Thorns Around Roses

By callyhhh

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mature More

the call
the passengers
the visit
state of mind
the turn
sharp snatch
IT'S halal.
Sweet et sour
Two can play.
the visitors
cover lick.
turn of event
love like
exposè et conceal
the 3rd wife.
flames to blaze
Everyone is a narcissist.
her royal highness
Royal highness(2)

trouble knocks

30 5 3
By callyhhh

" i don't understand you."

"what exactly is going on?"

"why are you arranging your stuffs in the box?" She asked, And I smiled mischievously

" I am going to kano to see him, either you tag along with me or not. "

" I am coming but you need to tell me what the hell is going on" asked again a little confussed

" trust me it's for the best"

" no I dispute that"

" you dont have to"

" this guy hurt you beyond repair " she said furiously.

" I know"

" so why do you want to see him?"

" don't worry, when we get there, you will know"

" are you keeping secrets now"

" I will definitely tell you when the time is right but now please follow me to kano. It's important you come along. You know I need you"

" sure" she said reluctantly. We. started getting ready for kano.

The thought of seeing him face to face boils my intestines. I don't know how to handle myself when I see him. I will want to strangle him, punch him, course him, even shoot him. eliminate him from the face of the earth.

How is he even living with himself. He made me fall for him. He has hurt me in different ways I didn't see coming.

AS usual I woke up in The middle of the night and prayed because I know I am not entirely healed.

The next morning, we woke up and got ready. Rayhana volunteered her car. I wore one of my new red and white ankara, red highheeled shoe. I popped my face a little and applied maroon lipstick.

" fire them" rayhana shouted

" I should" I replied. We got in the car and zoomed off. After exactly 2hrs 30mins, we were infront of air force base facing some interrogations as it seems from the gate we won't be allowed in. However we finally did. they allowed us coz we lied. We lied through all the securities untill we were faced with his series of securities.

" Kai you mean you followed this same route to meet him for medical report and yet... yahana ki"

" walahi kuma yahana ni"

" ba Karamin mugu bane kam. Wicked " we both smiled as we continued to whisper. We lied and lied and lied and yet no entry

" today is not your lucky day because wing commander is not here to walk you in" Wahala.

I messaged Ahmad to inform his boss about our arrival but surprisingly, his reply killed me. he said the boss won't see me.

"You mean khalifa won't see me. "

" am sorry"

" Very well then. Tell him that he has 5 mins, else I will walk to the front door of his father's house with a pregnancy report." Rayana's eye grew wider

" you are jokin" he said over the phone

" walahi you guys should not try me" I could hear when someone else collected the phone from him

" hey sana or whatever is that your name. Khalifa is no longer interested. what's your problem."

" You think you can threaten us by bluffing" I heard them say

" I beg you to call my bluff"I said inbetween gritted teeth

" what's your problem"

" bazaki shigo ba koh mutuwa zakiyi"


There was commotion outside, and all my friends refused to let her in. I know I am not supposed to say anything or argue with them. I just sat there rolling in my chair waiting for them to come to an agreement and just let her in. My heart skips by the mere thought of her. I am dying to see her. every of my ounce wants to see her. I am craving her. I am melting internally but I have to act up. I stayed and watched all of them course and abuse each other. I took my intercom and gave the order.

" let her in" I said ignoring them. three minutes later we were face to face with them as she brought her friend along. We were all quite for couple of minutes. I watched and assessed her from head to toe looking exceptional pretty today. I have never seen her in heels and today she walks elegantly in them. Oh my heavens the lipstick is working on me, it's causing goose bumps to my skin. Her outfit and attitude added up more like someone who has been taking classes from me. Oh yeah she used to. I know this look is savage.
Oh dear Sana, I wish I could tell you how much I am happy to see you, how I wish to hold you and draw you into a warm hug. I feel sorry for my actions.

" Is this a starring contest" Khalid interferes


I looked him in the eyes and I still don't know how to read this guy. He was blank, I want to know whats on your greedy mind. Looking at his friends, I could only tell you these set of people are truly nothing close to where i should be found. all I could perceive about them is class eloquence, luxury and pride. I mean, khalifa is a replica of his friends. They all stood with their hands tucked in pockets. the room was crowed and intense.

" why are you here"naeem said breaking the awkward silence

" you didnt come all the way here to ogle at us" he added

" i guess you are here to demand something, maybe an answer to why you were treated in that manner" his friends kept ranting and saying nonsense. He on the other hand didn't say a word. He just kept starring.

"MONEY " I said and all eyes became wide.

" excuse you"hamza said

" no excuse you" I said

" money for what" naeem added

" for wasting my time."

" you must be joking" saeed said

" I thought this love thing is supposed to be mutual"

" am sorry honey mine is for sale"

" you must be joking"

" khalifa will send me a some of 5 million naira into my account and that is nothing close to a joke" I said finally sitting and crossing my legs

" else.......?"

" have you ever seen 5 million. You think it's just a figure you use your mouth to say"

" correct me if I am wrong, so all the whole loving was for sale" he finally spoke

" yes " I said looking into his eyes. he looked away and walked to his window, then came back. He moved even very close to me I could feel his his breath.

" I will make it 7 for your don't even know your worth. Don't sell your so cheap my dear."

" I don't bloody care as far as money comes out" I said as o rolled my eyes.

", but you will perish along with it. I don't want to ever see your shadow in my life again" he whispered into my ear and I felt something go down my spine. I tried hard but seeing him, all those promises and wishes we made now crumbling in front of me. right in my face.

" I have reasons for my demand"

'" sent " he said

" let me explain.........."

" sh sh sh sh" he said

" you need to hear me out" I added

" there is absolutely nothing more for you to say and I don't want to call your bluff so at this point sana we are done " he said going back to his seat whilst swinging in it

" please leave for your own sanity"

" very well then atleast I achieved my aim since that's all that matters" I said his face fell

" sana please follow the wind"hamza said.

" you all go to hell and burn to ash" rayhana abused shouting

" oh you brought your dog along" hamza said. And I watched rayhana walked over to him.

" call me a dog one more time and see what I can do. There is a difference between Sana and I. You see..... Sana is theoretical and I am practical. Call my bluff and see how beautiful my hands will look on your smelling smudged crowded face " I watched her turn her palm into a fist.

" rayhana kizo muje these guys don't deserve to see us like this"

" and you khalifa........... you are just stupid " she said

" salam. hey habibi what is going on here" Dr fati entered surprised to see us

" sana?" She called out surprised.

"what's your friends name"

" ....oh sana and rayha were about leaving" hamza interfered as he opened the door for us

" Idiot " rayhana she whispered to him

" madam, sorry , please just go" he whispered back. I looked at khalifa one more time and a tear rolled down my cheek. we left.

" please I will walk alone to the car. " I said

" fine " she said. Her phone rang and she picked, I watched her talk in utmost surprise as her eyes grew wider. With slow and lonely steps I got to the car. We both entered and she flared up shouting and coursing me

" I just spoke to mum on the phone and she told me her Excellency was with your father couple of hours ago. She told me something and I don't believe her "

" it's true I am getting married next week" I said with my head down

" are you insane sana. Is this your first heart break? why seeking for immediate revenge? whats your problem? didn't you hear what mum advised. you have a whole life ahead of you. Why doing this to your self. You took me in there for some lunatic called hamza to call me a dog. I am not even started and the next thing, you wanna get married. Is it a death sentence." She kept shouting

" enough!!!!!" I shouted back

" what do you suggest I do!!!"

" nooo it's not enough. You are way bigger than this. "

" I really want to get my revenge and I don't want to be at khalifa's disposal"

" oh so you exchanged that for your own happiness"

" yes and that's final it's either you are with me or not coz That's the road I've chosen for my self and it's my ride. it's my bloody journey"

" right now I think you are using your stomach to think. You dont even care about how others feel. All you think about right now is getting back at khalifa and that's on call for"

" what would you rather have me do"

" to wait for time to heal you"

" no"

"Fine. sana fine. Since you've made your decision."

" bet you know your father can't just vomit money for your wedding and your sister's "

" that's why I collected the money from khalifa"

" ohhhh so that was it"

" yes"

" oh wow"

" and the guy you are about to lead astray?"

" fahad" I said as I continued to sob. The drive back home was quiet and sorrowful for me. khalifa said he doesn't want to ever see me again. I can't help but imagine how people tend to fake feelings. How easy it was for him to lead me astray. I should have read inbetween the lines. I was so blinded. I was desperate. I can't even tell how he penetrated my soul. This is sad beyond Imaginations. I looked through the window untill we got home. Her parent were in waiting for us. Her mum made me sit in the middle and I had to tell all the story

" it's important you go back home sana. Since your dad is in a shock and you are in a better position to explain yourself" I thanked her and called fahad to pick me up. In his car the drive was quiet too until he decided to break the silence.

" hey sana what's up with you"

" I am fine. my dad wants to see me, sure your aunt spoke with him. I am scared to go home"

" I can understand. But I think you need to face it once and for all"

" yeah I should. I am just a little uncomfortable that's all"

" it's normal ai"

" are we really getting married next week"

"It's what you wanted right?"

" yes but"

" I am begging you no buts, our parents are involved"

" true"

" I am just tired and in a hurry to be on my bed"

" sana " he said. Making me turn in his direction as I was about leaving the car.

" yes" I replied

" I just hope we are doing the right thing"

" fahad, I believe we really are" I said. But when I said it, I wasn't even sure of my own self. I dropped and slowly walked in.

" ga amarya" ya Abu shouted and I froze. As usual everyone gathered to stare at me. I walked mindfully to our room. I began to unbox my stuff. I arranged my bed and lie quietly. Meditating and having wishful thoughts. Hours later baba sent for me

" am going to go straight to the point "

" yes sir"

" you want to get married next week"

" ......yes sir"

" you never spoke about this fahad"

" he has been their even before khalifa"

" fine Fine. Since that's want you want regardless of what I want"

" daddy I swear it's not what you think"

" i hope so"

" am sorry if this is going to bring any inconveniences"

" if that the case, I will use your inheritance kenan. I have always thought I should give you when you are well settled but since there us a new development."

" which money....."

" assets of gold left behind by your mother before she died. Will tell your step mum to take it to the market for weighing, sell it and get things done because the money I gathered is for abeedat' s wedding. Toh kuma ganaki. I don't produce money koh" I stood in shock. What should I do now

" am sorry"

" hmmmm" he said. I walked back to my room and lie quietly. I should return his money since baba can handle it. It's a good thing I didn't tell him about the money. I should return the money and probably cleans my self after looking like a gold digger.

The next morning, I lied to my folks, telling them I was going to see rayhana. I went straight to the park and headed straight to kano.

" please I am begging you allow me in. this is not the first time you all are seeing me "

" protocols dont change"

" pleaseeeeee" and they still stood to their grounds of not allowing me pass, fortunately for me, I saw Ahmad heading up, I wanted to follow him then one of the securities blocked me

" allow her" Ahmad ordered and I followed him suit, once we approached his office, Ahmad stopped at once

" sana what is it again. Aren't you tired of travelling up and down risking your life like that" he said

" ................." I didn't know what to say

" sana don't you get the memo"

" .......... did he never felt anything for me even for once" I asked ignoring his previous statement

" I wouldn't know sana"

" you should. You are his p.a"

" yeah but I don't read his feelings, I only do my job"

" you need to go"

" please I want to see him"

" his friends are on guard for him. His wedding is in a week plus sana"

" Ahmad I need this one favour from you please, let me just talk to him one last chance" I pleaded as my eyes foam tears

" fine. Wait here let me get them out"and I nodded few minutes later he came back

" you should be brief else they will be back" I walked behind him until he swung the door open. Khalifa was on his seat busy writting, so the moment he saw me his eyes narrowed. He stopped and adjusts. Ahmad left giving us a moment

" seems someone can't get over me"

" I came to return your money"

" I doubt that" he said dropping his pen.

" you came to see me sana"

" I came to return your money" I repeated.

" i'd rather you don't annoy me because if you really wanted to return the money, all you need do is ask for my digits. it's cool you obviously wanted to see me. It's not like I am not happy to see you.
You should own up acting on your instincts"

" I only want to ask you questions"

" okay....." he said as he stood up and leaned on the table folding his sleeves and arms

" why did you do that to me"

" I didn't do anything. I have told you times without number. Read inbetween the lines Sana, I never asked you to be my girlfriend, I never said I love you, I never showed you to my friends and family. You were just caught up in your world having different assumptions and I couldn't help it because I liked it"

" you are an irresponsible and a terrible person, you are wicked and inconsiderate. You are just a mean person and you are not even sorry...... are you human?"

" sorry is the last thing you will hear from my mouth. Why? because every moment spent with you, is the best part of my life and I intend to hold on to that memory for as long as life will take me."

" I hate you. I hate you. I hate you" I said as I went closer to drag his shirt. This guy floggs me all the time with his words.

" let me go. Leave my shirt"

" you are a witch, how do you even leave with your self" and for the first time I look into his eyes and I can read his thoughts. This guy wants me but something is breaching.
Like a flash, he pinned me to the wall. And whispers into my ear

" it hurts me more that I am letting you go. You are walking away with the little affection remaining in me. You drain me. You take away my soul with you. Haven't you done enough.
Hmm. If having a baby mama was halal you'd be my mistress"

at first, feeling his breath on my sensitive skin only sent shivers down my spine and I closed my eyes to take in the moment, But after a quick seconds, I realized I was in a haram situation

" SUBAHANA'ALLAH.!!! let me go. Get your hands off me "I struggled to say.

" you don't know the type of family I am coming from. You bloody don't know.!!!" He added

" khalifa let me go. Let's go of the grip"

" stop risking your life coming to kano to see me coz if anything ever happends to you, I won't forgive my self.

" khalifa please let me go " I honnestly don't like the position we were in but his morality code refused to knock. he doesn't care

" khalifa"

" khalifa"

" salamualaykum. heyyy" we heard and the moment I turned, I was eye
To eye with fahad ( husband to be). He enters with full energy but once he saw us in that position, he froze.

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