Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

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"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 38
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 46

417 12 3
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Hunter's pov

When school started again after Spring break and I was back to being with my friends, the events that happened last week and also fifteen years ago began to ease a little.

Tyler, Sarah and I all stood in the hallway comforting Alex after his breakup with Cameron. Apparently he caught Cameron cheating on him and broke up with him immediately.

I guess highschool romance isn't meant to last. If Leo and Kerry couldn't last forever, is there really a chance for Vincent and I? Especially since I know Leo has been going to him for comfort and I know that Vincent only knows one type of comfort. I have a feeling that the two of them have slept together. Am I supposed to break up with Vincent just because he was comforting Leo for loosing the love of his life. Am I supposed to end my highschool romance because of someone else? Am I supposed to accept Vincent's excuses when I confront him about it or am I supposed to break up with him? But I don't want Leo to come between us. I don't want Vincent to be heart broken and seek comfort in someone else because it will defeat the purpose of our break up.

I don't want to lose Vincent and I don't want him to be with anyone else. I was just going to have to make him promise me that he wouldn't do it again.

Tyler also told us all about his amazing trip to Italy and I wished that I had taken him up on his offer to join him.

I felt Vincent's arms around me and I forgot all about his cheating, leaning into him.

"Where's Leo?" Was I stupid for asking him to keep Leo close to him so he doesn't feel alone, definitely. But that's just how I was, I couldn't let Leo be alone even if it meant asking my boyfriend to not leave his side.

"In the lake I told him to jump into." Vincent replied, turning me to face him.

"He jumped into your bed instead of the lake." I said, not distinctly enough for him to hear.

"What?" He asked, pulling me closer.

"Nothing. Where is he?" Now was not the time to confront him about it.

"He's right here. He is like a leech, he won't leave me." Vincent placed my hand on Leo's arm.

"Hi Hunter, is it okay if I'm around Vincent until school ends?" Now he asks. "I'm just not used to being alone in school. I owe all of you a lot for supporting me during this time, I wouldn't have managed to get over it without all of you. I definitely wouldn't have been standing here today, I would probably be in the ground next to Kerry but you guys helped me, especially Vincent. You're really lucky to have him."

"He's the lucky one." I corrected him. "You don't need to thank us Leo. You're our friend and I'm really proud of you for being so strong despite experiencing something so terribly sad. We are all here for you and I don't want you to leave my sight, trust me I will know if you do."

"Thanks Hunter." He hugged me and Vincent was quick to pull me away, getting in between us.

"Okay that's enough, come on Hunter lets go." Vincent took my hand and led me outside. He pulled me close and kissed me and I forgot all about his wrong doings.

"It seems like we haven't spent enough time together these past few days. I have so much to tell you but I don't even know what to say. I miss you so much when I'm not with you. Forget Leo, I don't want you out of my sight, come here." He pulled me into a tight hug and I don't even know how he managed to make his arms feel like the safest and warmest place in the world. It's no wonder Leo sought comfort in him.

The bell rang but he didn't let go of me, pulling me even closer. After a minute or so he pulled away and we headed to class.

The rest of the week went with me getting comfort from Vincent and my friends in school and comforting mum and Heather at home. We spoke about Andrew and mum told us all the little details about him.

By the end of the week I just had to see dad and I arranged with him for Vincent and I to meet him. I needed to get my family together and I needed his support.

Vincent was surprisingly calm, informing dad that he is my boyfriend and making dad promise not to interfere in my life. Whether dad fulfills that promise, only time will tell.

It was Saturday night and Heather and I were at Vincent's house with all our friends and lots of others that I didn't even know for a party celebrating our eighteenth birthday. My house was not the right place for a party at the moment and everyone was insisting they want one so Vincent came to my rescue and offered to host it. Tomorrow Heather and I were going out with mum and dad for a birthday dinner.

"Happy birthday Hunter. I gave your gift to Heather." Brian wished me.

"Thanks Brian." He was too kind for his own good.

"Hunter I've discovered the most difficult task in the whole world, buying a gift for a blind person." Finn joked, putting his arm around me. "Happy birthday handsome. I also gave your gift to Heather. It took me more than two weeks to decide what to get you and the next time I buy you a gift I'm going to start planning it a year in advance if that's enough time."

"The best gift you can give me that doesn't cost a thing is your love and friendship." I purposely said that, messing with him. That even sounded cringy to me.

"Love is what you want so love is what I will give you." He teased, pulling me close to him.

"Brian save me." I laughed, Finn filling me with kisses all over.

"And here I was thinking he was falling in love with me." Brian joked, making no move to pull Finn away from me.

But of course I had to be saved by the jealous man himself, getting pulled into his arms firmly.

"Having fun I see." He growled, causing shivers to run through my body.

"I want you right now Vince." I shamelessly told him, pulling him closer.

"Huh... what's gotten into you?" He sounded shocked which I liked.

"Nothing yet." I whispered, tracing my finger across the front of his jeans. At least I hoped I was on the right spot.

"The party just started." He already sounded breathless.

"We'll be quick, all you have to do is give me my birthday present. Let's go upstairs." I was finding breathing hard myself.

I had to say no more as he led me upstairs to his bedroom and gave me what I wanted and more in the most loving way possible.

It was steamy and fierce, yet gentle and loving.

When we got back down I was still trying to get back some of my senses, at least the ones I could get back. My legs were wobbly and I was high from the pleasure.

"I need a drink." Vincent told me, leading me through the crowd of very loud high schoolers.

"Me too. I want to get drunk, please. I promise I won't make it a habit but I just want to let loose tonight." I wanted to enjoy tonight like never before.

"After the pleasure you just gave me, I won't say no to anything you ask me." He kissed me and I melted in his arms.

"Okay let's get drunk." He shouted, causing me to laugh.

We drank as many bottles of beer as we could until we were both on the couch, unable to move. My mind was foggy, unable to comprehend what was going on around me. I felt disoriented but it wasn't in a bad way. I wasn't scared of not knowing my surroundings. I was at ease. All my worries had left the party. I didn't care that I was blind. I felt relieved and happy. The music got me into a trance and I closed my eyes, resting on the couch with a smile on my lips. I felt content.

I didn't care that I could hear Leo talking to Vincent. I didn't remember what happened to Kerry. I didn't feel sad about Andrew and about what dad did to Finn. I forgot all the bad things and just sat there completely free.

I woke up Sunday morning in Vincent's bed with a headache that was definitely going to kill me. My whole life flashed before me, not visually but mentally. I heard Vincent breathing steadily next to me but I had to wake him up before my head exploded all over his room.

"Vincent." I tried waking him up but he just grumbled and went back to sleep. "Wake up, my head is spinning. I'm definitely about to die."

"Don't be a drama queen, it's just a hangover. Consequences of drinking a lot. Let me get you some pills." He got out of bed and I lay back down, rubbing my temples.

He got back a few minutes later and I drank the medication with water hoping it will take immediate effect.

"So how about we have a repeat of last night." He told me, getting back in the bed.

"I've already got a pounding headache, I don't need any more pounding." I growled, using all my fingers to message my head.

"Come here let me do that for you." He pulled me close and kissed my forehead before giving me a message and I immediately started to feel better. "Don't worry, it gets more tolerable, but you promised me that you are not going to make it a habit."

"Yes I promise." I promised him. I sat up, feeling a little nauseous.

"Bathroom." I said and he was quick to help me to the toilet where I puked my guts out.

We took a shower together and I pulled on briefs and got back in bed.

"I'm going out for dinner with my family later." I told Vincent who lay next to me. "It was dad's idea. He's being extra sweet and thoughtful and he wants to do everything for me, saying I shouldn't have to worry about anything because he's here to do everything for me. In these two days he's bought us so many gifts and bought mum flowers. I don't know if he means it or he just doesn't want us to kick him out of the house again."

"Just take it one day at a time, we'll be out of here very soon." He assured me and I curled up against him, resting my heavy head on his chest. How long was this pain going to last.

We woke up again at three pm and I was feeling much better than before. Vincent dropped me home and I got ready for dinner.

When we reached the restaurant Heather held my hand and we were seated immediately.

"Son, what have you decided about college?" Dad asked, hoping to start a conversation.

"I'm going to Berkeley." I replied, not wanting to get into detail.

"Don't worry about finances son, everything will be covered. You just go and get the best education and have fun. I know you will meet a lot of people so don't be shy to make friends." Dad told me and I knew he was referring to girls.

"Don't worry dad, I'll have Vincent so I won't need anyone else." I knew he didn't like my answer because he immediately changed the subject.

After dinner we headed home and I received a call from Leo who asked if he could come over.

When we were both in my room he gave me a present. "It was meant to be given to you at the party yesterday but I only received it today."

I opened it and he explained to me that it was a vintage MP3 player from the 2000s for me to listen to music on.

"Wow, thanks Leo." I loved it.

I still hadn't opened all the gifts I received yesterday so Leo helped me and explained to me what each thing was.

When we were done I took his hand and led him to my bed. I pushed him down and got on top of him.

"Hunter what are you doing?" He asked, puzzled.

"I want to ask you something." I told him, pinning his arms down and pressing my leg between his legs.

"Wh...what?" He breathed.

I got close to his ear and whispered. "On a scale of one to ten, how sexy is my boyfriend's body.?"

He was silent before finally managing to get a few words out. "How do you...I mean why would you ask me that?"

"Just tell me." I commanded, applying pressure to my knee and pressing his hands down harder.

"Ten, definitely a ten." He gasped, losing his breath.

"Did you enjoy the feel of his body, the feel of him inside you?" I didn't know why I was doing this and asking him all this but it just made me feel in control. I didn't want him to think it was easy for him to face me after what he did with Vincent.

I moved my leg again and he moaned. "Yes, I... I enjoyed it."

"Do you like all guys or just Vincent?" I asked him, leaving his hands and they immediately went to my hips, pushing me down harder on him.

"Only Vincent." He replied.

"And me?" I whispered, tracing my finger down his chest to his stomach.

"Yes." He moaned.

I shoved my hand inside his pants and briefs and grabbed him completely.

He jumped, shocked by my move and moaned loudly as I stroked him.

"Do you fantasize about Vincent? Did he make you forget all your problems, all your sadness?" I leaned closer and bit his neck making his whole body tremble.

"Yes." He moaned again.

I could feel that he was close so I lifted his shirt and took his nipple in my mouth. His hands had found their way to my butt and he squeezed even harder with the contact of my mouth on his skin.

I stroked him up and down, logic and reasoning leaving my head.

He exploded all over my hand, moaning and gasping breathlessly.

When he was done I wiped my hand with a tissue and sat up.

"Hunter I'm sorry. It was a very dark time for me and I didn't have anyone else to turn to. Vincent saved me and I'm sorry it had to be at the cost of him betraying you." Leo explained to me, regaining his breath. Well if he could, why couldn't I. "But he told me that it can not happen again and it won't I promise. I'm not even gay."

"Yeah you proved that very well a few minutes ago." I teased him and I guarantee he blushed.

He pushed me down on the bed and this time he pinned me down. "I like this dominating side of you."

"I like it too." I sighed, enjoying the feeling of his lips on my neck.

He kissed me all over and finally got to my lips.

The feeling of his lips against mine and his tongue in my mouth drove me crazy.

He slipped his hand inside my pants and gave me the same pleasure I gave him and this time it was my turn to explode all over his hand.

I heard him wipe his hand clean and his lips were back on mine.

After a while I had to stop because I didn't have the heart and the guts to go any further.

"Enough." I told Leo, placing my hand between our mouth.

He sat up, taking in a deep breath. "I did not expect to be doing this when I planned to visit you. I had a whole other idea of us comforting each other."

"Yeah well that's what you get for messing around with my boyfriend." Well my counter attack didn't exactly make sense but I just couldn't control myself.

"I should mess with you more often than." He joked, kissing my cheek. "I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"There will be no feeling you tomorrow." I assured him and he just laughed, leaving my room.

I lay back down on the bed and sighed. I don't know what possessed me to do that with Leo. I wanted to show him that I'm not just a pathetic blind boy so he knows not to go to Vincent again for his version of comfort. Well apparently he thinks he can come to me now so that backfired.

I took my second shower of the day and fell asleep, ready for the new week.

The next morning I was about to leave for school when my phone started ringing. I answered, wondering who would call so early.

"Hello." I answered, picking my bag up.

"Hello Hunter, it's Henry." Henry? Why was he calling me? How did he get my number? Well I had figured out by now that he was creepy enough to probably find out every detail about me.

"Henry, yes how are you?" I didn't know what to say to him.

"I'm good thanks and how are you doing?" He sounded different on the phone, older.

"I'm fine thanks. What made you think of me so early?" He better not try to make a move on me again.

"I'm in town again and I wanted to know if you would like to have dinner with me tonight. Today is one year since I met you." He told me, much to my disappointment.

It was a year since we first met and he remembered that? Well couldn't he take the hint in one whole year that I was not interested. So much has changed since then. I'm so much more mature and understanding. It's true that you become like the people you are with the most. Going to school and meeting everyone, getting close to everyone really changed me, in a good way.

But maybe this was the perfect way at getting back at Vincent for sleeping with Leo. Last night wasn't enough, I had to make him jealous.

"Sure, I'd love to." I accepted Henry's offer, much to his delight. I felt a little bad for getting his hopes up for nothing.

"Great, I'll pick you up at eight." He cut the call and I left the house, getting in the car and mum drove me to school.

When I got to my locker I was met by Leo who begged me not to tell Vincent what we did yesterday.

"So you don't want me to tell my boyfriend what we did yesterday?" I asked him, shoving my English book into my bag.

"Yes. He will murder me, chop me up and send me to different parts of the world. If he knows that I layed one finger on you he will destroy me." He sounded terrified. Was he not terrified of me when he jumped into bed with my boyfriend. Well I proved yesterday just how terrifying I can be.

"Maybe I should let him murder you as revenge for sleeping with him. Maybe that was my plan from the start. Maybe I'll tell him that you made the first move and took advantage of me." I threatened him, trying to sound as serious as possible.

He came close to me and I was trapped between him and the locker. "So you did all that yesterday as a plan to get me in trouble with Vincent? You didn't do it because you were fantasising about his sexy body, because you wanted to know if I enjoyed it because it turned you on. You didn't do it because you wanted to be rebellious and you wanted me to know that I shouldn't mess with you. I told you that I like your dominating side and I want to see more of it."

With every word he said he got more and more close to me and I got more and more flustered. Why did Vincent have to leave me here to wait for him and why was he taking so long.

"I...Vince...you need to move, Vince will..." Why was my brain not working?

"Vince will what? Kill me. Why don't you make it worth it for me to be killed." He spoke directly in my ear, his breath fresh and almost sedating.

Where was everyone I knew that could stop this, did I want it to be stopped? Wasn't he just begging me not to tell Vincent and now he wants to be caught red-handed.

"Vincent has a very hot body, that's a rather big factor to miss in all honesty, even if you're blind. But you Hunter, you're mesmerising. I wish you could see what a beautiful and sexy body you have. I'm not even gay but I haven't been able to get you out of my head since last night." Leo continued. Why was the bell not ringing?

He wrapped his hand around my waist and pulled me against him. "Do you want to have your way with me again Hunter, be in complete control?"

Did Kerry killing herself make him feel like he wasn't worthy of being loved so he wanted to be used by any random person? That's the only conclusion I could come to for his strange behaviour. But of course my body reacted in a different way not knowing the logic behind what Leo was doing.

"Let's get out of here." I told him and he was quick to comply, taking my hand and leading me to the back of the school.

I pushed him against the wall and our lips joined immediately. Our hands were all over each other, trying to get as much from the other as we could in the few minutes that we had.

I wasn't thinking about the consequences, about emotions, about love, I just wasn't thinking.

The bell ringing didn't stop us as my hands slipped under his shirt and explored his baby soft skin. I completely understand why Vincent couldn't resist him.

I suddenly did something I never knew I was capable of doing. I lifted him and he wrapped his legs around me, his back firm against the wall. I ignored my ringing phone and didn't let go of his lips for even a second, not giving him a chance to breath at all.

I kissed him aggressively, my hands gripping his thighs and his hands in my hair. I was on a high. I was in control and I felt powerful. I felt like I had all the power in the world. I felt like this was who I was meant to be. This was who I needed to be.

I eventually needed to breath and pulled away from his lips, letting him go. He rested his chin on my shoulder and I rested my hand on the wall for support. My mind was still out of this world. I needed to get my breathing under control so we could get to class.

Neither of us moved even after we started to breath normally again and I still had him pinned to the wall. "I hope you look as good as you taste." I managed to let out.

"You taste just as good as you look." He replied.

"Hunter." It was Vincent but I didn't make any attempt to move even when I felt Leo stiffen.

Vincent yanked me away from Leo and turned me to face him.

"What's going on here, why are you so out of breath? Were the two of you kissing?" Vincent questioned us but I rested on the wall with my eyes closed and a smile on my lips in satisfaction.

"Do you have a death wish Leo, what did you do to Hunter?" Did he really think only someone else was capable of doing something to me and not the other way around.

I opened my eyes and straightened up. "Don't ask Leo what he did to me, ask me what I did to Leo."

"What do you mean?" He was starting to lose his patience.

"You can sleep with him and I can't make out with him?" I couldn't wait for him to tell me, I had to know his reaction.

"How do you know that? Did you tell him? What is wrong with you Leo, did you tell him so you could end our relationship?" He turned to Leo and questioned him aggressively.

"I didn't tell him i swear." Leo sounded terrified.

"He didn't tell me, I just knew. I know you well enough to know your every move." I told him, leaning back on the wall.

"So you're getting back at me by making out with him?" He grabbed my arm, pulling me straight again.

I pulled my arm out of his grip. "No, I'm taking control."

"You're taking control by kissing someone else?" He wasn't liking what I was saying.

"Oh we did more than just kissing." I smiled, much to his disapproval.

"What else did you do?" When I didn't answer him he turned to Leo. "You better tell me what you did or I will end you right here."

"Yesterday I went to his house and we were hanging out in his room when suddenly I was on his bed and he was on top of me and we kissed and his hand was in my pants and my hand was in his pants and this morning we were by the lockers and suddenly we were here making out intensely and my legs were around him and..." Leo babbled, terrified.

"Stop." Vincent shut him up. "Get out of here, I will deal with you later."

He turned to me and gripped my cheek. He didn't say anything and the silence was welcoming after such a heart racing experience.

"I'm sorry Hunter. I shouldn't have slept with Leo. I was going to tell you I promise, I wasn't going to hide it from you. Can you please forgive me like how you forgave Finn for sleeping with Brian. Leo was broken and he needed me. I know that's not an excuse but I don't have one. I did it despite knowing that it would hurt you and I am so sorry." He pressed his forehead against mine, wrapping his arms around me.

I pushed him away, not wanting him to take control of me, of my emotions. "Don't be sorry Vincent, I don't want to accept your excuses but I don't want to break up with you either. I just want to take control. I want to have control. I want to have power. I love you and I don't want our relationship to change but I don't want to lose control of myself. I'm afraid that if I lose control I will go down the same path Kerry did. It seemed so easy for her to just end everything because she lost control. I don't want to end up in a dark place. I want to be able to have control and power or I will be destroyed. I'm not afraid to keep on living, I'm afraid of living a life without control."

"And you think being with someone else will give you control and power? Is it because Leo was willing to give you control? Do you think you won't have control with me? Do you think I won't let you have control over me, over our relationship? I've told you before that we are equal. If you want control in bed you don't even have to ask. I want you so badly to dominate me in bed. To make me feel everything I make you feel. Our relationship is equal in every way. I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise. I'm sorry I cheated on you but that was not me being in control, that was me being weak." He pulled me back in his arms and this time I didn't push him away.

"Do you think it's easy for me to know that you were with someone else? That someone else could praise your body and not me. That someone else could see the pleasure on your face and not me. That someone else could make your body feel things." I asked him, pulling him closer to me.

"No it's not easy and I'm sorry." He sounded so sad.

"I fell in love with your personality, your looks are just a bonus for everyone else. Everyone wants to be complimented on how they look, even me, and if Leo is the one who gets to compliment your looks I'm just going to have to accept it." I told him. "I'm afraid that if you fell in love with sweet innocent Hunter, he no longer exists. Now I'm strong, powerful, mature and responsible Hunter so you better get used to it."

"I love strong and powerful Hunter. I love every type of Hunter because I love you Hunter no matter what." He kissed me and I melted in his arms.

We stayed in each others arms until the bell rang for the second period and we went to class.

It was lunch and I needed to tell Vincent that I was meeting Henry tonight. My intention of meeting had changed. I no longer wanted to meet him to make Vincent jealous, I wanted to meet him to tell him that I will never be interested in him and he should move on.

He sat next to me in the busy cafeteria and I cleared my throat. "Henry called me this morning, you know the doctor from England. He wants to meet me tonight and I agreed because I want to explain to him that I am not interested in him and I never will be and he needs to move on." I said all at once.

"I don't want him near you. He is very creepy." Vincent objected. "But if you've decided to meet him I won't stop you. I know that you can take care of yourself but I'm afraid of what might happen after you reject him which is why I need to be around you."

"Okay fine but you can not let your presence be known and you will not do anything impulsive. I'm trusting you to not embarrass me Vince." I warned him.

"I won't do anything impulsive I promise." He was making it hard to believe him because I knew he didn't like and trust Henry.

"I honestly don't need anymore crap in my life. Things are already so hard at home. Dad coming back has made everything so awkward. I can't be myself in front of him. Mum and I are not comfortable speaking naturally to each other in front of him. He sugar coats everything and tries to sweet talk all of us. He is trying too hard and it's making me sick. I honestly cannot wait for Heather and I to leave. I just wish I could take mum with me. She hasn't allowed dad back in their room so he sleeps in the guest room. I don't know if mum is going to forgive him anytime soon." I complained to Vincent, trying to get my box of juice open. "I just hate him so much." I finally managed to stick the straw in to the box.

"Boy I'm glad I'm not that box of juice." Finn joked, sitting next to me on the other side. "Vincent have you seen Brian, I don't see him anywhere."

"I also can't see him." I joked back.

"Thanks Vincent." He nudged me.

I laughed, feeling better after speaking about everything with Vincent.

After telling mum I'm going to meet Henry and explaining everything I planned with Vincent tonight I stepped outside at seven forty five. I didn't want to have to explain to dad as well where I was going so I avoided him.

I sat on the bench and breathed in the warm air. I looked in the direction of Leo's house thinking of everything we did yesterday and today. My face burned remembering the feel of his body, his lips. His skin was so soft it was unreal. He tasted and smelt so fresh. I can just imagine how good his body will feel with mine.

"Hunter." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Henry and I tried to hide my burning face.

"Hi. Let's go." I didn't want dad to see who I was leaving with.

"How are you Hunter? It's so good to see you." He asked once we got in his car and started driving. Vincent told me that he would follow us.

"I'm fine just starting to prepare for finals." I hated making small talk.

"I'm sure you will be top of your class. If you need any help let me know." He offered.

"Thanks." Sorry but you won't be seeing me again after tonight.

We chatted as he drove until we reached a restaurant and he led me inside. We ordered and I won't lie, he was being really sweet and charming. He almost convinced me to run away with him to England. Just kidding.

"My sister's husband has a brother that goes to your school, Kevin. He told me that he knows you." Was he serious?

"Kevin? The homophobic bully Kevin? Does he know that you are gay?" I hated mentioning his name.

"Homophobic? He knows I'm gay but he hasn't given me any trouble." He sounded surprised.

"Yeah because he only has the balls to bully young defenceless kids. He doesn't have the power to do anything to you, especially since he doesn't have Brian on his side now." I told him.

"I will have a word with him. He needs to get with the times. Being homophobic is so senseless and stupid. Who another person loves shouldn't have anything to do with someone else. I'm surprised to hear this because he's a really nice guy when ever I meet him." He didn't sound happy with the information I gave him.

I decided to finally mention Vincent so we could steer in the direction of relationships and I could finally end this evening. "Well he's too afraid of Vincent to do anything extremely harmful to anyone in school. Vincent will give him a new face if he tries anything stupid. Vincent is an actual hero. He protects everyone. I'm so lucky to have him."

"Hunter I know that you are young and you want to experiment but I want to be with you. Why don't you forget about all these school boys and let me make an honest man out of you. I really like you and we will be perfect together. Just give me a chance." For an educated man he sounded quite foolish begging me like that.

"Henry I'm sorry but I'm not interested in having a relationship with you. I am very happy with Vincent and I am going to spend the rest of my life with him. I have a great time with you but I don't like you in that way. Maybe it's best if you move on and find someone who is right for you." I hoped he would understand and agree.

"No Hunter I don't want anyone else I only want you. When I first met you it was love at first sight and I can't feel for anyone what I feel for you. If you give me a chance I will make you very happy." Did he not understand the meaning of no.

I stood up and placed my napkin on the table. "Henry please don't make it difficult for me. I'm sorry but I don't know what else to tell you. I love Vincent and I can't love anyone else."

He grabbed my arm and aggressively and pulled me out of the restaurant.

"I won't take no for an answer." He pulled me close and kissed me and I tried to fight him off to no avail. He was strong and muscular and his grip on me was firm. I pushed him put he didn't move and he managed to put his tongue in my mouth. I hated the feeling and I wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

Of course I didn't call Vincent a hero for no reason because he pulled me out of Henry's grip and into his arms.

"Vincent tell him to leave. Tell him I don't want to meet him ever again." I held Vince tightly, mainly because I didn't want him to get aggressive with Henry and get in trouble.

"Stay away from Hunter you bastard or I will make sure you never come to America again. I don't want to see you anywhere near him do you hear me." He threatened Henry but Henry wasn't ready to give up.

"What do you have to offer him, nothing. I can give him the world. You are just a clueless school boy and your threats mean nothing to me. I will make sure I get Hunter no matter what it takes." With that said Henry left and I sighed in relief.

"Wow you are in high demand but don't worry I will fight every single person who tries to take you away from me." He rubbed his palm over my lips. "I don't want his saliva on you."

When he was done cleaning my lips he kissed me and I was so glad he was here.

"Hunter are you okay?" Are you serious?

"Leo are you a part of mine and Vincent's relationship now?"

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