Hello, welcome home.

By SaraMoonBeam

195 33 3

Childhood is a curious period of time where we discover and learn many things, we've been already through Har... More

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Character aesthetics
Chapter 1- Birth of Albus Severus Potter
Chapter 2- The Party at 12 Grimmauld Place
Chapter 3- Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin.
Chapter 4:- The planning Chapter 4:- The planning
Chapter 5- The Attack?
Chapter 6:- A Start.
Chapter 7 - Ron and Hermione.
Chapter 8- Moving on.
Chapter 9:- The Locket.
Chapter 10:- A Haphazard Situation.
Chapter 12- Mystery behind the mask.

Chapter 11:- Questioning gone wrong.

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By SaraMoonBeam

*After a while the death eaters appeared infront of them*

Evanna:- Took you long enough. *sneers*

How long until you stop watching us? Got nothing to do after your dArK lOrD died?

*Lianna elbows Evanna so she shuts up*

Lianna:- Though quite honestly, if you're the reason we die, I'm going to kill you. *whispers very audibly* 

Death eater:- Keep your pretty little mouth shut before I sew it up and you regret talking to me like that. Understand?

Harry:- Don't you dare talk to her that way! You are a bit too brave to do anything, don't you think? Taking our wands away and locking us up? *chuckles*

Masked Death eater:- It seems like you all have soo much to say, let's go somewhere where you can talk all you want. *Points his finger to two  other death eaters* You, and you. Take them upstairs... *Orders them and they do so*

*After everyone is upstairs.*

Harry:- What do you want honestly? You want gold? I have loads of it, you can have them. Leave us alone.

*The masked death eater arrives.*

M. Death eater:- Oh come on! We know you have gold, and we wouldn't just abduct this little kid, just to get some gold... Anyways, if wanted gold, we would have broke into Gringotts. It's not like it hasn't  been done before...Mhm...? When someone accessed the highest security vault, rode a dragon and fleed?

Ginny:- That's what you want to know? How they broke into Gringotts?

M. Death eater:- Tut tut, really? Let's get straight to the point. Potter! What's your little secret? How did you exactly killed the Dark Lord? A mere seventeen year old, with mediocre magic and his two side-kicks, defeating the Darkest Wizard of all time without a duel? Tell us or your little sisters, your adorable wife and others will go through unbearable pain more likely to be called the Cruciatus curse.

Harry:- Why would you want to know that? It's not like you need to defeat the Darkest Wizard of all time anymore... he's dead.

M. Death eater:- I need to know his secret to immortality! How didn't he die the night the Killing Curse backfired? How are you sitting here and breathing when the Dark Lord used Killing Curse on you twice? *No answer follows* But perhaps, I don't think I made myself clear. *grabs Teddy and points the wand towards him*

Ron:- STOP! We're going to tell you. Just leave Teddy alone.

M. Death eater:- Weasley seems to have a brain...Yes?

Ron:- It's...very complicated- You have to —

Hermione:- RON!

M. Death Eater:- Let him continue!

Ron:- So.... Voldemort, he went to the great Albanian forests and started magically binding the place with himself. *Death Eater nods eagerly*  He then....He then....

M. Death:- He then...?

Ron:- He then said an ugly death eater like you can't be the next Dark Lord.

M. Death eater:- *Uses a spell which leads to a gash appearing on Ron's face, bleeding*  I NEED PROPER ANSWERS! Potter! Where is the Elder Wand?

Harry:- Yeah? It's up in Voldemort's dead arse!

M. Death eater:- You've exhausted my patience. CRU-


Death Eaters, scurrying around them:- What the hell-?!  REDUCTO!

Harry:- *twirls his wand, and a powerful shield charm appears around Ginny, Evanna, Lianna and Teddy* You all surprise me... Instead of killing me then and there when you got chance, you start with your dumb Stories. Haven't you learnt anything from your dead boss? *Sighs as a death eater charges at him, flicks his wand and the Death Eater stops midway and drops unconscious*

Death eater:- AVADA-

Ginny:- RON!!! Petrificus Totalus!!

Ron:- Oh sorry about that! Harry you arse, couldn't you do the ring of fire and not flex your sheild charm on four people?

Harry:- Ah... sorry I guess. Why don't you do it, if you're so clever? Go on, go on! *Continues binding Death Eaters together with his conjured ropes*

Ron:- *Points his wand around a circle, scarlet fire appear, encircling around the death eaters, Harry, Hermione, The Twins and Ron himself* Ginny stay with Teddy and Protect him!


Hermione:- *Summons three wands and gives it to Ginny, Evanna and Lianna* There you go!  

Evanna:- Lian! What was that ankle curse thingy?

Lianna:- Honestly Evv, did you took the auror training seriously? LEVICOURPIUS! *the aimed death eater gets levitated by his ankle and drops his wand. Hermione sends a stunner, knocking him down*

Evanna:- Aha- Flipendo! *Points to another death eater who knocks himself to his companion and drop their wands, later getting bound with anti-apparition ropes conjured by Ron*

Harry:- Evanna, Lianna... consider this your Auror training once again. Your task is to use the- *flicks a death eater away to the ropes* uh...Engorgio charm as cleverly you can!

Evanna:- For sure... Liann!!! *Levitates a vase towards few death eaters duelling with Ron and Hermione*

Lianna:- ENGORGIO!

*The Four death eaters gets knocked out by the enlarged Vase hitting them on their heads.*

Harry:- That's my sisters! Brilliant.

*After Harry conjures a longer rope, Ron frees others from the smaller ones, Hermione bring them altogether for Harry to bind them and Evanna and Lianna extinguish the ring of fire, Ginny and Teddy join them.*

Hermione:- I think we should let the masked death eater out.

Evanna:-*releases him from the ropes binding all death eaters together, just to bind his hands again with ropes* Look at how the tables turn, Mr. Masked! Not very brave now, are you?

Ginny:- *snorts* Feeling the same helpless feeling you made a kid feel you coward?

Lianna:- let's get down to the real deal shall we? *She says as she takes off the mask from him*

Ron:- Who the hell are you...?

M. Death eater:- *chuckles* Lea...

Hermione:- Lea...?

Lea:- Lea.... Pettigrew.

Everyone (excluding Teddy) :- What?

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