Do opposites attract? #troph...

By ElenaKor3

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Troy and Sophie seem like they hate each other since they cant get along ever since they first met in primary... More

Always Fighting
Not the worst detention
The boy from the West-Coast
The unsuccessfull date
Sophie's Problem
The Play pt1
The play pt2
Fake girlfriend
UPDATE - Author's note
Boy drama!
Locked in the truck!
a different Sophie?
Why is Niecy back?
Sawyer's Birthday
Goodbye Niecy
Start of something good
Trying to be a hero
The Dance part 1
The dance part 2

The big chance

107 2 2
By ElenaKor3

Troy woke up from a weird nightmare , even though the past week was absolutely perfect, he didn't sleep well that night. He wondered if it was some kind of a sign, his sister always told him that dreams tend to give us messages of what's coming. He opened his phone to sent a text to Sophie and saw that coach had sent them a message on a group chat they had with the team.

"9 am locker room, be there or be there" he cringed at the message because there was also a photo with some flowers, coach is such a boomer.

He didn't have to see Sophie this morning , he was running late and he certainly didn't want to hear coach scream at him for being absent. He entered the locker room panting, it was crowded and everyone was waiting for the coach to talk to them.

"Did you see that photo below the text! I was laughing for 3 minutes straight" Bella was telling Sawyer,


"Coach said he has some great news to tell us I wonder what it could be !

"Judging by that message we probably won the lottery or something" Sawyer laughed and Troy joined him. "Oh here he comes!"

"Good morning to all my beautiful players! As you all know, you were amazing at that game, 2 weeks ago, and now I can reveal to you why I was so anxious of your performance. Among the crowd there was a talent hunter, and he was looking for new players to give out full scholarships to, at a high school in California, since you will all be freshman next year."

"California? Where coach? Which city?" There were murmurs all around the room.

"Shhh, let me finish please! Quiet!" he yelled "So as I was saying, he contacted me yesterday, and he told me that unfortunately he could only choose one of you, because there is a limit on the number of the students. So, I would like to announce that the lucky athlete who gets this huge opportunity is Troy."

He was in shock, he couldn't hear what the others were shouting.

"Troy! Congrats!

"You made it! Dude this is fantastic!

"You will get to play maybe international one day!

It felt like Whitworth all over again, but at least that was in his town, in his state, now it would be California. I can't leave everything behind, I just can't leave my friends , my family , I can't leave HER...

"Lets go everyone, Dixon , Dixon , Dixon !!!

He felt numb, everyone around him was cheering, yelling, jumping up and down, but he was in shock, he felt dizzy, like this was some sort of dream, some type of an illusion, unreal. Not now, just why now? He went out of the locker room and the news were already spreading, everyone was looking at him. He run towards an empty classroom and closed the door behind him, he had to get away from all that. He went at the window and looked outside, he took deep breaths and exhaled slowly.

"Troy? You okay?" It was Bella.

"I think I am the only who heard the news and wasn't happy with it."

"I noticed. You know , you can always choose not to go, but it's a big thing, huge opportunity."

"I know, I can't throw away an opportunity like this. But I can't leave all of you behind, my whole life is here, and now, that...

"You're with Sophie!" She smiled, "What you think I don't know? She is my best friend, we tell each other everything."

"She's not my girlfriend, not officially, I mean we only went out three times, and one of them was at the dance. And I thought we had more time, I just thought everything from now on would be simple."

"Troy I have some bad news, life doesn't get simple at all, it actually gets more and more complicated as we go on." She said while squeezing his shoulder.

"I need to tell her before she finds out from someone else"

"Hurry up then cause everybody must know by now."

He searched for her during the whole day, but he couldn't find her anywhere. He texted her like ten times, but no luck. When school was finally over he got a text saying " Bleachers' . It was from her. He took deep breaths , and went outside.

The sky was this beautiful mixed color, of light blue and darker tones , and the sun was still bright, someone could say it was a beautiful afternoon but not for him. Troy took a glance at the bleachers and there she was, waiting for him. She looked sad and somehow so vulnerable, all he wanted to do was tell her he wouldn't leave, and things wouldn't change, but that wasn't an option. He went up the stairs and took a seat next to her.

"Hey, I bet you heard the big news"

She didn't look at him. "It would be extremely weird if I haven't. Whole school was talking about it"

"I'm still debating"

"What? She snapped and finally looked at him "Don't be stupid! You are going!"

"Is that how much you want to get rid of me?" He smiled

"This is the best thing that can happen to you and you tell me that I want to get rid of you? Her tone was higher now, she looked irritated "What do you want me to say? "I want you to stay , Don't go? I will miss you like hell?" This is what you wanna hear?"

"I wish there was a way you could come with me somehow."

Her expression softened, and she sighed. He hugged her with one hand tightly, and pulled her closer to him. "You know, it will be really hard for me to be so far away from everything and everyone here, especially you Sophie. Now that we finally got this right, it's ironic isn't it?"

"Don't worry, you will forget about all of us, once you become famous."

He laughed "Will you come visit me?"

"Mmm, no." she said while looking into his eyes "I don't want to distract you."

"Trust me, you will be the best distraction" he said and kissed her.

At the starcade, the group was thinking of a way to say goodbye to Troy.

"I think we should have a going away party for Troy. I mean the courses will start in June so he won't be here for long." Bella said while sipping her drink.

"Yes we need to do something big. A party with his favorite food and music." Sawyer added.

"We should do it next week and we should have it outside, at the old garage, where everyone goes to party."

"And we should light a fire pit, i could also bring my guitar in case the loud speakers cause us trouble." Jason explained.

i know this is a short chapter but this is finally coming to an end guys, and i don't even know what took me so long since the parts are way too short now, i don't think are are any people left here reading this, but the next one will be soooo much better i promise. 

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