Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.4K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 52

509 10 0
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Finn's pov

How dare he, how dare he have that effect on Vincent when he hasn't been close to Vincent his whole life. He just came out of nowhere and he thinks he can make Vincent go crazy for him. He can kiss Vincent when ever he wants and even sleep with him.

Just look at him standing there and talking to Hunter without any shame. Does he think he is a part of their relationship or something? Doesn't he have anything better to do than being the third wheel?

He better stay away from Vincent or I will...

"Finn why are you still here, we need to go to the hospital come on. I'm going to get Hunter." Brian told me in the hallway after school.

"Okay but I don't want Leo anywhere near the hospital. He better stay out of my sight. Tell him that." I told Brian who gave me a puzzled look. "Just trust me and do what I tell you."

He went to get Hunter and the three of us made our way to the hospital.

Vincent looked much better today. He was well rested and the doctor told us he would be discharged tomorrow.

Mark and Ryan were also here and so was Vincent's family.

"Mum I'm hungry." Vincent was being a baby in front of his mum.

"Let us go and get him food Mrs Stone." I told her and Mark and I went down to the hospital cafe.

Mark greeted the man and scanned all the options.

Alex and Tyler joined us and informed me that they were getting snacks for them and for Hunter.

"I'll have a cheese wrap, an apple juice and..." Mark started but got distracted by Alex. "And..."

He suddenly turned to face Alex and I was ready to pounce him if he started a fight with him as usual. But he did the complete opposite. He pulled Alex in his arms and kissed him to everyone's surprise, maybe even surprising himself. Alex stood in shock for a few seconds before he wrapped his arms around Mark and kissed him back.

"Alex I don't want to waste anymore time." He told Alex when he pulled away from the kiss. "Vincent told me that life is precious and very unpredictable and my parents are not going to want me to be the perfect ideal son if I'm not happy as well. I'm sorry I made you wait so long but will you give me a chance?"

"Yes you big doofus." Alex replied and they kissed again. Tyler cheered loud enough for the whole hospital to hear.

"Let's get out of here." Mark told Alex, taking his hand and leaving.

I turned to the man at the counter with a sheepish look and gave him the rest of the order.

"I'm so happy for Alex, he is hopelessly in love with Mark." Tyler told me as we made our way back upstairs with all the food and drinks. "Brian let me hug him yesterday." He gloated.

"Did you use protection?" Where was he when Brian was kidnapped?

"Haha." He poked my arm as we entered Vincent's room.

He had Hunter close to him and I wasn't going to allow any physical contact until he promised no physical contact with Leo.

I gave his mum the bag of food and got in between him and Hunter.

"Where's Mark?" Vincent asked.

"You will be happy to know that the advice you gave him about life being precious and all that worked because he was all over Alex kissing him like it was the end of the world." I informed him, much to his delight.

"I'm good." He was so full of himself.

"OMG Hunter have I got news for you." Tyler popped up and took Hunter to tell him everything he just witnessed.

"I'm happy he finally listened to his heart." Vincent smiled. He ate the food his mum presented to him and I watched as his eyebrows furrowed when he squinted his eyes from the fluorescent light above him and the way sipping his juice made his faint dimples show and that's when I realized that the reason I hated seeing him with Leo and the reason I told Brian I need more time when he asked me to be his boyfriend Sunday night was Vincent. I was the closest to him and for so long I had him all to myself and to suddenly have Hunter, Brian and now Leo as well be closer to him than me made me feel rejected. I wanted him all to myself again, and not just as my best friend. In order for me to finally move on from him and commit to Brian completely, I had to sleep with him. I had to sleep with Vincent.

I was helping Vincent get dressed the next day to take him home when my fingers lingered a little too long on his arm. Ever since my big revelation to myself yesterday, I felt very sweaty and uneasy in the presence of Vincent. I couldn't be the reason Vincent cheats on Hunter so I didn't know what I was going to do with myself and this sudden urge.

"If you want me to leave without a shirt on I'll be more than happy, the nurses are all crazy for my body." He snapped me out of my thoughts and I pulled my hand away and helped him with his shirt.

I put on his socks and sneakers and he took my hand and stood up. My hand instantly became sweaty as I took his bag and we left. The nurses all greeted him and told him to get well soon and they all swooned at him when he flashed them his smile.

We got in the car and I drove us to his house. His parents planned a surprise welcome back party for him and invited everyone who was at the hospital to support him.

"It's so good to be home, I miss my room and my bed. I bet Hunter misses it just as much and I can not wait to have him in my bed again." Vincent said as he opened the front door. "He is going to be begging me to stop."

"You should stop talking now." No one needed to hear what he planned to do with Hunter, especially not his parents.

"Why, jealous?" If only he knew.

"Surprise." Everyone cheered.

"That's why." I told him and walked past him into the house as he stood in shock from the sudden outburst.

He walked in and everyone hugged him and welcomed him back home. Hunter was blushing like mad as he greeted Vincent. We had the same kind of party for Brian on Sunday after Vincent was out of surgery and in a stable condition. That's when Brian asked me to be his boyfriend. It was what I wanted so badly but I just needed closure from Vincent before I committed myself completely to Brian.

"Finn I want to see Shaggy but seeing me after so long will definitely make him jump on me and he's tall enough to reach my chest. Please hold him down so I can rub him." Vincent asked me and I was quick to do as he wanted no questions asked.

I went to the patio and Shaggy jumped with excitement as I approached him. I patted him and he offered me his paw. I told him to sit and he listened making it easier for me to hold him before Vincent came outside and trying to contain the dog's excitement after seeing Vincent was very difficult. He had that effect on animals as well as humans.

"You're my good boy, yes you are. I missed you so much my boy. I love you so much." He was all over the dog, rubbing him and hugging him as I held him down which was not easy.

"I want to sleep with you Vincent." I suddenly burst out.

He stopped and looked at me with the most shocking and questionable look and we locked eyes for a few seconds before I realized my mistake and quickly covered it up.

"Tonight." I added. "I want to stay over tonight. I don't want you to be alone." He visibly relaxed when I said that and I looked away.

"You don't need to even say it Finny, I wouldn't care if you moved in permanently." He told me, going back to playing with the dog for a little while before washing and drying his hands and going back inside. I did the same while regretting mentioning wanting to stay the night. How was I going to survive a whole night with Vincent?

Vincent went straight to Hunter and pulled him in his arms. I spotted Leo and went up to him. "Why are you here?"

"Hunter forced me to come, he insisted and I couldn't tell him no. I will stay out of their way I promise, I don't have anyone else but I'll stay away from them if you insist." He tried to play the sympathy game but I wasn't falling for it.

I gave him a warning look before making my way to Brian and pulling him in my arms kissing him.

"He looks happy, that's all that matters." He told me, indicating to Vincent who sat on the couch with Hunter.

"Yeah, that's all that matters. Are you happy Brian, are you okay? You went through the same thing as him it's just that he took a bullet and you didn't. I'm here for you if you want to talk or cry or anything. You are not alone okay, I love you and I'm here for you." I told him, rubbing his cheek.

"I know you are here for me and I love you too. If I'm having trouble I will tell you I promise." He smiled his beautiful smile at me. "Somehow I got all the therapy I needed while I was actually kidnapped through Vincent. He was scared himself I won't lie, but he made me feel safe and also emotionally strong."

"Right Vincent, your dad and I are going to get out of the way so you kids can all party but I don't want you drinking and even dancing. You keep your butt on the couch young man." Mrs Stone announced, giving Vincent strict instructions.

"Yes mummy." He grumbled.

I just smiled at his foolish behaviour that made him look adorable.

Mr and Mrs Stone left and the music came on. Everyone enjoyed the snacks and drinks as well as the music.

"Yo cd thief." He call to Leo. "I'm watching you."

Leo smiled and started making his way to Vincent but stopped when he saw me.

"Don't worry about Finn, get here." He listened to Vincent and quickly made his escape around me and to the couch, sitting next to Vincent.

Brian and I joined them and Vincent purposely got close to Leo to annoy me.

"Vincent since Leo is here to keep you company I'm going to my friends so Alex can tell me all about him and Mark." Hunter stood up and I immediately took his place next to Vincent.

"He has me to keep him company not Leo." I told Hunter before he left with Tyler. "You stay away from that boy." I turned to Vincent.

"So we are jealous." He smirked. "You know you will always be my number one. We're still on for tonight, you're sleeping over so you will have me all to yourself but for now can I please just have some fun, this is my party."

I nodded and he turned to Leo flirting with him full on. I just slumped back in defeat and pulled Brian on my lap.

"I'm staying here tonight to take care of Vincent." I informed him. "But I don't want to leave your by yourself." I've been sleeping at Brian's house every night since he returned.

"I'm a big boy I can manage on my own. Vincent needs you. Lucas has been asking me everyday since I got back to sleep in his fort with him." Brian told me, running his fingers through my hair.

"Does it have string lights and cushions?" I asked him and he nodded. "Aw now I want to sleep there instead."

He laughed and pulled me close kissing me and I melted in his arms.

Hunter came back and Vincent pulled him down between Leo and himself. The three of them chatted away and I was happy that in less than a year Vincent and I were able to get to know and be close to Brian, Hunter and even Leo. We were able to learn through Brian selflessness and understanding, we were able to learn through Hunter bravery and confidence and we were able to learn through Leo how precious life is and strength through difficulty. We were able to open our hearts to love and build relationships that will last forever.

After the party Vincent had the soup his mum cooked for him and I had pasta.

I washed the dishes and we both went up to his room. I gave him his meds and helped him undress and get into bed covering him. I striped down to my briefs and got in the bed next to him.

"What would I have done if I lost you Vince?" I asked him as we both stared at the ceiling.

"Have Hunter all to yourself." He replied.

I laughed and turned to face him. "Hunter is all yours, I want only you."

He pulled me close to him. "I would take a bullet for you Finny, right here." He pointed to his heart.

I put my hand on his mouth to stop him from talking. "God forbid."

I moved my hand from his mouth to his cheek and down to the back of his head. I leaned over him and my face was very close to his.

"I'm not going anywhere Finny." He consoled me. "I'm right here and I will be here for as long as you want me to be. I promise you."

"That's the only way I will be here, if you are here." I told him.

He leaned up and kissed me. It was light and it was for just a second but it was enough to bring back all the urges I had for him and I let go of him, sleeping back on the bed before I did anything I would regret.

He tried sitting up but I was quick to stop him. "What do you want?"

"I'm just putting my phone on charge." He told me and I took it from him and leaned over him to connect it to the charger.

The police had found his phone and his car in the parking lot he was kidnapped from but it was completely destroyed as well as Brian's that was found in the dumpster so their parents bought them both new phones and I was kind enough to set it up for them and even get all their data back.

Once I connected the phone to the charger, I tried to get back to my side of the bed but Vincent held me on top of him again.

"Brian told me that he asked you to be his boyfriend and you told him you need more time. Is there a reason for this foolishness?" He asked me.

"I'm just not ready to commit to him." I replied, avoiding eye contact with him.

"But you don't mind getting into his pants all the time." He pointed out. "What's stopping you Finn?"

You are! I wanted to shout at him but I stopped myself. "I told you I'm not ready."

"Is it Hunter, are you still not over him?" If only it was that simple.

"I told you Hunter is all yours." I tried to free myself from his grip but even with a bullet wound he managed to keep me in place.

"So it's me that you want." He stated like he was completely sure of his discovery.

"Get over yourself." I scoffed. "I don't want you."

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that." His tone of voice changed from interrogating to flirty.

I managed to get out of his grip and get off the bed, going to the window for some air. "Just sleep Vincent."

"Finn do you..." He started but I cut him off.

"Vince please don't, I beg you please stop." He needed to stop.

"Okay I'll stop but please come back to bed." He patted the spot next to him and I made my way back getting under the covers.

He opened his arms and I curled up next to him resting on his chest and falling asleep.

I woke up briefly when his parents came to check on him when they returned home.

When I woke up on Friday morning next to Vincent I pulled away from his arms as he slept peacefully and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and stole a pair of underwear from Vincent's dresser before wearing my clothes from yesterday. I dug around in the bathroom cabinet before I found a new toothbrush and brushed my teeth.

When I got out Vincent was still asleep and after his mum came to the room I left for school.

I spotted Hunter leave his mum's car and I went up to him taking his hand.

"How is Vincent doing?" He asked me as I led him inside.

"He's doing good. The medication he took last night knocked him out completely." I informed him.

"I thought so that's why I didn't call him. The more he rests the better." He sighed in relief. "But I hate school without him. I just want to be with him all day." He complained.

"Well lucky for you it's the weekend." I told him as Brian made his way to me.

"How was Vincent last night, did he get any sleep?" He asked me as soon as he was close enough.

"Good morning to you too my dear." I joked. "Yes he was knocked out with the meds."

"Okay that's good." He responded. He thought about something for a few seconds before he leaned forward and kissed me. "Good morning."

I smiled and kissed him back. "I missed you last night, how was the fort?"

"I missed you too but I had fun with Lucas and he was over the moon. I told him that I'm going to bring a special visitor to visit his fort and now he's even more excited." Brian spoke fondly of his little brother.

"I don't want to be a visitor, I want to be co owner of the establishment." Sometimes I wish I had siblings. I remember the days when Vincent and I used to build our own houses from blankets and sofa cushions.

"I'll tell him to get the paperwork ready." He laughed.

I kissed him again until the bell rang and I took Hunter to class.

After school the three of us made our way to Vincent's house and he was once again enjoying a bowl of soup.

As soon as he saw Hunter his food disappeared from his lap and was replaced by Hunter. He kissed him fiercely, not caring who was in the room.

Brian and I sat on the couch and played video games while those two went on about how much they miss each other and that they are not leaving each other all weekend. They went back to kissing and I was done with keeping Vincent from kissing Hunter because of what he did with Leo.

I thought of the devil and he arrived, entering Vincent's room like he owned the place.

He noticed Vincent and Hunter making out on the bed and joined Brian and I on the couch.

"Are we supposed to sit here and watch?" He asked, sitting next to me.

"You keep your eyes and your mind off of them." I told him, handing him a console. The three of us played games until those two were tired of each other and needed our company.

The five of us hung out in Vincent's room until dinner and Mrs Stone gave us a big feast and Vincent a big bowl of more soup. He fussed until he convinced his mum to give him some chicken and rice.

After dinner he took a shower and I helped him get dressed and gave him his meds before tucking him into bed. Hunter was staying the night with him.

Brian, Leo and I left, Leo going to his house and Brian and I going to Brian's house. He, Lucas and I spent the night in the fort that I now co owned and we just managed to all fit inside. It made me dream of one day having my own family with Brian.

One week later Vincent was much better and he planned to start school again on Monday. It was Friday night once again and Hunter was staying at Vincent's house again for a totally different reason. Vincent couldn't shut up about how he was going to make Hunter remember how his body feels and how he was glad his parents were gone for the weekend to the lake house so he could make Hunter moan in pleasure.

Did he really think I wanted to know all that he and Hunter planned to do? I wanted to pull my ears out every time he spoke about it these days.

Vincent spent the whole weekend with Hunter and I spent the whole weekend with Brian and Monday we welcomed Vincent back to school.

"It's good to be back." He sighed, leaning against his locker.

"It's been less than three weeks, you've been on summer break longer." Leo chipped in. Hunter was with his friends which gave Leo a chance to be with Vincent.

Vincent trapped him against the locker and gripped him by his collar. "The gloves are off I see."

"Well if you stay away from a bad habit for three days you are no longer addicted to it and thanks to Finn I was able to get rid of my bad habit that's you." He told Vincent.

Vincent pressed his body against Leo and his mouth lingered by his ear. "What were you saying? I'm a bad habit and you're no longer addicted to me?"

Leo lost all control of what he was saying and thinking. "I.. you.. please Vincent."

Why I was standing and watching this I had no idea.

"Please what?" He asked Leo, not caring that he was in the middle of the hallway.

"Stop." Leo breathed out.

"Please what Leo." He was getting Leo back under his full control.

"Don't stop." He gave up. "Dammit Vincent."

"I'm not a bad habit and I'm definitely not an addition that you can get rid of. While you are in this country, you are all mine." Vincent left no room for argument.

"I promised I wouldn't get physical with you again. Please don't make me break that promise or else I won't be able to leave you and I will hide in your bag and go with you to college. For my own sake please let's keep a little distance between us." Leo begged him, managing to free himself from Vincent's grip. "I'll see you at lunch."

He left and Vincent turned to me just as the bell rang. "I'm back." He smirked.

When Vincent, Hunter, Brian and I entered the cafeteria lunch time, everyone stood up and gave a loud round of applause.

"Thank you for showing that homophobic bully exactly where he belongs. We are all very proud of the two of you." Marissa announced once everyone had settled down. "Brian you have left a legacy in this school that will last for a very long time. Vincent you have proven that you really are a hero. Hunter you have shown us that nothing can stop you from doing the impossible. We are all still amazed that you found and rescued Vincent and Brian. We are all so proud of you. Finn you have shown us what true friendship is. Let's cheer for the champions."

The cafeteria vibrated with cheers and I looked at Brian with pride. He achieved his goal of gaining respect and making a difference.

Vincent loved the attention and blew kisses at all the girls.

We eventually made it to our table and everyone told Vincent how happy they were to have him back and he was served lunch by all the footballers.

"I'm so proud of you Brian." I told him as we ate. There was enough food on the table for everyone. "You wanted them to see you as more than just the bully who stole the school heartthrob. You wanted respect and you got it and so much more. They no longer think of you as a bully, they know the sacrifices you made and they will remember it and pass it on to others. They will remember you just like how you wanted them to remember you. You did it Brian."

Tears fell from his eyes and i pulled him close to me resting his head on my shoulder.

"I'm so happy Finn." He sobbed.

"Your happiness is my happiness." I rubbed his tears away and kissed him, enjoying the moment.

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