Hello, welcome home.

By SaraMoonBeam

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Childhood is a curious period of time where we discover and learn many things, we've been already through Har... More

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Character aesthetics
Chapter 1- Birth of Albus Severus Potter
Chapter 2- The Party at 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 3- Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin.
Chapter 4:- The planning Chapter 4:- The planning
Chapter 5- The Attack?
Chapter 6:- A Start.
Chapter 7 - Ron and Hermione.
Chapter 8- Moving on.
Chapter 9:- The Locket.
Chapter 10:- A Haphazard Situation.
Chapter 11:- Questioning gone wrong.

Chapter 12- Mystery behind the mask.

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By SaraMoonBeam

Harry:- As far as I'm aware, the last Pettigrew died over a decade ago.

Lea:- If you're talking about Peter Pettigrew, then true...he died years ago- But I'm  not my dad, am I? I—

Ginny:- Your dad?

Lea:- Yes...my dad. During the Halloween of 1981, my mother died giving birth to me. My dad, he kept me as a secret for years. Nobody knew, except my grandmother. She raised me when he was away — cowardly hiding in his animagus form...not even once did he visited me, as a kid I was told he died after Sirius Black murdered him- I, of course, didn't knew about his animagus form and continued living with my grandmother as an orphan where I was told how brutally Sirius Black killed him. I sought revenge and instead of joining Hogwarts, I started training under Dolohov...He taught me the Dark Arts and Defence and soon I was a perfect candidate for a death eater, even better than my dad. When Sirius Black escaped, I was thrilled...but after that my dad showed up. I was—for a better word—flabbergasted. Everything changed.

Hermione:- Assuming you joint Voldemort, why weren't you at the Battle of Hogwarts?

Lea:- I was merely seventeen during the war. As much I hated my dad for being a coward, his death at Malfoy manor hit me hard. I was alone, completely... So I never cared about Dark Lord's fall or The-Chosen-One's victory. I had one thing in my mind... Harry bloody Potter, murdered my dad, my last family member. I waited...waited till you had a family and I wanted to murder them in front of you so you knew how it felt.

Harry:- *raising his wand at his throat* You're a fool to think that I didn't knew how it felt to have no family. And you would have been dead if you had touched any of them.

Lea:- It was worth it, everything I did was worth to see you helpless.

Ron:- Was it though?

Evanna:- Well enough of dramatic back stories, enjoy your amazing future in Azkaban. Incarcerous! *Magical ropes bind him*

Lianna:- Honestly, you wasted your entire life...for this.

Harry:- I'd even feel bad for you if you hadn't  kidnapped someone who I'd even kill for.

Evanna:- He means me for your information.

Harry:- I- what?

Evanna:- *faking a gasp* Am I not worth killing for Harry?

Lianna:- Haha- told you I was his favourite twin...He means me.

Harry:- What? No.

Ron:- *laughs* Losers- He means me, right Harry?

Harry:- Er- No.

Ginny:- You're so naive Ronald, how can you all me even an option against me?

Harry:- I...Gin...not that I don't love you or anything...but I wasn't talking about you either-

Ginny:- *glares* Who are you —

Hermione:- Honestly guys, have you all lost your brain... You guys weren't  even properly kidnapped!

Harry:- *sighs out of relief* Yeah...well I was talking about Teddy- He means everything to me and—

*Teddy breaks from Ginny's grip and run towards Harry, hugging him tightly.*

Harry:- *gets stunned for a minute* I- *smiles widely and hugs him back* Teddy, you go with Ginny back to home- I'll be there in an hour, I promise you okay? Then we'll  have loads of chocolate and have a long conversation, alright? Go on.

Teddy:- No! I want to be with you!

Harry:- I'll be there I promise... I have to escort these bad men to Azkaban right? Come on, go to Ginny.

*Teddy nods and walks back to Ginny*

Hermione:- Alright Ginny, take him back to home... We'll meet you there.

Ginny:- Yes...I suppose I'll see you there.

*Evanna, Lianna and Ron take the other Death Eaters and apparate from there to the Ministry. Hermione and Harry take Lea and Antonin and follow them*

Ginny:- *sighs* You know Teddy, I think you're too tired for apparition... It's also very uncomfortable. Let's take a taxi back to home.

*Teddy nods gratefully, allows Ginny take his hand and follows her out of the store*

Evanna:- *after an hour* We're home!

Ginny:- Evening guys... I made you all lunch that we missed- Go freshen up and come back here.

Lianna:- *Hugging Ginny* Thank you Ginger-Ginny!!! You're the best.

Ginny:- I know I am- Now go and take a bath! You stink-

Lianna:- Excuse me?

Ginny:- You're excused, pip-pip- off to bathroom!

Lianna:- *rolls her eyes* I take the compliment back! *Leaves to bathroom*

Harry:- Where's Teddy?

Ginny:- He's sleeping in our room...Don't  wake him up, poor child is probably traumatized with everything that happened in these three days.

Harry:- *sighs* I wish I could have a talk- He'll  probably never forgive me for everything I let happen to him...

Hermione:- Oh come on...we know Teddy! He'll never blame you Harry.

Ron:- And if he does, the blame isn't just valid for you mate... it'll be on each one of us.

Harry:- But—

Ginny:- —Let's just not be presumptuous and wait till he wakes up.

Harry:- Alright, I'll go get changed. *Leaves the room with a nod to Ron and Hermione*

Hermione:- Well Ginny, we'll best be off to our home too... It's been days since I saw Rosie.

Ron:- Yeah 'mione, you go straight home and I'll pick Rose from the Burrow and be there.

Ginny:- Guys, it's a good idea to pick Rose but after that you have to come here. I've not made this much food so it goes to trash, besides I've got to get James and Al too from the Burrow so you both go to your house and get freshen up... I'll get little Rosie here too and we can have this early supper.

Ron:- Sounds like an idea Ginger-mummy...we'll be here in half an hour.

Ginny:- Oh for Merlin's sake—this Ginger thing isn't becoming a thing!

Hermione:- Alright Ginny! He's just being...Ron.

Ron:- Was that a compliment?

Hermione:- You decide that yourself, we'll be back Ginger-Gin!!! *Laughs and apparates away*

Ginny:- You're being such a bad influence on her Ron!

Ron:- *Scowls at her* Thank you sis! Be right back! *Apparates away too*

Evanna:- *storming inside the living room* Ginny!

Ginny:- What?

Evanna:- What's the incantation for the Killing Curse again?

Ginny:- I'm sorry?

Lianna:- Chill sis...it's just a T-shirt! *Entering in after a bath*

Evanna:- It's my T-shirt! How could you wear it?

Lianna:- Like this.

Ginny:- *spotting her trousers on Lianna* The incantation is Avada kedavra by the way.

Evanna:- Oh thanks. *Takes her wand out* AVADA—

Lianna:- OKAY I'M SORRY!!! I'll give you your T-shirt and Ginny her trousers.

Evanna and Ginny:- Good girl.

*During Dinner*

Ron:- Hey mate?

Harry:- Hmm?

Ron:- Are you... alright?

Harry:- Sorry?

Evanna:- He asked if you were alright you daft dimbo.

Harry:- *huffs* I'm fine, thank you.

Ginny:- No he's not...he has framed seventy eight scenarios about Teddy's reply to his apologies; apparently the negative scenarios are more than the positive ones.

Harry:- *blinks*

Ginny:- *blinks back in confusion*

Harry:- *Completely nonplussed*

Ginny:- *Completely nonplussed because of Harry's "nonplussed-ness"*

Lianna:- ...And they wonder why they got married.

Ron and Hermione:- *bursting out with laughter* Hear! hear!

Harry and Ginny:- ...O shut up!

Ginny:- So I'm assuming I was right?

Harry:- Too right, Ginger-Gin... *Receives a flying cucumber* Ow!

Hermione:- Harry...I know it's your personal matter and—

Harry:- Hermione, my personal matter is your matter too! You guys are my literal family now.

Hermione:- *smiles* I know Harry, I know...but I was just letting you know that, of you need help with Teddy... we're all here for you, I hope you know you're not alone in dealing with Teddy. Remus and Tonks meant too much to us too.

Harry:- *sighs* Hermione... I'm seriously flattered but- I... don't think I deserve a—

Evanna, Lianna, Ginny and Hermione:- You do.

Ron and Harry:- ...

Lianna:- *huffs* Boys...

Hermione:- You do deserve an acceptance Harry...We know everything you did for Teddy since after the war; Honestly, I was rather nervous with the idea of Remus making you godfather at the mere age of 17. Your destiny to kill Voldemort, the hell lot of things you're dealing with in your "normal" life-

Evanna:- *chortles* Nice one- *death glare from Hermione* Sorry love.

Ron:- *raises an eyebrow*

Evanna:- You know what I—

Ginny:- Can we please be SERIOUS right now?

Ron and Evanna:- Sorry-

Hermione:- As I was saying, the things you were dealing with was more than enough for any 17 year old, and to add a cherry on top...you were always nearly alone—

Harry:- I was not—

Hermione:- In terms of having a family support Harry! Anyone would have needed that at your time...I realised it way too better when- you know, my parents had the memory charm on them.

Harry:- *nods* I understand but—

Hermione:- All I meant was, you were dealing with a lot of things in your life, and rather having someone else take care of you...You were asked to take care of someone else.

Harry:- I didn't need anyone—

Hermione:- But Harry, I was...as much I usually hate to admit, very wrong. I think Remus really knew what he was doing. You, seriously, Harry Potter, you were a perfect choice to take care of Teddy! Because, you experienced being Teddy... except without help-

Harry:- *turning red* I don't think—

Hermione:- No Harry... nobody sitting here with us can deny the fact of how brilliantly you took care of a baby when we were at the most vulnerable phase of our lives.

Ginny:- *nods* I remember being depressed after...Fred's death. I couldn't simply accept it- I couldn't understand how was he simply not going to be there anymore, I remember just being numb for an entire month of my life.

Lianna:- *squeezes her hand gently*

Ginny:- I almost thought I had it worse than anyone else as Fred was the closest to me, but I remember being at Fred's, Remus and Tonks joint funeral that day.

Ron:- I do... too.

Ginny:- *sniffles* I remember seeing you after a month Harry, I saw how you were taking care of Teddy- feeding him, cleaning him, making him laugh...when Andromeda was mourning for her loss...everyone was.

Ron:- Yeah but... Harry, you were looking after Teddy, you were the one who arranged the entire setting, you took care of the day to go without any problem...you were doing everything you could to help me, Ginny and our family, comforting Hermione and Andromeda, arranging full-meal for everyone there...I lost the count of the things you were doing...

Ginny:- I remember talking with Ron about this few days later after the funeral...we agreed how perfectly you managed things, be it your responsibility or not. We, Ron and I, we agreed that you were the best motivation we had at that time of our lives...

Ron:- We were rather ashamed you know? That how you were the one who needed the most help after everything that happened; yet you were there, helping others as well as managing a freaking baby while dealing with being the 'Savior/Chosen One', while we were just thinking that the worst thing that happened to us will never be equal to anything else...

Harry:- I— I'm seriously flattered hearing that and all but—

Evanna:- No buts...all we mean is that; You did your best Harry...and we- we- *closes her eyes* Thank-you for that.

Harry:- *looks at her incredulously*

Lianna:- Yes...well, to highlight the gravity of situation Harry...us saying 'Thank-you' probably tells you that... whatever we said, we meant it-

Harry:- *laughs* Seriously you all... *Pauses* I'm grateful to have you all... really I am.

Evanna:- We know. *winks*

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