Stuck on You | All American

By Blackqueentingz

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"The most hurtful thing about all this is that you were able to look me and my eyes everyday, smiling and lau... More

Chapter 1 (Revision)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Jordan's POV
Jordan's POV
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Twenty-Four

716 16 2
By Blackqueentingz

                        "How many times do you think your mother is going to barge into the room because the door is closed?" I question as I scroll through Instagram.

"A lot." Jordan chuckles as he runs his fingers through my hair with one hand then with his other hand he's holding his phone. He lays down on the bed with his head by the headboard and his feet at end of the bed, while I lay on my back with my head resting on his stomach and my feet prop up so that they wouldn't hang off the bed. "She barged into the bathroom this morning and nearly shoved me on the floor to look in the the shower, she thought I was hiding you in there."

I scoff. "Why would you be hiding in the shower?"

"Remember that time when we was hiding in the shower together in the earlier days when you moved in, well, Liv saw the whole thing and outed us out at our parents at the birthday party we had for you and Spencer."

"Wow." I said feeling kind of embarrassed at the memory. "You should have mentioned her being in the hot tub naked with Spencer then."

"I was but I rather not remember that, bad enough I had to see it."

"Oh." I adjust my head so that I could see his face. "Was that before or after you rejected my confession?"

"Oh, my God. You're never going to let that go."

"Nope." I laugh as turn away from him and back at my phone. "I will never let it go!"

Jordan laughs but the moment is short-lived when his room door flies open and Mrs. Baker stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "Uh, I came to tell you that I'll be working late tonight."

"Okay." I smile.

"All right." Jordan drags out slowly.

Mrs. Baker cross her arms and ask, "Is this how teenagers date? Sit together while scrolling through social media?"

"Pretty much." Jordan and I say in unison.

"Okay, hm." She hums as she goes into her purse and takes her wallet out, she pull out two bills and set them on his bureau. "This is for dinner tonight, order something." She says as she starts to leave the room and she starts to close the door behind her but stops and push it open all the way. "Keep the door open at all times."

"Yeah, okay." Jordan agrees, we we fall into silence until we hear her heels clicking loudly against the steps then he starts laughing triggering me to laugh. "Yeah, she doesn't trust us to be alone together. Well, she doesn't trust me."

"She made that very crystal clear." I lock my phone and toss it at the end of the bed then sat up in the bed. "But she's right not to trust us alone."

"How? We're literally just laying here on our phone, enjoying each other company."

I threw a leg over him, straddling his hips but instead of sitting directly on top of him I stay upright on my knees. I lean forward to rest my hands on the side of his head, he stares up at me in surprise at the sudden act but then but then he drops his phone and rest his hands on my hips. He push my hips down so that I'm sitting directly on top of him, feeling just how aroused he had gotten in this moment. "I think this is why your mom doesn't trust us alone together."

One of his hands leave my hips and he grabs the nape of my neck and mutters, "She might have a point," against my lips before his lips combined with mine. My eyes closed on their own accord as I lose all awareness of the space around me, his lips mesh with mine in the best way, leading our kiss in the most erotic dance ever. I open my lips for him to slide his tongue with mine but when his phone starts to ring I pull away and sit up, he follows me and sits up so that we're chest to chest. "Just ignore it."

He reattach our lips together, resuming where we left off by parting my lips with his tongue and I embrace his tongue with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss while the hands that were resting on my hips starts to slowly slide up on shirt, every time I find myself getting deeper and deeper into the kiss — his phone would start ringing again. I break the kiss and set my hands on his shoulders to say, "Whoever's calling you sure does want to talk to you."

Jordan runs a hand down his face before he grabs his phone and answer it. "Stop calling, I don't want to talk to you." He toss the phone back down and is already pulling me back in for another kiss. "There, we shouldn't be disturb anymore."

Whoever had called him definitely gotten the messages because they stop calling, but that had resulted into sending him numerous text messages. I try to ignore the constant sound of text messages notifications sound but with every passing second that it kept going off I was getting less and less into this kiss. "The mood is ruined." I tell him after I break the kiss, I place a chaste kiss to his lips before getting off him.

"I can put you back in the mood." Jordan whispers in my ear just as his phone notifications go off yet again, he sighs deeply. "You've got to be kidding."

"Maybe next time." I crawl off his bed. "Plus, Spencer wants to record a video for Chris to encourage him to get back on the field as soon as done with physical therapy. We heading to Crenshaw to get a few shots of his team practicing and I told Coop I listen to this new track she's been working on."

"Okay, maybe when you're done with that, we can finish this up." Jordan suggest.

"Maybe." Turning around to look at him I smile as I lean in to give him a kiss but then his phone rings again and I pull back. "Not." Getting off his bed I grab my phone and sneakers before leaving his room, I head to the kitchen where I hear Spencer and Olivia at. "Hey, are you ready to leave?" I question as I take a seat at the island to put my sneakers on.

"I was waiting for you." Spencer says as he sets his bowl in the sink, my phone rings and I look at the screen to see the unknown number calling. My eyes immediately went to Olivia but she's more into her bowl of cereal while her phone rest on the table locked.

But if it's not Olivia calling me from this unknown number then who could it be?

"And I'm recording. . . Now." I inform right before I press the record button.

"Yo, Chris, what's up?" Spencer smiles as he opens his arms wide. "Look, I know you out in ATL right now getting yoked for the next season but I had thought that you'd appreciate seeing what's waiting for you when you get back. Your team misses you, dawg, so do what you got to do abs hurry up and get your ass back, aight? Sam, you got anything you want to say? Get in the camera."

I shake my head, I definitely feel bad that I haven't reach out to Chris once since he went to the hospital and getting in the camera now seems a little fucked up. In the camera I see that Cameron is walking towards us as he takes his helmet off, he stands besides Spencer. "Yo, Bill Belichick get your spying ass off our field."

"Boy, nobody is here to spy on y'all." I suck my teeth and roll my eyes. "Y'all didn't even beat us in the championship game so what we gonna steal from y'all? How to lose?"

Cameron slides his eyes over to me and smiles, his teeth still pearly white. "You know, it's always a pleasure to see you. You still with the Beverly boy?"

"His name is Jordan." I correct. "And yes."

"Okay, now you and your brother both can get y'all ass off the field." Cameron counters.

"Yo, chill, man." Spencer says. "We're just recording a video for Chris."

"Oh, well, in that case," Cameron takes the camera and comes stand besides me, draping his arm around my neck and flipping the camera around so that we're in the frame. "Hey, Chris Jackson, get your black ass on our field!"

"See?" Spencer laughs as he comes stand on the either side of me so that he's also in the frame. "Even Cam misses you, dawg."

"Naw, naw." Cameron flips the camera around to film the field, he zooms in on one person in particular. "I'm just saying you better not be gone too long cause your new backup's got a cannon, bro."

"What are you doing, man?" Spencer questions and I end the recording. "He ain't gotta see all that."

"Look, I'm just trying to light a fire under his ass." Cameron shrugs. "If Chris don't come back on his 'A' game, he's getting replaced. This new kid that Coach Corey had brought in from Nevada ain't no joke."

So, that's the boy Dad had told me about.

Spencer looks at me confused, and from the look on his face Dad still haven't told him and when he eventually does — he's not going to be happy. He looks back at Cameron and ask, "You say he from Nevada?"

"Mm-hm." Cameron nods his head then starts smirking when he looks at Spencer. "Oh, what your pops didn't tell you about him? They super close, too." Spencer jaw clench and Cameron just keeps adding fuel to the fire. "Ha. Maybe Chris ain't the only one about to be replaced around here." He puts his helmet back on then switch his attention to me. "And Sam, when you ready to dump that Beverly boy, you have my number. Hit me up."

Cameron jogs back onto the field while Chris backup takes his helmet off and jogs over to my dad, I watch as the boy points at me which cause Spencer to ask, "You know him?"

I could have told Spencer that Dad had already inform me that he was bringing some boy down from Nevada, and I could tell him the relationship between them but I'm not. That would just lead to an argument between the two of us for me knowing about it and not then telling him, dad would have to handle the wrath of Spencer by himself.

"No, but he is so fine." I admit as I continue to watch the boy, but from my peripheral vision I see Spencer staring at me so I look away him and at Spencer. "What? He is!"

Spencer shakes his head and grabs my wrist. "Come on." He drags me off the field with him. "Coop hanging out Patience in front of of the school."

"Who hangs out at school ? Willingly? And on a Saturday?" I question but then realize that it must be her mom not wanting Patience over.

Looking over my shoulder I look at the boy again, he is fine though.

"You're so annoying." Patience says as she pushes Coop away from her. "Don't even hug me right now."

"Why do I have to constantly remind you to stop mistreating my girlfriend?" I questions as Spencer and I stand behind the bench that they're sitting on.

"Aye, about time the two of you got here." Coop says as she stands up from the bench with Patience. "What took y'all so long?"

"My bad, we was just checking out Crenshaw practice." Spencer informs. "Y'all know anything about that new QB?"

"Other than him being very attractive?" I question which case Spencer to shoot me another look. "Just because you look at me like that doesn't change the fact that he's fine."

"I was okay with you getting with Beverly boy, but you trying to get with somebody else. Am I not enough for you?" Patience ask as she place a hand over her chest.

"Anyway!" Spencer puts the attention back on him. "Do y'all know anything about him or not?"

"We start watching again when the both of you come back." Patience informs.

"It's the loyalty for me." I snap my fingers.

"You know, I'm always loyal to my girlfriend." Patience bats her eyelashes at me.

"Sam, what did I say about trying to steal my girl?" Coop questions.

"Please." Patience scoffs. "You know she's happy with her little Beverly boyfriend."

"First, his name is Jordan." I correct. "Again."

"Awe," Patience reach forward and tap my nose with her finger. "Look at you sticking up for your Beverly boy."

Coop laughs then ask, "How are things between you and Jordan?"

"Annoying." Spencer speaks before I could. "They're in that cupcake phase right now and I can't wait for that shit to end."

"We're doing great." I ignore Spencer. "Just enjoying being together."

Two boys walk pass us but I heard one of them say, "Smells like snitch," as they walk pass us.

"Y'all fellas got something to say?" Spencer questions as he turns to look at the boys.

"See," the light skin boy turns back around to face Spencer. "I would tell you, but, uh, your narc ass friend would rat us out."

Spencer takes a step closer to them. "Maybe she ain't the one you got to be worried about."

"Look," Coop gets between them. "Come on. It's all good."

The two boys walk away while Spencer says, "Nah, it all good. How come you ain't saying nothing?"

"What you want me to say?" Coop questions.

"Uh, defend yourself for starters." I chime in.

She sucks her teeth. "They're not worth my time."

"Hold on." Spencer looks Coop up and down then ask, "Since when does Coop not stand up for herself?"

"Yeah, she's been real quiet lately." Patience informs. "At school, at home." Coop just stare at her until she rolls her eyes, she gives me a hug. "Whatever. Um, look, I got to go, so I'll catch you guys later, okay? Bye, boo."

"Bye." I wave her off. "What was that just about?"

"She's tripping." Coop says. "And it's probably cause I ain't had her over in a while."

"Okay, easy fix." Spencer says. "Invite her over."

Coop shakes her head. "My moms is a work in progress. I can't just put them two together in a room."

"Look, Patience is your girl, and she fell in love with the Coop who speaks her mind, no matter what. The Coop I've known my whole life." Spencer says.

"Ain't nothing change, I'm still the same person."

Spencer looks Coop up and down then says, "Not from what I just saw."

"Come on, don't spoil the mood." I said as I wrap one arm around Spencer's and the other arm around Coop's arm. "Let's head over to Slauson Cafe, I wanna hear this new track that you've been working on."

"Of course." Coop digs in her pocket and takes her phone out. "I want to hear your honest opinion about it, don't try to go easy on me because we're friends."

"When do I ever go easy on you?" I question, I play the instrumental on the way to Slauson Cafe; when we get there Spencer holds the door open for us and let us walk inside first as I pass Coop back her phone. "The beat is definitely fire. It's whether you can ride the beat or is the beat gonna beat your ass."

"And that's the one thing I ain't worried about. I know I got the bars and I know I can ride any beat out there." Coop smiles. "But I was thinking once I start thinking about the words to the song, maybe you can come lay some vocals down."

"Hell no." I decline. "You know I'm not into the whole singing thing anymore. I only joined Chorus because Kia didn't want to do it by herself."

"And turned out you were the singer and she wasn't." Spencer laughs. "Even we were surprised."

"That girl can't hold a note to save her life." Coop jokes, my phone notifications starts to go off nonstop so I take my phone out to see nothing but Instagram notifications. "Hey, I think the new kid pointing at you, Sam."

Looking up from my phone I see that the boy from the field is sitting next to Cameron, and both of them are looking in our direction. Spencer sucks his teeth then ask, "Man, why he keep pointing at you?"

"You know phrase, real recognize real?" I question, Spencer nods his head. "Well, I think this is fine people recognize fine people." I couldn't help but laugh at his face expression and Coop joins in. "I'm joking! Mostly anyway."

"Yo, calm down." Coop laughs. "Why that boy got you so upset? Ain't no kid gonna come in South Crenshaw and take Chris' spot."

"Why not?" Spencer questions. "That's how it went down when we rolled in Beverly."

"Yeah, but this kid ain't y'all." Coop informs.

"I don't know who he is." Spencer says.

"So, why didn't you ask your pops when you was just at the practice?"

"Because he saw that boy and our dad bonding at practice and wanted to leave." I explain.

Coop laughs. "Yo, you love making things tough for yourself."

"You're the one to talk." Spencer scoffs. "You ain't exactly keeping it real with your moms either, otherwise you'd be kicking it with your girl right now."

"I am kicking it with my girl." Coop says as she wraps her arm around my waist.

"Hey." Cameron says as he walks towards us with that boy. "You know, the boy had left before I could introduce you to Coach's favorite new QB1. This is Darnell Hayes. And this is Spencer and Samantha James."

Spencer jaws clench and he keeps silent while Coop ask, "Look, I don't know much about football but ain't that Chris' spot?"

"Nah," Darnell shakes his head with a slight smile, his voice coming out smooth and deep. "Not what I've been told."

"Well, somebody lied to you." Spencer snaps. "And you? Chris is your boy and you really gonna do him like this?"

Cameron shrugs and says, "Long as I get my targets, man. I just got to look out for myself like the two of you did when y'all went to Beverly. Come on, bro."

Darnell stares at me as he says, "See you around, Samantha."

Spencer stands in front of me as if he's protecting me from Darnell and says, "Don't talk to her again."

Darnell walks away with Cameron while my notifications goes off yet again, going to see why my Instagram notifications are going off I see people are tagging me in some video. Clicking the video I see it's a couple pictures of Jordan, on one slide it's a video of Jordan being confronted by a man about being too loud and acting like a dick. The exchange words before it leads to the man punching him in the face and JJ tackling him onto the ground. Once Jordan gets to his feet he joins JJ and they start to jump the man on the floor which eventually leads to the police coming and arresting the both of them.

"What the hell, Jordan?" I mutter as I slid through the post to find pictures of him pouring drinks down Jasmine mouth, then another picture of her burying her face into his neck and all he does is smile with his tongue out. "I gotta go."

I tried to keep calm throughout the whole bus ride but I couldn't stop looking at the pictures of Jasmine and Jordan, and the comments section wasn't making the situation any better. Even logging out of Instagram didn't help, it felt like the  picture kept flashing through my mind which made me attitude worse and worse. Jasmine is definitely going to be a problem and either Jordan is going to fix it or I'm going to be fix it — right after I fix the problem I have with him. When I finally get to The Bakers house I know that Jordan is home because his silver Porsche is parked besides Olivia, unlocking the front door I walk into the house to hear faint voices coming from upstairs.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Jordan?" Olivia ask as I walk upstairs softly so that they wouldn't hear me. "First you acting like an jackass to mom, then you're stealing money out her wallet to buy Sam gifts, next you're have Jasmine hugging all on your when you have a girlfriend, and now you're getting arrested."

"And you're being annoying." Jordan counters. "We have free rein, we might as well have some fun and if you don't want to that's completely fine. Just at least stop ruining mine."

"Fun?" I questions as I walk into the room. "Which was fun for you exactly? I just want to know. Was it Jasmine putting her face in your neck? Oh, or was fun to pour drinks down Jasmine throat? Or was it stealing money from your mom to buy this necklace?"

"Uh," Olivia stands up and thrust her thumb over her shoulder. "Imma go find something to do while y'all talk."

"I'm just having some fun, Sam. I'm doing me." Jordan says. "I'm enjoying being a state championship winner."

"You're just doing you?" I nod my head. "You don't do you when you are in a relationship but you know what? I'm not even tripping on this, I want you to keep this same energy when I start doing me."

"Sam—" He stops talking when I rip the necklace off my neck and throw it at him.

Deciding that it's best if I don't sleep here tonight I leave the house and head back over to the hotel that Layla is staying, using the key card I step into the hotel room to find the room is dark. "Layla?" Gently closing the door behind me I figure that she's just not here right now, I haven't been over here in a couple days so I hope she's okay. Needing to wash this day off I head to the bathroom, pushing the door open I find Layla laying in the tub full of the moment. She jolts up in the tub panting loudly as she looks at me. "Layla, what the hell?!"

Layla drains the tub drains the tub and grabs her towel, she wraps her towel around her as she gets out the tub— she remains silent as she walks pass me and walks back into the room. "Layla, do you want to tell me what you were just doing just now?" I ask as I follow her out the bathroom.

"Oh, now you care about me?" Layla questions as she spins around to face me. "You didn't care about me when you pack your stuff up and left without saying anything, you have not been here for days, we have not talk for days. Did The Bakers put you out the house again, is that why you back here now?"

"What is your problem?"

She cross her arms then ask, "When was you going to tell me that your dad wanted you to move back to Crenshaw to play football for him?"

"I wasn't because I'm not."

"Sure you're not." Layla scoffs. "Do you honestly think I believe that?"

"Why would I lie?"

"For the same reason you didn't tell me."

"I don't have to run my decision by you or anybody else for that matter. If I was going to leave I would have already left."

"Then leave!"

"Fine, I will." This night has just been getting worse by the second.

Scoffing I shake my head and walk around her, heading to the door but as my hand wraps around the doorknob Layla grabs my other hand. "Wait, I'm sorry. Please, don't leave."

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