Irl DreamSMP oneshots


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Oneshots based on mainly most of those who are in the DreamSMP and sometimes others. As the title says the o... More

Please read this before you start reading
Floatie (Tommyinnit)
Fracture (KarlJacobs)
Left Out (Ranboo)
Sick (Tommyinnit)
Low Blood Sugar (Bench Trio)
Glasses (Crimeboys)
You've got to do it (Georgenotfound)
The Meet Up (Dream Team)
Peanut Allergy (Quackity)
Do a flip (Tubbo)
Spider (Sapnap)
Jaw (Eret)
I'm not? (Wilbur Soot)
Drunk (Tommyinnit)
Stupid? (Foolish)
Uh Sir? (Tommyinnit)
Scoliosis (Dream)
Th's Gross (Tommyinnit)
Nick, do it (Georgenotfound)
Halloween Costumes (DreamTeam)
Just Dance (Karlnap)
Theme Tunes
Happy Birthday (Georgenotfound)
Thanks guys (Ranboo)
Halloween (Ranboo)
Ow, fuck (Sapnap)
Cleaning (Crimeboys)
Headache (Tommyinnit)
Stealing Food (DreamTeam)
Curtains (Quackity)
Jet (Georgenotfound)
Warm (Tina Kitten)
Stupid Ladders (Tommyinnit)
Sex Sells (Crimeboys)
Stood Up (Jack Manifold|Tommyinnit)
I was (Wilbur Soot)
Beaker (Badlinu)
oh. (Tubbo)
Catboo (Ranboo)
Lost (ClingyDuo)
Tattoos (DTQ)
Weary (Tommyinnit)
Sushi (Karl Jacobs)
Pancakes (Tubbo)
Thank you (Lovejoy|Tommyinnit)
In-laws (DreamTeam)
Chlorine (Tommyinnit)
Rat (Quackity)
Antarctica (Dreamnotfound)
Locked in (Crimeboys)
Sunburn (Georgenotfound)
Tour (Crimeboys)
Be careful (Tubbo|Smajor)
Blue meets brown (Crimeboys)
If Tommy says it'll pass soon, then Tubbo believes him. (Clingy Duo)
A sign of his love. Their love. (Crimeboys)
If he breaks it, his heart breaks too (Jack Manifold|Tommyinnit)
It was meant to be (Crimeboys)
The foot raised. The foot landed. The foot slipped. (Crimeboys)
Doubt wrapped in a blanket (Crimeboys)
negative outweighs the positive (Smajor|Wilbur Soot)
The suit that will never even graze his hand again (Crimeboys)
Each word collected added to his collage (Crimeboys)
I was dancing in the rain, i felt alive and i can't complain (Crimeboys)
We have all the time in the world, Sunshine, just relax (Crimeboys)
'The metal contraptions of death' (Crimeboys)
The foot raised. The foot landed. The foot slipped. Good ending (Crimeboys)
He cried over the memories but lack of emotion attached to them (crimeboys)
The emotions a lyric can hold (crimeboys)
Tommy didn't mind(crimeboys)

You did great! (DreamNotFound)

580 6 4

Warning(s) — None
Content Creators — Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, PizzaPrincessG, chefsteve330, Karl Jacobs, Austin and Will
Dream POV
"The winner, of the first ever Kitchen League Battle Royale, live at TwitchCon! Is..." the host announces pausing before announcing the winner for suspense.

Reasonably I know it's not us. The presentation was poor and it didn't taste great at all. George and Steve's is much better, I tried it earlier and although I said it was gross because he's my competition, it was pretty good.

The host turns towards us with the trophies but swiftly moves and points at the Black Olives stand. "The Black Olives!" He declares and the room fills with cheers.

I watch as George's face brighten and breaks out into a massive smile that I can't help but copy.

Before we came on stage he was panicking and was so sure he'd lose. He kept flailing his arms in nervousness, saying how he'd lose and let down his partner, Steve. Which is ridiculous because George is a great cook. I could also tell he was also nervous about the amount of people going to be out there. I mean- there's a huge amount of people at the meet and greets and panel too but this time, it's out of his comfort zone. He knows what to do at meet and greets, at the panel but, this event is something he's never done before.

I walk over to him as he holds his trophy up proudly, then turning his head to find amongst all the other people on stage. We lock eyes and his eyes shine, smile becoming bigger, moving his head to the side to tell me to hurry up.

I make it to his side, "Give me your hand." I reach for the one without the trophy and with the rainbow stick instead. God knows how he got it. He nods in understanding and turns to drop the stick but quickly decides not to.

I grab his wrist and rise his left arm into the air as he does his right one, holding the trophy up for everyone to see. I gesture to him with my other hand that has the microphone and bring my hand out with a proud shake of the head, as if to say; Yep, that's George right there.

The crowd become louder, most probably adoring the DNF moment. Imagine if they knew DNF is, in fact, real.

George is glowing at the attention of the crowd, embracing every second of it. I soon let go of his hand, doing a turn around as George drops the stick to the floor and pulls his grey, oversized shirt up, showing the Black Olives shirt underneath.


As the host outros the event, I wonder back over to George. I nudge him to get his attention and smile, "You did great. And you thought you wouldn't make it past the first round."

"Thanks Clay." He laughs softly, "This trophy needs its own shelf back at the house."

We continue to joke around and talk about the event until it's time to leave the stage. The ex-contestants get told to take their leaves first so we've got to wait until they all make it backstage. Eventually, it's George and I's turn to leave. As we walk off stage we both walk half-backwards to wave bye to the crowd.

"George! Congrats man!" Nick exclaims, rushing to us as soon as we step backstage.

"Thanks. I genuinely didn't think I'd win when we first stepped on stage but here we are." He laughs, and gives Nick a closer look of the trophy.

"See? There was no point in worrying, was there?" I pull him into a side-hug, giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I guess not." He sighs with a smile.

"Cut it out. The both of you. George has another event in a few hours so he's got to go get ready." Nick untangles our hug with an eye roll.

"Hey!" I whine from the disturbance but I suppose he has a point. "Fine, what's the game plan?"

We both look to George. "Why are you looking at me?" He steps back, confused.

"Because it's your event?"

"I- yeah that makes sense." He steps in, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Idiot." I insult fondly and he shoots me a look.

"Um, so I need to head to where Name Your Price is going to be held because Austin's there setting up and has all the outfits for the contestants. So, I need to get that off him and get changed. There's something else... Oh! Clay you have the shoes." He turns on his heel to face me.

Right, I do. I bought them for him as kind of a 'welcome to Florida although we're in San Diego at the moment' present, and he loves them. Obviously, Austin supplies the outfits, accessories and shoes, but George insisted that he'd wear the ones I got him, also saying it matches the 80s theme.

"Yep, in my room. Do you want me to go get them?"

"Obviously." He sasses with his signature eye roll.

"Well than, Mr Notfound, I shall go and collect your shoes, and escort them to-" I pause and look at Nick.

"The Glitch Theatre, backstage." He supplies.

"-the Glitch Theatre, backstage." I repeat, looking to George than make to Nick with a confused expression. "You know this, how?"

"Karl." He shrugs.

Ah, of course. Karl and Nick practically tell each other everything, so it's not a surprise that Nick knows where it's being held because Karl's doing it too.

"And, speaking of Karl, he's waiting for us." Nick adds, holding up his phone where there's a text from Karl, confirming Nick's words.

"Right, okay. Um, I'll go get the shoes and you two go to the theatre? Meet Karl?"

"Yeah, let's do that." George agrees with a nod.

"Alright, I'm off then. See you in a matter of minutes." I grin, waving bye as I leave.

I jog my way out of the centre and to the staff-car park, where us, content creators, and the staff park so we're not parked in by those attending. Since we flew here, we don't have our car so we're renting one for the next few days while we're here. We're sharing the same one since we found no point in getting multiple when we're going to be mostly hanging with each other, plus we can walk to most places.

I pull out of the parking space and begin driving to the hotel. I know Punz is also staying at the same hotel as Nick, George and I, and I think Phil and Kristen might also be in the same hotel as well.

When I reach the hotel, I quickly park the car and head in, taking the elevator up to our floor. We all aimed to get a room on the same floor so there's not much of a distance between us, and luckily, we got rooms right next to each other.

I haven't really been alone at all since we got here, always having someone with me, and I don't hate it. Being basically isolated and cooped up at my house with the fear of having my face leaked if someone happened to figure it out isn't exactly ideal. So, I'm really glad and happy to be out and about again, meeting all my friends that I've never met irl. Like Karl, I met him in real life as soon as we got here along with Alex, and it was amazing.

I had been on twitter earlier, and usually nothing good ever comes out of twitter, but it was heartwarming to see all the pictures of us people have taken. Some had even pointed out how George, Nick, Karl, Alex and I are all wearing something matching. For example, George and I wearing the same beanies, which wasn't planned like the other accessories but it still counts.

I unlock my door with the keycard we get given at the front desk when first signing in, and shut the door behind me when I walk in. I do a quick scan of my room for the Prada bag... there it is!

I grab the bag from shelf under the TV and check to make sure that the shoes are still in there, though there's nowhere else they could possibly be. With the bag in hand, I leave the hotel and run to the elevator. When the door opens I walk inside and press the ground floor button.

The silence on the way down is... less than comfortable. I've become too used to Nick and George's childish behavior that encourages mine for this to be enjoyable. If you couldn't tell, I don't like silence. Even when I'm alone, I'm either watching or having a video in the background or I'm listening to music.

The elevator dings as it hits the ground floor. I quickly make my way out, not wanting to be caught by fans, and get into the car, chucking the bag to the passenger seat. I turn the radio on and keep changing the channel until I find one with music. In less than ten minutes I make it back to the centre.

I grab the bag and get out of the car, making sure to lock it before I go inside. There's a back-way to get into Twitchcon for the content creators so they don't get crowded around by friends when making their way to events, so that's the way I'm going to go.

I walk down the hallway, checking the name of every room I pass until I find the Glitch Theatre. I race in, running pass all the chairs that are lined up like a movie theatre and running up the stairs to get on the stage. No one's out here so they must all be backstage.

The stage is huge. There's a reflector-screen covering the whole back of the stage with stage lights at the bottom. Next to me, there's three podiums that George, Karl and the other two contestants are going to be standing at, all with their names... sort on it? The one closest to me reads BruceDeo, and then next to it reads Skeppy and I know for sure that Skeppy's not actually here, the next one has GOGY written in big letters, and the last one is in better handwriting than the rest with the name HasanAbi.

Alright, enough looking around.

I walk to the left where there's a curtain, and I hope it's the way to backstage because I'm running a tiny bit late. And... yes! I'm n the right place. I can see the back of George's head as he talks to Nick and Karl.

"George!" I call out to which he whips his head around, and when we lock eyes, I hold up the bag as if to show it off.

"Finally." He huffs, walking over to me.

"I'm sorry there's something called traffic." I roll my eyes jokingly, letting him snatch the bag from me.

"Whatever. I'm going to get changed. Stay here." He says, walking to a change room.

Of course I don't get a thank you.

"Hey Clay!" Karl yells, cupping his mouth before waving me over.

"Hey Karl. How you doing?" I greet as I stand with the both of them.

"Pretty good. How was the kitchen league?" He asks and I hum.

"Pretty good as well. George tell you he won?"

"That was the first thing he said to Karl besides 'hi'." Nick chuckles as Karl nods in confirmation.

"I wouldn't expect anything different." I laugh.

We continue talking for a few minutes while George gets changed in the changing room. I notice in that time that Karl isn't wearing his usual sweater with jeans but his outfit for the event; a large fur coat on top of a half-buttoned up dark red top, cream coloured pants and a pair of sunglasses.

Finally, George unlocks the dressing room and steps up, holding his hands out while he turns to show off the outfit; ; a light-coloured themed floral shirt under a dark red blazer jacket with matching pants. He's wearing glasses on top of his head that look similar to Karl's, and has big chained necklace around his neck. Last of all, he has the shoes I got him on as well.

"So?" He asks with his arms folded to his chest, waiting for our opinions.

"You look great." I smile, giving him a thumbs up that he can't help but smile at.

"Of course you'd say that. You're kind of obligated too." He hides a smile and I scoff.

"I'm not obligated to say shit. I said you look great because I mean it." I go in for a hug and he hugs back, but still looks Nick and... where's Karl? for confirmation.

"Yes George, you look good and no, I'm not lying." Nick sighs and that seems to ease George's worries enough.

"Alright, good, good." He mumbles before pulling out of the hug.

"Okay people." Karl addresses us, walking over to us from where he left to. "George and I have got to go and get our mic's, and you both have to leave."

"Alright, alright." I sigh disappointedly.

"George, meet me on stage. Bye Nick." Karl kisses Nick's cheek goodbye, before running up the stairs to the stage.

"How come he didn't say bye to me?" I say exasperatedly.

"He doesn't like you." Nick snickers and I roll my eyes.

I turn my attention back to George who's hanging by my side, "Good-luck, I'll be in the audience, middle back-row." I give him a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thanks. I'll see you out there then." He smiles, then heads after Karl.

"Now what?" I ask after a few seconds of silence, causing an abrupt laugh out of Nick.

"Well, I'm going to go get lunch and come back. You?"

"Um, I'm probably just going to go straight in." I scratch the back of my neck.

"Alright, want me to bring you back anything?" He offers but I shake my head.

"Nah, I'm alright."

Once Nick leaves, I'm left alone back-stage as the other contestants are already on stage, along with the crew-members. I go to leave but something catches my eye. George's clothes.

I'm really not surprised he forget about them. He's left his previous pants, black olive shirt and oversized sweater in the changing room, along with the bag and his shoes. I walk into the changing room and stuff his shoes in first, folding the sweater and pants into the bag after.

What do I do with the shirt? There's literally no room for it in the bag. Do I just force it in or-... nope I've got a much better idea. I throw the shirt over my shoulder and grab the bag full of the rest of his clothes.

George POV
"Ladies and gentlemen... GEORGENOTFOUND!" My name rings from the speakers and the crew members rush me on stage.

I walk in, in fake confidence, and show off the golden chain to the crowd, and they cheer. I become less tense as nervousness is something that's no longer in my system, now replaced with excitement. I show off my outfit more and stand behind my podium.

"Goddamn George, you look good! Doesn't he look good?" Austin says in his presenter voice, and I can't help but smile at the compliment.

Whenever someone compliments me, whether it's a friend or complete stranger, I always get kind of flustered-? If that's the right word. It's like- like... I'm not entirely used to it? It kind of catches me by surprise and I can't help but flush or smile. Clay always comments that it's adorable, which usually gets him a nudge in return, with an eye roll.

Speaking of Clay, he said he'd be in the middle back of the crowd.

"He's looking great." Will answers.

I wave enthusiastically to the audience, scanning every person in the middle in search for Clay. He shouldn't be that hard to find really, he's wearing a Sooners jumper with very obvious-looking cat beanie.

"George," Austin starts, making me drag my eyes away from the crowd. My eyes away from wherever Clay may be. Austin continues to speak, but I can't make out a word he's saying.

"I can't even hear you." I chuckle slightly and he stops. He says something again but I still can't hear him, "Say it again!" I put my hands behind my ears.

"Hold on, let me get closer to you, George." Austin says, which I can hear this time 'round, and makes his way over to you. "But not too close." He adds jokingly.

"Come over here." I laugh, adding to the bit, and he comes closer until he's practically talking in my ear.

"I said it's the first time on Name Your Price. It's been a long time, uh, thank you for- er, joining us."

"Long time since what- the first time? It's the first time!" I laugh, making sure to point his mistake.

"Shut up, George. GIVE IT UP FOR GEORGENOTFOUND!" Austin huffs before walking away.

I know Karl is being introduced on now, so I don't bother watching the introduction. Instead, I look back out to the crowd. Middle... back... middle... back...

I finally lock eyes with him and flush a little. Over his right shoulder is my black olives t-shirt, that everyone knows I was wearing. Way to make it obvious Clay.

He sends me a grin, completely aware of what he's doing, and a wave. I try not to let anything show as I smile back with a wave. That idiot. My idiot, but still an idiot.
Hi! Sorry it took so long! Hope you enjoyed, please leave a request if you have one and have a good day/night!

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