Magnus [Allãsson Book 1.]

By Luxianey

170 13 2

Erin and Corinne. ... Fighting between past and present,.. between loved and love ..... between a promise and... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI

Chapter VIII

11 1 0
By Luxianey


Getting to the office about two hours late, avoiding meeting chief on the way to my office, not wanting him to ask mih questions. The worst part,.I have nothing,absolutely nothing.

Knowing that am stalling but I didn't care, just needing a minute to recoup.
Still clutching the book close to mih, my keys on the other hand and my phone in my jacket pocket.

Sitting down, opening my lower drawer using my own key, placing the book inside, tracing the craving on top of the cover lightly, jolting and closing the drawer with a thud when my door opened roughly.

Startled, angry that once again my office has become public toilet. Clicking my tongue, not even trying to mask the annoyance displayed on my face when my eyes met chiefs eyes.

"You better remove that look off your face, your late." He groaned at mih, taking a seat. The look on my face not flattering a bit. I've had it up to my neck with people.

Rolling his eyes at mih, " Did you find anything yesterday at the burial?" He continued asking, ignoring my annoyance.

At the mention of yesterday, my head fell back, those red eyes flashing in my mind, instead of finding a clue to the murder all I found was more problems and a 'mate.'

Composing myself "There was literally nothing." I replied, my voice serious, not giving away any sign that I bolted out of there early.

He sighed irritated. "What do you mean you found nothing? Nothing?? No suspicious people? " I shook my head at his questions.
"What about that brother of his? Did you find out why he buried his brother so quickly?" If he had any hair he would be pulling at it right now.

Once again flinching at the mention of him. "People were saying that in his family they bury them after a day, they don't let them lay around uselessly." I can't believe I just lied to my mentor. It's not like it's the first time I've ever lied, but to him is very rare, and I guess this is one of those times and besides it's partially the truth.

He groaned again, " This high end people sure has some weird traditions." He commented, standing up from his seat, "What will you be working on right now?" He asked pocketing his buff hands.

"I'll go and check where he was seen last and with whom, and also why he wasn't reported missing." At least am in tune with this music. It's basic but I gotta start from somewhere.

And I won't only rely on Liam for information, I got some moves up my sleeves.

Nodding at mih and wishing mih good luck ignoring the disappointed look on his face then walking out the door not forgetting to close the door behind him.

Signing and slouching against the backrest. I need to get a move on this case or it will be as complicated.
And I wouldn't want to have chief second guessing giving mih this case, so I gotta get a move on it.

Blocking all my feelings and problems. I guess Evy and I know how to block alot of things. I got up and decided it's time I pick up some debts.

Fixing the keys ,that I had tightly held in my hand, in my jacket, picking up my car keys, patting my jacket to feel my phone then picking up my note book then leaving the office after locking it behind mih.

I drove to a certain hospital which took about twenty minutes. It wasn't a big hospital,with a two floor structure and about more than twenty five rooms. It was basically a well known hospital.

Making my way in the hospital and finding the only door that was white. The colour of the hospital was the lightest shade of blue and mixture of black. Reid said he wasn't the typical doctor who would torture his patients with a blinding color which is of course ,white.

Sniffing his scent that confirm that he is indeed there and lucky mih he is all alone. Knocking then opening the door after I heard a 'come in.'

I smiled, a real smile, when my eyes met his lazy brown eyes.

Reid Ryan, brown hair and lazy brown eyes. A medical doctor, one of the most demanded doctors in the world. He is as good with his job as he is in his company.
Trust mih he saved my life.

He is handsome, has women flocking at his feet but he is a one woman man.
But he is my best friend, we didn't meet in the best of circumstances but he was there when I needed someone when I thought I didn't need anyone.
We had a brief moment of nasty nonsense but we got through it.



I had just lost my mate , my mind was fuddled up, and my heart non existent. Every single part of mih was hurting and in pain, just wanted to feel something, just anything.

I had stumbled my way into the Midsky night club that unforgettable fateful night. A night that was chill and warm at the same time but to mih it was the opposite. I had an unbalanced step to my footing. Had some drink at home before trekking off to the club, which took roughly two hours, with a full bottle of dark rum. A werewolf couldn't become drunk but I had. I had forced down rum, my favorite drink, with a few drops of aconitum, which was a certain purple liquid derailed from a purple wild rare type of flower.

Had to, from my own pain and that of my wolf, I had to convince myself to. To numb the pain, although it was harmful to Evy, I just had to, I lost my half. Despite my wolf's protest, I shut her down and drowned the drink in one go. Effectively doubling my pain for a few minutes as the aconitum did it's job numbing my pain and that of Evy as well as numbing her, allowing the alcohol to get acquainted with my blood stream. "So this is what those humans feel when they drink."

Aconitum is suppose to weaken a shifter to the point of unconsciousness, but am part of a lycan family, so I guess those traces leaked into mih, and I was thankful to that.

Squinting my 'normal' eyes barely seeing in the rapidly flashing lights. I don't even know how I entered the club. Stumbling to the bar, bumping into some fellow drinkers, giving out a lousy apology.

My body weak, but I was always a heavy drinker, so I know it will take a lot for mih to get drunk. I slubbed in the available seat that I could find, mumbling incorrectly to myself.
"What can I get you miss." A cherry voice broke mih out of my misery.

Smiling at the dark haired girl, she looked like a girl that should be a teacher or something, no judgement, she looked innocent but I guess her innocence brings in a lot of customers, with the way the men seated around the bar were ogling at her.

"Dark rum, and keep them coming, please." Smiling at her sweety. She even had a skip to her step. She is definitely a witch.

"Don't be fool by her innocence, she is as feisty as she is sweet." A deep voice rumbled beside mih, turning and staring at him, his head was bowed down then lifted up and motioned to the retreating figure of the witchy girl.

I may have lost my werewolf abilities but I could sure know who is what creature. I nodded and turned briskly away from him, tapping lightly on the counter. He sure is handsome. Shaking my head fast, am on a roll.
Rubbing my chest when it started hurting like it's being injected with venom.
I guess the alcohol I came drinking did nothing in numbing the damn pain.

"Here." I heard before a glass of scotch was pushed before mih, not even thinking, I drown it in one gulp, not even noticing the bitter taste.
"Easy there." He said again, giving him a squinty eye. " Am not a church girl." I replied annoyed. More surprised that my voice came out steady.
Seeing a different glass of dark brown liquid, picking it up and gulping it down my throat. Slamming the second glass down, and before I could say anything a bottle of rum was placed before mih.

"Stop staring." I muttered, refilling my glass and his..."it's rude to stare." And pushed the half filled liquid glass towards him.

"Am Reid." Sipping the alcohol he gave mih a tight smile.
"Corrine." Turned back to my drink, this time following his lead and taking my time to appreciate the taste of the liver disease.

"Broken heart." He muttered waiting for mih to answer which I nodded.
"More like shattered." Slightly slurring. Even numbing the Evy, I still felt the pain in my heart, but it felt more like a dull ache that I couldn't scratch.

"Why do we fall in love with all our hearts? I mean the heart is for pumping blood." I laughed at that, his voice equally slurred. " We only love with our minds and souls." He sighed.
Silence invaded the space, well as silent as it could be in a club.
Looks like I'm not the only one who come hear to drown my misery.

"I want to get out of hear." He muttered standing up. "Will you come with mih?" I know am drunk but what does he take mih for.
"I won't do anything to you." He raised his hands in surrender noticing the look of 'do you think am stupid.' that I was spotting.
"Am not even in a position to do anything." He convince his case.

"Fine, " standing up quiet quickly and stumbling into him, answering even before my mind could register." But if you try anything, I'll slit your throat." My threat came out deadly.

Taking the bottle of rum and following after him when he said to the witch we would be back.
Stumbling again with people, we came up a fleet of stairs but right next to it was an elevator, we entered and he pressed a button I didn't see, slouching against the elevator wall, it started riding up, feeling the alcohol finally getting to my head.
A few minutes the elevator stopped, I burped, clutching the bottle tightly.
"Come on, you will like this." He pushed mih lightly. Lifting my head up, I realized we were on the roof top, which showed the city lights.

I smiled, admiring the view and the feeling the breeze. Stumbling out, Reid holding mih up when I was about to kiss the concrete floor. He chuckled at my clumsiness, groaning next when I jabbed his side.

We sat down and just stared at the view, I don't know who started but we were talking about everything and nothing, I felt myself enjoying his company truly. Laughing ,at his stories of college days, so hard that I had to lean on to him, his eyes flicked to my lips for second. His lips met mine, or mine met his, I really don't know, tasting the rum on his lips, hearing the clicking sound of the empty bottle hitting the floor.

I startled, my mind catching up to what I was doing, instead of bolting out of there, the tears and the pain that I have been trying to suppress came out in waves of tears.

I found a true friend that day.

His face lighted up, his dimples showing. I felt myself feel lighter, accepting his embrace and relishing his manly scent, which strangely he didn't smell like hospital contradicting his white coat and the surrounding we were at.. Sinking myself in his arms, finding the comfort that I have been yearning.

"Hey." He mumbled pulling out of my embrace. " Hi." I breathed.
Leading mih to the couch that was on the left side of his office.

"How's my favorite girl doing?" He asked leaning back on the couch, turning and giving mih full attention.
"Am not your only girl, but am fine." Turning and facing him. "I need a favor." Pulling out my serious face.

"Ooh.what is it? If it's in my power I will help." His expression as serious as mine. I never ask for favours this serious but I have to.

Pulling out a brown paper from my inner jacket breast pocket,and giving it to him. Taking it and opening it.
"I just need some tests done on that Reid it's very important to mih."

"I'll try to be district as possible, but what tests do you want mih to conduct?" I smiled at him happy that one of my worries will be put to rest for the time being.



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