GATE: Awakening The Sleeping...

By stevenwn1

203K 3.8K 4.6K

A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate... More

Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve
Chapter 2: The Massacre of Alnus
Chapter 3: Strange First Contact
Chapter 4: The Eagle of Freedom V.S The Ancient Fire Dragon
Chapter 5: The Men in Green
Chapter 6: The Visit for Italica
Chapter 7: The Fight for Italica
Chapter 8: Possible Peace
Chapter 9: Journey to Fort Alnus
Chapter 10: Welcome to DC
Chapter 11: Peace Negotiations
Chapter 12: American Firepower
Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 14: Timely Reinforcements
Chapter 15: Old Buddies
Chapter 16: A Trip Gone Horribly Wrong
Weapon Suggestions (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup
Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 19: Unlikely Allies
Dream Team (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle
Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo
Chapter 22: Did I Hear OIL?
Future Books (Not a Chapter)
I NEED YOUR HELP (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards
Chapter 25: The Eyes of the Slaughtered
Chapter 26: Reminiscing the Past
Chapter 27: Team Reconnaissance
Chapter 28: Strange Encounters
Chapter 29: Siege of Castle Ither
Chapter 30: A Powerful Message
Book Timeline (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 31: Unleashing Hell
Chapter 32: A New Enemy
Chapter 33: Strange Relationships
Chapter 34: Increasing the Coalition
Chapter 35: A Special Meeting
Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North
Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution
Chapter 39: Return of Hunter 2-1
Chapter 40: Operation Silent Valor
Chapter 41: The Great Raid
Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation
Primo Victoria (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 43: Magical City Of Rondel
Chapter 44: The Goddess of the Underworld
Chapter 45: Complete the Mission!
Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)
Chapter 46: Perspective of Soldiers
Chapter 47: The Lenses of War
Chapter 48: Escalation of War
Chapter 49: Boarding the Vessel
Chapter 50: Incredible Demands
Chapter 51: Arms Dealing
Chapter 52: It Ain't Me
Chapter 53: Land and Air
Chapter 54: Futile Guerilla Fighting
Important Announcement
Chapter 55: An Alliance of Steel
OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)
Chapter 56: The Wisdom of Legionnaires
Chapter 57: Operation Sovereign Duty: The Beginning
Possible Final Good-bye
Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation
I'm Sorry
Final Update

Chapter 18: The Fall of Sadera

4.3K 77 216
By stevenwn1

4:21 AM Falmart Time

Fort Alnus

Alnus Main Building

Fort Alnus has been informed about the invasion and are now commencing it, the 82nd Airborne Division and the British 1st Battalion Airborne Unit is now loading Planes with paratroopers.

The rest of the USMC and NATO troops will use ground vehicles, they are also filling fuel of B-52 Bomber's, F-35B's, Harriers, F-16's and A-10 Warthog's, they even started fueling the AC-130 Gunship that was just brought to the Fort.

Currently all commanders including Gonzalez, Gleen and Bay are in a room with the rest of the Commanders from the USMC, US Army, British Army, Canadian Army, French Army and German Army and are listening to Liutenant-General Jackson's plan.

"Our main mission is to rescue Secretary of State Patrick Jim and Ambassador Ellie Katie, and take the Imperial Capital." The General began.

"Ground vehicles will bombard the capital's defenses with artillery shells, tank shells, and rocket artillery. The Air Force and USMCA will secure the skies, destroy the dragon bases, and eliminate any dragons that try to stop them."

"We will send a warning to the people of the capital that we are invading, and if they do not leave, they will be killed in the crossfire. After the message has been sent, B-52 bombers will commence bombardment of the city and its defenses for at least an hour. Following that, the 82nd Airborne Division and British 1st Battalion Airborne Unit paratroopers will drop outside the Capital's West and South Gates."

"Once we succeed, we will head towards Jade Palace, where the Secretary of State, the Ambassador, and the Pro-Peace Senators we rescued are waiting for us. After securing them, we will proceed to the Palaces. Get ready! We will show them no mercy and capture the heart of the Saderan Empire." Lieutenant-General Jackson explained and ordered as the officers rushed to their own units.

"Liutenant Gonzalez, contact the Akusho outpost to assist on the Invasion." Jackson ordered.

"Yes sir." She replied, saluting and leaving.


On the night of the highly anticipated Operation, Special Forces units from America, Britain, France, Germany, and Canada, assembled covertly and meticulously disguised as civilians.

With their extensive training and exceptional skills, these elite soldiers were prepared to carry out their respective roles in the upcoming mission.

Their objective was clear—to snipe key opponents strategically positioned within the City, or provide crucial assistance during the invasion.

As darkness blanketed the surroundings, the Special Forces units stealthily made their way to designated positions, ensuring they remained undetected by any potential threats.

Meanwhile, NATO, aware of the importance of maintaining the element of surprise, executed a strategic move to further enhance their advantage.

A small force of helicopters was deployed to eliminate smoke signals in the Duma Mountains, a tactical maneuver aimed at preventing any premature alert to the enemy.

This action served to disorient the opposition and maintain the secrecy of NATO's intentions as they neutralizing the smoke signals.

The destruction of these signals ensured that the enemy forces would be oblivious to the imminent invasion, allowing NATO to exploit the element of surprise to its fullest potential.

With the initial objective achieved, NATO proceeded to establish a temporary Forward Operating Base (FOB) in the formidable Duma Mountains.

The rugged terrain and natural barriers of this mountainous region provided a strategic vantage point for NATO forces to regroup, plan, and coordinate their next moves.

They worked diligently, transforming the harsh mountain environment into a temporary base of operations, capable of supporting the upcoming mission.


Fort Alnus Air Strip

C-17's, A400M Atlas C Mk1, B-52 Bomber's, F-35's,F-16's, A-10 Warthog's and the AC-130 Gunship have now reach the skies and flying straight to Sadera.


Fort Alnus Vehicle Depot

Ground Vehicles began turning on and are now starting their vehicles.



Above the City of Sadera

A few Imperial Wyvern Dragons are scouting the skies for any suspected enemy force lingering above the skies of the Imperial Capital.

"Looks like nothing is here." One of the Dragon riders said to his fellow riders, as he observed the skies above him.

"It's getting hard to breathe in here, must be the limit." Another Dragon rider said as he breathed in the thin air.

"Captain, I see some lights in the east!" Another Dragon rider reported, as he pointed at the strange lights in the distance.

"What are those things?" The other Dragon riders all said confused, as he stared in wonder.

Then suddenly, out of knowhere one of the Wyverns was blown up from a trail of smoke that appeared from the lights.

"What the hell?!" A Dragon rider shouted in shock and disbelief from the sudden attack.

Suddenly his wyvern started panicking and shaking around uncontrollably.

"Woah, what's wro-" He was about to calm his wyvern down, until he was cut off when he saw his wyvern tail.

"It pierce through the Wyverns thick skin with no kind of problem?!" He said disbelief on how his wyvern was easily injured.

"It's Metal Dragons!" A Dragon rider shouted, making the rest of the riders widend their eyes in shock from the mention of them.

"Are those the ones that destroyed the Imperial Senate?!" Another one shouted as he tried to see where they are.

Then one of the Mental Dragons passes one of them in incredible speeds, making an echoing boom as it passed by, making the wyvern be pushed back back the shockwave.

The Dragon rider was able to get a quick view of the side of the Metal Dragon and he saw the unexpected.

'A-A P-Person?!' He shouted in his head, as he saw a person wearing a strange helmet inside the Metal beast.

As the Pilot flew by and gave him the middle finger

"P-People are Riding them?!" The Dragon rider shouted in disbelief, as the metal beast flew by him in amazing speeds.

"Quickly, pierce them with you're lance!" The Captain ordered, as he readied his lance.

Then another Metal Dragon suddenly arrived, and with a quick and brutal show of force, he easily killed the rest of the wyverns by a fultility of its strange and powerful magic, easily piercing both the scales of the wyverns and its riders armour, leaving only the Captain left flying alone with his own wyvern.

"Impossi-" he was about express his shock, but was cut off as a hail of bullets pierced through his body and his wyvern, sending both of their bloodied corpses falling to the ground below.

"This is Oscar 8-4 and Whiskey 2-9, the Saderan skies are clear, you're clear to move in." The F-35 pilot radios in, as he and the F-35 flew across the Imperial skies.


West Gate

Several Imperial soldiers were lucky and unlucky enough to see the slaughter unfold above them, seeing such strong and mighty Wyvern Corp be easily massacred by two Metal beasts, it would be easy to see this display as nothing more than gods toying with humans with their otheworldly creatures that even sends the glorius and honorable rider be nothing in comparison.

"Quickly send a messenger, announce this attack to our Legatus!" A Centurion shouted at his Imperial soldiers.

However, the Imperial soldiers themselves were absolutely shaken after seeing the slaughter of wyverns that they don't even notice that a group of people dressed in green is sneaking up behind them until it was already to late.

One of the group members quickly muffled the mouth of one of the Imperial soldiers with his hand and sliced his neck open in an instant, sending blood gushing out his neck before the person dropped his bleeding body.

They were killed by Seal Team Six silently by knives.

"This is Seal Team Six, the West Gate is secured, send in the armour." One of the operators said to his radio.


As the chaos of battle engulfed the scene, the sound of roaring engines filled the air as the mighty Tanks and Armoured Vehicles rumbled into position.

With a thunderous cacophony, the armored behemoths unleashed their devastating firepower upon the sturdy walls that had once stood as symbols of strength and security.

The ground shook beneath their treads as they advanced, and the very earth seemed to tremble in response to their immense power.

Artillery cannons boomed, their deafening blasts echoing across the battlefield, as they launched projectiles towards the concrete stone walls.

Mortars rained down from the sky, their explosions tearing through the air with ferocious precision.

Tank shells, like metallic missiles, tore through the defenses, leaving gaping holes in the once-impregnable fortifications.

But the most fearsome of all were the rockets.

They streaked through the sky, leaving trails of smoke and fire in their wake, before crashing into the walls with explosive force.

The impact reverberated through the air, causing the earth to tremble and sending shockwaves of terror through the hearts of the Imperial troops.

As the barrage continued unabated, panic spread like wildfire among the defenders.

The once-unified ranks of the Imperial army faltered, their morale crumbling under the relentless assault.

Frantic shouts and cries for help filled the air as soldiers struggled to find cover and protect themselves from the onslaught.

The unyielding rain of destruction unleashed upon the once-majestic fortress city threatened to dismantle its defenses piece by piece, eroding the resolve of those who fought to defend it.

"82nd is arriving within an hour." Oscar 8-4 said in his radio.

"Roger, the B-52's have arrived as well." Whiskey 2-9 replied.

"Message was sent 30 minutes ago, let's hope they listened." Oscar 8-4 said, as they both breakaway in the air.

The B-52 Bomber's arrived, and once they started opening their bellies, it was bomb's away.

The explosives heading straight to the Imperial Capital's grounds.

Those civilians on the ground who ignored the message, dive for cover as best as they could, the bomber's have destroy multiple houses and military outposts in the entire City in just a short time.


An hour later...

"Thirty seconds!" One of the pilots of the C-17's said to the paratroopers inside.

"Altitude is good, temperature is good, wind is good." The pilot said, as he flew closer to their destination and drop zone.

"Get ready soldiers!" The Commander of the 82nd Airborne called out to all of the units.

"Stand up!" He ordered all of the paratroopers, as they all instantly stood up from their feet.

"Hook up!" They all hook up and get ready to jump to their landing zone.

"Equipment check!" They each inspect eachothers equipment until it was time to jump out.

"You're Green GO! GO! GO!" The Pilot shouted as the Soldiers dive in

Over 638 Paratroopers of the 82nd make their decent into the West Gate.

As the British 1st Battalion Airborne Unit with the force of 580 paratroopers also dropped themselves in the South Gate.


The South Palace

"Wha-what are those?!" Zorzal said in disbelief and confusion, as he watched the 82nd Airborne descend from the skies.

"Y-you're highness it's the enemy, they're raining down the skies!" Herm Fule Maio also a former POW that was taken by the US told Zorzal, which shocked him and the other commanders.

"How is this possible, does America and it's allies have flying soldiers?!" Zorzal shouted in disbelief seeing the paratroopers.

He then realizes that they might head to the South Palace, so being the coward he is, he immediately gave out an order.

"Quickly send all forces to protect the Capital at all costs!" Zorzal ordered, suddenly a messenger then appeared sprinting towards Zorzal.

"You're highness!" The messenger shouted, he was sweating rapidly and looked worried, before he knelt down.

"The enemy has taken the West Gate and sending more ground soldiers, they are heading this way!"

"They're that fast?!" Zorzal said in shock

Zorzals just stood there silently in terror as he watches the paratroopers decent down until he gives out an order.

"What happened to the rest of the guards?!" Herm shouted in disbelief.

"You're highness, what is you're orders?!" Marquis asked terrified.

Zorzal though for a second, before giving out an order.

"Get all of the Imperial soldiers to the South Palace, get everything single one of them!" Zorzal said, shocking the commanders.

"But you're highness that will leave the City heavily undefended they would easily take the Capital very qui-"

He was then cut off by Zorzal.

"I DON'T CARE JUST GET THEM ALL!" Zorzal shouted, even shocking the noble's.

"Y-yes you're highness!" Marquis said with growing unease.


Back at the West Gate, the 82nd and 1st Battalion Airborne have made it into the ground and regrouped, the ground units arrive with 10,000 troops with their vehicles, the helicopters arrived carrying over 12,000 Soldiers and Marine.

That means over 23,218 Soldiers and Marines have arrived at the Capital and are getting ready to assault the Imperial Palace and the Jade Palace.

"Colonel, Jade Palace is currently having a battle, the Rose Knights are protecting the Palace as we speak." A Bell AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopter reported to Colonel Bay.

"Copy that, i'll send a squadron and contact the paratroopers to assist as well watch over for a while." Colonel Bay replied.


West Gate

"Don't rush Special Forces team's are still securing the area." The Commander of the 82nd said to his Soldiers.

"Hunter 2-1 is on top the Wall so watch your fire." He said as they look up and see the team waving at them they then made it to Walls of the West Gate.

"Don't let them through!" An Imperial officer charges into the side gate but gets tackled by the Americans who were waiting for anyone to come out.

"Side gate clear." Joseph reported.

The Soldiers then advance inside the walls, the commander then ordered the Soldiers to clear the towers of the walls, they throw Grenades inside the doors of the walls and clear out the entire towers.

"Clear!" A soldier reported.

"Sir all towers are now cleared." The Soldiers reported.

"Copy that, head to Basson Prison to secure the Doves." The Commander ordered.

On top of the walls Millie is scouting the area for any Imperial soldiers.

"Our army friends are here, hold you're fire." She said.

The Soldiers and Hunter 2-1 would break into Bassoon Prison to rescue the Dove's and other Pro-Peace Senators and Noble's.

Several Imperial soldiers tried to close each of the Gate's in the Capital but the Gates would be blown up by tank's, the ground vehicles and infantry begin to move inside the Capital to secure multiple sections.

"Colonel, I see no enemies in the Imperial Palace and the rest of the City." An AH-6 Little Bird Helicopter reported.

"They must have mobilize the Imperial soldiers to defend the Southern Palace." Colonel Glenn replied.


A mile away from Jade Palace

American and British Troops are now rushing towards the Jade Palace.

(American Paratrooper)

(British Paratrooper)

"Head towards the east side and follow the path, it will take you to there!" Hailey shouted.

"Copy, thanks for your assistance sistance." The American Commander responded, as he and his paratroopers and their British counterparts advanced.

Hunter 2-1 is evacuating the Doves of the Empire out the Basson Prison.

Mike then saw someone he recognize.

"You're lord Ciceros wife." Mike said in shock.

"Sir Ramirez thank goodness you're here" As she hugs him with joy.

"Just doing my job miss." He said happily.

"Where your Husband?" He asked.

"He's right over there. Are you taking us as prisoners has the Empire lost?" She asked worriedly.

"Not yet miss, were not taking you as prisoners but we will occupy the Capital until the War ends." He replied

"Thank goodness I hope this war ends Peacefully for all of us, it would be nice for us to have a trip in America." She said sighing in relief.


Jade Palace

Zorzal's soldiers, Imperial troops and the Oprichnina are fighting the Rose Knights and the Veteran Imperial soldier's, as well as the US Marine Security Guards.

"Beefeater, get the injured!" Bozes ordered.

"Bozes!" Norma and Grey then emerged.

"Norma, Grey why are you here?" Beefeater asked with worried looks on they're faces.

"Where's the Princess?!" Bozes asked the both of them worryingly.

"She's been taken by the Prince we need help to get her out!" They both replied in unison.

As the battle rage on and it looks like that Zorzal forces are about to close in and would win...

Until they heard a whistling sound above the skies of the battlefield.

"You hear that?" Beefeater said.

Then two strange eggs explode into large blazing flames killing many Imperial Soldiers.

The sudden attack surprised both the Rose Knights and Zorzals Forces.


"Mortars, fire at em!" The American Commander ordered.

The Mortar's fired their shells at the already shocked and bewildered Imperial soldiers, killing many of them withing the first rounds on explosions.

"All forces, open fire!" The British Commander ordered all of his soldiers.

The American and British soldiers begin shooting the Imperial soldiers, using the small forest that surrounds the Palace as cover.

Several AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters and UH-60 Blackhawks from the Army then arrived whilst blasting Fortunate Son at high volumes, making the Imperial troops cover their ears from the loud music that filled the air.

Then archers arrived and release they're arrows, only two American and one British soldier were hit, but they didn't mind it, as it just angered them to fight on.

Imperial soldiers charged towards them at full speed without any disregard of their own life.

But we're easily whipped out, as hundres of 5.56x45mm NATO rounds pierced through their armor and shields, some Oprichinina's tried hide behind the soldiers to avoid the Americans and British but snipers easily killed them from a distance.

"Don't retreat keep fighting!" an Oprichinina ordered, as he waved his sword around.

"I can't do this anymore, we've lost I don't wanna die here!" A panicked Imperial soldier shouted, as an explosion erupted near them.

"You-" The Oprichinina was about to yell at the soldier, but before he could say something he was shot at the head by a sniper.

The combined air and infantry began slaughtering all the Imperial troops easily as they get gunned down one by one, causing a chain reaction of Imperial troops trying to retreat, creating a stamped that caused them to trample their own comrades to death.

Whilst the F-16's kept on dropping Napalm at the Saderan reinforcement's trying to flank them.


"Bozes, they're here!" Beefeater shouted.

"All knight's, mount you're horses!" She ordered her Knights.

The surviving Rose Knights, Norma and Grey then mounted their horse's, readied their weapons and getting ready to fight against all odds with the US and UK.

"Rose knights, follow me to victory!" Bozes shouted, as she raises her sword in the air.


The Rose Knights then appeared full speed into the battle field.

"Trample them!" Bozes shouted.

"Soldiers, give those Knights covering fire, shoot!" The British Commander ordered.

"Hooray for the Rose Knights!" The Veteran soldiers cheered on, as they figth with even more confidence.

The Rose Knights then killed proceed to slaughter the Imperial soldiers on horse back and eventually killed the Praetor, who was leading them.

"Use you're grenade launchers!" The American Commander ordered.

The American's then fired their grenade launchers into the Imperial soldiers killing many amongs their ranks, as the 40mm grenades fell on them.

"Fix bayonets!" The British Commander ordered, as his American counterpart gives out another order as well.

"Charge!" the American Commander orders.

"FREEDOM!" The Soldiers screamed as they charge in

The battle starts to wind down, Fortunate Son slowly began to end, as the soldiers and Knights charged into the fray and kill every Imperial soldier on sight, the strike of swords and gunfire fill the battlefield.


An hour of battle later...

"Clear!" A British Soldier reported, as he stands in the aftermath of the battle.

"Contact the Marines Colonel Gleen, we got em all." The American Commander ordered.

As he slowly and carefully walks through the battlefield, several Imperial soldiers bodies laid with broken armor, littered with bullet holes, burnt marks, and missing limbs with their internal organs spilling out their bodies.

The American Soldiers then proceeded to breach the Palace doors, and after clearing each of the rooms in the Palace for several more minutes, they eventually found the Secretary of State and Ambassador in one of the rooms with multiple other people inside.

"Don't worry you're safe now." The Soldiers said to Jim and Katie they we're just happy that everything has been defused.

"Colonel, we found them." The American Commander reported to Colonel Gleen in a radio.

"Copy that." Colonel Glenn replied.


Several more minutes later...

The Colonel then arrived at the Palace with a convoy of armoured vehicles, Tanks and Marines, though he was shocked to see that most of the Rose Knights looked like they were from middle school or highschool, he was even more shocked seeing the Veteran Imperial soldiers, since they all looked like they were much older than him.

"I'm Colonel Glenn of the Marine Corps 8th Marine Division Embassador Katie and Secretary of State Jim, we'll be transporting you back to Italica" Colonel Glenn told the two diplomats.

"Good to see you Colonel, Sherry let's go to Italica" Jim said.

"Okay." Sherry replied as she hugs his arm but he feels extremely uncomfortable

(The FBI, CIA, FSB, KGB, MI5, MI6, Scooby Gang, Powerpuff Girls, SCP Foundation, Taskforce 141, Shadow Company, The Avengers, The Justice League, The Seven and the Boys wants your location now Secretary of State Patrick Jim.)

"It's good to see you again, Colonel." Bozes then arrived.

"Miss Bozes, you look good, can't believe you're even alive after all of this." Colonel Glenn replied.

"Thank you Colonel." Bozes replied.

"We're evacuating the Secretary of State, Ambassador and the Dove's back to Italica."

"You have no Intentions to siege the Southern Palace?" Bozes asked the Marine officer.

"We do, were just waiting for reports." Colonel Gleen said.

"That's good to hear." Bozes replied.

"Woah woah woah, why are you so happy of them capturing and occupying the Capital?" Beefeater said in a confusing tone.

"Her majesty is in there, I don't care if they capture the Capital, I just want her to be safe against that wicked man who calls himself the crowned Emperor." Bozes replied.

"We're all good Colonel." A US soldier reported.

"Wait, Colonel." Bozes said.

"Hmm?" Colonel Glenn said in confusion.

"Can you let our injured go with you? we don't have the strength to take care of them so please help them." Bozes asked.

"Alright we'll also transport them back to Italica to be taken care of." Colonel Gleen replied.

"You're a good man Colonel" Beefeater complements him.

"Thank you." Colonel Gleen replied.


A couple minutes later...

Outside of Jade Palace, several USMC V-22 Ospreys carries Jim, Sherry, Katie, the Dove's and the injured back to Italica.

"Sir Glenn, whats happening in the Capital?" Norma asked, as more explosions and gunfire happened in the distance.

"I can hear explosions in there." Grey said.

"Our forces are currently engaging Imperial soldiers in the Capital, though nearly all of them have moved to the Southern Palace." Colonel Glenn responded.


Western side of Sadera.

"Ce qui se passe ici?" A Colonel of the French 86th Regiment asked to all the commotion.

"Ces soldats impériaux se scellent ici dans cette maison." A Soldier replied, as he sees inside a house a few Imperial Soldier cowardly sealing themselves inside.

"Que devrions-nous faire monsieur?" A Soldier asked.

The Colonel stood in silence thinking what should they do and thought of something.

"Les tuer tous, ne laissant pas de survivants." The Colonel ordered.

The Soldiers then killed them all by burning the house with an old but still functional M2 Flamethrower.

(Its ain't a a war crime if no one actually saw it ;).)


Back at Jade Palace.

"Beefeater we have to save Princess Piña in the South Palace." Bozes said, Beefeater looked at her and told her one problem.

"Yes, but the Palace is heavily fortified, there's no way we could get in there." Beefeater said then Bozes turned to Colonel Glenn.

"Colonel Glenn can you call Colonel Bay?" Bozes asked, confusing the Colonel.

"Why?" The Colonel asked why she needed Bay when he's extremely busy in the skies of the Capital.

"I need him to help me get Princess Piña back from the clutches of Zorzal I need his Team to go to the Southern Palace and save her can you do that?" Bozes replied shocking the Colonel.

"But that's suicidal Miss Bozes, if you go there even with Colonel Bay you will likely get killed by Zorzals forces." Colonel Gleen said to her, before the American Commander interrupted their conversation.

"Colonel, Captain Ramirez's Team has finished evacuating the Doves and is setting they're eyes to save Princesse Piña and Emperor Molt from the Southern Palace." The Commander said to Colonel Gleen shocking him and Bozes before a M1A2 Abrams Tank and three vehicles arrived, it was Hunter 2-1

Then Mike came out of his Cougar.

"Colonel Gleen I need Colonel Bay to assist me to rescue Princesse Piña and Emperor Molt." Mike asked the Colonel.

The Colonel though of it for a while until finally giving an answer.

"Okay I'll call Colonel Bay to assist you." Colonel Gleen said.

"Miss Bozes would you're Knights love to come with us to save the Princesse?" Mike asked Bozes.

"Of course, let's go Sir Ramirez" Bozes said before turning to the rest of the surviving Rose Knights.

"Does anyone wanna come?" She asked.

Multiple Knights then stand up ready to rescue Princess Piña.

"Good. Sir Ramirez, lead the way." Bozes said

"Alright. Rose Knights follow me." He said as the Rose Knights mounted their horses whilst Mike entered the Cougar and drove off with them to save Princesses Piña from Zorzal.

Glenn watches them drive and ride off in the distance before getting his radio.

"Colonel Bay I need you to support Hunter 2-1 and the Rose knights to rescue Princesses Piña in the Southern Palace." He said to Colonel Bay.

"Copy that, I'm on my way." Colonel Bay responded, before flying off with his helicopters to the Southern Palace.


South Palace.

Zorzal is having a meeting about the Invasion and has set up a table with the Map of the Capital and small chess like pieces of the Imperial Army and the NATO Forces impersonating the ongoing invasion outside.

"Twenty-three thousand?! That much?!" A General said in disbelief about the large force of invading soldiers

"Yes my Lord, I counted over one thousand two hundred and eighteen who were falling from the skies from both the South and West Gate." The Messenger said, shocking the other commanders

Then a messenger arrived to the throne room bringing them another message.

"You're highness the Doves of Bassoon Prison have escaped by the Americans!" The messenger said shocking even more of the commanders.

Then another messenger arrived with even more news to the now worried Prince.

"You're highness the Pro-Peace Senators and Noble's have escaped with the American Politician's in Jade Palace, it has fallen to the Americans and their Allies!" He said the news even shocked the Pro-War Faction

"You're Highness we need to get out the Capital, they've surrounded us if we stay here they will kill us all!" A Noble said.

Zorzal sighed he knows they don't stand a chance against the Americans and it's Allies, ever since he found out about America's Allies he thought they were nothing but now he saw that they are as powerful as the Americans, so he gives out one finale order.

"...Get everything you can... Let's use the underground tunnels... Be quick though." Zorzal said, so they rushed to get everything they possibly can.


Outside the Southern Palace.

A few Imperial Praetorian Guards are guarding the Gate that leads to the Southern Palace.

"Hey, identify yourselves!" A Soldier shouted at the Female Knights.

"We are the Rose knights, we are here for Princess Piña" Bozes responded shocking the Imperial soldiers they were told they were traitors so they tried to attack them.



The USMCA Bell AH-1Z Viper Cobra Attack Helicopters kills the Imperial Soldiers.

"EVERYONE GO! GO! GO!" Mike shouted, as Hunter 2-1 and the Rose Knights immediately disembark and stormed the South Palace with the M1A2 Abrams Tank as cover.

Some Cavalry try to attack them but Anna uses the Humvee's M2 Browning Mounted Machine at the Imperial Cavalry killing many and forcing the others to retreat.

"Breaching!" Foley shouted, as he places breaching charge's and blow up the door heading inside.

"Go inside, some of us will stay here!" James said.

"Copy that, Hailey, Boris you two go get the Emperor with the rest of the Rose knights, got it?!" Mike ordered.

"Oorah!" They both shouted, as they enter the Humvee and drive off with the Rose knights in horseback.


Several Imperial Soldiers tried to attack the Team but was shoot by arrows by Tuka using her Compound Bow she bought from DC.

Rory jumped in and killed many Imperial Soldiers as they try to run for they're lives only to be killed by either Hunter 2-1 or the Rose Knights.

Then an Orge arrived and tried to kill the Team but Lelei used her Magic and kill's the Orge.

Blasting a whole straight through it's chest with remarkable ease.


Outside the South Palace.

The USMCA are killing the rest of the Imperial Soldiers with their Bell UH-1Y Venom Helicopters, Bell AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopters and the AC-130 Gunship from the Air Force Special Operations Command is using it's 25mm Gatling-gun, the single-barrel, rapid-fire 40mm Bofors cannon and the 105mm Howitzer to any Orge that tried to attack them.


The Crowned Prince Zorzal has finally escaped the Capital somehow being undetected.

Centurions and a few Imperial Soldier stayed to fight.

Princess Piña was then drag into the Throne Room.

She is pointed at and feeling cocky the officers says that the Americans can come here all they want and started laughing.

Then the Door explodes Infront of them.

"Let. her. go." Mike said angrily.

"Sir Ramirez!" Piña shouted happily.

Rory then appeared behind him.

"Drop you're Weapons." Rory said to the The Soldiers as they the dropped their weapons in fear of seeing her.

The officers we're then executed by the Team by forming a Firing Line.

"Princess Piña!" Bozes shouted, surprising Piña when she also saw Beefeater, she was happy that they came to save her with Mike and his team.

"Let's get out of here." Bozes said.

"Let's go Princess." Mike said.

As they evacuate the Princess out the South Palace.

"Mission Accomplished Captain." James arrived at the Palace with the Cougar.

"Get us out of here James." Mike said when they all got in Mike radios Hailey, Boris and Anna.

"Hailey, Boris, Anna what's the Emperor's condition?" Mike asked.

"His pulse is alright, Captain." Hailey said next to Hamilton who they found during the Rescue.

"Alright we're heading to you now." Mike said.

They then arrived at their location, they brought the Emperor who is unconscious to the Cougar and the two entered their Humvee.

As they try to leave, Imperial soldiers try to pierce their vehicles with spears, but would get run over by the vehicles as they regroup with the 4X4 and M1A2 Abrams.

The USMCA continues their destruction of the South Palace, killing everyone inside as the Palace begins to fall apart.

"Father..." Piña said, seeing her Father well and unharmed.

"So, I guess this mission was about my father huh." Piña said.

"No it was you, the Dove's insisted that I bring him in as well." Mike answered, then a voice spoked.

"Thank you for saving me." The Emperor said who has now awaken.

"Father!" Piña said, as she sees if hes alright.

"You're highness are you alright?" Bozes asked.

"Im fine." Emperor Molt said, but he does have a slight headache.

"Father you must get Zorzal out the Empire, he is bringing the Empire to it's destruction and Civil War, you must put a stop him." Piña said.

"Im afraid we cannot do that, he is just to powerful for that." Emperor Molt said shocking Piña and the rest.

The Emperor looked out the window watching the entire Capital in the drive.

"Zorzal... what have you done..." The Emperor said in a disappointed tone.

The Capital is now on fire, Imperial soldiers surrender in the thousands but many would would just get killed by either American or NATO troops.

Then the Emperor heard a loud noise and heard a warning from an F/A-18 that had a speaker installed in it.


(This line was borrowed from COD WAW from the Eastern Front)


Eastern side of Sadera.

"Sergeant, we got Imperial soldiers coming in!" A Marine reported.

"Hold you're fire." The Sergeant said.

The Imperial soldiers also had some people with them they were abductees that we're taken by the Empire and we're hidden by Zorzal.

They try to negotiate with the Americans, but many abductees were just to weak to even move or talk and just died on the spot, this just angered the Marines.

Once again they kill them with no mercy, they then took the surviving abductees and took them back to Alnus.

They also left one road in hopes to use it to ambush fleeing Imperial Soldiers.


11:16 Falmart Time

In the night some weakened Imperial soldiers took the bait and were ambushed by Soldiers and Marines hidden in the now empty homes of Sadera.


1:06 AM Falmart Time

Etna River

Some Imperial Soldiers try to use boat's to get out of the Capital and use the Etna River near the City.

"My lord, you think we'll make it out?" An Imperial Soldier asked.

"Yes, we'll get out of here" The Centurion said.

As soon as he said that, one of the boats get destroyed by a hail of bullet's.

"W-What the?!" The Centurion said in disbelief.

"My lord, enemy boats!" A Imperial soldier shouted.

Old Vietnam Era American PBR MK-II Patrol River Boats then rapidly approach them at full speed.

"Crap, everyone turn back!" The Centurion ordered, but it was to late they would all be killed by the Boats.


In just a single day the Capital fell to NATO.

Killing 8% of the Imperial Army, for all the Empire of Sadera knew.

America has won...


Or did they despite, the obvious win and the capturing of the Imperial Capital, the Empire still didn't surrender and Prince Zorzal was still on the run.

Princess Piña and her Father were rescued by Mike and headed to Italica where the Doves, Noble's and other Pro-Peace Senators are staying, though the senators still we're still worried that the US and it's NATO allies by not just invading the Capital but as well as other Saderan cities.

Till the time comes, all they know is that a new stage has entered for the now American-Saderan War and it looks like that the USMC will not be the only ones fighting in Falmart.


(Alright Quick question who should I ship Mike with?)

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