The Don's Secret Baby

By AJa0528

175K 4.4K 306

Gianna She goes to Italy to meet her family and instead falls in love with an Italian man. When she gets her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Character update
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Couples update
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Update from Author
Merry Christmas
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
New Book...Happy Mother's Day

Chapter 4

6.2K 150 15
By AJa0528

Once I found out about Gianna and my son, I instantly started planning shit. I was on my to get my things when my dad called me to tell me to come back to his house. At first I refused because I didn't want to be no where near my mom or I'd hurt her. Like she literally hid my son from me for 4 years. Then I realized I have no answers on why she did what she did. So I turned around and made my way back to the house and I sat in the car and rolled up a couple blunts and started smoking to get my mind right. About 10 minutes later, my brother Jason came outside to get me; together we walked in the house and I followed him downstairs to where sometimes we hold people or hide them. I seen my mom sitting, tied up to a chair and I smiled at that. The look she gave me made me smile even more.

I stood against the wall with the blunt in my mouth, blowing smoke through my nose. I listened to my father as he questioned my mother. I had brother's tech company doing some work to find Gianna's phone number so I can contact her. My ears perked up at the reason why my mother did what she did and needless to say, I hate this lady. Her reasoning was, because she wasn't right for me. She was too urban and wouldn't fit in with us. "So because she's black is your reasoning for doing what you did?" I questioned and she just hung her head. "You wanted me with an Italian girl correct?" I asked her and she nodded. "Specifically, you wanted me with your friends daughter Mary?" "Yes exactly, she's the perfect Italian girl for you and she'd give us Italian babies!" I walked over to her and just stared in her eye with the most sinister look I could muster up. I seen the look of fear in her and that's why I got the nickname devil; "I already fucked Mary, I also fucked your other friend daughter Tina. I would never marry them, just a quick nut." At that point Jason started to laugh and he shouted out "aye man, I fucked Tina as well and Mary's younger sister Margaret!" She just looked at us in horror and disgust. Our father laughed at our antics. At that moment I got a notification from Jason's company saying that they have the information I need and I told my brother and dad and left.

I got to my office where they emailed me all the information I needed. I went home and packed me some stuff and made some arrangements for flowers to be sent to her house. I also booked a hotel out there for at least a couple of weeks, until I find a place. I also made sure that when I land, there'll be a car waiting for me at my hotel. I called my driver to take me to the hangar so I can leave. It's a 14hr flight and it's already 6pm. As I got to the jet, I talked to the pilot and shook hands with him. I got on there and got myself situated and set up shop. I started working on my companies that I own plus handling mafia business. I later on got confirmation that my flowers were delivered and I just smiled. Knowing Gianna, she's probably in shock, because she thought I didn't want anything to do with our son.

As I read up on her and everything she's accomplished. I couldn't help but feel so proud. Like my "Bella" is a doctor and she's taking great care of our son. I looked at pictures of him and he literally looked just like me, but he got her eyes and her curly hair, but my hair color. I loved the name she gave him although we're gonna have to change his last name. He's a Morelli, not Monroe. Not to mention, if she's dating someone, that's gonna have to end. She's mine.

After I was all done reading up on them; I decided to call her, but she wouldn't answer. So I texted her. And when she replied back to my text, I called her again and we talked in Italian. I must say, her Italian is very good. I'm glad she learned it; I hope she's teaching our son how speak it. When she put MJ on the phone, my heart actually started beating fast. Like I'm really talking to my son, and he actually was talking to me like I've been in his life the whole time. We talked while she drove and then I FaceTimed them and talked to him. And when he ran off to practice, I let her know that she needs to breakup with whoever she's dating and that didn't end well on my end. She hung up on me and I just frowned and tried to call back but she wouldn't answer. It's ok, because I'll be there soon enough. I hope she's ready for me, because if not, I'll make her ready. I also let David and Joseph Pachelli know that I was in town so we can meet up.

Around 9:45ish, the jet landed and got up and stretched. I walked out and down the stairs while my bags were loaded into the Range Rover that was waiting for me along with a security detail. I had one of the man bodyguards I had drive me to my hotel so I can shower and get changed before I meet my son and my woman. I don't care what Gianna says, she's mine forever and always. I got to my hotel and checked into my suite and got myself situated. I ordered food and took a shower while I waited for it to arrive. I ate and got dressed and was ready to head out the door. As I got on the elevator, some chick was in there trying to flirt with me and any other time, I might've tried to fuck her, but now I have business to handle so I walked close to her and whispered in her ear to back off before I fuck her senseless and she literally moaned at that.

I stepped out of the elevator and headed for the car. Hopefully everything goes as planned today. I haven't seen Gianna in years. We definitely have to sit down and talk about what's going to be happening within the next year or so. Especially since it's already August now and I'll be 30 in October on the 15. I know she's going to freak out on me, but oh well. Rather I have to drag her kicking and screaming, so be it.

What he wore once he made it to Los Angeles!!!!

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