Bucky Barnes || One Shots

By itsapeterthing

11.5K 95 4

A collection of my Bucky Barnes x Reader one shots. You can also find all of my fics on my Tumblr and request... More

Who's She? (Fluff)
Green (Fluff)
Distraction (Fluff)
All of You (Angst, Fluff)
The Long Run (Part 2 to Who's She?)
Three's A Crowd (Fluff)
Lover's Quarrel (Angst/Fluff)
Anchor (Angst)
Finders Keepers (Fluff)
Falling for You (Fluff)
Worth the Risk (Angst/Fluff)
Lollipop (Fluff)
Know You Better (Fluff)
Her Hand (Fluff)
Say Yes (Fluff)
Milestone (Fluff)
On the Horizon (Fluff)
Whatever (Angst)
To Be Alone (Angst)
Disconnected (Angst/Fluff)
Grump: The Musical (Fluff)
Weather the Storm (Angst/Fluff)
Ring Bearer (Fluff)
Hello Again
Flame (Fluff)

Cake (Fluff)

581 5 1
By itsapeterthing

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avengers!Reader

Summary: You and your boyfriend Bucky Barnes head down to the Wilson residence for a barbecue. Sam's nephews adore the both of you and as you watch Bucky play with the kids, you're ready to tell him that you're pregnant.

Word Count: 2.7k

Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, based heavily on episode 6 of TFATWS.

"I say we get the vanilla one."

Standing besides you in the supermarket aisle with his arms crossed, your boyfriend turned to look at you with disgust written all over his face.

"Vanilla?" Bucky said, shaking his head. "Are you kidding, Y/n? All kids like chocolate."

As he was speaking, Bucky reached out to pull one of the chocolate cakes off of the shelf it was sitting on, but you swat his hand away.

"Oh yea?" You asked. "And what makes you the expert on what kids like?"

Uncrossing his arms, he waved his hand in your face.

"Metal arm." He said. "Don't pretend like Sam's nephews didn't love me last time we were there."

You couldn't argue with that. The last time the two of you had been to the Wilson residence in between missions, Sam's nephews absolutely adored the super soldier. They couldn't get enough of the one hundred and six year-old man with the vibranium arm and the fun they had messing with him.

You had just as much joy watching the interactions between the three of them. You couldn't help but entertain the idea of starting a family of your own with Bucky.

The two of you had been dating for years- not including the five year blip the two of you had been snapped from existence in- and had often discussed the idea of getting married and having children in the future. You didn't think you would be ready yet, but as you watched children be in absolute awe of your boyfriend, you felt as though the pieces began to fell into place.

And funnily enough- they did.

You had been feeling sick and exhausted for the past few weeks, but you figured it was on account of the missions you had been going on with Sam and Bucky. When the symptoms continued while you stayed at the Wilson's home for the weekend while Bucky helped Sam fix the boat- you had taken pregnancy test.

It was positive.

Although you knew that you and Bucky could handle it, you were still in absolute shock realizing that you were going to be starting a family- you were going to be responsible for more than just making sure you and your friends didn't get killed fighting bad guys- you were going to be a parent.

The only person who knew was Sam's sister, Sarah. She was the only one inside the house when you had taken the test and when she had heard you pacing around the bathroom, hyperventilating, she opened the unlocked door and immediately saw the pregnancy test in your hands. You had sworn her to secrecy, making sure she didn't tell your boyfriend or her brother, promising her that you would tell them when the time was right... but with the mission in New York City coming immediately after your stay, you hadn't found the right opportunity to tell Bucky yet.

However, you told yourself that you finally would tonight... after attending the barbecue.

"Yeah, yeah." You rolled your eyes. "I can't argue with that. They did love you, but that doesn't mean you know anything about cake."

Reaching his hand out for the chocolate cake again he scoffed. "I'm not taking advice from someone who wants to bring a vanilla cake to a party-"

You swat his hand again. "We're not getting the chocolate."

"Yes," He insisted, inching his face closer to yours. "We are."

"No. We're not."

"Can I help you guys with anything?" You heard a worker ask from behind you.

Backing away from your boyfriend you smiled, shaking your head.

"No, we're fine. Thank you."

As you watched the worker nod before walking down the aisle, you turned back to your boyfriend.

"Okay fine." You said. "We'll compromise. Ice cream cake?"

You watched as Bucky's eyes widened. "Wait! There's ice cream cake?"

Twenty minutes later you and Bucky had arrived at the barbecue, your boyfriend taking the cake out of your hands as he stepped out of the car.

As you made your way around the front of the vehicle you watched as Sam's nephews bombarded Bucky, play fighting with him as he faked attacking them back, making sure to dodge their fists from knocking over the cake in his hands.

You couldn't deny the way the sight made your heart fill so much you swore it could've exploded right in your chest.

As you watched the scene unfold, hearing the laughter erupting from the children around him while he faked getting hurt, you heard Sarah come up behind you.

"You know," She said, crossing her arms and standing beside you. "You almost scared me to death watching you on the news."

Glancing at her beside you, you shrugged. "I was fine." You said. "That wasn't the first fight I've been in."

"I just can't believe they let you go." She said.

"What? What do you mean?"

"What do I mean?" She laughed. "I can't believe they would let you go do something so dangerous like that knowing you're-"

Before she could finish her sentence you swat at her arm, rapidly shaking your head, checking around you to make sure no one was listening to your conversation or had heard what she had just said.

"I didn't tell them yet." You told her in a hushed voice.

"What?" She asked. "Why not?"

"I couldn't tell them. If I did they would have never let me go- especially Bucky- but I couldn't let them go in by themselves like that. You've seen the Flag Smashers, Sarah."

"How long are you going to keep this a secret?" She asked.

"I was going to tell him today." You told her. "We just needed to sort out the Flag Smashers before I could even think about telling him I'm pregnant-"

"You're pregnant?"

At the sound of Sam's voice, you and his sister immediately spun around to be met with Sam standing behind you, only a foot away.

You watched as his mouth dropped and his eyes grew wide and you felt your heart began to race in your chest, knowing that you had just exposed your secret to Sam- you and Bucky's shared best friend.

"Sam..." You said.

"I-" He stumbled over his words, trying to piece the information together. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes, but you can't tell Bucky." You pleaded, gripping his bicep. "I haven't told him yet."

"What?" He exclaimed looking between you and his sister. "How long have you known? Why haven't you told him yet?"

Playing with one of the rings on your fingers, made anxious by the conversation, you focused your gaze on the water behind him, not able to meet his eyes.

"I found out last time I was here." You said. "So I found out like a week ago. You can't blame me though, Sam, if I told him he would of never let me go help you guys in New York."

"Yeah!" Sam nodded. "Neither would I. You could've died!"

"But I didn't!" You said. "Just don't tell him okay, Sam? I'm going to tell him tonight."

Before anymore could be said, you heard the sound of your name being called by Sam's nephews and spun around to find them running in your direction.

"Hey guys!" You laughed, a smile reaching your face once again.

Watching them run towards you, you knew what they wanted before they even had to ask. Stretching out your arms, you moved your hands in the direction of each of the boys, using your powers to lift them a maximum of three feet above the ground- not wanting to upset their mother. You smiled as you watched the boys laugh about how "awesome" it was in awe as they looked down at the ground three feet below them.

You felt Sam's hand land on your shoulder.

"I'm happy for you, Y/n." You heard Sam say, leaning in closer so no one outside of your current group could hear him. "You both are going to be great parents. Just tell him soon, okay?"

He pat your shoulder one last time before walking past you and his nephews you were still currently floating midair.

"How come when I ask you guys if you want to fly you say no?" Sam asked.

"She's using magic!" Cass exclaimed.

"Yeah, Uncle Sam." AJ agreed. "That's way cooler."

Sam threw his hands up in the air, walking in the opposite direction and as he did you lowered the boys to the ground, much to their disappoint. When they scurried off in the direction of their uncle, your eyes met Bucky's staring at you, smiling from across the way of where you had just been levitating Sam's nephews.

"Look at you!" He said, smiling, reaching out his arms for you.

"Me?" You laughed. "You just had a whole choreographed fight scene with the boys. You're like their cool uncle."

You watched as your boyfriend pulled off his sunglasses and smiled at you, resting his vibranium hand on your waist.

"Only if you're their cool aunt."

You smiled. "I wouldn't want it any other way."

Afterwards the two of you went to eat and spent the remainder of the meal sharing a table with Sam, his sister and his nephews. Despite the dangerous mission the three of you had been dealing with the past week, the table was full of laughter and joy that you were happy to welcome in.

Even when the cake that you had brought was sliced, you and Bucky smiled at each other from across the table when the boys scoffed down their slice of ice cream cake that contained both vanilla and chocolate- your compromise having worked in the end for the better. At times you even used your abilities to pull the fork out of your boyfriend's hand just as he was about to bite down on a slice of cake, hearing the boy's laugh as they watched the super soldier roll his eyes at you.

"Ha ha." Bucky would say. "Very funny... what is that? Three times now? Really, Y/n?"

But he knew you would continue to do it as long as you continued to hear the sounds of awes coming out of the boys' mouths and he couldn't fault you for that. Instead sneaking you a smile when you brought the fork back into his grasp.

At the end of the evening when everyone had began to make their way home, the sun setting over the horizon, you helped tidy up with the Wilson siblings. When the tables were all wiped clean, you brushed your hands off on your bottoms, watching as Bucky sat on the edge of the dock, the golden hue of the sunset setting on his features.

Glancing over your shoulder as Sarah ushered her children back home, you saw Sam throw you a thumbs up. When your eyes met his you smiled, mouthing a "thank you" before he turned in the direction of his sister, following her path back home.

Sighing to yourself you turned back to your boyfriend.

You were going to tell him. You were going to finally tell him you were pregnant.

You took one last deep breath, taking in the last moment before Bucky and your's life changed forever.

Making your way towards your boyfriend you kneeled behind him, your chest meeting his back as you wrapped your arms around his chest.

"Hi." You whispered.

"Hi doll." He hummed, moving his hands to hold yours that were resting against his chest.

"Had a nice day?" You asked, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against his cheek.

You felt as his chest rumbled when he chuckled, staring out over the water while the sun continued to set, its reflection turning the water gold.

"Yeah." He said. "I wish it could be like that every day, you know?"

You knew what he meant. You understood that he was talking about the peace, the joy, the laughter- the normalcy. You understood that he was talking about how your lives were so hectic and always would be due to the hand you had been dealt with super human abilities. You could never have a normal life, but you also understood that it was more than just never having to fight or go on a mission again- it was the feeling of family, of caring and of love.

"I know it can't be like that every day." You said. "But would you... would you settle for most days?"

You felt his hands squeeze yours a bit more, tilting his head back to get a better look at you.

"What are you talking about?"

"Would you settle for most days, Buck?" You asked again. "Would it all be worth it even if you still had to fight?"

He answered in a heartbeat.

"Of course it would." Bucky said. "I'd fight for one day of this."

You unwrapped your arms from around his chest, moving to kneel besides him on the dock so he could face you. Knowing what you were about to say, you took in the moment, breathing in the fresh air and memorizing the way his face looked in the golden hour.

"I'm pregnant."

You watched as his face dropped and you were almost worried until a wide smile reached across his face.

"You're pregnant?" He asked, so in disbelief he sounded as though the wind had been knocked right out of him.

You smiled, nodding your head and took his hand in yours. "I am. I found out a few days ago-"

"Wait." He cut you off. "A few days ago? Did you know you were pregnant when we fought in New York City?"

Staring at his face now, confronting the issue, you were suddenly very interested in the frosting he had somehow gotten on the bottom of his shirt, tugging on the hem and scratching it off.


"Okay, yes. I knew." You confessed.

Rather than the fed up, overprotective reaction you were expecting, you felt Bucky's hands reach to cup your face, forcing you to look at him. Rather than anger in his eyes, all you saw was worry and you were wishing you had never gone and fought just so you could save yourself from seeing him like that.

"Promise me you won't fight anymore." He said. "At least until the baby's here- God I can't believe we're having a baby- just promise me okay? If anything happened to either of you I wouldn't know what to do with myself-"

"I promise, Buck." You assured him, smiling and beginning to feel tears prickle in your eyes. "We're gonna have a baby."

You watched as he began to smile once again and the two of you couldn't help but laugh- so consumed in complete and utter joy. You and Bucky had gone through so much- especially within the last few months- but as you both sat there, so happy you couldn't help but laugh, you realized it was worth it and you would go through it all again if it meant that at the end of the day you two would come back to each other every single time.

For the first time in your life, you watched as tears of joy began to fill his eyes, almost as if they had begun to wash away the years of pain that he had suffered previously. Although he was sure he hadn't fought his last fight... he was sure he was going to be okay. He was happy. He was going to share his life with you. He was going to be a dad.

"We're gonna have a kid." He repeated the words, almost as if to convince himself that they were true.

"You're gonna be such a good dad, Buck." You told him, laughing through the tears that had begun to fill your eyes. "If you're half as good at being a dad as you are the 'cool uncle'- our kid is in good hands."

"You think so?" He asked.

"I know so, Buck."

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