Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

By par13ker

74.8K 2.3K 563

Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 23

819 30 10
By par13ker

Audrina woke up to a knock on her door. She groaned in bed, reluctant to answer. She was conscious enough to remember everything that happened just the previous night, and that didn't help her case in wanting to get out of bed.

  She doesn't know if she was caught up in the vulnerability of all that was shared between them. She just knows that there was plans that she agreed to.

And she was contempt of sulking in her bad decisions that had lead her up to this. She turned her face into the pillow, wanting a few more minutes to not exist in the real world till her phone rung. She turned her head and lifted up the device to see the caller Id. Another groan escaped her lips when she pressed the answer button.

"Hello", she whispered.

Open the door

And then he hung up. He's never voluntarily came over to her apartment. He's always respected her boundaries. But something happened for him to come by. And Audrina knew such. Getting up she walked down the hall and once she made it to the door she opened it up. The sun was just starting to rise.

"What's wrong", she mumbled, rubbing one of her eyes.

Hatori stood serious, he didn't say anything as he walked in. Audrina saw the frown that spread across his face. He didn't bother to sit down instead he waited till she shut the door.

"Come on in", she spoke sarcastically. She made her way to the kitchen, pouring water into a kettle. She looked behind her confused of why he hadn't say anything yet. So she assumed she had to be the one to start it. "Are you ok?"

"What happened last night?", he asked.

Audrina almost dropped the kettle. She hadn't stop thinking about what occurred last night. The talk in the park, how much fun they had at the restaurant...... she had to clear her throat to keep the feelings from rising again. And she wasn't sure what to say.

Why was he randomly asking what happened? Had he been at the park? All of the random possibilities popped up in her head.

"Nothing why?", she kept calm and grabbed a couple of tea bags and placed it in the simmering water.

"Are you sure?", she turned and met his eyes. He was digging but she wasn't sure for what. Audrina walked around and sat on one of the stools before him. He still seemed tense. And of course to make perfect timing, he phone buzzed.

She turned it over to read a text, and if she was a sucker for him last night, she had to be hopeless to feel joy from a couple of words.

Good morning. Turn off the kettle.... They'll already be a cup of tea on your desk.

She turned back to look at the kettle that was definitely on. She wasn't going to turn it off but, instead leave it for Rin. She felt adrenaline rush from his text alone. She still has to work with him.

"Akito asked me to wipe his memories."

Audrina shot her head up. Hatori was called right after she left with Kieran. And Akito was very clear on her need for Kieran's memories to be erased. And he assumed that Audrina had revealed her secret. That's why he asked. Akito didn't explain any further details as to why. Just that by the end of the week his memories of his outside of work time with Audrina to be erased.

Audrina's eyes were wide. Because this sounded familiar like a repeated occurrence. However, she to also was confused with the motive behind it. Her secret of the Zodiac was not revealed.

"What? Why?"

Hatori shrugged, "That's why I'm asking if anything happened like that to provoke her. She was very upset last night."

Audrina knew what he was talking about finally. The interaction with Akito. But there was no reason alone to force Hatori to do such a thing. Audrina shook her head.

"Nothing happened. She waited by his car like a maniac and belittled me in front of him.", she crossed her arms.

"What happened after....", that questioned caused her to tense up. He was digging beyond. And she knew that he knew so if there was anyone she was going to tell , it'd be him.

Audrina sighed and leaned back against the counter, she didn't look at him as she confessed, "I told him about Amrin. We went out to eat and that's it.", she sighed.

"I see", he nodded.

Hatori was the only one who as yet to meet Kieran outside of Kureno directly. And he didn't have to. He saw there was something different about her tone when mentioning him. And the conversation that stirred early that morning replayed. And Akito's words were clear.

I don't care how you do it, but that thing is already falling into her trap. I want him gone.

"Wait your not actually going to do it right?", she folded her arms at his silence.

Hatori sighed giving her answer enough, "Audrina...."

"Dont Audrina me.... You can't do that. He doesn't even know about the Zodiac. Kieran hasn't done anything to deserve that."

Hatori pinched the bridged of his nose. Of course he didn't want to do it. Now especially that Audrina was not giving up, like she did before. Something within her was pushing her to object and understanding that Kieran was the reason behind it pushed him to reject the idea more.

"Ok.... I won't do it, but you have to come to the estate on New Years. She'd see something is up if you don't."

"Thank you", she sighed. But she only processed what he said a second later, her eyes went wide, "Wait what?"

"For New Years...."

"Yea that's what I thought you said....", she stood and went to turn off the whistling kettle, "I can't I have plans."

"With who?"

Audrina kept silent, they both knew who with. So there was no point in bothering to utter his name. And she debated it. But she wanted to go.

"Audrina you know the consequences."

"Yes I know the consequences", she snapped turning around, "Everytime I'm around him, it's like guilt consumes me. But then there's the simple fact that I can't deny him. I can't.", she strained.

Audri accepted her feelings the previous night. And since then everytime she even thought of Kieran, the ghost of Amrin haunted her mind. What happened. And Hatori telling her that Akito wants his memories erased ironically brought up her own terrible past situations.

Hatori inclined his head, seeing a sense of confusion in her eyes. He knew that she would never want to put anyone in danger. It was clear she was holding back. But then again, he knew Audrina better than that. He was willing to look past the thick wall she's built up. And there was more to her reluctancy.

"What else is going on?"

Audrina knew then that he had a clue. She was unraveling before his eyes. With Rin living with her, Audrina was limited to her choices. Not sure how she'd be able to fly out to America. Tristan was willing to negotiate with how much time she had to choose. He made it clear that she was an exception. But he could only be generous for so long. She had a time crunch and the more time passed, the closer it got for her to make a decision. Just the thought of saying no made her sick. And it was then that she noticed that her mask was slowly fading. Her eyes were fixed on the counter that she leaned on top of.



But she interrupted him as soon as the thought crossed her mind.

"Who told her?"

Seeing confusion dawn on him as she lifted her head, Audrina stood tall. She knew who told Akito about Kieran. There was only one person. But confirming it will further push the rage . "Who the hell told her about Kieran?"

But there was no point in answering. Because she was already strutting across the room to grab her purse on the chair. Hatori has yet again fell in between the peculiar relationship that Shigure and Audrina shared. He watched as she turned a frown apparent on her face.

"He's at the estate?", she sternly asked. But once she was close enough to Hatori, he grabbed her forearm. She whipped her head to him, her eyes peering at his hand.

"Don't do anything stupid.", he also had a stern tone. That's when she glared into his eyes.

"You're years too late", she spoke. However the change from strict to calm had him sigh. There was no stopping her once she has made up her mind. And he knew Akito was the true reason behind her rage instead of him. But there was only one way for her to act on that rage. One way that got under her skin more than her simple presence.

And with that Hatori let go, not without giving her a sad look. And Audrina had to turn away. He's felt pity for her since the first time she told him about it. About one of the reasons she was kicked out.

Once she opened the door Audrina was stunned to see a brown-haired girl holding up her fist. She was about to knock on the door, and she startled. Stepping back she looked up at Audrina, and to that the woman stared back with wide eyes. Confused, before she even spoke her greeting, she turned back to look at Hatori. He leaned over to see Tohru standing at her front door and then back at her. Confusion was in his eyes as well.

"Good morning Tohru", Audrina put on a fake smile. Holding back her agitation to one particular person. She was not going to allow it to subside, she was going to hold it.

"Audrina! Good morning", she bowed at the waist.

  "Is there something the matter?", she asked sincerely. There was no one with her so she assumed something was wrong. But after asking, Tohru shook her head.

"No-no..... I was just wondering if Isuzu was home.", that was part of her visit but she had to ease her way.

Audrina nodded her head, "Yea... she's uhhhhh down the hall. First door on the right." She moved out the way to allow Tohru in and the girl was again startled by another Zodiac member. She froze upon seeing him.

"Good morning Tohru", he spoke.

She whipped her head back and forth between the two, "I'm sorry didn't mean to interrupt."

"No", Audrina smiled, "We we're both just leaving."

"Oh....", disappointment coated her voice. Audrina immediately noticing.

"What's wrong?"

"I was actually wondering if we could talk.", she waved her hands infront of her, "But of course I wouldn't want to interrupt your plans. Whenever you are ready."

If Tohru was apart of the Zodiac, Audrina would have dropped everything. But that connection didn't reach that far, so guilt didn't weigh her words down as she spoke, "How about tomorrow?"

"That would be great!", Tohru smiled.

And like that Audrina said her goodbye and turned, not bothering to know if Hatori was following her. She didn't care. She was already texting Kieran.

I maybe a little late. Family emergency.

And she hated to lie. It was the last thing she's ever wanted to resort to. But she felt even worse knowing what she was going to do.

That's ok. Let me know if you need anything.

By the time she received that text, she was already buckling up in the car. Heading off to where she knew the source lied.


"Audrina", Shigure smirked. Setting his book down. "What's going on."

He was in one of the rooms in the main estate. Close enough to Akito. He sat on the chair in the corner of the room. The lights were dim, but the slight luminance showed enough of his face.

"You told her."

His eyes slightly widened, giving Audrina just enough information, "Why..... why did you tell her about him." There was a bit of pain in her voice.

"I'd never do such a thing.", he stood towering her. She looked up with sadness in her eyes. And in a split of a second. Shigure felt something. Something that he couldn't describe, but it went away as quickly as it came. "My whole goal is to crush her.... I'm sure your aware of that. It does help however that your friend set her off."

Audrina glared up at him, "There are others ways. We always do the same thing. And it's worked."

Slowly, Shigure placed a hand up to cup her cheek. She didn't react. It's not a new feeling. He's done so multiple times. And she still has yet to realize how cold his fingers were. Only now, she had someone to compare them to. And Kieran's were warm, comforting.

"Definelty... but I feel having two wrongs in this case always makes a right. Don't you agree?"

Audrina continued to look up at him. Glare at him. He told Akito about Kieran. Despite Hatori saying he wouldn't do it. It would be only soon enough that she'd insist. Because words only can go so far. And now that's what led her here. She knew what he did was terrible. But her rage for Akito was profoundly larger. So what brought her hear wasn't to confront.

But for payback

Audrina and Shigure were the closest amongst the Zodiac members. They were inseparable. He was the trouble maker and she was the wise owl. Hatori noticed there scheme when Shigure first became ware that Akito and Kureno became inseparable for some strange reason.

And the strange reason was just mysterious enough to draw the magnets together. They were separated Audrina and Shigure. A positive and negative force. And opposites attract. But it's only dependent on how close you draw the charges together.

Akito played her own self. She was a negative charge that forced Kureno onto herself. So to say she got what she deserved was an understatement. At least that's what the two thought.

Audrina didn't answer his question. She just continued to glare. She be damned if she made the first move. But she already did. Being there alone, anger drawing her to her opposite was her move. And he was simply playing the next card.

"I was wondering when you'd finally come back. I dare say I missed you."

"Oh yeah", she whispered, "Well I wish I could say the same thing. I didn't miss you one bit."

"Allow me to change your mind?", he leaned in. Their mouths only so far apart. Warning signs, bells, red flags, all the wrong signs that could be waving in her head were going off but. Rage is just as powerful as jealousy.

And thankfully, for Audrina. Her own rage... could ignite both emotions into Akito. And in the end it would be worth it. To play fair. Sometimes you have to stoop down to the opponents level. And that's exactly what she had to do to win.

"Go ahead"

And he did. He leaned in and sealed the gap. Played his card. And Audrina did her part. She kissed back, because if there was one thing she was sure of....

Akito will be damned if she thinks Audrina wasn't willing to bite back.


Surprise :)

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