Haunting (Ghost Deku au)

By Aro_Ace_Loser

539K 19.1K 13.6K

"When I die, I'm gonna haunt the shit outta you." he said, looking down at his ruined notebook. Izuku was jus... More

Chapter 1: What happened to us?
Chapter 2: Encounter
Chapter 3: Home
Chapter 4: Last Day Alive
Chapter 5: So What's It Like? Being Dead And All?
Chapter 6: The Letter and the Only One to Read It
Chapter 7: First Day Dead
Chapter 8: What does a person do?
Chapter 9: Ha! Got 'cha!
Chapter 10: Who Are The Police After Now?
Chapter 11: Spider Lily
Chapter 12: Havoc
Chapter 13: And By That You Mean?
Chapter 14: Can Ghosts Take Tests?
Chapter 15: Time To Get Physical. I Meant The Exam!
Chapter 16: Glad I Dont Have To Learn Anymore
Chapter 17: Lovely Conversation With A Stalker
Chapter 18: Paranormal Appearances
Chapter 19: Those Things Are Called Eyes
Chapter 20: I See Youre Still A Little Bitch?
Chapter 21: Sometimes
Chapter 22: Yes, Ghosts Can Take Tests
Chapter 23: Yeah Uhhhh, No
Chapter 24: People Can Be The Most Annoying Obstacles
Chapter 25: Trying To Fight With Anger Issues
Chapter 26: Failing A Background Check
Chapter 27: Lil Pride Spice
Chapter 28: I Was On The News Once, Not For Anything Good
Chapter 29: Summer Fun in the Middle of Winter
Chapter 30: You Can't Lie To A Lie Detector Idiot
Chapter 31: Catch These Hands; Oh Wait You Can't
Chapter 32: Wow That Happened. Okay.
Chater 33: That Was Very Smart, Obviously
Chapter 34: That's Certainly An Answer
Chapter 35: Strutting To Class
Chapter 36: What Am I Supposed To Say To That
Chapter 37: Please Stop With All The Questions
Chapter 38: Pew Pew Time
Chapter 39: Scary Old "Man"
Chapter 40: Q&A With A Rodent
Chapter 41: You Should Get Mouse Traps
Chapter 42: Meeting The Parents. Er... Parent
Chapter 43: Old People Scare Me
Chapter 44: I'll Put Rat Poison In Your Nose
Chapter 45: That Might Bruise
Chapter 46: Truth Or Dare Chapters Are Books Beach Episodes
Chapter 48: That Was Probably Legal, If I Had To Guess
Chapter 49: Taking An After Life
Chapter 50: When The Dead Dies (Epilogue)

Chapter 47: Halloween Was Months Ago, Chill.

4.1K 182 137
By Aro_Ace_Loser

Midoriya was once again, awake. Seeing as he couldn't sleep, literally ever, he had to find things to entertain himself with while others were asleep. Sometimes he stole from people he didn't like, sometimes he got blackmail on anyone who was stupid enough to let him while they slept, and sometimes he set up for pranks the next day. This time, however, he was doing a little redecorating. By that, he meant turning the dorms into a haunted house specifically designed for each person.

He decided to start with the boy's side first, because he didn't want to invade the girl's privacy. Well, it was more like the boy's side was closer and he was being lazy, but the first one sounds better, so he decided to just go with that.

Because of his infinite blackmail collection, he knows what everyone fears. He knows that Tokoyami is afraid of caterpillars, he knows that Koda is afraid of bugs, and he knows that Tsuyu is afraid of holes. The hard part was figuring out how to use this knowledge against them, and in such a short amount of time as well.

Midoriya decided to go to the store to get some supplies for his scheme. He went outside of the dorm building and into the courtyard type area. He walked up to the large outer wall and fazed through it. Making his way to whatever store was closest, he tried to think of something to scare everyone at once, and after a little thinking, he decided to do one big thing in the common room, and some smaller things in his classmates' individual rooms.


After he got back from a long shopping spree, paid for by his mother, of course, he started setting up his little project in the common area. It took about an hour, and he didn't fully finish it. He wanted to leave some parts for after he was finished with setting everything else up, to make sure he didn't burn down the entire building on accident. It would be a real pain for him to do all this work only for it to burn down. And all of the people were important to him, but it was mostly the work.

Going up the stairs, he contemplated telling his friends about his plan. They might have been able to help, but if they did help, that meant he couldn't scare them too. In the end, Midoriya decided against telling them, thinking it would be more fun to add them to the list of terrified children screaming around the dorms in the morning.


Mina woke up to a light tapping sound. Her eyes fluttered open as she groggily sat up, still tired and confused. She started to adjust her eyes to the darkness of the room, looking around to find where the tapping was coming from. She couldn't seem to find the source of the noise, so she laid back down, intending on going back to sleep.


She sat up quickly, the hairs on the back of her neck standing up. She whipped her head around, but again saw nothing. Thinking her tired mind was just playing tricks on her, she laid back down again, bringing her covers up to her chin.

A long thin hand reached up from under Mina's bed. It swiftly grabbed her ankle, yanking it hard with a firm grip. A voice, low and distorted this time, spoke up.

"Mina~, I've got you."

And she screamed.


In Sero's room, he too was fast asleep, until he heard a loud 'thud'. He slowly woke up, sitting up in his bed. he grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight, intending to go see who made the noise, but before he got out of bed, he heard a low humming. Someone was humming a song. It sounded close, almost like it was coming from the same room.

Sero moved his flashlight around the room, trying to look for the person humming, but couldn't find anyone. He felt a little freaked out but tried to brush it off. That was of course, before the person humming started to sing.

"All around the mulberry bush, the money chased the weasel~"

"Hello? Who the hell is here?" Sero knew he sounded scared, but he didn't plan on going out without a fight. He got his tape ready to apprehend someone, if needed.

"The monkey though 'twas all in fun~"

"I'm serious, I'm a hero in training, and you're an idiot if you think I don't know how to fend for myself." He said, trying to calm his nerves and look around now that his eyes had adjusted better.

"POP! Goes the weasel"

The desk in his room fell and there was a loud bang on the door. Sero was freaking out and started to look through his contacts to find his teacher.

"A penny for a spool of thread, a penny for a needle~"

Sero tried to press on his teachers contact but missed due to how much his hands were shaking.

"That's the way the money goes~"

He finally pressed on the number, putting it up to his ear shakily whispering 'come on' to himself over and over.

"POP! Goes the weasel~"

Aizawa picked up the phone only to hear a scream and then silence. He tried talking to his student, but only got low humming in return before he was hung up on.


Kirishima had asked Bakugo to start working out with him in the mornings. The blonde only agreed because Kirishima said he would become stronger than him, but either way, they were both heading downstairs to get their waters ready. They both walked down the stairs together before noticing a strange light. It didn't look like the lights were on downstairs, but it did look like someone had a small light on. They thought it might have been a phone or something, so they went down to check who was up earlier than them, seeing as it was pretty early in the morning.

"Hey, what're you doing up so early?-" Kirishima said before he rounded the corner. He stopped when he saw what was down there.

Candles were lit in a circle like patter and scattered around the counters and tables. There were strange, unmoving figures in strange white, hooded clothing. There seemed to be a low humming noise comming from all of the figures. None of them reacted to Kirishima or Bakugos presence.

"What the hell is this?" Bakugo yelled, looking at the scene in front of him. The humming got louder. One of them raised their arms up above their head and started talking in loud mumbles.

"Oi! I asked you a question! Who the hell are you people and why are you here?! You better answer or I'll blast your asses all the way to the fucking moon!" He yelled angrily. The people continued to ignore him.

Bakugo got frustrated and stormed over to the closest one, yanking off it's hood. The figure disappeared, it's clothes falling to the floor. Both the boys stared in shock before Bakugo went to the next one.

It happened to every single one, but even when all the figures were gone, the humming continued. Every time one of the figures disappeared, the humming only got louder.

Though, suddenly, all of the humming stopped at once, leaving the room eerily silent. Bakugo and Kirishima looked at eachother for a moment, before an ear pricing shriek rang out across all the common room.

Aizawa came into the room, dressed fully in hero gear. He stopped when he heard the screaming. He looked around and saw a cult-like scene, with candles, while cloth everywhere, and Bakugo and Kirishima both staring at him. Aizawa was about to start yelling, asking what was happening, before the screaming stopped, and it was once again quiet.

'The look of confusion and terror on their faces will never bore me.' Midoriya thought happily as he sat on the couch watching the chaos unfold.

AN: Heya you beautiful losers! Ik I said I would post like a week ago, but I got lazy and unmotivated, I'm really sorry. I hope this chapter was okay, even though I'm not super happy with it. This story will be ending soon, but I'm about to start a new book, so stay tuned for that! Anyways, I'm gonna get like less than 4 hours of sleep already, so I should probably go! Have a great day or night or whatever! Love you guys <3

How tall are you?

Words: 1432

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