IWA Emission

By NDawgExpress

444 28 7

It's IWA's second brand! Read the Draft Show first for more info. Titles: - IWA Worldwide Championship - IWA... More

Road To Vengeance- Qualify vs Quantify
Road To Vengeance- Past Ills
Exclusive- Set the Bar
Episode 1- Odds on Favorite
Road To Vengeance- A Game of Faith
Episode 1/Road To Fallout
Episode 2- Paint It Red
Episode 2 Fallout
Pre-Episode 3
Episode 3- Karmic Justice
Episode 3 Fallout
Final Road To Vengeance- Global Warning
Emission Episode 4- Line Them Up
Road To Battleground- Feel Good Ink
Episode 5 Fallout
Episode 6- Blow for Blow
Final Road To Battleground: Superiority Complex
Road To No Way Out: Echo Chamber
Episode 7- Fresh Meat
Episode 8- Double Trouble
Episode 9- One Way Out
Final Road To No Way Out: A Small Conference
No Way Out: (c) Deathstroke defends vs Sweet Tooth, (c) Kevin Riley vs Coach
No Way Out: Women's Chamber, New Signee
No Way Out: Hair vs Hair, (c) SpongeBob vs Norrington
No Way Out (Main Event): Men's Chamber
Exclusive: What Happened After No Way Out?
Episode 10- Dick Punch Palace
Episode 11- My House, My Rules
Road to War of the Worlds: Sweet Tooth vs Randy Carter, more WoW build
Final Road To War of the Worlds: Teaching Moment
War of the Worlds FULL SHOW!

Episode 5- Fall To Me

16 0 0
By NDawgExpress

Reminder: Tommy Miles and The Flash were separated in a backstage brawl last episode, and neither will be on the episode...BUT, they will still main event Episode 6, as there isn't many matches to choose from...and both have never fought before.


Fans roar as Pyro blasts onstage! We are greeted by commentary, Jack Patillo and Geoff Ramsay.

Geoff: What's up, Nebraska?!

Jack: We're back with our fifth episode, and while the action last time was divisive, THIS time we're better!

Geoff: The top title is up for grabs in a weird one, as COACH of all people is challenge our guy Deathstroke for the Worldwide Championship! I'm leaning toward Slade on this one, but maybe Coach can actually surprise us.

Jack: Speaking of titles, our Womens division is all over the show! We get to hear from Judith Davila, Casey Rogers is fighting a GUY, and the Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, is making her singles debut! We are slowly getting this division built.

Geoff: We have even more of that, as our first match is a tag team match! Sparrow, Robotnik, Snake, SpongeBob, all fighting for the same prize, but when it's two on two, differences will have to be put aside.

Jack: Noob Saibot is also going to fight an Emission star, and after his win at Vengeance he looks to keep up the momentum! We've got all that and more, on todays episode!

The crowd pops as the stage is filled with smoke. A hatch opens on the stage, with the star in coffin position. The bed underneath slowly rises as we get a view of the Red Hood.

Eventually it comes to a stop, and Red Hood steps off! He gets cheered again as he makes his way down the ramp, observing the scene as he does.

Jack: While he started out tame as some would say, he is taking momentum and wants to run the whole track with it.

Geoff: If he can not only beat Thanos, but take the Worldwide title too? He's the next big deal.

The Hood climbs onto the apron, and enters through the middle rope.

Jack: After saying nothing last episode, what's he about to dump on us?

He gestures for a mic, and gets his way. Holding the mic to his mouth, Red Hood speaks about everything.

Red Hood: I'm not sudordinate to anyone. I was ready to have a title on my shoulders but after what Thanos did? My desire only grew. I had plenty of time to think after the Titan attacked me, and plenty of time to think after he lost to me...and it was the same conclusion: It's my time to make my contendership worth it while it's there. Before I became the Red Hood I was a complacent kid. A kid happy to be doing his job, standing alongside the heroes, and saving the day. That didn't last long. One fateful night..it all changed.

The crowd has a mixed reaction, getting a better picture, but a darker one, of his past.

Red Hood: My innocence died. I'll never forgive that monster for what he did. When Thanos send me to the hospital, I flashed back and I swore that when I showed back up, he was NEVER going to make me feel that way again. But that feeling...hasn't left. When I was at my lowest, I was a sidekick. Now, I'll be nothing like it.

The crowd starts to cheer for him now, some having empathy (rare for wrestling fans).

Red Hood: People want to talk about their needs, well this is mine. To show everyone that I'm a force. To show Thanos and anyone else like him I won't be pushed around. To show MYSELF that I AM the man around here. Slade...I haven't forgotten about you. When we talk again don't bother playing the good guy card, because we all know you can't stop your bad habits. It's a miracle you've actually won without having to manipulate anyone

A few "ooohs" are picked up.

Red Hood: You want to be the next Titan so bad? Take the shot, but much like you fell in Gotham, you'll fall to me.

He stares at the camera, the mic slipping out of his hand. Commentary cuts back into the show.

Geoff: Love the confidence on the hood, but we'll have to see if he can back those words up!

Jack: That IF Slade can keep his title from Coach in our main event!

Now, the Hood is walking up the ramp, breathing heavily on his way up.

Geoff: Ok, he may hurt Slade, but he will KILL Coach if he can win!

Jack: Either way, we'll be getting a show! We'll be heading to commercial, but before we go, Marcus King has something for us!


Marcus is there, standing alongside a special guest.

Marcus: I'm back with a new interview, and here's my guest, Captain John Price!

Price receives cheers as he enters the scene.

Marcus: Price, you're hands are tied: Kang has beef with you, the other Marcus has beef with you too...how are you gonna get past this?

Price: Simple: Kick their ass.

The two stand there in silence for a few seconds, before Marcus fires back.

Marcus: Kang is a skilled striker, and Sweets is a hoss. You sure it's gonna be that easy?

Price: Hating myself for getting here doesn't do anything. You know what does? Knocking the snot outta them. I don't care if you've got talents, or strength, or even a clown mask, if you get in my way, you're gettin' a nice Christmas Card from these.

The captain raises his fists, and walks off. Marcus turns back to face the cam.


We can't have a CAW show in the group without this PWA commercial. Go check out my guy, his show is currently on hiatus but he does streams and has his own Discord.


Jack and Geoff welcome us back to the arena.

Jack: Welcome back, and we'll be changing title scenes for this next match: Sparrow and Robotnik versus SpongeBob and Snake.

Geoff: Surely nothing will go wrong.

Jack: We'll just have to see this one out.

Match 1: Jack Sparrow and Ivo Robotnik vs. SpongeBob and Solid Snake

Robotnik enters to boos, walking out with Agent Stone at his side. The two come to a stop, while Stone speaks with the mad Doctor.

Stone: Keep calm, don't let him in your head, we know what to do.

Robotnik just glares into space.

Robotnik: He's a wildcard Stone. He may not.

Stone goes to say something else, but is quickly cut off by:

The crowd cheers as Jack Sparrow struts out from the back. The guy keeps eye contact with Robotnik the whole time.

Sparrow: How are we doing, lads?

Robotnik: Just PEACHY.

Stone just ignores Sparrow, as the three head down the ramp.

Jack: They seem like a shaky team but they aren't the only one with tension.

Geoff: One's a smart man, takes himself too seriously, and the others a carefree wildcard. This is a match made in hell.

Jack: Don't rule them out, we've had surprising wins happen before.

Sparrow slides into the ring, while Robotnik makes his way up the apron and steps through the ropes. Stone stays on the steps, and the two stand side by side...before the Doc sideyes Sparrow and gets to the corner.

The crowd cheers yet again as Snake enters first, adjusting his gloves for the coming match. He stares a hole into the other team, as he reaches the start of the ramp.

Geoff: It is crazy to think this man called his shot...with dry humor.

Jack: We still don't know much about Snake's background, but what we DO know is that he could take the title as early as Battleground.

Snake remains there, as the Global Champion's music hits.

The champ himself appears to a pop, raising the Global Championship with his hands! Snake turns to face him, which catches the Sponge's attention.

Sponge: Ready to go already, huh?

Snake ignores that comment and marches down the ramp, with the champ following.

Geoff: It may not be all cool on the outside. Sponge and Snake duked it out in the semi-finals, and that loss has gotta sting.

Jack: We'll see if they can work together too...for our entertainment, this can fall apart, but it's like I said: don't count them out.

Snake rolls into the ring, and locks eyes with Robotnik, who glares daggers back. Meanwhile Sponge looks at Jack as he steps onto the corner, with the pirate waving at him with a sinister smirk. Sponge brushes that off and heads up top, raising his title to show off to the fans!

Once he steps down, he hands it to a crew member to the side. Snake leaves the ring and heads to the corner, while Robotnik steps over to his side with Stone standing behind him.

Jack: Sponge and Sparrow starting this match off.

With everyone in their positions, the ref decides to ring the bell.


The champ and the swashbuckler meet up at the center.

Sparrow: Catch me if you can, mate.

He goes to whip the champ, but he doesn't budge! The Sponge delivers a chop! He then pulls Sparrow in and rocks him with a forearm! He delivers a few more, before sending Sparrow to the ropes..the pirate rebounds and eats an enziguri! That stuns the pirate for a bit, and Sponge pulls him in and hits a Ushigoroshi!

With the pirate seated, the Sponge rebounds off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to the face! Instead of covering him, he drags him towards he and Snake's corner, but before he can tag in Snake, Sparrow grabs his tights and rolls him up!



The sponge kicks out, but while he's on his knees, Sparrow hits a jumping flatliner!

Geoff: The champ was showing him who's boss, but Sparrow was able to use that head.

Both men get to their feet, as Sponge throws a high knee at Sparrow...but Sparrow ducks it, ending up right behind the Sponge, turning it into a Russian Legsweep! The Sponge isn't out yet, so when he gets up Sparrow lands a fisherman Suplex! He doesn't cover the Sponge but instead drags him away from Snake.

Jack: Sparrow turned it around, and all they have to do Geoff, it lock it down.

Geoff: Locking it down? He has ways to go.

As he goes to grab both of the Sponge's legs, he is kicked into the ropes...only to crossbody him! Sparrow gets to his feet and the Sponge kips-up after!

Jack: You were right.

Sparrow goes for the Claymore and misses! Sponge looking for a Rocket kick, but Sparrow catches his foot, and while he holds it hits a spinning heel kick! He follows that up by hopping up the springboard and hitting a Coffin Drop! He goes for the cover.


Sponge kicks out, and Sparrow gets back to work and lights Sponge up with punches!

Geoff: That one count...if Sparrow wants this win he's gonna need to end it quick.

Jack: It would have shook us if that did it.

Sparrow gets the Sponge to his knees, and pulls him in for what looks like a Powerbomb..that is until Bob turns it into a back body drop! Sparrow crashes onto his back, as Snake reaches his hand out. Sponge has his partner in his sights, until Robotnik and Stone rush over and grab his feet! They yank him down and the mercenary lands face first on the apron!

Geoff: Aaand there it is!

Jack: Smart strategy from them. The last thing they want is a fresh Snake.

The two villains head back over to their teams corner. Robotnik keeps a close eye on Sparrow as the Sponge delivers a vertical Suplex! He isn't done though, as he rolls around, looking for two out of Three Amigos! He hits the second Suplex, and when he rolls around for the third...The Doctor tags Sparrow's foot. The Sponge connects with the third one...but can't prevent a WHOLE SPLASH FROM THE DOCTOR!

Geoff: He just drops in LIKE THAT!

Jack: Right when it seemed like this match could slip away, the Doctor's plan worked.

The Doctor lights the Sponge up with stomps, as the crowd starts to boo. He gets the Sponge to his feet, and sends him for the ropes...only for Stone to grab both! He can't move and the Doctor nails a flying knee to the skull, then pulling him into a spinning neckbreaker!

The Ref starts shouting at Stone, who innocently raises his hands.

Geoff: This is really just a three-on-one right now. Who needs a partner when AGENT freakin' Stone of all people is there to lend a hand?

Jack: He won't help at Battleground, but right now he's been a big one.

The Doc locks in a Bow and Arrow, driving a knee into the Sponge's back as he does it. The holds in for a few seconds, but the Sponge already rises up, almost getting to his feet! That's when Robotnik turns it around and hits a Killswitch!

Geoff: Damn, OK!

Jack: The Doctor might have shut down any chance at a comeback.

Knowing how strong Sponge was in their previous encounter, the Doctor opts out of the pinfall and instead locks in a chinlock. He takes the Sponge down to his side, and the crowd starts rallying behind the Sponge, who's squirming around.

Jack: Wearing him down is the best thing he could do. Failing to pin the champ could give him a boost.

As Sponge looks to rise again, the Doctor starts delivering sharp elbows to his scalp! The Sponge is on a knee, as he spots his partner Snake climbing onto the apron! The Doctor points to him, as Stone rushes back over to do more damage...

..Snake instead jumps down, and grabs Stone!

Jack: Stone's in a tough spot!

Geoff: RUNNING at Snake? Big mistake!

The mercenary shoves him at the barricade! Stone goes down as Snake climbs back up.

Back in the ring, the Sponge is on both knees, and moves his left arm around as the Doctor's eyes widen. The Sponge jumps onto his feet and hits a STUNNER! The Doctor plants onto his back, no more grip on Sponge! The champ closes the gap between him and Snake, and makes the tag!

Snake enters the ring, as the Doctor comes face to face with him! He spins around to see Sparrow, reaching his hand out but with a grin on.

Sparrow: Gonna tag me?

The Doctor scoffs, before charging at Snake! He receives a right hand for his stubbornness! He gets to his feet and earns a sit-out powerslam, landing backfirst! Sparrow decides to jump into the ring, looking for an uppercut, but Snake rolls under and clips his legs! The swashbuckler gets to his knees, only for Snake to LIFT him from behind and nail a German Suplex!

Jack: Snake dispatching both. How long can he keep this up?

Snake sets his attention on the Doc, but Sparrow leaps onto his back and goes to lock in a sleeper hold! Snake runs backwards and rams him into the corner! Sparrow lets go, but the Doc gets up and TACKLES Snake into him! Sparrow slips down as the Doc throws a few rights, only for Snake to deliver a NASTY headbutt!

Geoff: ..Ouch.

Snake then takes his HEAD off with a mean lariat! The Doctor about does a flip, landing on his neck! He's not done though, as he brings the Doc to the other corner...and begins setting him up on the top rope. Once the setup is complete, Snake climbs up and starts grabbing his arms.

Jack: If those strikes were bad, this Suplex is about to be worse...

Snake gets the Doctor into Suplex position, and stands him up..he's about to do it, but the Doctor delivers a few blows to the gut! When Snake lets go even JUST a bit, the Doctor slides down from the buckle and picks him up for a Powerbomb! He puts his focus into keeping him up, and Sponge TAGS Snake's leg!

Geoff: Sponge got the tag!

Jack: He may be feeling great but Snake won't be!

Robotnik connects with the Badnik Bomb! As he gets to his feet, he's blindsided with a Rocket Kick! The Doctor stumbles off as Sparrow smacks his arm for a tag! The Doctor rolls onto the apron, as Sparrow rolls in.

Geoff: You know for a tag match, there isn't a lot of teamwork...but the tags are going nuts here.

Sponge immediately looks for 47 Meters Down, but as he lifts Sparrow, the captain uses the ropes as leverage pushes forward to get out of it! The Global Champ gets scooped up and slammed down, as Sparrow heads to the top...he doesn't waste much time and hits a Swanton Bomb! He covers him.



Sponge kicks out, but Sparrow heads to the corner immediately, ready to end this.

Jack: Sparrow has one more move in his arsenal!

He looks on, a smile starting to form as his prey wobbles to his feet. He goes for the Claymore...

..but Sponge rolls out of the way! He TAGS in Snake, who picks up the pieces. Sparrow is facing him backfirst, with the Doctor regaining life, so he grabs the back of Sparrow and shoves him at the Doc! Robotnik crashes down, and Snake swings Sparrow around landing the Codecbreaker!

But he's still on his knees! Snake adds to the count and hits another one to put him out for good!

Geoff: Aaand there goes Jack.

Jack: Put up a hell of a fight but—

STONE returns to the ring and heads for Snake, but the Sponge tackles him and hammers away! He nudges him out of the ring, as Snake covers Sparrow.

Jack: Quick save from our champion!





Snake gets to his feet, and the ref approaches. They BOTH men's hands, and SpongeBob gets his title handed back.

Geoff: Sponge and Snake take the win, and it seemed to ME Jack...like Snake was the star of this show.

Jack: Why do you think that?

Geoff: The champ was like a side character. His chances aren't ZERO, but Snake may show him up this time!

The two partners turn to one another, Snake having his eyes on the prize. The Sponge exhales and raises the title.

Sponge: Come and get it.

Snake simply smirks, and makes his exit.

Jack: The champs still confident, as he has overcome odds before in his career. He did BEAT Snake before, and he could do it again.

Meanwhile, Robotnik and Stone are onstage. The Doctor..is not pleased in the slightest.

Robotnik: WHY I—

As he goes towards the ring, Stone puts a hand on his chest, stopping him.

Stone: Let's stay 100%.

The Doctor slowly turns to Stone, a look of nothingness on his face..well until:

Robotnik: You are a great anchor, Agent Stone.

The two head out, while the Global Champion and one of his challengers evaluate each other. Could the title change hands?

Jack: Sparrow took it last week, and now the champ can breathe standing tall now...problem is, Snake is still in the shuffle.

Geoff: Let's just see where that goes, but I'LL be transitioning this time. If you like cool fighting, then we have a world title match later! Marcus is waiting for us backstage, with the challenger.


Emission interviewer Marcus King is standing by with the Dragonslayer.

Marcus: Welcome my guest at this time, "Coach" Benjamin Wade.

He slowly waves to the camera with a smile on his face.

Marcus: Coach, we gotta know, are you threatened by the champ?

Coach: I am threatened by no man. Randy Carter's win was just a rare fluke. That's all. Everyone is caught off guard sometimes. The champion, is not Randy Carter. HE'S at a disadvantage because I've trained harder, and have gotten smarter since then.

Marcus slowly nods.

Marcus: Ok...but do you feel like the people are cutting you down?

The man lets out a sigh, the smile fading.

Coach: People have cut me down all my life. It's not a great feeling when the odds are against you, but every single time there was a hurdle, I jumped over it. It seems hard, but it's easier than it looks. I'm called the Dragonslayer for a reason, because I slay both odds and life.

He pauses for a moment.

Coach: Unfortunately Scott couldn't take the leap and get his revenge. He's not here anymore. Losing Scott hurts...but it's motivation.

Marcus raises a brow.

Coach: His stupidity helped me grow into the new Coach. The one that gets a chance at the top. I know Scott will be at my corner in spirit, because even though he turned down my friendship,  I've given him a new lease on life. It's time he uses what I taught him on the gold brand.

Marcus: Do you mind sharing what you've taught him?

He puts both hands up, chuckling while he does.

Coach: I'm actually writing a book about it.

He just walks off, as Marcus scoffs.


There are a few photos on someone's locker. Kang Suzuki raising the Subscribers Championship in the Chamber back at Inception, Kang going face to face with Triple H, and lastly, Kang standing over Iron Man at Heatwave.

The aforementioned man is sitting next to the pictures, facing the camera.

Kang: After all the talk, it's time to take action. Price, you want a fight with me? You have it...but you won't be alone. The clown will find out he's not as bad as he thinks. You aren't stepping in the ring with fresh meat. YOU are the fresh meat. Some may ask why I want to face both, but it's simple: Killing two birds with one stone is the perfect way to climb back up.

The cam zooms out, and there is a transition back to the arena.

Match 2: Intergender— Casey Rogers vs. Kyle York

When the commentators welcome us back, one Karen York is with them.

Karen: Welcome back to the show, I'm Karen and my brother Kyle is about to smack her up!

Geoff: I hope he can lift because so far Casey hasn't been a pushover. She has yet to lose on the roster.

Karen: Is that BIAS??

Geoff: It's either root for her or root for YOU!

She gasps, as Jack cuts in next.

Jack: That's right, we have a man and woman going head to head for the first time ever! Kyle decides he was going to stick up for his sister and fight her himself...if he wins, it'll be a PR disaster for us all.

Karen: They can just get over it!

Jack: That's not how it works.

Her bias isn't helped, as Kyle is the first to enter to a chorus of boos. He dashes out, rushing to each side of the stage to hype up the fans. Some do jump up and down with him, but others give him a thumbs down. 

Geoff: Likeable guy.

Karen: They just don't get him. He's really not that bad! If people could just stop hating us we could show them!

Geoff: That'll take some time, but Kyle could make history by being the first man to defeat a woman since Chinless the Clown.

Jack: Gross...

Kyle rushes down the ramp, and slides into the ring. After popping himself up, he rushes up the top and starts talking trash.

Kyle: Casey's taking an L tonight!

He hears someone boo and throws his hands down, hopping off the top and spinning around, awaiting his opponent.

Casey enters next, receiving some cheers from the crowd. She faces Karen at commentary first, who is glaring at the recent signee.

Casey: F*ck around and find out.

Karen: Keep your eye on Kyle.

Casey: If you step in, you're getting clowned on.

Karen gasps, grabbing Jack's shoulder.

Karen: She just threatened my life!

Geoff: ...Just don't get involved then.

Karen: I don't need to hear that from you!

Jack once again cuts in.

Jack: Let's just save the beef for later, we have something to call.

Casey heads down to the ring, keeping her eye on Kyle the whole time. She heads to the top, and strikes a pose for the fans (use your imagination). When that's done she hops into the ring, ready to deliver another serving of ass kicking to the next York.

Geoff: Our sponsorships are on the line. Can Casey save them or will Kyle doom us all?

Jack: Only one way to find out!

Both are at their corners, and the ref rings the bell.


Kyle rushes at Casey, but gets downed with a dropkick immediately! He stumbles to the corner, as Casey hits a lariat, further blocking him in! She starts stomping away, practically trying to put a hole in the guy!

Geoff: He made the deadly mistake...of running at the start. Not only is he exhausted but he's getting his chest caved in.

She drags him to the center of the ring, but he manages to kick her in the face! A few audience members gasp in horror, as Kyle kips-up...only to be met with a vicious forearm from Rogers, ending that by pulling him in for an Exploder Suplex! The York brother crawls towards the rope, pulling himself up as Casey walks over...

..she eats an elbow from him, and then CONNECTS with a clothesline!


Casey goes down but instead of capitalizing, he starts jumping around! He flexes as the crowd BOOS that man!

Jack: He actually got an advantage but he's blowing it.


His time in the sun doesn't last long, as Casey just gets up like nothing happened! A few crowd members point behind Kyle, who gets grabbed from behind and hit with a Snap German! He lands hard on his neck, and goes from on his back..to on his knees. Dazed and confused, his fighting days are over.

When he raises his head, he gets clocked with Black Mass, with SALIVA flying outta his mouth!

Jack: Jesus Christ!

Geoff: Oh he's out.

Karen can only look on dejected, as Casey makes the cover.





Casey unhooks Kyle and gets to her feet, wiping her hands clean as the guy rolls out.

Jack: Welp, there you have it!

Geoff: That went as well as it could of.

The ref raises Casey's arm, as she looks straight at the announce table where Karen marches down. Instead of targeting Casey, she rushes to check on her brother. Casey just shrugs and leaves the ring, headed up the ramp as her music continues playing.

Geoff: Another loss for the Yorks, and another win for me.

Jack: You've been really antagonistic.

Geoff: You're no different on game nights.

Jack: Not wrong but Noob Saibot is in action next, and we don't know who it is! Don't miss out, and we'll see you in a few.


Jeff is almost done typing on a laptop!, the document we have no clue about. He's really rushing his hands around the board, but starts to smile as he hits "Enter." He slams the laptop shut and raises his arms!

Jeff: That's how we do it on Emission!

That's when Kano barges in and interrupts his celebration..just so happening to see the whole celebration.

Kano: ..What are you doing?

Jeff:  The transition's tough. *clears throat* So what's the problem?

The Black Dragon member gets directly to the point.

Kano: A god needs humbled and I'm the man for the job.

Jeff: You want Loki?

Kano: He'll want me. Let's give him what he wants.

That makes Jeff smile, as the sound of footsteps begin and get louder.

Jeff: You want it, he wants it, even I want it! It's good business.

Kano leans in close to the GM, who just looks at him like an Easter Island Statue.

Kano: It'll be great for both of us then.

He grins like one, and backs off, headed for the door. He swings it open, and is met with a harsh chair shot to the skull! He collapses, and Jeff spots that his head is halfway through the chair..with blood trickling out of his head. Two steps later, and Loki is standing above his body, with a grin on his face! He looks Jeff in the eyes first.

Loki: Greetings, Probst.

He then sets his sights on Kano, laughing in the his face.

Loki: So naive.

The god of mischief makes his exit, leaving the chair on Kano.


Jack: Welcome back to the booth, and we've got Noob Saibot about to come out for some action!

Geoff: We just saw the guy carrying a ninja mask in a box...creepy dude. But still gets the job done. 

The commentators are interrupted when a familiar voice cuts in, on the mic.

???: Hello? *tap* Is this thing on?

Geoff's eyes widen.

Geoff: Uh oh.

???: This show isn't going on until I'm done!!

Out walks Wade Fenwick, to a mix of cheers and boos.

Wade: He didn't earn that title! He didn't! It's funny I get called out for taking shortcuts when he can't even pin me to get the strap! Kevin just can't climb out of that hole can he? He couldn't take me himself so he went and accepted, a open challenge that was FORCED by the way, and took a titl—

Wade just starts chuckling, before glaring at the crowd.

Wade: That's the guy you cheered! Not even a paper champion, no, he WILL NEVER be a champion until he beats ME! You want redemption because of being a crybaby ever since Miles owned you? Tommy has nothing on me.

He takes a minute to catch his breath, as a portion of the crowd starts to cheer for him...with Wade's World merch on. He starts to smirk as he sees those people.

Wade: Glad we can agree!

His moment is interrupted when Kevin appears on the tron! He's walking down a hall backstage, TV title on his shoulders.

Kevin: All you gotta do is accept my challenge!

Wade: Oh really?!

Kevin: Did you turn off the TV after I beat his ass?

Wade: Yeah it was a Kevin Riley match, put me right to sleep.

A few "ooohs" are heard from the crowd.

Kevin: The perfect pill is a Wade reign! It's so predictable I didn't need to stay awake to see what would happen next!

Wade: Predictable?! I—

Kevin: Get that "relevancy" talk outta here, all you've done is devalue it. It's called the Television Championship, and maybe that's too big of a word for someone like you—

Wade's face gets more red.

Wade: Oh yeah, talk to me like a kid! Looking REALLY good to the fans bud!

Kevin: You tried to end my career and want to talk to ME about looking good? You don't get it. Every time I was done wrong by people like you, everytime i lost a chance, it hit me in that bed. You and your lapdog were gonna take another one away, so to be honest: I don't care.

Wade gives some applause, wiping an eye with a finger.

Wade: Wow Kevin, that was so heartwarming and cool and—WHO CARES??!

Instead of getting upset, Kevin flashed a smile, with one eye starting to twitch.

Kevin: That's why it felt so good. You treat everyone like an alien and wonder why there wasn't any support for you. Hell you don't even get what happened: I cashed in my contendership on Chet right there. He had the TV title. Wasn't what I usually do but after getting put on the shelf—-

Wade: Cry about it.

The new champ snickers.

Kevin: You compensating for somethin'? Seems like you didn't just lose your title.

More "oooohs" are heard in the crowd, as Wade licks his lips with hate in his eyes.

Wade: OK, alright. Cool. Lovely. Peachy.

He lowers his voice, staring at the tron now as Kevin continues to walk.

Wade: You don't get what's going to happen to you. When I get my hands on you...this whole redemption thing you have going? It's done. You've had your moment. Smile all you want but you'll be frowning when I take that title back and end you for good.

He just stares down the tron, as Kevin continues his walk, his smile disappearing after that one.

Kevin: See you there.

The tron switches back to normal, as Wade locks his eyes on that tron. It's the first big loss of his career...and he was looking for a chance to take it all back.


Vacant slums are shown, wind blowing at a quick pace. We hear a voice from someone...a former Global Tournament competitor: Corvo Attano.

Corvo: Last time...will not happen again.

We see Robotnik connecting the Mean Bean Plunge onto him.

Corvo: I'll be back. Stronger.

Quick clip of Corvo slamming Noob is shown.

Corvo: Faster.

Quick clip of an Arm Drag to Robotnik.

Corvo: BETTER.

A shadowy figure is shown. The shadows slowly fade, to reveal the mask of the man...we see text slowly fade onscreen.

Corvo Attano: Watch him on Emission.


A clamor is heard backstage as the cameraman puts on sports mode and heads over! A few security guards are seen splitting up a fight! They scramble around to see who's brawling, and we see Wade Fenwick getting up from his knees! He LEAPS at Kevin Riley, who tries to kick him away but fails!

The two exchange punches, as the guards divide up to keep them away from eachother!



The guards head to the cam, and dismiss them, as we get a transition back to the arena.

Match 3: Noob Saibot vs. TBD

The commentators welcome us back.

Geoff: So much for his appearance! Not a blindside since Wade was heated anyways.

Jack: Another new match on our next big show: Riley, Fenwick, both have something to prove.

Geoff: Before Wade cut us off, Saibot was supposed to be out here. He's gotta be itching for a fight.

Smoke fills the stage, as the lights dim. A silhoutte gets closer to the front of the smoke, a cube in his right hand. His form only grows bigger.

He steps out of the smoke, carrying that clear box with the mask, to boos from the crowd.

Jack: In the last "Road To," Noob said the grandmaster was a disgrace to his clan and family. Really just rubbing the salt into the wound of Sub Zero, who we have yet to see again.

Geoff: When he gets back, Saibot needs to watch his.

He walks down the ramp, and stops to stare at a kid wearing a mask of his younger brother. He only gets closer, practically having a staring contest before departing with words of his own.

Noob: Enjoy him while he's here.

He heads for the ring and enters, as the kid clutches his mask.

Geoff: This guy literally threatens children.

Jack: After what we found out...I'm not surprised.

Noob heads to the top rope, and just stares the audience down. He scans around and finds a group of fans with the mask on. He simply raises the box, as those fans pour boos onto him. He steps down, and sets the box on the apron, next to the corner he'll be starting in.

Jack: The last time Noob had an open challenge, we saw Rocky Balboa, at 70 years of age, show up and put on a fight.

Geoff: Saibot is a big time creep, but he can also go. Well, creep is an understatement.

Jack: Geoff...

He stands patiently at the corner, waiting for an opponent. Any opponent.

The crowd pops as Deadpool comes out, shouting inaudibly in his mask!

Geoff: Someone's back for redemption!

Jack: We haven't seen him in a while, as he lost in the Global Tournament...BUT time has passed, and maybe he can get serious like he's been wanting to.

Geoff: Maybe he can have some luck with it!

He marches down the ramp, high fiving some fans, and even stopping to sign an autograph. He squiggles on paper and hands it to the fan, before sliding in the ring and getting RIGHT in his opponent's face!

Deadpool: Show me whatcha' got!

Saibot tilts his head.

Saibot: You need to show me.

The two head for their corners, and when set, the ref rings the bell.


DP hits a superkick, stunning Noon immediately! He then kicks the ninja in the gut, and puts him in Canadian Destroyer position...NAILING it!

Geoff: That guy's showing NO mercy! I LOVE IT!

He's not done yet, as Noob is slumped on the ropes. Saibot attempts to use the ropes as leverage, but eats a mean elbow from the anti-hero! That's followed up with a barrage of uppercuts, not letting Noob get any breathing room!

Jack: D.P is taking no prisoners! With how versatile this man has been in the past, he could be a threat if he keeps this up.

Geoff: He could and a win would be really good for him!

The mutant pulls him in for a clothesline, but Noob instead leaps up, and hits a DDT!

Jack: What sucks for him is that if Saibot has no breathing room, he can just make it.  

The anti-hero is only on his knees though, so Saibot LIFTS him by the side, and heads for the corner...he falls back and throws DP at the corner! Where the mutant has a hard landing on the back!

Geoff: Hope he's had his fun for a while, because Saibot has the control locked in.

While DP is upside down at the corner, Saibot adds to the punishment, stepping to the side and delivering a kick to the gut! Again! And again! He starts barraging his gut with the kicks! DP tries to pull himself up..but Saibot hits a double foot stomp to his chest, keeping him down!

Geoff: That's just brutal..

Jack: He has cut the ring into one corner.

Saibot sets a boot on DP's head starts grinding his boot into the face, forcing his head into the mat! The ref counts to four, as Noob lets go. DP flips over onto his stomach, but gets no space as he is drug to the center of the ring. Saibot gets DP on his knees, but gets shoved away!

Geoff: DP's staying in this! "Quit" is not in his vocab!

That doesn't do much good, as DP eats a vicious knee! He slumps backwards, as a few fans look on in concern.

Jack: Saibot has been running the show ever since that DDT. His clock is ticking.

Saibot grabs DP's arms, and drags him back onto his knees. A slumped DP recollects events as Saibot heads to the corner...he rushes towards DP's head and looks to stomp it in, but DP moves and rolls Noob up from behind, putting a hand on the tights!

Geoff: WAIT!



Saibot kicks out, and gets to his knees, but out of desperation DP nails a flying forearm smash! With Saibot down for the moment, DP keeps his hands on his head and punches away. The more he goes on, the quicker they get!

Geoff: Deadpool's an adrenaline junkie and that head's the fuel!

The crowds into it, and DP goes on, balling up his  fists and smashing both in Saibot's like he's a caveman! Instead of taunting, DP gets Saibot to his knees and slumps him in the corner. As Saibot gets to his feet he's met with a corner splash! DP hits a spinning heel  kick to his GUT, grasps his neck, runs outward and nails a Bulldog!

Jack: Deadpool is back on the rise...

The Marvel character grasps Saibot, and looks to send him shoulder first into the post. As he goes, Saibot turns around and throws DP at the corner! He stops himself though as Noob rushes forward, but he scales the corner and FLIPS behind him! Noob turns around and eats a dropkick! Saibot isn't down yet, so DP steps back and rushes in to land another!

Saibot falls to his knees, and DP rebounds off the ropes and nails a legdrop to the back of the head! With Saibot on his side, and heads to the top rope. He pats his elbow as he scales the buckle.

Geoff: One trusty elbow drop could take him out.

Jack: Did he do enough damage?

Geoff: That statistics stuff...

He stands tall, and looks for an elbow drop. As he leaps though, Saibot rolls out of the way! DP holds his side as he wakes up, and he gets clocked by a discuss forearm! He falls on his gut, as Saibot heads for the top this time looking for a finish.

Jack: One Coup De Grace could end it all...

As he dismounts, DP jumps for the ropes and gets them! He shakes the top rope which causes the kombatant to land on his groin! That doesn't seem to do much though, as he's back up again, but DP delivers a punch to the face, grabbing Noob's body afterwards...he hurls him off the top and onto his back! 

Geoff: Ok so DP might have just turned this trainwreck around!

Jack: If he can take advantage, the win is his!

Instead of headed up top first, DP jogs over and hits a leaping elbow drop! He does another one for good measure! With those two done, he heads to the middle rope and turns his back to Saibot...that is until he heads back to the top, and releases his grip.

Jack: Taking a big risk here. We saw what happened to Scott and may—

DP hits a beautiful moonsault onto him! He hooks his leg for the cover.



Saibot kicks out, as DP rolls onto his side.

Jack: Nevermind, but still not enough.

The mutant crawls to the corner, having two kicks left in the chamber. After those stiff knees he got, it was time to return the favor. Saibot slowly gets to his feet, stumbling along the way. The band is charged up, as DP goes to kick the legs beneath him, and it succeeds!

He goes for the last kick, but his foot is CAUGHT!

Geoff: Oooooh man.

Jack: Almost had it, but now he needs a backup plan!

Saibot gets to his feet, and when his opponent goes for an enziguri, it misses! Saibot delivers a SHARP elbow to the back of the head! With DP on his knees, Saibot rebounds off the ropes and hits a bicycle knee strike to the back!

Geoff: That could be it.

For safe measure, he rebounds again and hits that strike to the head again! DP slumps down on his side, as Saibot heads for the top. DP rolls onto his back, and hand twitches, but that's most of the movement we see from him. In a clear distance, Saibot goes for the Coup De Grace...

..and it connects! He hooks the leg, covering him.





Saibot gets to his feet, and calls for the ref. The ref comes over and raises an arm, while he raises his other.

Geoff: DP was throwing it all out there, love the guy, but it wasn't his day.

Jack: It was Saibot's, as he's going to continue beating the hell out of these people. With no Sub-Zero in sight, who can stop him?

Saibot exits the ring, and heads up the ramp, the Deadpool fans in the audience booing him as he brushes them off. He does lock eyes with another fan with a Sub-Zero mask, and stares at them as he heads to the stage.

Geoff: The next Thanksgiving won't go too well.

Jack: Oh yeah, no way. But we have to get on with the show, as we have some more Women's content coming! I know, right? What a shocker. We'll get to hear from the three women competing for the Women's Championship, AND another will have their singles debut.

Geoff: Stay with us!


In the locker room, Elisa Vance is watching footage of Natasha Romanoff walking backstage..watching this next match to see what other threats she'll have to deal with.

Her viewing is interrupted when the head of the division Barbara Gordon enters, Women's Championship across her waist.

Barbara: Jeff said you and Davila are fighting next time.

Vance turns around, facing her Battleground opponent.

Elisa: It was just a matter of time.

The Womens Champ gets closer.

Barbara: Is this little grudge gonna get in the way?

Elisa: *sigh* I'd be an idiot to zone in on her. My eyes are on the prize..

She gets closer, and puts a hand on Barbara's title.

Barbara: Like the confidence.

Elisa: Watch me back it up next time.

She heads to a steel chair, and takes a seat awaiting for the next match.


Marcus stands alongside the third member of that match for an interview.

Marcus: My guest at this time is Judith Davila, and—-

Judith: Really? You know what just do what you do.

Marcus: Chill. Anyways, you got beef with both the women in your title match, but your history with Vance is bigger. Is that "friendly" completion gonna to distract you?

Judith snickers at that.

Judith: I can't be distracted by someone who's below me.

Marcus: Cool, answer the question.

Judith smacks her lips.

Judith: My answer: Hell no. Eyes on the prize, Vance is for later. Maybe if you could wrestle you'd understand.

She leaves, as Marcus widens his eyes, and starts mouthing inaudible words.

Match 4: Natasha Romanoff's Singles Debut

Jack and Geoff welcome us back.

Jack: This Womens division may get very chaotic soon, if it's not already..but we have more women for you as Natasha Romanoff is going to fly
Solo for the first time!

Geoff: Spoke to her earlier and she said the battle royale, that wasn't the last we'd see of her. It's been a while, BUT she's back and better than ever.

In the ring, a local Nebraskan named Emily White, redhead with brown eyes, is about to face off against her.

In there with her, is "Boston" Rob Mariano.

Rob: Welcome to the big leagues Emily. In a few seconds, a slick redhead is about to come down and smack the taste outta ya. Are you sure you're ready
for this?

Emily gives him a dirty look; but elects to speak.

Emily: Anytime you want to put me down, I'll raise myself back up because that's what I've always had to do. I don't live in a big city; or L.A, or New York...I live in NEBRASKA. Nobody knows about us.

Rob: Sometimes; it's good to have a chip on your shouldah. Let's see where you end up.

He exits with the mic, as the Nebraskan turns to face the stage.

Natasha Eomanoff enters onstage, and takes a look around at the scene.

Geoff: She wants to show just how good she is. She told me about some of her background, and she could have a leg up.

Jack: Wanna tell me?

Geoff: No f*ck off.

Natasha makes her way around the ramp as Geoff spills.

Geoff: She has been trained in aikido, judo, karate, and much more. You give her time to recover and it may be the end of you.

Jack: Yeah that doesn't sound fun for her enemies.

Geoff: I think she can win, but maybe Emily can squeak by and give Nebraska it's greatest moment ever.

Natasha rolls into the ring, and stares down Emily who's stretching her shoulder. Both women back into their corners.

Geoff; Both are fighting someone one on one, first time ever! Let's see how it goes!

The Avenger stares at Emily with no emotion. With both at their corners, the ref decides it's time to ring the bell.


Natasha slowly walks over, and just stands still, waiting for Emily to make a move. The Nebraskan goes for the legs, but Nat stops her and lifts her for a Powerbomb...instead of hitting that though she rushes to the corner and nails a buckle bomb!

Geoff: Yikes...

Emily stumbles further, only for Natasha to Judo Throw her down and grab the arm! She falls back and locks in an armbar, as Emily squirms around to try and escape!

Geoff: Have fun with it.

She taps soon after, and Romanoff lets the hold go! The ref raises her arm as Emily crawls out of the ring, holding hers.

Jack: Romanoff pulls it out in a quick fight, and sadly Emily has let down Nebraska.

Geoff: If she can clock someone THAT fast? She's a force to be reckoned with.

Natasha goes to leave, but her attention and the crowds is diverted as Peggy Carter walks out! She stops at the start of the ramp, and puts her hands on her hips.

Jack: There's Agent Carter, who has yet to fight someone Mano e mano.

She just stares down Natasha, as Geoff decides to close this.

Geoff: I've gotten word Carter's competing next episode. If she can upstage Natasha, SHE will be the one to worry about.

Jack: Sounds like fun, but coming up next, Deathstroke is defending the Worldwide Championship against Benjamin Wade. We'll be right back, but first, a message from one of our stars.

The first thing in view are tipsy men on a large ship, hurling into the ocean. Pan over to the ships deck, and the spokesperson for the East India Trading Company, Cutler Beckett, locks his eyes on the camera.

Beckett: Vengeance was a glorious day for the company.

Beside him, a soldier is being carried towards the end of the ship. He's thrown overboard and we hear the screams as Beckett continues!

Beckett: Profits have went up ever since we squashed the Ranger, and life couldn't be any better! The machine keeps turning, and we need to keep this up so...what's next for us?

A tipsy Norrington stumbles in, as Beckett rushes to close the video.

Beckett: Episode six, you'll find out.

Norrington: Lord Beckett...they set something in the tea.

The Lord's eyes widen, as he and Norrington leaves. The cam pans up, to see the Company's flag, sailing through the day.

We come back to Coach headed for the gorilla position...but he's stopped by the Red Hood.

Red Hood: Dragonslayer, right?

He can't help but smile at that.

Coach: You said that by the way.

Red Hood:  For someone who calls themselves that...you don't seem very tough.

The "Dragonslayer" smile goes away, and forms into a glare.

Coach: You wanna break me down? Go for it. But you won't be laughing when I make history. And after that, I'll overcome you too.

Red Hood: Really?

Coach: I'm unbendable. In the end, i'll be bending both of you over.

The man walks off, as the Hood looks on.

Main Event: IWA Worldwide Championship— (c) Deathstroke vs. "Coach" Benjamin Wade

The lights dim, and one spotlight appears onstage. Then another. Then a third one shows up and Coach is standing there, head held high. He hits the second light and the third shuts off. He hits the last light upfront, and the second shuts off...

He spreads his arms and poses like Jesus, and the first shuts off, cutting off his music as well..

Geoff: ..Why?

After a few moments of dead silence, the arena lights flash on, and his music gets dramatic! (3:03) He walks down, pumping himself up as he goes along.

Coach: He's the dragon, I'm the slayer!

He marches down the ramp, and approaches the ring. He climbs onto the apron, heads to the top rope, and starts shouting at the fans!

Coach: This is MY night!

He gets a mixture of cheers and booes, and he hops down, entering the ring and waiting by his corner. He turns to face the stage, awaiting his opponent.

Jack: Coach is pumped now more than he's ever been!

Geoff: This might be his only chance! I find his attitude Rocky, but maybe he'll use the power of desperation to shock us all!

(Timestamp: 1:07)

Deathstroke speed walks out, carrying the Worldwide Championship on his shoulders!

Geoff: There's our guy!

Jack: Not wasting any time either!

The champ's walk down the ramp is quick, as he rolls into the ring and just hands the ref the belt.

Geoff: He just wants to get this over with.

Coach stretches his leg at his corner, while Deathstroke goes to his, staring a gaping hole into his opponent. The Ref raises the Worldwide Championship for all to see, before handing it over to the ring staff.

With both men ready, or so we think, the ref signals for the bell.


The two approach each other in the center, where Slade initiates the smack talk.

Deathstroke: Welcome to the big time.

He gets a slap in the face!

Coach: Be a man! Fight me!

Slade holds his jaw, stepping back as Coach stares on.

Coach: How's that for—-

Slade boots the hell out of it! A pop is heard as Coach eats the mat, a few fans standing up in concern.

Geoff: My. God.

Jack: Coach wanted a fight, and Slade's handing him one on a platter!

Coach holds his mouth, but doesn't get time to breath as Slade lifts him off his feet, and drives him into the corner! He does a few shoulder thrusts, and rushes to the other end and back with a spear in the corner!

Slade ends that with an Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex! Coach crashes onto his back, with Slade staying on the attack like a predator.

Geoff: That lunatic has an uphill battle. Slade is smacking him up and down the ring.

Jack: He'll need one moment to take advantage, and the longer this goes on, the faster that window closes.

Slade puts both hands into Coach's mouth, and starts spreading it as far as possible! Coach reaches out for the ropes, struggling to escape! The challenger starts to scratch at Slade's head, looking for the eye, but Slade puts a foot to his back and kicks him at the ground!

Jack: And it's not getting any better for him.

With Coach down again, Slade mounts his back, and starts driving sharp elbows into the back of his head! He hits a good ten, before grabbing Coach by his hair  and leaning into his ear.

Slade: Dragonslayer?

He slams his face into the mat, before raising it again.

Slade: What a joke!

He drives his face into the mat again, before getting to his feet.

Geoff: Slade wasn't too hot on Coach last episode, but after getting the advantage? He's gonna act as cold as possible.

Slade heads for the corner, and slaps his leg. Coach crawls to his feet, a signature superkick in his future...but when Slade goes to strike, Coach ducks and rolls out of the ring!

Jack: Coach dipped, and gets a breather that he desperately needs.

Geoff: For how long, Jack?? Slade's literally healthy!

The DC villain rolls outside, looking to deliver more pain. He grabs Coach's head and looks to slam it on the barricade, but Coach delivers a few elbows to his gut! When Slade releases his grip, Coach goes ahead and slams his head on the barricade! That's not all, as he lifts Slade into a back suplex and drops him on top!

Jack: Coach starting to get something going!

He looks for a DDT, but kicks off the barricade, spins in the air and drives Slade face first onto the floor with it! Coach rolls away from him and grasps at the mat, using that to pull himself up. On his feet, he spots Slade leaning against the barricade, about to get up again....

And delivers a meteora! He claws at his back to get him up and rolls him into the ring. He heads up top and hits a splash! Instead of covering him, he mounts him and starts shouting in his face!

Coach: Big times, huh??

He slams Slade's head into the mat!

Coach: I'll show you how big I am!

He gets to his feet and starts wrapping Slade's legs. He spins him around and locks in a double legged Boston crab! Slade puts his elbows up and starts to crawl over, but he gets dragged to the center, where Coach just arches himself back further for more damage!

Jack: Even if Slade doesn't tap, he will still be worn down.

The hold stays for twenty more seconds until Slade balls his fists and hoists himself off the ground! He sways to the left, but Coach hangs on! He stays to the right, but it's the same deal! That's when he decides to roll FORWARD! Coach still has ahold of his legs, but Slade flips him onto the side with them!

Geoff: Coach was getting a groove but he forgot about Slade's flexibility.

Both men are on their knees, but Slade gets up first. He rushes into a Michinoku Driver, and Coach goes for the cover on that one!



Slade kicks out, and Coach gets to his feet. He looks around the audience and starts roaring with wide eyes, approaching Slade once again.

Geoff: Coach is just...coaching.

Jack: Some will call him a diva, but I'm going to call this the end as I think I know what's coming.

Coach lifts Slade up in a Powerbomb position, and transitions that into a Crucifix Powerbomb position! He rushes forward and looks to bomb the champ hard, but Slade leaps off! Coach trips over himself, and when he turns around eats a Superkick! Stunned yet still standing, Slade lifts him onto his shoulders and connects with Wasteland! He caps that off with a senton, getting to his feet and just wiping his hands off!

Geoff: Slade's getting cocky, but he does a variety of moves that...he can back it up. Just sayin', if I beat Thanos, I'd get an ego too.

He surrounds Coach, viewing him at every angle so he can't escape Emerald Flowsion. When the time comes, Slade lifts Coach up for his finishing slam, but Coach slides behind him and shoves him at the corner! Slade turns around and spots Coach leaping at him, but he sidesteps him! Slade comes at him and steps up the corner, looking for a series of punches...

..but Coach BITES his hand! With his grip gone, Coach ducks under his groin and hooks their arms...holding Slade in a Crucifix!

Geoff: Wait a damn minute!

Jack: He's got him!

Coach lifts Slade up for the Running Crucifix Powerbomb, jogs for a couple second and sends him crashing down!

Geoff: No way...

Coach crawls over to Slade, hooks his leg, and lays on him backfirst!



Slade kicks out, and when that shoulder went up, all of Coach's hopes and dreams faded away. He looks heartbroken, and sits there for a few seconds.

Jack: That might have been his last chance to become a champion.

Geoff: Not a good pill to swallow on a Friday Night, but he needs to get a move on!

Coach gets to his feet, huffing and puffing as his sad look forms into one of absolute HATE. He gets Slade to his knees, and goes for the Powerbomb again, looking for this one to do the job. As he lifts Slade, the champion kicks a nearby rope and uses that momentum to break free! Coach feels the weight gone, and spins around! He goes to blast Slade, but instead gets an Arm Drag! Before he can even get up Slade blasts him with the superkick again!

Jack: His hopes were dashed, but thanks to good timing Slade's are back!

Slade wastes no time, scooping up Coach for Emerald Flowsion and connecting! He hooks both legs, and the ref counts.





Slade gets on his knees, as the ref grabs his title belt. He looks down at Coach, with a few words in mind.

Slade: Coach..what a joke.

The ref hands him his belt, and Deathstroke sets it on his shoulder, still the champion.

Geoff: Coach brought some heat, but he's not Thanos.

Jack: Slade adds another victim to his run. As far as I know, Coach is number three on the count behind Headhunter and Kano.

Geoff: He can add number four there too if he knocks off Red Hood.

Coach leaves the ring, his eyes watering as he does. On the opposite end, Deathstroke heads to the top and raises his championship, scanning the area, and daring anyone to fight him....

...the crowd starts to cheer, as Slade would get his nonverbal wish! Red Hood slides into the ring, ready to strike! Slade jumps off the top, but doesn't get out of the way and eats a Running Knee! Slade is dropped as Red Hood stands over him!

Geoff: THERE he is!

He lifts the title off the ground..holding it with both hands and staring at it.

Jack: Red Hood just put out a MASSIVE statement!

Geoff: If Coach couldn't get the job done, the man who put out Thanos can!

He raises the championship as the crowd cheers.

Jack: He will not be a sidekick to anyone or anyTHING.

Geoff: Aaand that's how we're closing it! Battleground is looking messy, and I love me some messy! I'm Geoff Ramsay!

Jack: I'm Jack Patillo!

Geoff: See ya next time, and have a great day you dumb motherf*ckers!

Red Hood drops the title back onto Slade, and stares down his body as the screen fades to black...

Episode 6 Card:

— Tommy Miles vs The Flash

Judith Davila vs Elisa Vance (w/ Barbara Gordon on commentary)

— Peggy Carter's Singles Debut

— The East India Trading Company speaks

— And more!

Battleground Card:

— IWA Worldwide Championship: (c) Deathstroke vs. Red Hood

— 4-Way Elimination Match for Global Championship: (c) SpongeBob vs. "Captain" Jack Sparrow vs. Solid Snake vs. Dr Robotnik

— Triple Threat for IWA Women's Championship: (c) Barbara Gordon vs. Judith Davila vs. Elisa Vance

— Singles Match: Loki vs. Kano

— IWA Television Championship: (c) Kevin Riley vs. Wade Fenwick

— Triple Threat: Kang Suzuki vs. John Price vs. Sweet Tooth/Marcus Kane

— More TBA


I'm glad I could actually get this episode out, but we're not done as the Episode 5 Fallout is next to take care of!

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