Hotel Of Dead (Chrysanthemum)

By btstae9890

6K 511 134

( Kim taehyung centric) that one school trip that turned out to be a nightmare for taehyung and his friends. ... More

Important Note
Part : 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
Part 14
part 15
part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 20

122 12 1
By btstae9890

long chapter


the two best friends headed towards the new place ,crossing through the path that connected both room and a new place they were about to step inside , the place where taehyung assume that one of his friend would be held captive was a little walk away from them ,giving the two boys to calm their now racing heart from anticipation .

the pathway was similar to the dark halls in this hotel ,there were no lights at all making it harder to walk but the dim light coming from across the path was a bit of helpful if you ask ,the silence was giving them chills .

"tae what do you think would be in there ?" jimin broke the uncomfortable silence ,pointing towards the said destination ,teahyung eyes followed jimin as they stepped on the dark path .

"all I know that one of the hyungs or Jungkook may be in there" teahyung stated pointing towards the place making jimin confuse as they boy didn't knew about this ,he only remembered being dragged away in the dark when teahyung accepted the challenge and ended up in the white room dressed up as a lunatic.

"what exactly do you mean by that ? " jimin frowned looking at teahyung who glace back at his friend ,

"tannie is the one who actually told me about this challenge that I accepted was actually concerning you all... in other words you guys are the phases I have to pass in order to get to that man behind all this drama.." teahyung shrugged eyeing his friend who nodded his head understanding but concern grew inside of him when he thought about his friends in danger.

"now that counter makes sense you succeeded in helping me so that means one of the steps is completed while five more to go.." jimin said frowning his eye brows in focus ,taehyung could almost see visible wheels running on to of jimins head.

the two boys stopped few steps away from the opening to the second challenge ,the room or a hall was quite darker then the one in which jimin was held captive ,the boys couldn't make out from the place the were standing , teahyung grabbed on to Jimin's hand gently before looking at him.

"stick close to me it" his voice was hushed ,jimin only nodded his head holding on to teahyung hand more tightly ,teahyung glanced at tannie who gave him a reassuring smile and they stepped inside the dark room.

the felt shivers when they came face to face with their surrounding ,it was terrifying to say the least ,the room which they thought was actually a big dark forest with scary looking trees as the branches hang above them and thick leaves with different insects crawling on them was definitely a site they didn't want to see.

cold breeze flew making teahyung shiver as he was wearing short sleeves shirt ,the boy may or not shivered from the sounds that came from deep inside the forest , jimin who was wearing that white straps jacket from before hugged himself in fear when he heard growls and whippers from a distance .

"tae..who do you think would be in this place ?....AHH!!." jimin squeaked jumping on to teahyung who carried Jimin surprised from sudden scream while jimin held him like a koala .

"the hell jimin !! ..get off!!" he huffed stumbling from the weight of jimin ,stepping on to the branches that created noises echoing around the forest .

"nah man!!.there is spider !! ...A GOD DAMN SPIDER! eeee" jimin screamed near teahyung ears making the boy hiss ,hoping he won't go deaf after this, while tannie looked at them with his doe eyes blinking confused at the hyungs behavior.

"its just the sider chim!! .now get off so I can scare him away!"... teahyung released a hold around jimin who fell on his butt whining as he rubbed his paining butt.

"...scare him away ? are you serious kill him!!" jimin looked at teahyung who glare back at him crouching down at the tiny looking spider ,who was actually scramming away from them like something scared it ...well jimin voice did .

teahyung picked up the spider gently in his palm ,smiling at it while jimin was practically crying seeing his friend carrying the creepy crawly thingy , he was scared from all the creatures that crawl .

"come on jimin ...look how tiny it is ,it wont harm you" teahyung said as he putted the spider back when jimin aggressively shook his head threatening teahyung that he will snitch to jin if he didn't put that thing down .

"your no fun you know....there are only small insects here nothing big to be scared of "teahyung pouted as jimin smacked his head mouthing 'dumbo' and stomping into the forest ,taehyung sighed at his friend stubbornness marching forward into the thick forest not sensing how the the path behind them closed and pear of eyes looked at their backs that wondered deep inside the forest as they bicker along the way .

the boys were walking through the forest that seemed to be endless for some reason ,they don't know for how long they have been walking but from the way their legs were throbbing from pain said other wise, tannie who silently jumped from one tree branch to other looked down at the whining duo making him sigh at their childishness.

as he jumped on another branch slightly above him ,a sudden vibration stopped him in his track ,he sensed coldness even though he was not alive and didn't have warm body like teahyung hyung he still felt the drop of temperature ,he looked down at teahyung and jimin who stood still sensing the same coldness but it was way more colder for the two boys.

"hyung...I don't think we are alone"tannie said as his eyes roomed around in search for something .

"I can sense that tan" taeyhung breath out and saw the smoke coming out of his mouth as he did ,it was getting to much colder as if they were sanding on cold icy mountain with nothing to cover them .

"tae ...I feel like some one is watching us I don't know but I feel heavy around my head " jimin turned around facing the side from which they came from but the dark thick trees blocked the path ,and the darkness didn't helped him see beyond them, while teahyung focused on the front ,eyes squinting as he scanned through the place.

"I feel it too chim.." teahyung whispered as silence engulf them ,a dreadful and heavy silence coated through the air blocking each sound that they heard through their journey ,chills ran down and neck hair slightly stood up as fear crawled into taehyung's body .

"chim?.." teahyung called out at his friend who didn't answer but grabbed on teahyung's hand who winced at the death grip of his friend on his wounded hand, he was about to snap at him but stopped as he frowned when he looked at his friend pale face ,eyes wide in horror ,mouth open in shock and hand tremble along with his whole body .

teahyung snapped his head towards the distance where jimin pointed with trembling hand ,teahyung lost his sense when his eyes met those red eyes ,a terrible sent flipped through the air making the boys legs week and tremble with fear ,teahyung could only wish it was dream ...this cant be real..

there stood almost seven feet tall three tailed beast looking wild wolf , the monster's mouth was wide open showing his sharp teeth that can easily shred their flash into pieces ,drool dripped from it's mouth , his hands and body almost looked like a buffed human being while his face was of wild wolf ,it gazed upon the boys with its yellowish eyes sending shivers down their spine , its clows were sharper and digging on to the branch of the tree from where he peaked his head out towards the boys.

jimin stepped back eyes not leaving the monster that now crawl slowly towards them with gruff voices escaping from his mouth ."t-tae...w-when I c-count to 3 run okay?" he whispered taking small steps back and teahyung joining him as he nodded not believing his voice to come out.

"o-okay ..y-you ready?" jimin asked to which teahyung meekly said 'ýeah'

"...3.....RUN BITCH!!" with that jimin sprinted into the forest while teahyung blinked trying to process the betrayal he just had, he looked at running male and then at the monster who also looked them in disbelief as if it new that teahyung got betrayed by his friend .

chuckling nervously teahyung hastily pointed towards jimin direction while flashing a nervious smile at the monster who almost had a done face as if mocking teahyung .

"I-I guess.... I'll a-also be g-going then .. BYE MR.MONSTER !! "teahyung screamed in high pitched voice and dashed towards the path on which his dumb friend went leaving him behind , he could hear the beast rushing foot or paws sound as it crunched the dried leaf on the ground and it was approaching fast towards them .

teahyung saw his friend's bouncing fluffing brown hair ,he was running faster than teahyung thought he would, he saw how jimin looked back at teahyung but sprinted more faster making teahyung gawked at him in disbelief .

"jimin I swear I will kill you for this !! are you running from me or from him!!?" teahyung huffed running more faster but his legs ached slowing him down , jimin was getting farther away from him while the beast got nearer .

"SORRY tae!! you can save your butt but I can't !! ill try to find something helpful!!"jimin shouted back and after that he disappeared in the thick forest , teahyung looked above him towards tannie who was jumping almost towards him but stopped when his eyes met teahyung's .

"tannie go after him!" he said worriedly knowing his friend may be right about saving his butt but he still want some one to look after him because he was unable to keep up ,he didn't want jimin to ran into some other creature in this forest who know how many are there.

"stay safe hyung!" tannie just nodded his head and jumped hurriedly from the branches towards jimin , teahyung sighed trying to ignore the aching on his legs .

he abruptly fell down in the ground with loud grown escaping his lips ,he looked at his left leg which was stuck on a tree root that was slightly out from the ground ,teahyung gathered his energy trying to get gut and walk only to fall again ,a loud yelp left his lips as his left leg felt like it was being cut down with an axe ,

"damn it !! I got a sprain !" he frustratedly grabbed his leg and checked his now swollen ankle ,he again got up but his efforts were in vain.

he cursed under his breath but stopped and his breath hitched as his eyes caught the yellow sparkling eyes glaring back at him from the bushes ,teahyung swear his soul would have left when he saw the beast started to approach him with slow steps as if it was planning which part of teahyung body he wanna eat first .

at the corner of his eyes teahyung saw a broken branch few inches away from , sweat dropped from his forehead as he started to drag his body towards the branch eyes not leaving the beast one's .

"h-hey Mr.Wolfie y-you can't e-eat me I am n-not good a-as jimin" teahyung hand reached the branch as he clutched it tightly ,the beast was now standing near his bruised leg ,a growl left its mouth scaring teahyung as he backed away a bit .

"l-look-AHHH!!"teahyung screamed in pain when the beast hand pressed on his injured leg making him swing the branch he was holding and hit the beast face scratching it a bit .

the beast growled louder pouncing on to teahyung attacking directed to his face but teahyung was quick enough to stop himself being bitten off as he blocked the attach by the same branch , teahyung with all his power was holding the beast back .

his energy was draining from the force he was applying but the beast was way stronger ,with a quick snap of his jaws the branch broke in to two pieces ,teahyung face paled seeing the more angrier beast from before ,his heart dropped but he still to drag himself away though it was a wrong move .

the beast claws pierced inside his shoulder blades making him cry out in agony stooping him from moving away , teahyung could now only silently wished jimin could return or someone to save him as he felt blood started to oz out from his shoulder ,he felt numb closing his eyes as he didn't had any energy left in him .

small tear escape from his eyes and lips wobble as he waited for beast jaws to chew his face ,but the attack never , nervous and confused teahyung opened his eyes that went wide in shock as he processed what he was seeing .

the beast that was about to eat him was staring at him ,there wasn't that sparkling scaring yellow hew but a dim brown color was present in those scary eyes that didn't even seem scary anymore , it more of a guilt stare to teahyung, what even shocked him more was the lone tear that dropped on his from the beast sorrow looking eyes making teahyung eye sting ,his heart felt in pain for some reason .

the beast backed shock his head as yellowish color started to appear in his eyes again ,it was clear the beast was trying to control himself ,it was not attacking teahyung confusing the boy who stared back at the furry creature ,a gasp escaped teahyung lips he couldn't believe his eyes when they fell on the neckless around the beast neck that hid behind that thick fur .

"y-yoongie hyung!!"


hit the little star!

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