Gatto e topo (JJBA part5 fa...

lovergirl9023 tarafından

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You go on a trip to Italy for the school holidays and you happen to end up playing a game of Cat and Mouse wi... Daha Fazla

Welcome to Naples
Remember what he did to you
A fight nither can't afford to lose
Birthday special
The mysterious stranger with a bob haircut
The mysterious tall emo man
The mysterious man in a wheelchair
The mysterious man in the alleyway
Achieving Requiem
Stronger but faster
Meeting the gang
Uninvited guest
Where I've been
Screw this I'm out
Last train to Rome
The city of marble and stone
The men of serpent blades
Puppet of darkness
The Revealing Man

Unlucky fate

559 20 10
lovergirl9023 tarafından

You wonder through the streets of Naples. The pain in your hip prevents you from walking normally. You flinched every time you hear people talking in your direction and you constantly looked from side to side with your only eye. You had been limping for a while now. You still had the arrow with you which is good.

Then you stopped by a corner to catch your breath considering that all the limping had made you breathless. As you were catching your breath you felt someone bump into you. At first, you panicked, thinking it was another stand user wanting to pick a fight but quickly calmed down when the guy apologised for bumping into you and carried on with his own business.

Without thinking, you stumbled onto the road. You weren't thinking clearly due to experiencing multiple traumatic events in one day. Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard the sound of screeching tires coming your way, before you could even react you felt something hit you from the left side. Turns out you weren't looking when you stepped onto the road and an oncoming car hit you, knocking you over and damaging your hip even further.

You let out a cry of pain from the agonising pain in your hip. The driver got out of their car and quickly rushed over to you."oh my god! I'm so sorry! Are you okay!?" The guy asked in a panic. You didn't give the man an answer as you were in so much pain.

People began to gather around to see what had happened. By now the guy who hit you was starting to have a full-blown panic attack."s-s-s-some-s-somebody call an ambulance!!" The guy stuttered out. Then, to everyone's surprise, you stood back up. You let out groans as you clutched your hip."h-hey!" Someone called out."you shouldn't be standing! Your hip could be damaged!!"

You didn't listen to what that person had to say. You then began to limp towards the other side of the road but before you could even make it. You were too late to notice an oncoming truck to your right. The driver slammed on the brakes but it was too late. The driver hit you head-on, sending you flying a few feet and you blacked out.

You felt yourself regain consciousness, immediately wondering where you were, looking around with your only eye, you found yourself in a hospital room. You wondered why you are here but then in a flash, it hit you. You mentally examine yourself, only to find that a bandage was wrapped tightly around your forehead and your hip felt sore.

You remembered how that truck came out of nowhere and struck you head-on. You couldn't remember anything after that.

The door to your room opened. You slightly turn your head to see who it was and saw it was a nurse." ah Signora (L/N), you are awake" she says. You didn't respond but stared blankly at her, the nurse just smiled and continues."Signora, you were out for a week. By now the wound over your face has healed into a scar, the same goes with the wounds on your arm, and hip but your hip did have to get metal wires placed into them. You also have a gash on your head and your right eye socket had suffered minor fractures"

You let out a sigh and turned your head away." you also have a visitor" she added." They will be here soon" and with that, she walked out and left the room, closing the door behind her.

The door to your room had opened again. A nurse had walked in but it wasn't the same nurse. You turn to see who it was and find a nurse with pink hair tied back in a strange braid. He was wearing a purple jumper underneath his nursing uniform and he had plain brown eyes.

"Hello, there miss (L/N), how are we today," the nurse said, he had a soft and gentle voice. You let out a quiet sigh before responding." I'm fine" the nurse seemed delighted," oh, I'm so glad you're doing good" you were so tired even tho you were comatose for an entire week. The nurse noticed that you were slowly drifting off to sleep," it's okay, just close your eyes and never wake up"

With a fraction of a second, your stand blocks an incoming attack from King Crimsons' attack. Your heart was almost pounding out of your chest, this isn't possible, Diavolo isn't even here and now you are being attacked by King Crimson itself. Could it even be possible that that nurse is Diavolo in disguise?

"Your fast (L/N), and I heard you used the arrow to give your stand an upgrade." the nurse's smooth and gentle voice was replaced by a deep voice that is closely similar to Diavolo's. You then sat up despite the pain in your body you glared at Diavolo hatefully."damn you, first you killed Polnareff and now you tried to kill me while I'm here in the Hospital!" You snarled. "Good grief can't I just catch a break for one day?! I just woke up from a coma!!"

Then Predator extended its leg forward and kicks Diavolo in the abdomen, pushing him back into the wall behind him. You snarled. You're going to make him pay for what he had done to Polnareff, he killed an innocent guy and he was a nice guy too." Predator Tycho Requiem! Go berserk!!" You commanded. Your stand then attempted to swing its claws at Diavolo to kill him but Diavolo made a quick dash for the door and out into the hallway.

"Hey!" You yelled, getting up from the bed and running after him."I'm not done with you yet! I'm going to make you suffer for what you did to Mr Polnareff!!"

You ran down the hall, pushing past doctors and nurses who complained when you ran past them. After some running you then slipped over and fell over, allowing Diavolo to escape. As you watched him run you yelled curses at him, "damn you! You may have escaped from me this time but just be aware that I know who you are and I will kill you! I won't rest, I won't eat, I won't even stop yelling curses at you until my Predator Tycho drags you down to hell as you kick and scream for forgiveness!!!"

A few nurses rushed over and began to help pull you up onto your feet and take you back to your room. After being dragged back to your room, the doctors strapped you down so that you wouldn't run away again despite your claims that you won't run away again.

After quietly laying on your bed your door opens. You turn your head, expecting a nurse but to your surprise, it was that Bucciarati guy who you met the other day. The moment he saw you strapped down he frowned."oh dear, what have they been doing to you?" He said with a pitiful tone. You glared at him, "what are you doing here?" You asked. Bucciarati just smirked."I'm just here to check up on you, be glad that there is someone who cares for you". He sat down on the chair beside the bed. You continued to glare at him, you know he's up to something.

After a little while, you finally spoke up, "if yo ur here to ask me to join your gang you know what I'll say" Bucciarati then puts on a smug expression."I'm aware of your answer, but when it comes to certain situations, you don't have a choice"

The next thing you knew, you were falling, as if a portal opened up under you and you fell right through. After a few seconds, you landed on a bed with a thud. You groan in pain but quickly snapped back to reality. You looked around, you were in a luxurious-looking room and the bed you were on was king-sized. You also found out that the straps that once held you down were gone, at least you can move.

Then you heard the sound of a zipper. You turned your head to the right and saw Bucciarati stepping out of some zipper portal. You frowned," damn you, where the hell am I?" You demanded an answer. Bucciarati smirks before giving you an answer," try to relax, you're at my gang's base, no one can harm you here" you weren't having it today," so you kidnapped me! And the way you created that zipper portal, means that you are a stand user!" You snarled.

"Very clever (L/N)" Bucciarati congratulated you." I'll leave you some space until you calm down, in the meantime, you can stay here and recover from those injuries, that truck did hit your head on" and with that, he left the room.

You tried to get up from the bed but were hit with a sudden dull pain in your side, causing you to wince and sit back down. After a little while, the pain finally went away. You wondered why your hip was hurting now when not too long ago it felt like it was fine when you chased Diavolo down the hall.

With a sign of defeat, you pulled the covers over your body and quietly cried yourself to sleep.

To be continued

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