Life changes ( sequel to love...

By AnneMiley

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Previously on; Love never dies... Chloe lost Beca when the cruise ship sank. Chloe was devastated and broken... More



261 17 14
By AnneMiley

Emily's point of view

It has been three days since I gave Yelena my number and I haven't heard from her since. Maybe she was only interested in getting it for the case. I'm currently on my way to see Chloe because I need some advice and she hopefully won't tease me too badly. When I get there however it's Aubrey who opens the door to my surprise.

,,Emily, what's wrong? What are you doing here?" I take a deep breath.

,,I'mhavingaproblemandIneedadviceandIwashopingnottogetlaughedataboutit." Aubrey puts her hand under my chin to make me look at her.

,,Emily, no one here will laugh at you okay? Now, come inside, and let's try to figure it out." I follow her into the apartment.

,,Aubrey, who was at the door?" I hear Chloe ask and I answer before Aubrey can.

,,It's just me. I need your advice but you seem busy, so I'll talk to you later." Chloe comes into the room now.

,,Nonsense, Em. You're always welcome here, now tell me does this have anything to do with the hot detective?" I feel my face heat up with a blush and just nod my head. Chloe then comes over and drags me to the couch. ,,What's wrong? You can talk to us, you know that, right?" I take a minute to compose myself, then look up at Chloe.

,,I gave her my number as she asked for when we were at the station three days ago, but I haven't heard from her since then. Maybe all she wanted it for was for the case and I was overthinking it in my head and made it up because I wanted it." Chloe pulls me in for a hug.

,,Oh, honey I'm sure that's not the case. I was there when she asked for it and it was not work-related, because she only asked you for your number, remember?" I nod a little at this, thinking back and remembering that's true.

,,But if that's true then why haven't I heard from her?" Aubrey joins us on the couch and puts her hand on my shoulder.

,,Because you fell for a successful detective in a city with a lot of crime. I'm sure she's just been busy, I'm positive you'll hear from her soon." I turn to look at Aubrey now.

,,But how do you know?" Before Aubrey can answer, my phone starts buzzing in my pocket, signifying a new message has come in. The number is unknown, so I look at Aubrey again. ,,How did you do that?" Both she and Chloe giggle.

,,I told you it was going to happen. Sometimes just trust me, now stop wasting more time and open the message." I smile brightly, then open the message.

+1-646-618462208: Hey, sorry for keeping you waiting but would you like to get dinner together sometime? -Yelena.

I quickly change her number to Yelena🥰 and squeal, which almost let me throw my phone.

,,She asked me to dinner and apologized for not talking sooner. What do I do?" Chloe grabs my hand now.

,,First off, calm down before you spiral out, and second, message her back asking for tonight."

,,What?! Tonight? Are you crazy?! I'm not ready for tonight. What if she says no? Or doesn't want to go? Or what if -" I start to ramble out but I'm cut off by a slap to my face from Aubrey. I hold my cheek and glare at her. ,,Ow, what was that for?" Aubrey rubs my back.

,,Sorry, but you were spiraling and needed to be stopped. Now you're going to respond to her simply and just ask her for tonight. Don't worry, Chloe and I will help you get ready." I nod and grab my phone and type out my response.

Emily 🤪: That's okay, I was just getting a little worried that you forgot about me 😳. How about dinner tonight? Does that work for you?

I'm now anxiously awaiting a reply and it comes almost immediately.

Yelena 🥰: I could never forget you. But tonight sounds good, send me your address and I'll pick you up at 7 and dress nicely.

I send her the address and start to panic again.

,,She's picking me up at 7 and she told me to dress nice, I need help, please." Chloe gets up first.

,,We're going to the mall, you need a new outfit to show her what she's been missing." I blush again.

,,Wait, what about Ryan? Where is he? I haven't heard him since I got here."

,,Don't worry, he's with Beca. Since the crash Beca wants to keep him close to her, it's adorable." I nod. Aubrey and I join Chloe outside, we get in my car and make our way to the mall.

At the mall, I'm looking through the clothes and just get overwhelmed since I'm not the biggest fan of dresses I make my way over to the suits and find a nice all-black suit and then Aubrey comes over with a silk black tie to match it.

,,There, that will finish the outfit off nicely. Don't worry, I know better than to try and force a dress on you. I distracted Chloe, telling her to look for something to wear for Beca." I laugh a bit.

,,Thanks Aubrey, I'm just nervous and want her to like me." She nods.

,,Oh trust me, when Yelena sees you in this suit she will be hooked for sure." We grab the suit in my size then head over to the in-store tailor so they can make a few adjustments so it fits me perfectly. After about an hour and a half of waiting the suit is ready. I pay for it, then we decide to go grab a light lunch before I drop the girls back at Chloe's. Lunch is quick and I notice Chloe has a bag with her too so I ask her what she bought. Her face lights up.

,,A new dress that hopefully will impress Beca. You gave me an idea to take her out to a nice place as well." Both Aubrey and I smile and then get back to our food. We finish eating in record time. I drive them back to Chloe's place, or actually Nina's place, but ask Aubrey if she would come over to my place so she can help me finish getting ready.

,,Please Aubrey, if I don't have someone else there then who knows what could happen. I could rip the suit, or burn my hair, or mess up my make-up, or - The possibilities are endless." Aubrey giggles a bit.

,,Emily, don't make me slap you again. But of course, I'll help you, come on let's go." We say bye to Chloe and then make our way to my place.

Once inside, Aubrey goes into drill sergeant mode.

,,You go shower and wash your hair while I take out the suit and hang it so the wrinkles can get out. And where is your closet? I need to find you some shoes too." I spin around to face her, after locking my door.

,,My closet is in my bedroom, and yes ma'am, as you command." Aubrey laughs a bit.

,,Get a move on, we only have three hours until she's here and I know you'll need at least one of those to take your showers and do your hair, to freak out, and because it's you, potentially a second fast shower to calm you down." I look at Aubrey in disbelief but she just pushes me toward the shower, telling me to stop wasting time. The time is winding down to when Yelena is going to pick me up and as much as I hate to admit it, Aubrey was right about me needing that second shower to calm down. Aubrey is putting the finishing touches on me for my make-up when my apartment bell buzzes signifying someone is here. I go over to the intercom and buzz them in. Aubrey puts her hands on my shoulders. ,,Now, just remember to stay calm and to be yourself. She likes you from the moment you two made eye contact and you were in a hospital gown at that time, so now you're gonna knock her off her feet." I nod.

,,But what if -" Aubrey cuts me off.

,,Emily, there are no more what if's, this is happening in a matter of minutes. That hot detective is gonna knock on that door and you're going to go and have a wonderful time with her, okay? So, no more doubts!" I pull her into a hug.

,,Thank you, Aubrey. For everything, I couldn't do this without you." Aubrey hugs me back and suddenly I start to tense up. Aubrey rubs circles on my back to calm me down, telling me it will be alright. We hear a knock on the door and she pulls away from me.

,,Alright, kiddo. It's show time." I smile back at her but then I run to my room, saying I forgot something but in reality, I just want to make sure I look good.

Aubrey's point of view

I make my way to the door to let Yelena in. I've always looked out for Emily like she is my little sister and needed to be protected, so this date is no different. I open the door.

,,You must be Yelena, I've heard so much about you. Please come in, Emily will be right out." Yelena smiles and enters the apartment.

,,Thank you, sorry to say but I haven't heard much about you." I look her up and down, then extend my hand.

,,Aubrey Posen, nice to meet you." She shakes my hand politely. ,,Now, what are your intentions with Emily?" Her eyes bug out and she looks confused. It seems like she never had to answer that before. She clears her throat.

,,Uhm well, for tonight I'm taking her out to a reception dinner for detectives, and then I hope to get to know her more." Yelena seems to be getting nervous, so I add a bit more pressure to make sure Emily will be taken care of and not just used.

,,And then what? Are you hoping to sleep with her at the end of the night?" Yelena's face flashes bright red and she avoids eye contact.

,,No, that's crazy. What? Why would you suggest that?" I smirk a bit.

,,What? Do you not think she's pretty enough for that?" Again her face gets even redder and I can see her looking through the apartment wondering where Emily is, so she can be saved from my questioning.

,,Of course, she's pretty enough. She is gorgeous but I just would rather get to know her more on an emotional level first before we get anywhere physical." I smile at her.

,,Good answer and you know for a detective I figured you would've been better at keeping a straight face or at least controlling your blushing." Now it's her turn to laugh.

,,Well, it's been a while since I've been on the receiving end of the questioning and normally I'm used to answering those questions from fathers, not friends. So I guess you took me by surprise." Emily comes out now and hears the end of the conversation.

,,Oh no. Yelena, I'm sorry about Aubrey. She gets a little too over-protective sometimes, I hope she wasn't too hard on you." I look at Yelena, waiting for her to say something.

,,It's okay, I'm glad to see that there is someone who has your back." I nod.

,,And don't you forget it, detective, I expect you to have her back at a reasonable hour. She does have work tomorrow." Emily groans.

,,Aubrey! Quit embarrassing me or she's going to change her mind entirely." Yelena giggles.

,,Not a chance and you look stunning by the way." She winks at Emily. ,,Shall we?" I wave goodbye to the girls and send Chloe a message.

Aubrey 🎼: Our little girl is all grown up and going out now.

I decide to stay at Emily's for the night to hear about her date.

Emily's point of view

Yelena and I had just left my apartment and are riding down the elevator on the way to her car. I turn to her without saying anything just taking in her full ensemble and she truly looks gorgeous. Yelena notices my staring and smirks.

,,Take a picture, it will last longer." I'm shaken from my thoughts and my face flashes red.

,,I'm sorry, it's just you look so gorgeous. I couldn't help but stare." Now it's her turn to blush.

,,Thank you. So I know I didn't tell you the full details about tonight and I'm sorry about that, but tonight is a reception for detectives in the city. I hope that's okay." The elevator dings and we make our way out of the building to her car, while I'm trying to process what she just told me. I notice her looking at me with hopeful eyes. I shake my head.

,,So, I'm going to be in a room full of detectives and police?" Yelena nods.

,,I normally don't even go to these things but I figured it would be a more relaxing setting for a first date and that you could help save me from all the awkward and annoying banter from the other detectives." I'm still at loss for words but I give her a sincere smile.

,,I'm honored you would take me with you as your date." We continue to walk to her car and I go to open the driver's side door for her before getting into the car myself. I'm trying to remember all the things Beca told me about how she got Chloe. Beca taught me how to be a lady. I want Yelena to like me and for tonight to work out well.

We start driving to the reception and the car is silent except for the low music that can be heard in the background. It's a comfortable silence but I can't help myself from wanting to know more about her, so I break it.

,,So, what made you want to become a detective?" She looks over at me quickly.

,,My sister was murdered and I want to find out who did it. I became consumed in the work but kept finding dead ends, so now I've dedicated my life to helping those that have lost hope or that the police department doesn't take seriously."

,,Like Beca's missing?" Yelena nods. I smile at her and reach over for her hand on the gear shift. ,,I'm sorry about your sister, that must have been terrible."

,,Thank you, Emily. That means a lot."

,,But you must know that I'm forever grateful that you found Beca and brought her back." Yelena squeezes my hand.

,,Beca must be important to you guys, seeing the many requests we got to continue searching for her. I wanted to pull through and together with my partner, Mitch, we found her."

,,Enough about Beca, I want to know more about you. So tell me, what else is there to know about you, Yelena?" I say, continuing to look at her. She laughs a bit.

,,Well, I had an older sister. I live alone and mac and cheese are one of my favorite foods."

,,That's all you can give me? Really?" Yelena shakes her head.

,,Come on, Emily. We need to save some of our getting to know each other for the reception." I nod and notice that we're still holding hands. Yelena has started to absentmindedly rub circles on the back of my hand, which relaxes me.

The rest of the car ride is silent and we just listen to the radio. As we pull up to the valet, Yelena turns to me quickly.

,,Before we go in, there's one more thing I need to tell you."

,,What is it? Is everything okay?" I ask with concern laced in my voice. She nods her head but bites her lip.

,,Well, when people were asking if I was going and I said 'no', they kept harassing me to go and I panicked. I blurted out that my 'girlfriend' didn't want to go, so then they told me to bring her so they could meet her." Yelena finishes her rambling and looks at me almost scared of my reaction. I take a deep breath, thinking about what would Beca do in this situation.

,,So, you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend all night? Is that what you're telling me?" Yelena is trying to avoid eye contact and just nods. I put my hand under her chin to make her look at me. ,,How believable a girlfriend do you want me to be?" Then I lean in to place a gentle kiss on her cheek before pulling back slightly. I hold our faces close and whisper: ,,Because I can be very convincing." I lock eyes with her and now I get to see her blushing. Thank God, I listened to Beca all those years ago! Yelena clears her throat.

,,You can be however convincing you want to be as long as it doesn't make you uncomfortable." I smile at her.

,,Well, then you're in for a treat. Now, let's get in there and show off my hot girlfriend." I wink at her and we get out of the car. I walk over to her and offer my arm to escort her into the venue. I lean over to her and whisper in her ear, once she locked her car. ,,You need to relax though, otherwise, my normal super awkward side is going to come out, and then this whole thing will be found out." She laughs a bit and then relaxes.

,,Are all of you and your friend's experts in espionage or something?" I laugh back.

,,Only when we have to be. Now let's go and show you off. I didn't take five hours of nerves to look this good." Yelena laughs again and I can tell she's relaxing.

,,Those were a good five hours spent because in case you didn't hear me before, you look stunning." Now it's my turn again to blush.

,,Thank you, glad to know it's not going to waste. Now, what is this reception for exactly?" Yelena turns away again and then sighs.

,,I'm getting an award for being the one to find Beca after all of these years and for taking on and solving the most cases in the city in a short amount of time." My eyes bug out of my head and I stop us from walking. I turn Yelena to look at me.

,,This entire reception is for you and you weren't going to go?"

,,Well, not just me. It's also for some other detectives who finally broke their cases." Yelena tries to defend herself. I shake my head.

,,You're something else, you know that. But I'm glad that I get to be the one you have decided to show off to everyone." I wink at her again, then start walking. Yelena lets out a deep breath.

,,I want us to keep getting to know each other better even after tonight. I don't know what it is about you, but there is something that just draws me to you." I lean closer to her.

,,Play it right tonight and you might get to take me on more dates." I kiss her neck, before pulling away and then we make our way into the venue.

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