting out a loud gasp. Slapping her hands over her gaping mouth. "M-my lady. I-I didn't even realise, I was so happy that you woke up that I-I hadn't noticed." stuttered Llaira stand  up and slowly backing away. In a panic I immeadtly scurried out of bed and covered my eyes with my hand. Not wanting them to see any more of it. Attempting to make a run for the window. God, I knew this would happen. What will happen now. Will they take me to the Emperor. He'll execute me on the spot. I don't want that. I don't want to die such a pitiful death.

Before I jump out of the window, a large gloved hand wrapped itself around my worst. Jerking me back. "Wait, No! Let me go! I don't want that bastard to see me!" I pleaded clenching my eyes shut as I slammed my fist into the chest of the person. "Mallory we are going to need you to open your eyes and tell us what's going on" Said a familiar husky voice voice, immediately recognising it as Siergen's. Wrapping his arms around my shaking frame and pulling my closer to his body bod. I don't know why, Maybe because I'm still emotional from seeing my own mother. I began to cry right there on the spot, balling my fists in his clothes as I cried into his shirt.

After I had calmed down, Siergen carried my to the edge of my bed. Sitting my down on it. As he pulled a chair in front of me. Sitting in it and grabbing one of my hands and holding it in his comfortingly. Fiona then sat herself next to me on the bed, wrapping her arms around my shoulder and rubbing circles on my back to calm me down. Abel following what Siergin did , sitting himself beside Master. Llaria standing behind the two men, looking at me with sympathy in her light brown eyes. Taking A deep breath I began to explain everything. Not completely everything, obviously. I told them about my father 'the emperor' he left me to die in the woods because I didn't have a name. Telling them the about my time as slave for a noble, the abuse and hardships I forced to face. Than my side of meeting Siergen for the first time. Neither of them interrupted me whilst I spoke. Listening to what I was saying intently

After I finished talking,. I looked at the four waiting for a one of them too say something. "How could the emperor be so cruel and cold hearted to my ladyship?!" angrily huffed Lalria, being the first to say something. "I should say, that was just too cruel. How could he do such a thing to a  child?" agreed Able crossing his arms over his chest. "Thank you for telling us Mallory, your secret is safe with us now. We are not going to let the Emperor any where near you." comfortingly said Fiona pressing a peck on to my forehead. Is smiled at her relief washing over my face. I looked over at Master, waiting for him to say something.

"Mallory, do you know which noble it is that enslaved you?" darkly asked Master. His question startling me. "Yes, who was it?" added Able sharing the same aura as the black haired male beside him. "I-I don't know" I lied, meanly slapping myself for the stutter. Though I know if I tell them, they will take down Count Albret but for some reason that doesn't satisfy me. I want to be the one who personally brings him down. The one who kills him. The one who forced him to watch as I burn everything that he ever had to ashes. It's selfish I know, but  can't help my constant thirst for revenge.

Siergen only hummed in response and nodding at my answer. "Oh yeah. Did you catch the maid?" I asked, the question reappearing in my mind. "Yes we did." answered Master. "It was quite easy as well, she left behind lots of tracks" smirked Abel. "Mal, would you like to see her?" Asked Fiona looking  directly into my eyes, a slightly worried look in her eyes. "If I can" I nodded. "Are you you want to? The girl isn't exactly.....Sane" hesitated Siergen. A determined expression on my face, I nodded my head. "Alright, but first get dressed and eat something." said Abel getting up from his seat and exiting the room. The other two nodded their heads and left the room. Leaving me with Llaria. The blonde smiled at me before walking over to my closet and pulling out some clothes and helping my get dressed into them.

After getting changed, I stared at my self in the mirror on my vanity. Taking in my blonde hair and blue eyes that I haven't seen in so long. Quite frankly I liked not seeing them, they reminded me so much of that bastard and I hated that. Waving my right hand over my face, I changed my appearance back to my purple hair and magneta eyes, finding this look a lot more comforting to look at. Llaria bought a couple of sandwiches in my room which I ate.

Soon after I finished eating the sandwiches, I left the room and headed towards Dukes study. The blonde Maid following behind me. On my walk to the study I was stopped by multiple servants who were relived to see that I was okay, I thanked them for their concern before carrying on. Arriving at the study, the three adults each shared a complex look before standing up and showing me to the dungeons in the basement of the Mansion.

The chilly and damp air of the dungeon, as well as the brick walls slightly covered in moss, brought me back to my time at the counts house. As much as I hated that cold bared cell it was the only place that I knew was safe. The only place I could truly find comfort for myself.

Walling past the multiple metal bars in the dungeon, right at the back was the maid. Still in the maid uniform, knelling against the wall behind her. Handcuffs securing her arms to the wall, lifting them above her head, a large metal ball chained to her right foot. Her brunette hair now messy and dirty, curtaining itself aground her face. With out much thought I walked forward and unlocked the door, stepping into the cell. My presence causing the brunette maid to look and revel her merle d eyes, dirt scuffs on her cheeks, a few bruises also evident on her neck and cheeks.

"Well, well. If it isn't the young lady" scoffed the maid her voice hoarse,. as she started at me with the most hateful eyes. Looking at me as if I had killed her entire family right in front of her. Letting out a tired sigh I squatted down to her height. "You already know what I'm goign to ask you, so I suggest you start talking" I stated sternly looking at her will cold eyes. She just remained silent and hung her head low. "Not going to talk are we?" I scoffed, Talking the dagger from my back pocket. Lifting her face by the chin with the edge of the dagger. Turning her face so she face e. "I suggest you start talking or else I force the words out of your mouth."I threated pushing the dagger slightly forwards so it poked the skin of her neck. Adding enough pressure to draw a small amount of blood. "I'd rather burn in the flames of hell that tell you, the one who will cause ruins" she spat. I furrowed my brown in confusion at how she referred to me.

"Burn in hell Huh? I could make that happen for you" I smirked removing my dagger from her chin to her left leg. Dragging the blade from her ankle to her knee, a trail of flames following behind the blade. Lifting the metal from her skin. I watched in slight amusement as the flames then proceed to engulf her leg. Her screams echoing through out the whole dungeon. I could feel the three watching us. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! MAKE IT STOP! STOP!" her pleas getting lost in her screams of agony and pain. "Hm, what was that?" I taunted lifting my free hand to cup the back of my ear. "STOP! PLEASE, STOP!" she pleaded tears streaming down her face. complying I waved my hand over her burning leg, freezing it and stopping the fire.

"Are you going to speak now?" I asked titling my head to the side. "A prophecy" she muttered under her heavy breathing. What does prophecy have o do with this now. She looks at her hard for a few seconds before parting her chapped lips to speak.

"Living under the protection of the hero lies she who goes against the nature and will of the Lord, is she who will bring suffering and ruins to the land of stones "

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