His Blood is my Blood

By jocehorsegirl

79.5K 2.2K 95

This is a story about Rhaella Targaryen. She is the first born of Viserys the first and older sister to Rhaen... More

The Rouge Prince
Second Name
King of the Narrow Sea
His blood my Blood
what do you want
Marriage Proposal
Wedding of the Century
The Dragon's Blood
Age of the Dragon
A Son was Born
House of lost
Welcome to Dragonstone
Blacks vs Green
A Dragon's Child
lord of tides
Family Dinner
The Green Council
Your Scared of Her
the Queen's threat
It has Begun
Act 2: Mad Queen's Dance with Dragons
Blood and Cheese
Mad King
Battle of the Windmill

The Black Queen

1.4K 54 1
By jocehorsegirl

Luc was looking at the map and stroking the drift mark; he had a face of worry.

"there you are. Your mother has been looking everywhere for you. I found him, Rhaneyra."Rhaneyra "what are you doing down here, Luc? I've been looking everywhere for you."

Luc "the sea snake is going to die, isn't he?"

Rhaneyra "Luc."

Luc "he called me lord of the tides. Grandsire was the greatest sailor that ever lived. I get greened sick every time a ship leaves the harbour. I'll ruin everything. I don't want a drift mark. It should be passed down to ser vaemon."

"We don't choose our destiny, Luc. It chooses us. Did I want to hear? No, I just wanted to be a dragon rider, not wed, and be free in his world, but I have to protect you, your mother, your cousins, and your Grandsire?"

Luc "grandsire, let you choose to be Heir."

Rhaneyra "And you want to hear the truth of it. She was.."

"I was frightened. I was four and ten, the same age as you. I wasn't ready to be the queen of the seven kingdoms, but it was my duty, and in time I came to understand I had to earn my inheritance."

Luc "I'm not like you. your perfect"

"I never said you were, but I'm not perfect either. I have to do things to protect my family, and I know what must be done to keep my claim, but make sure to do it smart and right and not let the enemy take you down. But your mother will help you, and I will help you with your duty and guide you, my nephew."

Ser Lorient "good morrow, princesses."

Rhaneyra and I "good mirror Ser Lorient ."

ser Lorient "Princess Rhaneys has just arrived on Dragonstone. she has ordered an emergency meeting with you, Rhaneyra, and prince Daemon.

"Better go see what she wants."

I was with my husband as my sister sat on a chair. Daemon held my hand protectively since I was six months pregnant.

ser Lorient "Princess Rhaneys."

"Thank your Ser Lorient, Princess Rhaneys, what a great surprise. May we hope for Lord Corly's recovery."

Rhaneys "Viserys is dead."

we were all shocked "what?"

Rhaneys "I've grieved this loss with you."

Rhaneyra looked at me with tears; I was shocked; this couldn't happen; my father couldn't be dead. "I'm sorry. What has happened?"

Rhaneys "my cousin, your father possessed a kind heart."

I felt my world crumble around me and such sadness, but the shock was too much. Rhaneys came to my side and took me in her arms.

Rhaneys "there is more. Aegon has crowed as his successor."

Rhaneyra "what, how is that possible? Did they forget my sister is Heir? She is queen now?"I felt a pain in my side, but I just brushed it off. "they crowed him."

Daemon came to my side "how did Viserys die?"

Rhaneys "I could not say?"

I felt pain and betrayal, not a note or information on my father's death "how long ago?"

Rhaneys "For a day or two, I was kept prisoner in my counters while the queen made her preparation."

Daemon "the king her been swayed."

Rhaneyra "Alicent. She Demanded you to declare for Aegon ."

Rhaneys, "she did. I refused her."

"thank you for your loyalty."

Daemon, "and yet you are alive."

Rhaneys " the high septin crowned Aegon in the dragon pit; I witnessed it before I fled on my dragon."

I gave a wince in pain again.

Daemon, "my love, are you alright?" he only whispered

"I'm fine," I whispered back

"they Crowed him before the masses."

Rhaneys "before the masses to see him as their rightful king."

Daemon "that whore of a queen murmured my brother and still his throne."

Rhaneys, "war is like a betrayal. But that war is not mine to begin. Only rush this warning out of loyalty to my husband and my house. The Greens are coming for you, Really, both of you, princess. And for both your children."

"if they touch our children, I will burn their house."

Rhaneys, "you should leave Dragonstone at once."

A tear left my eye as I felt an even more horrific pain. I gasped in pain. I felt something dripping down my leg "no."

Daemon, "my love."

I gathered my dress as I touched my leg and saw blood. Rhaneyra came to my side, as did Rhaneys "the Baby is coming." They took me to my room; as I got into my nightgown, I just walked around my room; Rhaneyra was with me, with a bunch of maidens by my side and the masseur

Master "her term is far from complete this should not be happening." he whispered I was moaning in pain as I kept walking around. I walked over to him.

"It is FUCking happening!"

Rhaneyra came to my side "you need to lay down, sister."


Midwife "keep your head about a princess. You've done this two times, your grace; it will be different; keep your spirits up."

"Get off, get off, ow, ow, ow."

Daemon "I want patrols along the island's premier. Looking for any small ships that might set a shore. If the greens attack now, it will be by stealth, not directly." he could hear Rhaella moans ad cry in pain; he wanted to be by his wife side, but he needed to get this war preparation down to protect the island. "We don't have enough men to surround the island, but we can make ourselves appear stronger than they are, constricted the dragon keepers. They are capable fighters. Waist no time."

Knight "it will be done, my Prince."

I kept screaming in pain and didn't want to go through this again. I kept moaning in pain, "fuck, Fuck."I noticed that y children had turned up

Rheanna "sister."

"Viserys has passed."

Viserys "what?"

"The greens have reputed the succession and claimed the iron throne; Aegon has been crowned king." I was in so much pain

Aegon "what has been down about it."

"Nothing yet."

Viserys "where is the father."

"I do not know. Gone to madness. Gone to plot his war."

Viserys "Leave it to me."

"boys, boys Viserys, whatever claim it has on me, you are my heir; nothing will be down without my commanded." I kept moaning in pain and wincing Viserys nodded and left.

Man, "a raven flew in this morning that the sea snake fever has broken."

Daemon "was is he sailing."

Man, "that match is unclear, my prince."

Daemon "we will send Ravens to our nearest allied


Man "do you want to speak to the masseurs, my prince
Daemon did not say a word. "I'll fly to river runs, and as for lord tally support." 

Viserys "you will do no such thing. Mother has decided that I will take action while she in bed, and you should be by her side. Father."

Daemon "it's good you here, my young prince. You're needed to patrol the sky on Vraygo."

Viserys "did you not hear me or what I said."

I kept screaming in pain, "Daemon, Rhaneyra !"

Aegon "mother calls for you."

Daemon "the ravens Lord Bartimes."

MAn "I shall see it done."

Daemon Summon ser Stephen, our king's guard, is needed. Come with me. I show you the true meaning of loyalty."

Daemon stood at the dragon pit with two 'kings' guards as Vierys the 2nd and Aegon the #rd watched their father.

Deamon "you swore an oath as a knight as the 'sking's guard."

Knight "as do all who ware the white clock,, my prince."

Daemon "to who?"

Knight " I swore first to king Jaherous, my prince, and then to his grace. King Viserys and to who succeeded him "

Daemon "and to his line of succession."

Knights "yes, yes, my prince."

Daemon "do you recall who king viserys named as heir before his death."

knight "princess Rhaella."

Daemon "hmm, I'm grateful for your long service to the crown; it represents a choice."

Caraxes came over the mountain and to Daemon's side "swear a new oath to Rhaella as your queen. And prince Viserys, Heir to the iron throne. Or support your service speak now. And you will have a clean and honourable death, but if you chose betrayal, if you swear fealty now, only to later turn your clocks now, you will die screaming."

I kept moaning in pain. I could also feel Rhego roaring in pain; I kept screaming in pain. I kept trying to push my baby out, but I hurt so bad; blood was all over my dress and hands.

Maiden "Princes, let us help you."

I kept growing in pain "no. GET out!"

Maiden "princess."

Rhaneyra "sister. You can't do this alone; please, let us help you."

I kept screaming in pain. Until I felt a gush of blood leave my body, I could feel the head until I felt the babe leave my body. Everyone remained quiet; I was my baby with the embilicored around her neck; I cradled her in my arms, hoping she would be alive; "come on, Visenya." I cried so hard as I held my baby girl in my arms.

Rhaneyra Looked at me with painful eyes; she remembered how Daemon set up their bedroom for this daughter of theirs. All the toys and how we would think of dragon-riding with her, I looked into her eye and saw a broken woman who was ready to snap; she had lost our father and now her daughter.

Rhaneyra just watched her sister cradle the baby in her arms "we must bury her sister."

"no, alive, she alive."

Rhaneyra "sister, you must; she is dead now, she is with Father now, and you will see her again." Rhaneyra held her sister up as she wrapped the baby in cloth. Rhaella was crying the whole time.

"my little girl, mommy loves you and will see you again in the next life."

I watched as Rhego burned my daughter's body. I was mad at Daemon for leaving me alone, but I needed comfort. I needed to be brave. Rhaneyra came to my side and hugged me tightly. A knight came up, and Daemon turned around, but I kept looking at the flames. I was still weak and destroyed by what was going on around me. My knights drew their swords.

Eyyrk "I mean no harm." the nights unarmed themselves, and Eyyrk walked up to Daemon and bent the knee. I turned around and saw him take out a crown,  but my father's crown.

Eyyrk "I saw before the queen with all my strength and gave my blood for hers. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children, guard her secrets, obey her every command, and ride at her side and defend her name and honour."

Daemon came towards me and put the crown over my head and kissed my cheek "my queen." as he bowed before me, everyone else bowed before me.

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