Dylan King and His New Roomma...

By mythloaver

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Like anyone else, a 25-year-old mini market worker Dylan King will never think that he will witness the Greek... More

Author's Notes
Glossary: who is goddess Athena?
My Depiction of Athena, goddess of Wisdom and Battle Strategy
My Depiction of Medusa
My Depiction of Hera, the goddess of marriage
My Depiction of Zeus, the god of thunder and King of Greek gods
My Depiction of Hercules, the strongest demigod
My Depiction of Goddess Nike, the goddess of Victory
My Depiction of Nemesis, goddess of retribution
My Depiction of Apollo and Artemis: The Twin Siblings with Bow and Arrow
Author's Notes June 14, 2023
Glossary: Medusa
Glossary: Who is Hera?
Glossary: who is Hephaestus?
Glossary: who is goddess Nemesis?
Glossary: Who is Zeus?
Glossary - Heracles


57 2 3
By mythloaver


Friday, November 4, 2028.

Carlasco = Around 10.00 A.M

Greece = Around 07.00 P.M

"I would like to see how Artemis and Apollo's doing now." Athena said when she and Dylan had just arrived in front of Zeus and Hera fountain. "You can go first to the dining hall."

"Okay, Athena," Dylan said. She then walked towards the front gate that would lead her to the Twelve Olympian housing complex, while he went to the gate at the right of the fountain.

Pushing the gate, Dylan was amazed by the lines of chariots parked neatly along the path. But as he kept walking, he wondered why there were no horses or stables, and why there was no sound of horses' neigh. Could it be that these animals were also magical, that it made them end up in Kolaseos? Or could the reason be as simple as Heracles and the group freed them when Realm Olympus had practically been empty?

Mere moments later, Dylan arrived at the area where he could see lines of houses at the right. Athena told him that these houses belonged to the soldiers of Olympus. She allowed him to explore it, as it was still two hours before Hera's dinner banquet. Nevertheless, seeing how the place itself resembled a ghost town, the thought of exploring it on his own made shivers run through his spine. Even though a monstrous dog and mummies were far more hideous, at the very least when he faced them, he was accompanied by the Olympian gods.

Dylan turned to the left, following the direction Athena had drawn in the map. After a few turns and stairs going down, he finally reached the public dining hall.

Even before entering the dining hall, Dylan could already smell delicious aroma wafted from the hall. When he stepped into it, on the table near a balcony, there were already a lot of foods served there. Brightened by the flame on the hanging bowls, Dylan saw a big bowl of Fried Chicken, pasta or probably fried noodles, small-sliced steak, muffin, potato wedges and salad. Remembering there were not so many people at the moment, he wondered how the food would all be consumed.

Dylan shifted his attention to the five long tables. The most conspicuous one was none other than the middle one. While the other tables were made from solid wood, this middle one seemed to be made from some kind of well-polished rocks. Believing it must be the table of the Twelve Olympian, he decided to just stay away from it, as he was convinced that bumping the table accidentally might even be considered taboo.

Dylan decided to sit at the table closest to the entrance. But then clueless on what to do, he walked to the balcony to sightsee. When he was already able to see what's outside the hall, he was instantly engulfed in bewilderment.

What lay in front of him was a sea and a modern city next to it. For sure it could not be part of Realm Olympus. Dylan extended his arm over the handrail, attempting to figure out whether right in front of him was the border of the kingdom and the normal world. He had expected to see some kind of rippling effect. Turns out he did not feel any difference. He pulled back his arm and looked again at the sea and the city with confusion. But then remembering how Hephaestus' door worked similarly, he decided to just blindly accept this as the new normal.

"What are you doing, Dylan?" someone suddenly had stood behind Dylan.

Dylan turned around. The one who had just asked him was Hera.

"Goddess Hera ... ," Dylan bowed his head.

"Hei, Dylan, how are you now?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm fine."

"How's the bee stung pain on your hand?"

"It's completely gone," Dylan said as he raised his hand.

"That's a relief then," Hera said. She then put her hands on the handrail and looked straight. "Thessaloniki has really developed into a different big city."

"Thessaloniki?" Dylan responded. "Do you mean the city there is Thessaloniki, Goddess Hera?"

"Yes," Hera nodded. "I remember when the mortal king Cassander first built it. Back then whenever I was standing here and watched the city from afar, I always wondered when the city would finally fall. Not because I hoped for it, but because it was a common occurrence to see a big city finally fall."

"A big city that fell?" Dylan responded. "Sounds like the story of Troy."

"Ah ... Troy," Hera responded. "Paris was really a prince blessed with nothing but stupidity. If only he did not persuade Helen to come with him, the city would surely last even much longer."

"So the story was true?"

"Of course," Hera said as she shifted her attention to Dylan.

Dylan shook his head. "Wow ... you really have witnessed a lot of things, goddess Hera."

"All gods and goddesses did, Dylan," Hera said. "Oh, by the way, from now on, please address me by my name only."

"Mmm ... Are you ... sure?"

"I am," Hera nodded. "I have decided to be like Hephaestus and Athena. I want to adjust myself to the current world now."

Dylan nodded. "Okay then ... god.. , I mean ... Hera."

"Good," Hera smiled. "Anyway, you were extending your arm over the handrail when I came here. What were you doing?"

"Ah ... ," Dylan responded. "I was just surprised when I laid my eyes on Thessaloniki. I knew for sure it was not part of Realm Olympus. I am wondering whether right before me is some sort of invisible wall or portal that separates the realm and my world."

"There is some sort of invisible wall in front of us. We can see the city from here, but the city will only see our place as mountains."

"Realm Olympus is really a different realm. It's surely unbelievable."

"Every invited human always spoke the same thing," Hera chuckled. "Anyway, the politically correct term for this different realm is The Inner Realm."

"The Inner Realm?" Dylan responded confusedly.

"There is an Inner Realm and an Outer Realm. An Outer Realm is just like another planet like Earth, while an Inner realm is a world within Earth."

"I'm ... not sure I get it."

"You have a room in the library. Your room is like The Inner Realm, while the library is like Earth."

"Ah, now I've started to understand it," Dylan said. "So, referring to your example, the library can also be considered as The Outer Realm. Am I right?"

"Yes, you're right," Hera said. "We gods do not have the power to create The Outer Realm. We can actually try it, but it will most likely cost our life. Therefore we decided to just create The Inner Realm."

"If I'm going to refer to the library example again, then because I don't have enough money to build an independent house, then I decided to just make a simple house inside the library," Dylan said. "I am correct again, right?"

"You really are a smart one, Dylan," Hera said with a smile.

"I honestly still need to learn more about these whole new things."

"We're in the same position then. I also still need to learn more about this modern world."

Dylan chuckled, but said nothing.

"Well then ... I'll excuse myself now. Still have to prepare two more dishes."

"Is there anything I can help?" Dylan offered. "I know all this time I only heat microwave food or make simple pasta, omelet, or fried rice. But probably there's still something I can help you with."

"You are our guest. So I would not allow you to help me."

"Aa ... okay," Dylan said. "I would like to thank you for the invitation," he said again as he bowed down his head.

"I hope you'll enjoy the dinner," Hera said. She then turned around and entered the hall, going straight to another door near the second table from the entrance.

Dylan placed his elbows on the handrail, enjoying the city again. He was tempted to take a picture, but then remembering how Hera reacted towards his opinion about selling Ambrosia and Nectar outside the realm, plus how easy and quick photos could be spread worldwide, he rescinded the intention. After a few minutes passed, he decided to just go back to the table.

Moments later, Dylan heard steps approaching. Everyone had finally come, with Athena leading the group, followed by Nike and Heracles, then Artemis, Apollo, and Hephaestus. Artemis was still wearing the same white tunic like when she got out; the difference was it was already clean. She also had a maroon hood covering her upper torso, and a bow was slung across her back. Similar to Athena when Dylan first communicated with her, Artemis had a strict commanding presence. It was surely almost completely different with Apollo, her twin brother. Instead of his armor, he had been wearing a collared blue-and-white-square shirt, tortilla-colored short pants and a red-white sport shoes. Upon gazing at Dylan, he smiled and nodded once. Approaching him, Apollo extended his right hand and said, "It's nice to meet you. I am Apollo, the god of Medicine, Plagues, Archery, Music and Knowledge."

Immediately got up, Dylan returned the handshake."My name is Dylan King,". At the same time, he tried to remember all the roles Apollo had just mentioned.

"I am Artemis, the goddess of Hunting and Wilderness, and the protector of girls," she said as she slightly raised her chin.

"My name ... is Dylan King," Dylan awkwardly repeated the introduction.

Instead of responding to the introduction, Artemis promptly sat at a chair of the second table. Apollo bowed down and said, "Please forgive my sister if any of her attitudes displeased you."

"Ah ... it's okay," Dylan said as he swiftly shook his head. "Don't ever let this bother you.""

"Thank you so much for the understanding," Apollo said as another polite smile spread on his face. "She is mostly like that to any mortal men she has just met. Furthermore, both of us have just gotten out of Kolaseos. Surely it will require us quite some time before we adjust to the new world."

"I bet Athena was also like that when she's just gone out," Nike said as she grinned. She then chose to sit at Dylan's right.

"Shut up, Nike," Athena said as she sat at Dylan's left, followed by Heracles choosing the chair beside Hephaestus, and Apollo beside Artemis.

A little while later, Hera and Nemesis came out from the door near the second table. While Hera was still in her young blue peplos, Nemesis wore a chef outfit. Hera was bringing a bowl of bread, while Nemesis a bowl of steaming soup. As they were walking towards the table to keep the food, Nemesis looked at Dylan. A wide smile was spread on her face, instantly making Dylan could not believe that the goddess of Revenge and Retribution, despite the title that sounded terrifying, was in fact a fine beautiful lady with stylish short hair.

"C'mon, Dylan, let's eat," Heracles said as he motioned his hand to invite Dylan.

Dylan only nodded, before he joined the others who had already queued.

"I miss eating with more than three people here!" Nike said as she looked over her shoulder at Dylan. "Plus, the hall is so gloomy when there are only three people occupying it."

"Indeed it is gloomy if I have to visualize according to your story," Dylan said as he observed his surroundings. "By the way, why didn't you or Heracles install lamps here?"

"This dining hall is not a private property," Heracles said. "Therefore we cannot just do anything as we please, even though father is not here to watch."

"Oo ... ," Dylan responded shortly. At the same time, he was amazed at how Heracles and the others were persistent in upholding the rules, even though the supreme ruler himself had long gone.

After everyone returned to their seats, they did not immediately eat. They were all waiting until Hera walked to the middle table, specifically to the host chair. Raising her grail, she said, "I know it's just a few of us who have gotten out of Kolaseos. But we still have to celebrate this very moment."

"To the future when everyone's here again!" Nike stood up too, she also raised her grail. The others then followed, including Dylan. After they took a sip, they all sat again and started eating.

As expected, all the food was scrumptious. The most outstanding one was the fried chicken. Amongst all the fried chicken brands Dylan ever tasted, including the one founded by the famous old man in white suit, they were all nothing compared with the one he was eating now. Knowing already about Ambrosia, he was convinced that it must be the secret ingredient no one could ever get their hands on.

"How's the food, boys?" Nemesis, who was sitting beside Nike, asked.

"The fried chicken is really something not from this world," Dylan complimented.

Nemesis laughed. "Well, just as I expected actually," she said. "Later I'll make A5 Wagyu Beef with Ambrosia."

"That sounds ultimately delicious," Dylan said, even though he personally never tasted a normal Wagyu Beef before.

The dinner was filled with laughter and conversation on various topics. Dylan enjoyed hearing the adventure stories of Heracles, Nike and Nemesis. He also heard how Eros played a part in making chocolate a compulsory product in Japan on Valentine's Day, how he often promoted romantic places like Maldives for the newly-wed, and how he liked to participate in any love-themed movies. Unfortunately, while Nemesis was telling a story about Eros trying to matchmake a woman with a man who later became the president of the USA, Artemis suddenly interrupted it.

"How come you recite these stories at this time of crisis?" Artemis, standing behind Nike and Nemesis asked. Seeing an unfriendly expression on her face, Dylan felt that it's best to just look at her through the corner of his eyes.

Artemis shifted her attention to the Twelve Olympian table. "How can WE have a merry dinner at this time??"

"We have gotten out," Hera said as she stood up, the expression on her face was stern. "We have to celebrate it."

"Our enemy has clearly launched two attacks against our group, and one attack against Medusa. Before he sends another threat, we have to quickly subdue him."

"I'm clearly aware that he has attacked us two times," Athena said as she got up. "But it's not prudent to counter him without a proper strategy."

"Athena's correct, sister," Apollo said. "Besides, Hephaestus has just sent his Voulos automaton to do an investigation. After he returns, we'll be able to make a strategy for countering William."

"I've also added a recording function in my Voulos. With it, we'll be able to make a more proper strategy."

"Hopefully we can also see where Hermes is being captivated," Heracles said. "That of course if William keeps him in prison."

"Why don't we just barge in and attack him?" Artemis asked. "All of you have said that the machine in this age allows us to easily track down someone's whereabouts. If the machine doesn't work, I can still trace the path Voulos has taken."

"I know you must be able to follow Voulos," Hephaestus said. "But we shouldn't be reckless. It's better to just wait until his return."

"Why are you worried about being reckless?" Artemis asked. "William's just a mere mortal. There's nothing we should be afraid of."

"We don't know yet how many monster armies he has raised. In addition, I still have to perfect my new weapon."

"It's faster to just check the situation on our own," Artemis said. "All of you don't have to worry. Sneaking past the guards and staying in hiding are my specialities."

Immediately, Artemis walked towards the entrance. However, a lot of objects suddenly lurched past everyone and blocked the path. Unexpectedly, they were all floating daggers. Artemis promptly turned around, and so did Dylan. At that moment, there were already some floating daggers behind Hera, shaped into a half circle. It was none other than her second magic trick that Dylan saw in the library.

"Artemis," the queen of the gods coldly called. "Please return to your seat."

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