Ladders OF Love

By addy_1205

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ADITI SINGHANIA, a heartwarming, innocent girl looking for love in her life. She always wanted to have a pers... More

Ladders OF Love
Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Character Sketch Part 1
Character Sketch Part 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - Mehndi Ceremony
Chapter 14 - Sangeet Ceremony
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 - Honeymoon
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
New Story

Chapter 16 - The Wedding

210 9 0
By addy_1205

(All of the images used in the chapter are just for reference and belong to their respective owners)

(Warning- Long chapter ahead👇🏻)

Shivansh's POV

Right now, I am getting ready for our wedding, finally, this day has arrived, and I am over the moon. I can't wait to meet her and see her in her Shaadi-ka-Joda (wedding outfit), we were not allowed to see each other after the Haldi as it is inauspicious according to elders and traditions, but this has increased our excitement to meet each other in the most precious moment of our lives.

"Are waah! kisi ki nazar na lage mere bete ko *THU THU THU* I am so much happy to see this day as I didn't think I would ever witness it because you had no intentions to marry before Aditi came into your life and I am glad she did come in all of our lives and blessed us all and made us all so happy and especially you, my son." Mom said as soon as she entered and even put a Kaala Tika behind my ear. I agree with her My Angel is indeed very special and I am lucky to have her in my life.

"She indeed is an Angel mom, MY ANGEL"

"Oh, I like this side of my son, anyways let's go it's time for your Sehrabandi and Ghudchadi and you know your Bade Papa he is so punctual." - Mom

Then we headed to the hall for the rituals.

Sehra Bandi is the ceremony where the groom's face is covered by tying a multi-stranded garland to his paghdi (turban).

"Sehra" is the actual garland headgear and "Bandi" means to tie.

So, the groom's sister-in-law (Bhabhi) ties the garland to the groom's turban after she applies kajal (eyeliner) to the groom, which is believed to ward off evil spirits. Afterward, she's presented with a monetary gift or jewelry.

It happens before the groom gets on the horse/elephant/in the car, to start his baraat.

The Ghudchadi is the ceremony in which the groom initiates with the Baraat on his horse. The females of the house tighten the headgear and apply tilak on the groom's forehead before the procession starts.

The Groom's sister feeds Chana to the horse before the Baraat proceeds further.

Once I am on the horse, the baraat started and all of the relatives are dancing, enjoying, and celebrating.

We are in the Mandir (Temple) of the hotel to pray and after that, we proceeded toward the area for the ceremony.

Decoration at the entrance☝🏻

At the entrance, everybody from Angel's family is there to welcome us. My Sasu Ma (Mother-in-law) did my Aarti then even pinched my nose as a ritual, and it was so much fun to have fun with her by defending myself at first but then I gave up and let her pinch my nose.

Then her sisters came up with a board in their hand, and I understood I had to loosen up my pocket today a lot.

Then her brothers came with a marriage contract board in their hand, and I am laughing reading it but I know they are just concerned and caring toward their sister and love her a lot and this is just their way of showing it.

(Just ignore the name in the image and focus on the content of the contract)

I happily signed it because I will fulfill all my Angel's wishes in a heartbeat. I can never deny her. Then I have to cut the ribbon to enter.

After entering I am lifted by her brothers on their shoulders, and they carried me to the stage while dancing.

After reaching the stage we clicked some pictures while waiting for my angel to enter and I am eagerly waiting for her.

Aditi's POV

I am finally ready for my big day after 4 hours of hard work by everyone involved in getting me all decked up. My mom entered the room with my sisters and friends,

"Oh my, look at you all grown up, how did the time go so fast, I remember as if it was just yesterday that you were born, so small and tiny in my arms, and now today you are getting married and will be leaving." - Mom

"Oh no Taiji, don't make my sister emotional right now, all of her make-up will be spoiled, after so many efforts and time she is looking all beautiful and ready for the big day" - Maya Di

"Ok, I will not, now come on beta, it's time for you to go, Shivansh is already there eagerly waiting for you." - Mom

I blushed, even though I am waiting for his reaction.

Then I went down with all my sisters and friends by my side.

I entered the open venue with my brothers holding a flower bed above my head and my mom and friends beside me.

At first, I was a little nervous and my insides were doing summersaults but as soon as I saw him standing there in his glory, I regained my confidence, and all the nervousness and jitters were thrown in the dustbin. he was looking so handsome; I look at him and see that there is a hint of some tears in his eyes, and I am so overwhelmed seeing him tearing up.

Aditi and Shivansh's wedding outfit☝🏻

As soon as I was halfway through the aisle the song plays and I surprised him by changing the atmosphere totally to a fun mood.

I always wanted my day to be fun and happy not some gloomy one, so I prepared a unique entry with my family, they even danced along with me at some moments and I am sure everybody is shocked because no one has ever seen him this open and dancing like that before all the wedding festivities, he is that serious kind of person that even I would not believe if I were them, but in these few months I have discovered that he is this loving and caring only for his family and friends or you can say some very special people in his life and I am lucky enough to be one of his special ones. And I promise that I will always cherish him and make him happy because he deserves to be happy and loved.

After reaching the stage it was time for Jaimala. (Ceremony in which the  bride and the groom make each other wear this Varmala or Jaimala (a garland made of fresh flowers) on the day of their marriage.)

The song Din Shagna Da is playing in the background and it is all feeling so surreal.

The Jaimala is a token of acceptance. When the bride and the groom exchange the garland, it symbolizes the acceptance of the would-be man by the would-be wife as her partner for life. This tradition has been in practice since the Ramayana and the Mahabharata days.

I have to put the garland first, as I am about to put it his friends lift him and I am watching with an open mouth, then my brothers also do the same, but I am scared that they will drop me because I am wearing this 10 kg lehenga, but I have to manage anyway, so I concentrate on putting the garland but he is bending backward making it hard for me, so I act as if I am angry and upset and it worked, he leans forward so that I can easily complete my task and I did it successfully. Now it is his turn, and I am no less, I am giving him hard time. After some time, I give up and let him also make me wear the garland.

After the Varmala, we are posing for some pictures and now all the guests and relatives are coming to the stage to congratulate us and getting their picture clicked with us as a memory.

I am very tired smiling continuously and even hungry, and I think he noticed this, so he told something to Shivangi Bhabhi which I am unable to hear because of the DJ playing in the background.

Soon Bhabhi returned with a water bottle and some fruits, oh thank God they both are my saviors. After some time, all the guests started leaving after enjoying and having their dinner, and I am glad because now we will get to have our dinner. Hey, don't judge me, not my fault, I am hungry and tired of carrying this damn heavy lehenga and even my heels are killing me, tired and hungry me, not a very good combination.

"Hey, I know you are hungry, I talked to mom she said that just five minutes more then we can move from here for the dinner." - Shivansh

"Thanks, finally I can feed the mouses running in my stomach"

He laughed out loud hearing my representation of my eagerness to have food. He looks so handsome while laughing and I pray that he always remains the same laughing and happy.

Now we are finally at the table ready to eat, we are sharing a plate because it is said that sharing food increases the love between couples, so here we are sharing the food to increase our love for each other *Note the sarcasm*, I know the elders are always right but what can I do, when I am hungry, I mostly don't know what I say or think I just want food and if I have to share it with anyone I get annoyed the most but today is an exception as I don't mind sharing my food with him. ;D

We feed the first bites to each other and then have the rest of the food on our own, we eat while bickering and having fun with the family. This is a memorable dinner with both of our families together at one table.

After the dinner, we are taken by the photographer for our couple shoot. I am taken to the room, and he is taken to the Mandap for starting the puja and I am waiting to be called.

Soon I also go and sit beside Shivansh.

Mandap Decoration☝🏻

Panditji (Priest and Ji are used as a suffix to show respect) starts the puja (offering prayers to God in front of the fire), and we both are listening carefully and paying attention. Then Panditji calls for my parents for my Kanyadaan, and right that moment the tears I was holding started flowing freely, my mom and bhai are also crying,

"Panditji, my brother will do my Kanyadaan, he is the one who has taken care of me like his own child after Papa and has given me the love of a father."

"Ok" - Panditji

Bhai did all the rituals and kept my hand in Shivansh's hand giving me and my responsibility to him.

The Kanyadaan ceremony is performed by the bride's father. If the father has died, a guardian of the bride's choosing performs the ritual. The father brings the daughter, then takes the bride's hand and places it in the groom's hand. This marks the beginning of the ceremony of giving away the bride.

After this many rituals were performed by us as instructed by the Panditji. Then his sister di our Gath Bandhan.

Gath Bandhan symbolizes the union of the bride and the groom in a sacramental bond for the rest of their lives. In the literal sense, it is the nuptial knot that sanctifies the coming together of two individuals and becoming one cohesive unit.

One end of the bride's garment (Pallu or the saree) is tied to the traditional scarf worn by the groom along with a coin, a flower, whole turmeric, Durva grass, and some raw rice. Each of these ingredients has a specific meaning.

Then it was time for the Saat Phere.

The wedding ceremony is spread over days, but the marriage is solemnized only after the groom and the bride complete seven circumambulations around the sacred fire (Agni Kund). This ritual is popularly known as Saat Phere and is traditionally called Saptapadi.

Saat Phere is seven vows taken collectively by the bride and the groom as they do the parikrama around Agni Dev by taking him as a witness to their marriage. This is called Agni Sakhi.

The groom leads his bride while doing the first four parikramas while the latter leads her man during the remaining three spheres.


The groom promises to take care of his bride, their children, and the family.

In return, the bride undertakes the responsibility of looking after the groom's home and his food.


The groom promises to protect his bride under all circumstances. In return, the bride promises to stand by her husband through his agonies and ecstasies.


The groom promises to work hard to earn enough wealth for the family and in return, the bride promises to effectively take care of the income and expenses.


The groom promises to entrust the responsibility of his household to his bride and respect her wise decisions regarding the same.  In return, the bride promises to fulfill her duties to the best of her abilities for a respectful living.


The groom promises to consult his wife in all important matters. In return, the bride promises to support her groom in all his endeavors.


The groom promises to remain committed and loyal to his bride besides considering her alone as his wife. The bride in return promises to remain faithful to her husband.


The groom promises to lead his entire life with his bride, who is not just his wife but his friend forever. In return, the wife too promises to spend her life with him until the very end.

After all the pheras, we sit down, and then Shivansh applies Sindoor (Vermillion) on my hair partition.

The Sindoor, also known as Kumkum, is believed to be a symbol of marriage. Married women apply sindoor in their hair parting starting from the point in their forehead to the center of the head. And the tradition of applying the sindoor begins on the day of marriage. During the wedding ceremony, the groom puts sindoor on the hair parting of his bride, thereby solemnizing his sacramental union and making her his partner for life.

While applying the Sindoor, some of it fell on my nose and I was about to wipe it, but his mother stopped me saying,

"Beta let it be, it is said that while applying vermillion, if a bit of it falls on the nose, then it is a sign of your husband's unconditional love."

We both were very happy hearing this and it was evident on our faces, and just like that, we were again the target of our cousin's endless teasing.

Then he ties the Mangalsutra (sacred thread) around my neck and a tear slightly rolled down my cheek, I felt happy, and it is a tear of happiness, and looking at his face I can say that he is feeling the same right now.

The Mangalsutra, a black and gold necklace with a gold or diamond pendant symbolizes good luck, love, and friendship. In Sanskrit, 'Mangala' translates to sacred and 'sutra' to thread.

These two offerings (Sindoor and Mangalsutra) signify the Groom's devotion to his Bride and the Bride's new status as a married woman.

He also made me wear the toe rings; Toe rings worn by a woman signify that she is married. In many different Indian cultures, the husband puts the toe rings on the second toe of both of the wife's feet during the wedding ceremony.

Finally, Panditji officially announced us as husband and wife and asked us to take the blessings of our elders.

(A/N- I am not very knowledgeable about the sequence or some of the rituals of the wedding ceremony so I apologize if I have missed any ritual or if the sequence of the rituals is not right.)

After seeking the blessings of all our elders, we found out that Shivansh's footwear is missing, I understood it is done by his Saalis (sisters-in-law), soon they were demanding money to give them back, and his family and friends are bargaining for the amount but there is no use of it as they are ultimately going to lose and I am silently enjoying it all, soon they all came to an agreement and the exchange of shoes and money is successfully done.

Now it was time for my Vidaai, and I had already told everyone to not cry and send me off happily towards my new journey of life, but nothing ever goes as planned as bhai and mom were crying, and I couldn't control myself seeing them, but my cousins and friends are continuously trying to cheer up the atmosphere as per my wish and somehow it worked.

I bid everyone goodbye and sat in the car waving at them while we exited the hotel. I am officially married now, and I am excited as well as nervous about the new life awaiting ahead for me.


Hello readers, I hope you all like the chapter and enjoyed the wedding of Aditi and Shivansh. Please do let me know your opinions and thoughts about the chapter through your votes and comments.




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