Naruto Shippuden (Male Reader...

By YourMother72

157K 4.9K 2.3K

It's been almost three years since (Y/N)'s disappearance. No one has been able to find him, and Minerva has a... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLV
Chapter XLVI
Chapter XLVII
Chapter XLVIII
Chapter XLIX
Chapter L
Chapter LI

Chapter XII

3.6K 110 74
By YourMother72

Character Information:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/C): Favorite Color

That morning, Naruto and Sai went through a training excercise where they had to catch Yamato. In the end, Sai allowed Naruto to be caught, while he captured Yamato himself.

(Y/N) and Sakura watched from the sidelines.

Yamato: Nice catch, Sai. We'll the end the simulations here.

Naruto walked over to Sai and grabbed his shirt.

Sai: Problem?

Naruto: Do you know what the word comrade means?

Sai wrote the word on one of his scrolls and showed it to Naruto.

Sai: As a matter of fact, I do.

Naruto gnashed his teeth in anger.

(Y/N): Oh, boy...

Sakura: N-Naruto, wait...

Sai: Seriously, don't go blaming others for your own shortcomings. It's impractical to fight while covering for someone who can't maintain his cool, not to mention dangerous. I simply considered what would best ensure mission success and acted accordingly.

Naruto: I... will never accept you as a comrade or as a member of this team!

Yamato: <sighing> This is not going to work...

Sai: I wonder what Sasuke would have done in this scenario? Would he have fought while covering you? Somehow I doubt it. He betrayed our village and tried to kill you. And you still consider him a comrade?

Naruto: Yes... and I would still do anything to save him. Even team up with you.

He walked away.

(Y/N) frowned.

Sai: This obsession with Sasuke, it's absurd.

Sakura: Naruto thinks of Sasuke as a brother. You have an older brother so you must know what that's like.

Sai: No. Remember our conversation about the picture titles? I don't have feelings?

(Y/N): What do you mean you don't have feelings? He's your brother. Surely you must feeling something for him.

Sai: <fake smiling> I mean exactly what I said.

(Y/N): Still, you have to be able to imagine, even just a little, what it would feel like to lose your brother.

Sai: <fake smiles> Ah, well, you see... my brother is dead.

Sakura and (Y/N) stared at Sai, eyes wide.

Sakura: Even more of a reason to feel something, then...

Sai: And what face would I make to show that I did? One like that?

He pointed over to Naruto, who was picking up his backpack with a blank expression on his face.

Sakura: Sai, I don't...

Sai: Well, when my brother died, I didn't know what kind of expression I was supposed to be making.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, while an irk mark formed on Sakura's forehead.

Yamato: Enough chitchat. We're falling behind schedule, so everyone grab your packs.

Sakura brushed past Sai, annoyed.

(Y/N): What did Danzo do to you?

Sai: What do you mean?

(Y/N): He's taken away all of your feelings. Even the ability to mourn your own brother's death...

Sai: I really don't understand how feelings come about, though there was something about it in a book...

(Y/N): I can't imagine what kind of existence that must be like. But then again, I guess that's how the leaders of the ninja world expect Shinobi to act: emotionless, unfeeling.

He thought back on Haku and Zabuza.

Naruto: Can we just go already? If we're not in place before noon tomorrow, this mission is over before it even starts.


The next day, the group arrived at Tenchi Bridge at the right time. The informant was already out on the bridge, in a cloak concealing their face.

Yamato transformed into Sasori (the Hiruko puppet) and walked out onto the bridge.

(Y/N), Sakura, Naruto, and Sai hid behind a group of rocks not far from the bridge.

Sakura: Good luck, Commander Yamato.

When Yamato reached the informant, they turned and revealed their face: Kabuto Yakushi.

Naruto: <shocked> Him again...!!

Sakura: I can't believe it. The Akatsuki spy is Kabuto...!

(Y/N): Don't get too loud. We don't want him to notice us.

Unfortunately, the wind blowing around the bridge blocked off Yamato and Kabuto's conversation.

Naruto: Damn! The wind's so strong, I can't hear a thing!

(Y/N): At least he won't be able to hear us now, hopefully.

Sakura: The upwind also blows our scent in the opposite direction, so he won't detect our approach.

The two continued their conversation.

Naruto: This is taking too long. Captain Yamato should just grab him!

(Y/N): And risk the mission if he fails? This is Kabuto we're talking about. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Sai: Maybe, but Yamato doesn't want Kabuto to become suspicious, either. If he does, this mission's already failed.

After some more talk, (Y/N) saw Yamato reaching for a kunai in his Akatsuki cloak.

However, just as he pulled it out to attack Kabuto, Orochimaru appeared behind Kabuto, leaning on his back. A snake hissed next to him.

Kabuto moved beside Yamato, throwing off his cloak in the process.

Naruto: Orochimaru!!

(Y/N): Shit! Kabuto's been followed!

Sai: So that's him...

Naruto: What do we do?!

Sakura: Nothing. We sit tight till Captain Yamato gives us the signal.

Naruto: But—!

(Y/N): Just wait, Naruto! The mission's just escalated tenfold...

On the bridge, Kabuto made a Chakra Scalpel. He turned and sliced Yamato's disguise!

Yamato jumped out of it, gripping his right arm which had been cut.

Naruto: Gah!!

Sakura: <shocked> Oh, no!! He's been discovered!

(Y/N): Dammit. What the hell is going on?

Yamato landed on the bridge. He gave the signal, and the Leaf Shinobi launched out of their hiding place and onto the bridge.

Kabuto: <smirking> You again.

Orochimaru: Well, now, isn't this a pleasant reunion, and I see you've brought the Nine-Tails child. Excellent. I've been waiting for such an opportunity to see which one is stronger now... Naruto or Sasuke.

Naruto's eyes turned red, and he began to growl.

That's when Sakura realized something.

Sakura: Where's (Y/N)?!

Sai and Yamato looked around the bridge and saw that (Y/N) wasn't there.

Orochimaru: (Y/N)?

Kabuto: We were informed that he had been killed in a battle between Naruto and Sasuke.

A familiar voice rang out.

Shiki: It turns out he's alive and well.

Shiki emerged from the shadows, dragging (Y/N) along with him. Two giant snakes were wrapped around him, squeezing him.

Sakura: Who is that?!

Yamato: Shiki. Another one of Orochimaru's top henchmen.

Shiki: You stupid Shinobi didn't even know that I was lurking behind you the entire time.

Orochimaru: Interesting. (Y/N) is alive after all.

Kabuto: I wonder how Sasuke will react to the news.

Naruto growled at the mention of Sasuke's name. He glared at Orochimaru and Kabuto.

(Y/N) opened his white eye and summoned a mass of chakra that create a massive shockwave. It blew Shiki off his feet, as well as push back Orochimaru and Kabuto a bit. The two snakes, meanwhile, exploded.

(Y/N) shot out of the mess and landed next to Yamato.

(Y/N): It'll take more than two snakes to restrain me!

Orochimaru chuckled.

Orochimaru: I can feel the power oozing out of you. It's making me... excited.


In the Leaf Village, Minerva was at her house, reading a book and sipping her coffee. She reclined back and stretched, giving off a sigh of relief.

Minerva: Ahhh, this is the life. A day for me to kick back, relax, and read my bo—

She was interrupted by knocking at her door.

Her tranquility cracked around her. She grumbled to herself and stood up, walking over to the door.

Minerva: I swear to god, I'm going to strangle whoever is at my door.

She opened the door and made a grabbing motion for the neck, but stopped midway when she saw that it was Nyssa.

Minerva: Oh. What brings you here, uh, Nessie?

Nyssa: It is Nyssa.

Minerva: <pained smile> Oh... right.

Nyssa: Someone recently came to our village and started asking around for you.

Minerva: Me?

Nyssa: Indeed. I brought him here.

She stepped out of the way, revealing a man and a teenage boy standing there.

Minerva's jaw hit the floor.

Minerva: You have got to be shitting me.

The man raised an eyebrow.

???: So you remember me, don't you?

Minerva: Regrettably, yes, I do.

???: And you know why I'm here?

Minerva: No, I actually do not know that.

???: Well, you shall soon find out when I tell you!

Minerva: <deadpan> Can you just fucking tell me already that way you can get the hell away from me? Seriously, Tanaka, you need to calm down.

Tanaka: <laughing> Glad to see you're still a bitch.

Nyssa sweat dropped.

The man, Tanaka, motioned to the teenage boy standing next to him.

Tanaka: Anyway, here is your son-in-law. Take good care of him. Goodbye, now.

Minerva: WHAT?!?!

Tanaka grinned at her. He had short, black hair and a pair of glasses.

He put his hands on the boy's shoulders. The boy had gray eyes and black hair. He looked to be about 15 or 16.

Tanaka: This is Ayuka's son, yes. Now, he's your responsibility.

Minerva: Wha—? What the fuck?! He's your son, you piece of shit!

The boy gripped Tanaka's arm and started shaking his head.

Tanaka: <prying off the boy's hands> Well... I'm kind of broke right now, and I can't really afford to take care of him seeing as I can barely keep my house, so off to his aunt he goes!

He pushed the boy over to her and turned to leave.

Minerva: I fucking hate you!! I don't know what Ayuka even saw in you, you fucking cockwarmer!

Tanaka: Talk to the bird.

He stuck the middle finger out at her and walked away.

Minerva growled and looked at Nyssa.

Minerva: Would it be a crime if I killed him right now?

Nyssa just shrugged.

The boy stared longingly at his father, who was walking away.

Minerva: Why does this have to happen to me?

She looked at the boy and frowned. She felt bad for him. He clearly didn't want to leave his father.

She put her hands on the boy's shoulders and smiled at him.

Minerva: So your Ayuka's son? What's your name?

The boy didn't say anything. He just looked down.

Tanaka walked back over to them.

Tanaka: By the way, his name is Akio, and he doesn't talk to anyone. Good luck! Now, back to Iwagakure for me!

He hauled ass away from them.

Minerva cursed under her breath and looked at Akio, giving him a small smile.

Minerva: Akio, huh? That's a cute name.

The boy remained silent.

Minerva: <frowning> Hm. How about I make you something to eat? Are you hungry?

The boy slowly nodded his head, but he wouldn't make eye contact.

She led him into her house.

Minerva: I'm sorry that your dad did this to you. <thinking> What the hell just happened?

She shut the door behind her, leaving Nyssa standing there awkwardly like 🧍‍♀️.


In Amegakure, a side of the tallest building exploded. Pain landed right at the edge of the crater. He stared at Yugen, who was grinning.

Yugen: I can do this all day!

Behind her, Ose and Utsumi were both attacking Konan, who was defending herself quite well.

Pain: You are much more of a nuisance than I thought you would be.

Yugen: My expectation is simple. This fight is pointless. Just stay away from (Y/N) and we will not have any issues.

Pain: If he stays out of our way, he will not be put in any danger. It is as simple as that.

Yugen frowned and threw back her hood. Her eyes stared at Pain's.

Yugen: Those Rinnegan cannot protect you from everything.

Pain: But they can from you. <raising his hand> Almighty Push!

Yugen was thrown backwards into a wall. Pain charged towards her.

She grinned and open her eyes wide. Her pupils turned red and a spiral shape formed around it.

Pain: <thinking> A Mangekyo Sharingan?!

A maroon colored skeletal avatar appeared above her. It swung downwards at Pain, forcing him to jump away from Yugen to avoid it.

Pain: So you have the Uchiha eyes...

Yugen wiped the dust off of her clothes and smirked.

Yugen: These are very special eyes that I have the privilege of wielding. The very first Sharingan.

Pain: The very first?

The giant avatar swung its arms down at Pain. He was able to avoid it again.

Yugen: It's not smart to split the Rinnegan's power between six bodies. You can't absorb the Susanoo's chakra.

Pain: <thinking> It seems I'll be forced to bring out all six bodies.

Yugen: This isn't even the true extent of my power. Admit defeat and this doesn't have to get any worse.

She made a hand sign and the Susanoo did as well.

Utsumi: Wait, Mistress! What are you doing?

Ose: You can't be using that jutsu?

As she said that, Konan punched her in the face.

Konan: Do not get distracted!

Rumbling was felt all around the area.

Pain: What is this?

Yugen: Surrender, and then I don't have to squash the entirety of Amegakure.

Pain stared out of the crater in the side of the building and stared up at the sky. His eyes widened when he saw a huge shadow up in the clouds.

In the streets, people began to cry out.

Yugen: Your Planetary Devastation technique is nowhere near this level. I can call it off if you admit defeat.

Pain: Is that... a meteor?

Konan: What?! Impossible!

Yugen: This is a jutsu wielded by the Shinobi of an age long since past... The jutsu wielded by the Shinobi now are nothing compared to our predecessors. In that age, chakra was much more free and malleable. The rules the Five Nations impose on Shinobi have lessened the power of chakra. Your Rinnegan eyes are also from that bygone age. The age of the Sage of the Six Paths and even before that, his mother.

Pain: The Sage of the Six Paths...

Yugen: I am beyond you. I wield many forgotten jutsu, some that seem like a thing only a god could do. And there was once a god. She possessed every jutsu imaginable. Chakra came from her.

Konan: What are you talking about?

Yugen: Surrender and listen to my request, and I can stop this. You can resume your Jinchuriki hunt. Otherwise, Shattered Heaven will kill the heart of the Akatsuki right here and now.

Pain: Very well. We will honor your request.

Yugen and the Susanoo undid the hand signs. The rumbling stopped. Up in the sky, the looming shadow disappeared.

Yugen: <smirking> I'm glad we could come to an agreement. It is really simple. Do not lay a finger on (Y/N), and we won't have any problems.

Utsumi and Ose transformed back into their normal forms. They were both sweating.

Yugen: Come, you two. We can leave now.

As the three left, Pain and Konan stared at them.

Konan: You didn't even try to stop that meteor?

Pain: I knew that no matter what, I would not be able to. Not even with all Six Paths.

Konan: But if you created multiple satellites using Planetary Devastation...

Pain: It would not have been enough. The size of that meteor was... frightening.

Konan's eyes widened.

Konan: It's hard to believe that jutsu like that used to exist...

Pain: No. They still exist. With her.

Outside of Pain's building, Yugen, Utsumi, and Ose walked in the pouring rain. Yugen put her hood back up.

Utsumi: Mistress, do you really believe they'll keep that promise?

Yugen: Who knows? Make sure to dispatch someone to keep an eye on (Y/N) whenever he leaves the village. I can't afford to have him killed.

Ose: But his powers are...

Yugen: His powers are still developing. When it reaches its full potential, there won't be a single Shinobi alive that will be able to beat him. But we are not at that stage yet.

Utsumi: Would that mean you won't be able to beat him when he reaches that potential?

Yugen grinned.


Back on the Tenchi Bridge, red chakra emerged from Naruto's body.

Naruto: <growling> Give... Sasuke back!

Sakura and (Y/N) looked at Naruto, concerned.

Kabuto: Give Sasuke back? You're getting off track. Sasuke came to us of his own accord. Because he wanted to. Why can't you just accept the truth?

Sakura: Shut up, Four Eyes!! You don't understand how people feel. You only know cold logic.

Orochimaru: If you want to know about Sasuke, you'll have to force me to tell you... if you can, that is!

The red chakra formed a bubble around Naruto, and one tail emerged from it. He leapt at Orochimaru, smacking him in the face, and sending him flying backwards into a nearby tree.

Sakura: Naruto—?!

Sai: Hey! What—?!

(Y/N): Shit. Not this again.

Kabuto: Naruto, you've matured quite a bit as a Jinchuriki host.

Shiki: So this is the power of a Jinchuriki...

Orochimaru stood up. His face was ripped, revealing another face within.

Orochimaru: You're getting quite Jinchuriki-like, little fox.

(Y/N) grit his teeth and slowly walked over to Naruto.

Orochimaru: <to Yamato> So that's why you were chosen to be the fox's watchdog, eh? Seems some of my experiments came in handy after all. Konoha really ought to be more grateful to me. Don't you think? My cute little experiment...

(Y/N): Experiment?

Orochimaru: There was a time I sought the power of the Shinobi who was not only the ultimate Wood Style ninjutsu master, but also the one person who had total control over the Tailed Beasts. Namely, the First Hokage. So I extracted his DNA and inserted it into the cells of 60 children. Unfortunately, their inferior bodies rejected the superior genetic material. They died in rapid succession, one after another. I thought they'd all perished... I can't believe there was a survivor...

Yamato didn't say anything.

(Y/N): <thinking> So that's why he can use the First Hokage's jutsu! I've been wondering about that.

Kabuto: Well, Lord Orochimaru, if one experiment was a success, we could obtain a sample.

Orochimaru: Yes. Time to pit Sasuke against Naruto and see once and for all who is the strongest.

Naruto: <growling> You don't own Sasuke...

Two more tails emerged from the red chakra bubble around Naruto.

Naruto: <shouting> Don't talk about Sasuke like you own him!! Especially in front of me!!!!

Yamato: That's...!

(Y/N): It's the Nine-Tails' chakra!

A shockwave of the red chakra shot out from Naruto, created a small crater where he stood, and blowing everyone back a few feet.

Shiki: Incredible.

Kabuto charged towards Naruto with a Chakra Scalpel at the ready. However, before he could even touch Naruto, another shockwave of red chakra shot out. It blew Kabuto all the way back into a tree.

(Y/N) and Sai stumbled around, while Shiki and Yamato held their ground. Sakura, however, flew back and slammed her head against the bridge, knocking her out.

(Y/N): Sakura!!

Suddenly, an explosion occured where Naruto was, destroying the bridge where he stood. The rest of the bridge began to crumble.

Naruto jumped towards Orochimaru, and the two disappeared in the thick forest behind them.

Yamato used a Wood Style jutsu to create wood branches that held the rest of the bridge up that way it did not fall, but it was already slanted. Sakura's body began to slide down towards the cliff below.

(Y/N): Shit! Sakura's falling!

Yamato: Did she hit her head?

The white haired male was about to rush forward to get her before a sword of plasma pierced his chest.

(Y/N) cried out in pain as he fell to his knees, clutching his chest that now had a gaping hole in it.

Shiki: Plasma Style: Plasma Sword.

Yamato: (Y/N)!

Sai took out his scroll and drew a giant bird. It leapt out of the scroll, and Sai hopped on it.

Sakura had now fallen off of the bridge, with Sai directly under her.

(Y/N): Sai! Catch Sakura!!

However, Sai just ignored her and flew over to where Naruto and Orochimaru were fighting.

Yamato and (Y/N)'s eyes widened.

(Y/N) stood up and jumped over the side of the bridge, ignoring his bleeding chest.

His white hair grew longer and both of his eyes turned white. Small horns grew from his head as he rushed down towards Sakura.

Yamato: (Y/N)!

He heard Shiki walk up behind him. The captain jumped back, just as Shiki swung his Plasma Sword at him.

Shiki: I'm still here!

Meanwhile, (Y/N) caught up to Sakura. He grabbed her and quickly flew back up to the bridge.

Shiki: <shocked> He can fly now?!

Yamato: <thinking> He got her... Thank god.

(Y/N) landed back on the bridge and set Sakura down. She still wasn't conscious.

Shiki ran towards the two, Plasma Sword at the ready.

(Y/N): Wind Style: Whirlwind Fist!

Revolving wind swirled around the white haired male's fist. He punched Shiki in the stomach, blowing him back into the forest.

Yamato hurried over to Sakura, while (Y/N) turned back into his normal form.

Yamato: Come on, girl... Up and at 'em...

Sakura groaned and slowly opened her eyes. She gripped her head.

Sakura: <in pain> Ahh...! My head!

(Y/N): Are you okay?

Sakura: No, but I will be...

She gasped when she saw a tall beam of red shoot up into the sky from a distance.

(Y/N): It's Naruto...

Yamato: (Y/N), stay here with Sakura. I have to go deal with Naruto.

(Y/N) nodded and Yamato hurried to the other side of the bridge by creating a wooden walkway.

Sakura looked at the damage on the bridge.

Sakura: Did...Did Naruto do all this?

(Y/N): Yeah. It looks like he's losing control or something.

Sakura: What's he doing?!

(Y/N): I think he's fighting Orochimaru.

Off in the distance, a huge explosion was heard.

Sakura: What's happening to Naruto?

(Y/N): I-I don't know... <thinking> This never happened to Han. He was always in control...

Kabuto walked over to them.

Kabuto: Well, now. Guess the real Sasori won't be showing up anytime soon. The fact that he revealed the existence and location of the bridge makes me think he was hoping you would take down Lord Orochimaru for him. The Akatsuki is still reeling from Lord Orochimaru's defection, you know. So for him to divulge such sensitive intelligence means Sasori sees your power.

(Y/N): So you were pretending to betray Orochimaru, then? This was a trap for Sasori?

Kabuto: <smirking> Hmph. I wonder what happened to Sasori.

Shiki emerged from the forest. He wiped his bleeding lip.

Shiki: I think he's dead. I don't see these goody-two-shoes doing an Akatsuki's dirty work for them.

Sakura: He's dead.

Kabuto: Glad to hear it.

A huge explosion was then seen from where Naruto and Orochimaru were fighting.

Shiki: What the hell is happening over there?

(Y/N): Tsk. Do I need to go over there?

Shiki: How about no? I need some revenge for our last fight.

All of a sudden, Naruto was shot over to the forest near the group. The red chakra that surrounded him was deep red and his normal body couldn't even be seen. He had four tails coming out of him. A long blade was at his chest.

Kabuto: The Nine-Tails... He's almost there.

Sakura: <concerned> Naruto...

Kabuto: This is not so much a battle between ninja as a battle between monsters. <chuckles>

(Y/N): Naruto's on our side of the bridge.

Naruto grabbed the blade at his chest and swung it, causing it to slice through the bridge.

(Y/N) grabbed Sakura and hauled her off of the bridge, while Kabuto and Shiki jumped off of it. They landed on the grass, across from Naruto.

Naruto roared.

Kabuto: Amazing. So that's how far Naruto would go to rescue Sasuke. The boy is gone. Only the monster remains. What a pitiful child.

Sakura began to tear up. She then rushed towards Naruto.

(Y/N): Sakura, wait!!! Don't go near Naruto!!

Shiki: Stupid girl.

Sakura: <to Naruto> Naruto! Please, don't do this!! I'll rescue Sasuke! I'm begging you... stop this right now!!

Naruto stared at Sakura and swung one of his red tails, hitting her on the arm. She screamed out in pain and fell to the ground where she writhed in pain.

(Y/N): No!! Sakura!!

He turned into his alien form and charged over to Naruto, who loomed over Sakura.

The white haired male punched Naruto in the face, sending him into a nearby tree, destroying it.

(Y/N) stood in front of Sakura, protecting her.

(Y/N): I don't want to have to fight you, but I will protect her!

Naruto roared at (Y/N) and jumped at him, swinging his claws wildly.

(Y/N) caught Naruto's arms and swung him around, throwing him back into another tree.

Naruto got back up, unharmed. The two ran towards each other. Two of Naruto's tails swung at (Y/N), but the older one simply grabbed them and held them in place.

Another tail rushed towards (Y/N), smacking him in the face. He staggered back a bit, but didn't back down.

Shiki: He's not even in pain from being touched by a Tailed Beast!

Kabuto: We should keep our distance. Those two creatures are beyond both of us.

(Y/N) and Naruto glared at each other before Naruto opened his mouth.

A black sphere began to form in front of it.

(A/N): I think Sai is a really underrated character. One of my favorites if I'm being honest. Don't know if that's a popular take or not but then again, I don't care. I'm not a big fan of the Naruto fandom.

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