Part of Them

By Frubly

56K 1.6K 155

Faer had been on the run for 129 years. Stuck in the body of a seven year old and weak vampire boy, he had be... More

Description (+ Copyright)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Important question!
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
NEW Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46

Part 12

1.4K 37 0
By Frubly

Oh god this is so embarrassing. They must have thought I was watching them the entire time like a creep. I was a blushing mess as I speed walked right back inside.

I know I didn't have to be embarrassed because it was normal for someone to be confused at the strange pond and everything, but that still didn't help the awkwardness of the situation.

But still, those figures, they seemed familiar...

They couldn't have been any of the boys, right? Why would they wear such weird cloaks? It's not like we were in some weird cult or anything, but maybe something had changed about that while I was gone.

While I was sitting in a criss-cross position on my bed, thinking about the possibilities, the door creaked open.

It was Rosen. I'm glad that it was just him because if it were any of the other guys it would have made me feel incredibly uncomfortable because they were always so serious.

But Rosen didn't act as normal as I was hoping for. He looked extremely nervous as he looked around the room. When he spotted me he seemed to relax a bit but I could tell that he still felt quite uneasy.

When he walked towards me and plopped down next to me on the bed, he tried to form a smile, but it looked more like a painful grimace. God, he really sucked at acting.

"So, how are you feeling? I was just wondering how you were coping with this situation," spoke the suddenly shy sounding guy.

I'd feel bad if I just gave him some sarcastic or mean answer so I decided to be honest.

I scratched my neck with my fingers and thought for a second before answering.

"I'm still trying to make sense of everything. I honestly don't know what to feel because I kind of missed you a tiny bit, but on the other hand I also never wanted to see you guys again, so I'm kind of conflicted."

When I heard somebody sigh in a relieved way behind the door, I knew immediately what was going on and without thinking, I sprung up and threw the door open in such a violent way that it would surely break the eavesdropper's nose.

When I heard a painful shriek, I smiled proudly and quietly peeked around the door frame.

Just as I thought, Grimm had made Rosen ask me about my feelings because I would open up to him the most.

That bastard...

He was holding his bleeding nose while glaring at me accusingly, but I glared right back. How dare he to use innocent Rosen for his stupid psychology experiments!

Even though I was already used to him doing stuff like this from back then, I still felt betrayed.

As he stood up to his full height I had to crane my neck to look him in the eyes, as my head would be facing his stomach otherwise. I imagined myself looking incredibly stupid glaring up at him like that, but I didn't care.

When he made a gesture for me to step out of the way with his hand, I unconsciously moved out of the door frame so that he could come in.

Wait, why would I do that?! I'm so stupid.

When I tried to return back to my original spot, he just chuckled and pushed me away gently.

Gritting my teeth, I let it happen because I couldn't do much about it anyways.

He walked right past me into the bathroom and came back out holding some toilet paper to his nose.

I let out a small laugh at the bitter expression on his face and made fun of his suffering, because after all, he deserved it.

When he took a seat next to Rosen on my bed and even spread his legs on it as he made himself comfortable, there was no more room for me to sit, so I crossed my arms and stared at both of them.

"You guys are disgusting. Both of you," I said with an accusing voice.

Rosen just smiled apologetically while Grimm didn't seem to care and didn't even bat an eyelash. Instead, he looked at me with calculating eyes.

I seriously hated him.

"Well it's important to talk about your feelings and to let them out sometimes and regarding the recent events it would make sense for you to do just that. I don't see any issues with this," spoke the black-eyed emotionless creature in front of me.

I shifted my gaze from his eyes to his cute beauty mark, aka the only thing about him that I liked.

"Have you ever thought about the possibility that I might not want to talk about that with you?" I seriously didn't get where he was coming from, so I voiced my anger.

"Why yes, that's why I sent Rosen," he said in a nonchalant tone.

"Then why exactly did you hide behind the door?" I accused him.

When I said that, he started to look around the room nervously.

I was sure that I caught him off guard with this question.

After a second, he blurted out a pathetic excuse.

"Well I was about to ask whether you wanted to come down to the gardens with us? Perhaps we could even visit the stables?"

It was obvious that he just made this up. But still, at least he tried.

Shrugging my shoulders I decided to make use of the situation and agreed.

"Why not?"

Oh, they will regret taking me out today, I'll make sure of it.

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