Infatuation (PLL Emison AU)

By ForeverWithoutHim

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They say the devil is a beautiful creature who lulls unsuspecting people into her orbit. The trouble is, what... More

The Doctor
The Detective
The First Spark
The Follow Up
Shadows of the Past
The Darkness
Laws of Attraction
Social Deception
Beauty and The Beast
Urges and Desires
Age of Innocence
Over The Edge
Heart Skips a Beat
Under the Microscope
For Better or For Worse
Crash and Burn
In Pieces
A Dangerous Game
Fear and Loathing
Stripped Bare
Pain and Suffering
Battle Scars
Blood, Sweat, and Tears
Eyes Wide Open
How it Ends
Flesh and Blood
Into the Dark
Dirty Little Secrets
Monsters in the End
The Balance of Dark and Light
Epilogue: Part II

Epilogue: Part I

211 8 3
By ForeverWithoutHim

A/N: Hello all you wonderful Emison fans still out there. There is a lot to be said here.

I wrestled with how to release the last chapter and the epilogue, and after fighting with my inner critic and battling COVID and being ridiculously triggered from having the number 45 as an ending chapter (America has a THING about the number 45 when it comes to politics)...I realized that it fit best as a two-part epilogue. It gives you time to digest everything and it eliminates me having to end on 45. We don't talk about 45.

I'm sorry it took so long to get it out. But being sick and being depressed and so much more in my life played a role. But here we are. Expect Part II to be up shortly following Part I. Within the week. I won't make you wait months.

I really really hope I don't disappoint. Thank you for your continuous support.





The morning of their flight Alison woke up early. She'd been too excited to sleep. She laid on her side facing Emily, hands tucked beneath her cheek.

She watched Emily's soft little breaths and smiled. The brunette's nose twitched and Alison had to fight the urge to kiss it.

She didn't want to wake her up at 2 AM. It wasn't often that one of them got a good night's sleep.

She watched Emily's micro-expressions for a little while...her eyelids fluttering as her eyes cycled through whatever dream she was having...her lips occasionally opening and closing...quiet sounds huffing out of her mouth.

Gus snored at the foot of the bed. The big lug was out cold. He'd had a long day. They had gone to Hanna's house for dinner and he played with Scout and the boys the entire time, with the exception of when they were eating.

He loved to beg for scraps. Liam and Aidan fed him under the table. Alison saw it, but she didn't stop them.

His paws twitched in the same manner that Emily's nose had been twitching. He was dreaming about something. Chasing squirrels. Or perhaps his time with his old friend Louis.

Gus had adapted very well. He seemed to understand he was meant to be there.

Alison had learned very early on that dogs were extremely perceptive.

Pepe had taken a shine to her the second her aunt brought her home from the hospital. He'd treated her like a delicate puppy he needed to protect.

He'd sensed everything she needed. When Marco Furey and Linda Tanner came to question her about the murders he knew that she was uncomfortable with being touched, so even though Marco's intentions had been completely innocent Pepe had not hesitated to let the man know not to lay his hands on her.

Good boy, Pepe. She remembered thinking at the time.

She looked at Gus and smiled, silently saying the same,

Good boy, Gus.

He had pouted when they were packing their bags, but Alison had kissed his head and told him he was going to have a good time and that they'd be back before he knew it. She was apprehensive of how he would adjust to them being gone for three months, but she felt confident that he'd be okay.

You're part of this family. Her eyes said it to him every time she scratched his head and looked into his eyes. You're ours. And we're yours.

He understood.

She knew he understood.

Her gaze drifted between her dog and her wife.

I am so lucky.

She thought about how much fun they were going to have in Paris together...and apart. She couldn't wait to get her claws in Jack's little seed.

Her eyes drifted to the bags they'd packed. Alison had packed way more than Emily. The detective was a minimalist.

She eyed the bag that had her surgical attire and equipment. The contents looked like an emergency medical kit, so she had no concern about checking it. It helped that Marco had gone to great lengths to reach someone who worked in airport security to make sure no one even looked twice at it.

In preparation she had been working out with Emily more, a ploy to make sure her wife was still active in hand-to-hand combat, because Emily wouldn't have her gun on her in Paris. The paperwork had been too much of a headache, and since she wasn't in the military or a French citizen it would be too much work to get it all through customs. Alison didn't like that she wouldn't be armed, but she knew they wouldn't be alone.

Gus kicked his feet in his sleep like he was chasing something.

Alison smiled. She knew what it was like to be on the hunt.

Things were finally starting to go their way. Toby and Emily had closed the case of the dead woman found in the dumpster. And Alison's mind was free and clear. She had her profile on The Junior Ripper and was already forming a plan.

She peered at the clock.


She had a good four hours before they needed to be up. They were taking Gus over to Pam's house and then Pam was going to go with them to the airport and drive Toby's car back to town.

She peeked at Emily again to make sure she was sleeping deeply enough. When she was convinced she wouldn't wake her she slipped out of bed.

Gus lifted his head, but she put a finger against her lips and mimicked a "shh" without making a sound. Toby was helping them teach Gus more advanced commands. He was picking it up fast. He didn't know as many as Duke, but he was well on his way.

He laid his head back down and made a sniffling sound from his nose.

Alison quietly crept downstairs and walked into the make-shift gym where she had a hidden file and her laptop locked away.

She sat down and opened the laptop. She typed in her password and waited to get a notification on her burner phone so she could approve her log in. She'd gone to extraordinary lengths to make sure that no one would ever see the contents on the computer. She had a protected VPN and used a dark web browser.

She pulled up the newest searches on the killer terrorizing France. She wasn't surprised to find out that another victim had been found. He wasn't escalating yet, but he was staying consistent.

She pulled up a protected document and added the new information. Then she studied a map of Paris, trying to figure out the best place to dispose of him. The place was going to be swarming with locals and tourists, so she had to be very careful.

She drew out maps to some of the more obscure locations, including dive bars and cafés where he might hunt his prey.

She kept her eye on the time, wanting to make sure she had breakfast ready for when Emily woke up.

The brunette had been so supportive and very savvy in planning the trip. She had even invested in some lavish new travel bags created by an actress and influencer that Hanna had turned Emily on to.

Alison was mindful of the time, leaving enough time to make breakfast. Once she was done with her notes she closed out of her computer files and locked the laptop before shutting it down and packing it into a bag that would be accompanying her to Paris.

If Marco was true to his word they wouldn't have anything to worry about at the security check.

And he would be true to his word.

When she walked back into the house and towards the kitchen she heard a noise that stopped her in her tracks. She knew it wasn't Emily, because Emily would make it a point to find her when she woke up.

She glanced around until her eyes landed on a pair of scissors. She eyed the alarm at the front door to make sure it was still active. She grabbed the scissors and quietly moved forward.

She observed from outside the doorway...her eyes catching a moving shadow in the darkness. It was followed by a quiet clank.

She crept forward, scissors in hand.

She was halfway into the kitchen before she heard the familiar sound of water being slurped up.

A sigh of relief filled the room as she turned the light on. Gus was staring up at her, hovering over his food and water bowl. He had slobber dripping down the sides of his jowls.

The instant he saw her he pawed at the empty food bowl.

"You've got to be more careful, bud." She put the scissors down and reached for a large container. She scooped a hefty amount of food out and piled it into his bowl. "I kill people for a living, you know," she said quietly.

The dog paid no attention to her, instead choosing to gobble up his breakfast.

She gently started grabbing pots and pans and all the ingredients she needed to spoil her wife with breakfast in bed.

It felt the best way.

Just another regular human.

She was in the middle of pulling out several fresh fruits when Gus started scratching at the back door.

She wiped her hands on a dish towel and walked over and disabled the alarm and opened the door. Gus bolted outside into the darkness, sniffing at the grass and doing his business.

When he was finished Alison called him back inside, but he didn't listen. He was focused on the fence line.

"Gus!" She called quietly, tiring of his antics. "Come on."

Gus didn't budge.

She heard a low growl break through the crisp morning air. From the light in the kitchen she could see the hairs on his spine standing at attention.

Her head started spinning.

She hated that every little sound in the darkness set her off. She had to remind herself that there were no more big bad monsters after her. She'd closed the door on that chapter of her life.

But there was always something creeping up her spine...something hiding in the shadows.

She grabbed a butcher knife and crept towards Gus, who had his sights set on something she couldn't see.

She hissed at Gus to come to her, afraid something might happen to him. She had flashbacks to Duke getting tased.

There is no one out here.

Alex Drake is dead.

I'm safe here.

It's just a squirrel.

Though it was too early for squirrels.

"Gus!" She snapped again as she edged closer.

It wasn't like Gus to ignore her. And he certainly didn't growl without a reason. She held the butcher knife closer.

"Gus..." She reached for his collar, which finally got his attention.

He turned his head towards her and his entire body relaxed. The fur on his spine was flat again.

"Cats out here teasing you?" Alison tried to lighten the mood.

She heard something rustle in the bushes.

Gus turned and growled again.

Alison readied herself with the knife.

A small shadow darted by the fence line. Gus erupted into a chorus of barks, which Alison immediately shut down.

"'ll wake the neighbors." She watched as the raccoon rushed away from the angry dog.

She grabbed his collar again.

He didn't resist. Now that the threat had been eliminated he trotted back towards the house, proud of himself.

Alison stayed at the fence line for a few more seconds. She still felt unnerved. She took a long hard look at the darkness before turning back towards the house.

She cursed herself for leaving the door open, knowing it could lead to bugs...and other pests getting inside.

The blonde walked back over to the counter where she had an entire line up of ingredients prepared for breakfast. She grabbed the eggs and sausage and started with that. As she listened to the pan sizzle she reached for the fresh fruit.

She cut up the cantaloupe first and put it in a bowl with blueberries and blackberries. She took care with her use of the knife as she made the perfect slices. She reached for an orange and placed the blade against the thick skin.

She closed her eyes and inhaled a calming breath, thinking about the layers of skin on a human body. When she opened her eyes back up she curled her fingers around the knife and sliced through the orange. She imagined cutting skin, watching blood instead of juice flowing out.

These are not normal thoughts...

Get it together.

When she was finished she looked at the spread she'd created.

So this is what it's like to be an average American.

Gus was whining and pacing, stopping every few seconds to stare up at her.

He was taking begging to the next level.

Alison wagged her finger at him.

"No, sir. You better stop that begging right now. We'll let you clean our plates when we're finished eating."

Gus didn't seem satisfied, but he walked out of the kitchen anyway, leaving her in peace. He had his sights set on a nice cozy bed upstairs.

Alison was expecting it to be a perfect day. She wasn't expecting anything to go awry. But nothing in their lives was ever simple.

As she was busying herself in the kitchen, Emily was rolling over in their bed.

The brunette reached for Alison. She opened her eyes when she realized her wife was not next to her.

She sat up, letting the scent of fresh biscuits and eggs overwhelm her senses. She yawned and glanced at the clock.

She heard a huffing noise from the hallway and peered out the halfway open door and saw Gus standing in the doorway.

He seemed unsettled. He paced the floor and stared at her like he was trying to tell her something.

"What's the matter, big guy?" Emily yawned. "Alison won't give you any scraps?"

There was a clamoring noise in the kitchen and Gus spun around.

Something is wrong.

Emily felt a strange urgency in her gut.

No. No, it's okay.

We're okay.

I'm overreacting.

But that didn't stop her from ripping the covers off and reaching for her service weapon in the nightstand.

There was a familiar sense of dread that she couldn't shake. She checked the magazine to make sure she was fully armed, then popped a bullet into the chamber.

She turned the safety off before quietly making her way down the hallway.

Gus followed her.

There were strange sounds coming out of the kitchen as she approached. She told herself she was being ridiculous, but her instincts had been right.

She was not at all prepared for the scene she walked in on.

She saw Alison struggling with an attacker and immediately raised her weapon. The two women spun around. A knife was held against Alison's throat as the other person positioned her as a human shield.

"Let her go." Emily trained the weapon on the semi-familiar face.

The older woman had a look of madness in her eyes. A look that Emily had seen once her daughter, Alex Drake. She was staring at the woman who had given birth to the monster that had tortured them.

"You ruined my daughter!" The woman shrieked. "You turned her into the devil!"

"She was already the fucking devil." Alison spat.

"Ali, don't taunt her!" Emily snapped when she saw the knife break the skin on her throat. "Ms. Plunkett...put the knife down." Emily kept her gaze steady.

She didn't have a clear shot, but Alison didn't seem to care.

"Shoot the bitch!"

Her outburst was rewarded with the knife nicking her throat again.

Before Emily could react, Gus snarled and raced towards the brawl.

Alex's mother was ready for him. She rammed a steel-toed boot into his jaw.

There was a sickening crack and Gus screamed and shook his head vigorously.

"That's my dog you fucking lunatic!" Alison pushed back against Ms. Plunkett. She squirmed to try and make sure Gus was okay.

As Emily struggled to find a clear shot she thought about how naïve she'd been to think that the worst was behind them.

She hated herself for letting her guard down. She had been ignorant in thinking that their past was behind them. She should have known their future would be tainted.

This is our punishment.

Deep down she knew they were never going to get their happily ever after.

"Stay still." The wild-eyed woman warned the squirming blonde.

"The fuck I will." Alison tried to buck back against her. She lowered her head and dropped her jaw, trying to sink her teeth into Ms. Plunkett's hand.

"Stop!" Emily yelled.

Alison's motion set off a sequence of events that seemed to go by in slow motion. The cool steel blade sliced into the thin skin underneath Alison's neck as Ms. Plunkett wrestled to get the control back. There was a scream, but Emily wasn't sure who it had come from.

The old woman moved just enough for Emily to get a clear shot of her shoulder. Blood pooled out of the hole that had ripped open in her body. She screeched and dropped Alison to the floor. The blonde's head crashed against the corner of the marbletop counter.

"I know what you two did!" Spittle flew out of the old woman's mouth. "I know the truth and I'm going to tell everyone!"

Emily fired again, but the old bat was quick on her feet as she skittered away.

Blood started to pool on the floor around Alison.

Emily moved to her so quickly it was as if she was soaring, waving her gun around and waiting for Alex's mom to pop back up again.

"Ali?" Emily kneeled next to her.

Alison didn't respond.

Emily pulled her into her arms and moved them behind the kitchen island, trying to find cover from the psycho bitch in their kitchen.

Tears burned her eyes as she tried to shake Alison from her unconsciousness.

Wake up. Emily pulled Alison close her.

We're supposed to go to Paris.

Wake up, Alison.

The copper smell of the blood sent a nauseating crash into her. The kitchen warbled like a funhouse mirror and she was back in the basement of The Radley again, holding Alison's mutilated body...battered, beaten, raw.

If they made it out of their house alive they might have to flee to Paris instead of just vacationing there. Especially if this woman knew the truth about them.

She heard movement and turned just in time to aim her weapon and fire. It ricocheted off of something.

The next thing she saw was a frying pan making contact with the side of her head. An explosion of pain burst into a million flashing lights. The hit knocked her to the floor beside Alison. She could feel the blonde's warm blood seeping into her clothes...clinging to her skin.

She let out a frustrated grunt. With all of the force that she had left she lurched to her feet. Her vision was black, so she was swinging blindly just hoping to hit Ms. Plunkett.

She felt the older woman tackle her, grabbing her arms and holding her in a tight grasp.

"You won't get away with this! You killed her! You killed them all!"

Emily threw her feet into the air, kicking off against a kitchen cabinet. It sent them flying backwards, the older woman smashing into a wall.

Seconds later they were both on their backs again. A weight was on top of her. A pressure around her neck.

She had a random thought.

This is how Maya felt the night she died.

She wanted to fight back, but her arms and legs were nothing but useless noodles.

She couldn't see Alison anymore.

She was baffled by how an old woman could have so much strength. She didn't realize that a rolling pin was being held against her throat, cutting off her oxygen.

She tried to picture Alison lounging in the French Riviera.

Maybe we'll make that flight to Paris after all...

Just not in the way they'd intended.

A flash of light blinded her, and her world went black.

o ~ O ~ o

The surrounding light was too bright. It was hot and it hurt her eyes. She was supposed to be in Paris. She wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, but all she could see was a bright white wall blocking everything else in her view.

She tried to move, but she didn't have a body. She tried to scream, but she didn't have a voice. She would have cried, but she couldn't feel anything.

She closed her eyes again.

This is not what I want my afterlife to be! She was screaming to someone she was certain wasn't listening...or didn't care.

She heard a muddled sound that could have been someone speaking to her underwater...or it could have been her imagination.

Did she even have an imagination anymore?

Where am I?

Where is Alison?

The muddled noises increased in volume.

Emily could only make out one word.


It was Alison.

She was screaming for help.

Alison. I hear you. I'm here. She struggled to move.

But the more she struggled, the faster she sank into the lights. They were swallowing her whole.

She wasn't breathing. She wasn't living. She was suspended in time.

The light started to waver and she was falling into a black abyss. Her vision was swimming before her. She fought like hell to escape from the quicksand taking her down.

Her eyes were filled with dirt...tears...maybe more.

A blurry bob was peering down at her.


The voice was clear this time.

Emily sucked in a gust of air and her body jerked in the bed.

Alison was sitting on top of her, straddling her legs and holding her arms to keep from hurting herself.

When the blonde had found her, Emily had been flinging her fists around wildly. At one point she'd hit the wall and started bleeding. The brunette's knuckles were bloody from where she'd scraped them.

"What the fuck?" Emily gasped, her eyes opening wide. "Where is she?"

"Who?" Alison peered down at her in confusion.

Emily's head urgently swept from side to side, taking in the fact that she was still in their bedroom. She studied Alison's throat and head, searching for injuries that didn't exist. When she realized none of it was real she relaxed against the mattress, Alison's weight sinking with her.

No matter how many nightmares she had, she'd never get used to them.

She saw a tray of food on the nightstand next to them. She'd knocked over a small plate with fruit, but Alison managed to spare the rest of the breakfast she'd made.

"I was making breakfast." Alison eased up. "I didn't know..." She hated that she hadn't been next to her when it started. "I'm sorry. I should have checked in on you. Gus was whining and pacing in the kitchen trying to get my attention. I just thought he was trying to puppy-dog eye his way into getting some bacon."

She glanced at the dog, who was sitting patiently in the doorway. He hadn't even dive-bombed the food on the floor. He was too concerned.

"It wasn't until I was coming down the hallway that I heard you struggling. I heard a crash. Then you screamed." That scream had cut her to the bone. "I tried to wake you up."

Emily was slowly starting to get her bearings back. The nightmare was over. They were fine. She breathed a sigh of relief, slowly looking through their room.

She swallowed a knot and smiled the sweetest smile that Alison had ever seen.

"You made me breakfast in bed?"

"A preview of our lives in France." Alison cupped her hot damp cheek.

"Let's just hope we leave the night terrors here." Emily was still visibly shaken, but when she looked at Alison she relaxed.

"Yes. Let's hope." Alison nodded in agreement as she wiped sweat-covered hair away from Emily's wet cheeks.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Emily sat up. She glanced at their dog. "Either of you." She gently clucked her tongue and signaled for Gus to join them.

He cautiously approached the bed, completely ignoring the food on the floor. He nudged her with his nose. She scratched his head to let him know she was okay.

"As someone who could write a dissertation on night don't have to explain anything to me." Alison shifted her weight off of the brunette. She reached for her scabbed knuckles. "I'll get the first aid kit."

She started to move, but Emily reached out and gripped her arm so hard that she was certain she was leaving a mark.

"No. Please. Just...stay." The images in her nightmare were still taunting her. "Just...just for a few minutes."

The situation didn't feel real. She doubted the presence of Alison's touch.

All of that doubt washed away when Alison sank into the mattress next to her.

"God, when are these fucking night terrors going to stop?" Alison growled in annoyance.

She hated it when she had them, but she hated it even more when Emily had them.

"I just need a minute. I'm okay." Emily lifted her hand to brush her knuckles against Alison's cheek, but she stopped short when she saw the smeared blood on them.

"You're not." Alison argued.

"I am." She scooted closer to the blonde. "The PTSD is never going to go away. We both know that. We will always have to deal with it." She cupped Alison's hands in hers. "People deal with it every day. Marco does. My dad did..."

"Have you asked your mom about how he managed?" Alison had been too stubborn to ask her therapist for advice. She didn't trust the woman, but she trusted Marco and Pam.

"I remember him exercising a lot. I think that probably helped relieve his stress. Mom said the only thing she could do was to be there for him."

"Well, that's something I know how to do." Alison pecked Emily's cheek. "Now, can I please go get the first aid kit so you can stop bleeding all over our nice clean sheets?"

"Thought blood didn't bother you." Emily shot her a cheeky look.

"Your blood bothers me very much." A grumpy frown washed across her face.

"I don't know whether to be offended or flattered." The brunette teased.

"It's a trigger for me. It makes me angry when you're hurt. It makes me want to kill the person who hurt you..." She had trouble controlling the rage she felt, but she had no one to take it out on.

"How exactly would you reconcile this situation given that I'm the one who hurt myself?" Emily cocked a curious brow.

"I don't know. Stop making me think logically." She crinkled her nose and Emily chuckled at her. "I guess I could punch holes in the wall."

"That's my thing."

"You damaged hospital property that day." Alison didn't particularly like thinking about the night that Tim Roland had tried to assault her, but she didn't mind seeing Emily's darkness unleashed. "You're hot when you're mad."

"Go get the first aid kit." Emily laughed softly. "I'll clean up the mess here." She glanced at the fruit on the floor. Some of it was still in a bowl on the tray, so Alison had managed to salvage part of the fruit bowl.

"I'll do both. You just stay here." Alison leaned in and kissed her temple. "Doctor's orders."

Alison pushed herself up off of the mattress. Emily watched her bound out of the room.

Emily sat up and put her feet against the carpet.

She completely disregarded Alison's orders and started to clean up the mess she'd made.

Gus stared at her with his with his big brown eyes, like he was assessing her to make sure she was truly okay. She booped his nose and his tail started to wag.

She scooped up some of the cantaloupe and blueberries that had been spilled and tossed them in a small trash bin.

When she was climbing off of her hands and knees she came face to face with her very annoyed wife.

"I told you I would take care of that." She slung the first aid kit on to the bed. "You went against medical advice."

"Don't I always?" Emily always had a way of smoothing things over. This time was no exception.

Alison had always been drawn to her whimsical nature.

Still the same flirty piece of perfection ogling me from her hospital bed...

"Sit." Alison pointed to the edge of the bed.

"What am I? A dog?" On cue, Gus sat his hindquarters against the floor and awaited his next command. "Wow, way to make me look like a dope, you traitor." Emily chuckled at the Lab.

Emily sat against the edge of the mattress. Alison delicately took her hand and observed the abrasions. She started to clean the blood off.

Emily hissed when the alcohol made contact with the split skin.

"Sorry." Alison winced.

"It's just cold." Emily tried to play it off.

"You don't have to be tough all the time." Alison glanced up at her.

"It's actually part of my job description." Emily smiled.

"You're not at work right now." Alison went back to tending to her knuckles.

"Says the doctor playing doctor at home." The brunette quizzically lifted her brows.

This time when Alison looked up at her she had a smile tugging at the edge of her lips.

Who gave her permission to be this cute?

"You have no business being this charming." Alison reached up and played with a lock of Emily's hair.

Emily could go from seductress to adorable without so much as batting an eye.

"And you have no business being this powerful." Emily shot back with a sly wink.

"I'm not trying to be. But you need to know what you to do me. How I feel. You are mine." Her lips captured Emily's, surprising the brunette. "And I'll never settle for anything less."

"Nor should you." Emily brushed her pointer finger through Alison's hair, tucking it behind her ear.

"I guess that's why we fit." The blonde's attention was drawn to the injuries on Emily's hand.

"Yeah." Emily nodded, her eyes drifting towards the window.

Light was slowly starting to bleed in through the slats of their blinds. It was a nice change of pace from the darkness that had churned in her stomach during her nightmare.

"Do you ever think about Alex's mother?" Emily turned and stared at the wall absentmindedly.

Alison rubbed a soothing salve on her knuckles.

"Was that what the nightmare was about?" She reached for a roll of gauze and then looked up at Emily.

"She wanted revenge." Emily glanced at the scabs on her knuckles.

Alison shook her head.

"Alex's mother knew what her daughter was the second she pushed her down the stairs...maybe even before then. And Aria said she didn't even care enough to see her body or bury her. That doesn't sound like a vengeful mother to me. That sounds like someone who was relieved."

"I guess." Emily sighed. "I just think about that look in my mom's eyes when she came to the hospital..."

"Which time?" Alison tried to lighten the mood.

It earned her a soft smile.

"I know it's not the same as Alex. Alex was a monster. But that woman still gave birth to her. And a part of me wonders if there is any part of her that is pained and angry over her loss."

Alison put her hand on Emily's knee, trying to draw her back into reality.

"Em, you carry the entire world's pain, you know that?"

How could she manage that? How could she stand it?

Alison delicately finished wrapping Emily's hand. She knew the brunette would tell her mother it was from boxing, but Pam would be able to see the truth.

The older woman had an insight that Alison still hadn't quite mastered. Sometimes she looked to Pam to pick up on things that she might miss.

Emily reached up with her uninjured hand and rubbed her forehead with her palm.

"Sorry. The nightmare just shook me a little bit. I'm so ready to be in Paris." She pulled Alison up on to the bed next to her.

Alison smiled and laid her head against Emily's shoulder. She felt Emily's cheek against the top of her head.

"Breakfast looks delicious." Emily shifted on the bed, reaching for the tray.

She reached for a blueberry and offered it to Alison, who eagerly accepted it. She closed her mouth around Emily's fingers and the fruit. She sucked the blueberry into her mouth.

The two of them settled on to the bed, leaning against the headboard.

Emily managed to shake off the nightmare as they ate, though Alison kept a watchful eye on her to make sure she wasn't silently suffering.

"You can stop staring." Emily finished her coffee. "I'm okay."

"Liar." Alison poked her arm.

Emily shot her a smarmy smile. Her phone beeped from the nightstand. Alison's buzzed from the other side of the bed simultaneously. Emily reached for hers and saw the group chat abuzz about their trip.

Have a safe flight! Enjoy yourselves. You deserve this time off.

Spencer had been very supportive of Alison taking the summer off. Alison couldn't help but suspect that Spencer's encouragement was duplicitous. Spencer definitely felt like she'd earned the trip, but the push and pull of their relationship had Alison wondering if her fellow surgeon was eager to take over in operating room.

The competitive nature would always exist between them, but Alison thought her text in the group chat was sincere.

They glanced at Aria's response and both of them laughed.

I deserve time off, too. Can I stowaway in one of your bags? I'm small enough. You wouldn't even know I was there.

Hanna had been quick to chime in,

Forget that stowaway shit. I'm going crash their penthouse suite the second I can find a babysitter.

I like that plan. That's a good plan. Aria's reaction was followed by a little devil-faced emoji.

"Do we think they're joking?" Alison tilted her head to look at Emily's screen. She knew the same messages were on the group chat on her phone, but since Emily already had hers in hand she scooted closer to get a better look.

"It's Aria and Hanna. There's an 80% chance they're not joking." Emily started typing a response.

"Tell them no gifts, no entry." Alison yawned.

But Emily already had a snappy retort.

I can't guarantee what you'll be walking in on if you show up. My lovely lady and I will likely not be leaving the bed for a good duration of our visit.

Alison watched her type it out and send it. She snorted out a laugh and then fell into an endless string of cackles.

"You are so badass." Alison reached for her phone to add to the thread,

Our peep shows aren't free. So no entry. You must come bearing presents. And we must accept them before you'll be allowed inside our Louvre of Love.

Aria and Hanna responded at almost exactly the same time. Aria got back to them first,

OMG, Lmfao, you two are fucking priceless.

Followed by Hanna's,

I am HOWLING right now. Like full on unladylike witch laughter that is scaring my children.

As Alison continued their conversation with the girls, Emily scrolled up and found a separate message from Toby. As always, he was acting like a controlling older brother.

Have a safe trip, Fields. You are not under any circumstances allowed to even think about work.

Emily laughed and responded,

You're not my boss. She sold it with an emoji sticking its tongue out.

Try not to get caught naked in public.

Why not? I thought the French were cool with nudity.

Just don't have sex inside of every landmark you visit, okay? I can't bail you out if you get caught. And you don't have diplomatic immunity.

So...we won't get caught.

Stay out of trouble.

I most certainly will not. Take care of my mom and Gus.

I most certainly will.

Emily smiled at her phone. She loved pestering Toby, and he didn't seem to mind it either. Her phone's alarm started to beep at her and she realized they needed to get moving.

The group chat was still lighting up with Hanna and Aria asking Alison what kind of gifts to bring.

Aria even spiced it up by asking if they needed any new bedroom toys.

Spencer had responded with an emoji with its eyes bulging out of its head.

Emily couldn't help but laugh.

"We should get going. As much fun as it is to watch Aria and Hanna torture Spencer, we don't want to miss our flight. I'm going to clean up since you were so kind as to cook this morning. Why don't you finish off our checklists?" Emily climbed out of bed and walked towards her dresser, pulling out a pair of loose exercise pants and a long sleeved shirt. "I'll start getting the bags packed into the car after I'm done in the kitchen."

"Make sure you grab the passports." Alison sat up on the edge of the bed.

"Got them." Emily turned around, clothes in hand. "Don't forget to jot down the dates to our virtual therapy sessions."

Alison grumbled under her breath. Both of their therapists were ecstatic that they were taking the trip, but they recommended continuing their sessions virtually.

Alison wasn't happy about it, but she understood the need for it. She knew she had to go into therapy without her bias as a surgeon. Because surgeons operated differently than psychologists. Surgery had strict rules that had to be adhered to. It was tangible and technical. Psychology was all about emotions. It was about exploration and keeping an open mind.

A surgeon knew what they had to do, how they had to do it, and what they would need to do it. They knew all the answers. Psychology bent the rules. Psychologists couldn't just reach into someone's brain and search for the answers. A Psychologist couldn't fix things with anesthesia and surgical instruments and sutures. Psychologists had to repair the broken bits by using thoughts and ideas.

As much as Alison hated that they weren't getting away from everything by going to France, she begrudgingly accepted that therapy was part of their lives. She'd told Marco she'd keep going.

"I know you're not stoked about it, but it's only a few sessions." Emily shrugged.

How does she always know what I'm thinking?

Emily glanced at her and smiled, like she knew what was exactly on her mind.

Alison watched her change, not surprised at her choice of attire for the flight. She chose comfort over fashion, which was smart because it was going to be a long flight.

Emily grabbed the tray with their empty plates and sauntered off to clean up.

Alison changed into a comfortable outfit, opting to follow Emily's lead. She took her time making sure that everything was in order.

Once she was satisfied she started gathering Gus's things. The dog watched her curiously, perched on the bed. He knew something big was happening.

She gathered his bed, toys, food, bowls, treats, and a few other things and then walked out to Toby's SUV, which he'd let them borrow so they could fit all of their luggage.

Emily had finished packing. She arched her back, grunting after throwing the last bag into the SUV.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a prescription pain killer. She didn't need it very often, but sometimes the injury in her back where the bullet had narrowly missed her spine flared up enough for her to pop a few pills.

Alison always cursed her second rate copycat when Emily's injuries flared up. The blonde's anguish was psychological. She didn't have a lot of long-lasting physical side-effects from the attack.

Emily bore the brunt of the physical pain. She had been cut deep. Sometimes it was a terrible stomach ache. Sometimes it was back spasms that incapacitated her, though she made light of it. She liked having Alison play doctor for her. It took her back to the day they'd met.

The only thing they had seen that day was each other.

Emily put the pill bottle back in her pocket. Alison rarely ever saw her use them, but that's because the detective was discreet about when she took the medication.

"You are not lifting another finger. Do you understand me?" Alison frowned, brushing her knuckles underneath Emily's jaw.

"Not one little finger?" Emily lifted her eyebrows mischievously, challenging her as she laid her palm against Alison's stomach.

Her hand drifted down until she'd hooked the belt loop on Alison's shorts with her index finger. Her pinky finger drifted below the waistband.

"The neighbors are watching..." Alison grinned at her.

"We should charge them for the show." Emily smirked.

She leaned forward and planted her lips against Alison's awaiting mouth. She gripped Alison's right hip with her free hand and pulled them closer.

"We'll have plenty of time for all of this in Paris." Alison pulled back gently, resting her forehead against Emily's.

What she really wanted to do was rip off Emily's clothes and give the neighbors a show, but she was trying to resist.

Emily didn't help matters when she bit her lip and smiled back at her,

"And the plane bathroom." Her gentle brown eyes had a devious flicker in them.

Alison felt her inhibitions shudder.

Fuck me right here.

The neighbors be damned.

"You are so bad."

"You think I'm going to go on a cross country flight with the love of my life and I'm not going to join the Mile High Club?" Emily licked her lips. "We're going to start our vacation off on the right foot."

"I would think you're going to need both feet to stand in the airplane bathroom." Alison crinkled her top lip and scrunched her nose up, trying to keep from bursting into laughter.

Emily's phone chirped, interrupting the moment. She grabbed it and glanced at the message.

"Once an Army Wife, always an Army Wife." Emily chuckled. "Mom is getting on us about the time. We're late. Why don't you grab Gus? I'll load his things..."

"No, ma'am. No more heavy lifting for you. You get Gus. I'll load his things into the car." Alison physically turned her towards the house and smacked her on the ass.

"So bossy." Emily uttered to herself.

"I heard that!" Alison called after her.

Emily glanced over her shoulder and blew her a kiss,

"Meant for you to hear it."

Alison put Gus's things in the car. By the time she was done Emily was walking out with the dog. She was saying something to him, but Alison couldn't hear what it was.

When Emily got closer she could hear that the brunette was giving him pep-talk, promising that he was going to have a good time and that they'd be back before he knew it. He was looking up at her and wagging his tail like he understood every word.

Alison leaned against the SUV and smiled as she watched the interaction. Emily looked up when she reached the vehicle.

"He seemed nervous." Emily saw her smiling at her.

"He seemed nervous or are you nervous?" Alison reached down and pat Gus on the head.

"Maybe the pep talk was for both of us." Emily opened the back door and Gus jumped inside.

"You're really cute." Alison chuckled.

"Just you wait. I'll show you cute." Emily walked by her and pinched her butt.

Before Alison could retaliate, the brunette was climbing in the driver's seat and waving her inside the car.

Alison hopped in the passenger's seat and they were on their way to Pam's house.

As Emily expected, her mother was waiting for them at the door, frowning and pointing to the clock.

"We have plenty of time, mom." Emily yawned, letting Gus loose in the house.

Pam cocked her head and without saying a word she grabbed her daughter's cheeks and looked directly into her eyes. She frowned when she saw dullness where there was usually vibrancy.

"Bad night?" Pam saw the weariness on her face.

It amazed Alison that mothers had that kind of power...that they could look at their children and just know things.

Had her mother ever seen her fear?

If she did, she didn't care.

"No. It was a good night." Emily rubbed the back of her neck. "Just a few bad minutes this morning before I woke up."

Forever my optimist.

"It's fine." Emily yawned. "I can sleep on the plane."

"I made coffee. Why don't you grab a cup? Alison and I can get Gus's things from the car." It wasn't a suggestion. It was an order.

Emily saw Alison grinning in triumph, likely because she was going to tell her the same thing.

Emily didn't object, because her mother made excellent coffee. Aria went nuts for it. The pathologist had asked Pam to adopt her the first time she'd tasted it.

Emily wandered into the kitchen. Gus was making himself at home, checking things out. He'd been to Pam's house before, so he was familiar with it.

Emily poured herself a cup of coffee and then poured one for Alison for when she got back inside. She sipped the brew and then looked down at her dog.

"You two take care of each other, okay?" She peered into his eyes.

He wagged his tail and walked over and nudged her with his nose. She pat his head.

A few minutes later she heard her mom and Alison rustling around in the living room.

"I think he has more luggage than we do." Alison plopped the bed down as Emily walked in with both cups of coffee.

She handed Alison a cup.

"Thank you." Alison took it with both palms. She took a sip and let out content sigh. "Pam, you're better than all the professional baristas I know."

"It was Emily's father's blend." Pam smiled, walking over to Emily and rubbing her shoulder.

Emily could tell that her mom was trying to see how she was handling the trauma from her night terrors. Pam knew that Alison and Emily took care of each other, but it still bothered her when she saw one or both of them suffering.

"We should get going." Emily pointed to the clock, turning Pam's vice against her.

She could turn on the Military Brat in her blood whenever she felt like it, too.

Gus looked around the room and then trotted over to Alison.

"We'll be back, buddy." Alison scratched his head and leaned down to give him a peck where she'd just ruffled his fur. "I promise."

His tail twitched and then started wagging.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him." Emily glanced at her mother.

"Of course! I have a book club this afternoon, but Toby has today off. He told me to bring him over there."

"Duke is going to love the company." Alison smiled.

When Gus heard Duke's name he perked up, suddenly excited and alert. He circled around happily and then ran to get a toy.

"A little later, buddy, okay?" Emily said. "You'll see him soon."

Alison reached into a bag full of his things and pulled out a bone for him to chew on to pass the time until Pam got back from the airport. He dropped his toy and eagerly awaited the bone. When she gave it to him he darted away to find a place to chew on it in peace.

The girls left him to his bone and walked out to the car.

Emily hopped behind the driver's seat, coffee still in hand. She put it in the cup holder. Alison offered Pam the front seat, but the older woman insisted that Alison take it. They did a dance of trying to out-polite each other for a few minutes, but Pam ultimately won by climbing in the back.

Pam made small talk with them on the way to the airport, telling them the absolute best places to visit in France. She had gone with Wayne twice.

By the time they got to the airport Alison had written down extensive notes about the places Pam had suggested.

They loaded their luggage on to a cart and then double-checked to make sure they had everything.

"Thank you so much, mom." Emily leaned in for a hug.

"Of course, baby." She pulled back and gripped Emily's cheeks. "Have fun." She smiled. "And don't forget to call me."

"I won't."

"And send pictures." She cleared her throat. She tried to be stoic as she added, "You know, so I can show Gus so he won't miss you too much."

So I won't miss you... Is what Emily heard.

"We'll Facetime." Alison assured her.

An image of the two of them talking to Gus over the phone popped into her head. They were cooing at him and telling him how much they missed him.

We have become THAT couple...

"Document all your adventures." Pam rubbed her palms against the sleeves of Emily's shirt.

Alison and Emily leaned in to hug Pam and she mumbled something about having a safe flight and that she loved them before they said their goodbyes.

Alison pushed the cart with their luggage, searching the baggage check area until she found the man that Marco had described to her. He was going to make sure all the luggage made it without incident. He was wearing a scarlet colored bowtie and had a Scarlet witch tattoo on his right arm...a fake tattoo only temporary for the mission. She maneuvered her way over to his short line.

He gave them a huge fake smile and asked them all the routine questions. When Emily turned back to check on something in one of her carry-ons he shared a look with Alison.

They both nodded.

The baggage hand-off went smoothly. If Emily suspected anything she didn't let on. She was too busy making sure they had everything they needed to board the plane. She held the passports and boarding passes in her hand as they went through security.

They didn't have to wait very long at their gate, because they were some of the first people to be called to board the plane.

Alison had splurged when she bought the tickets. Emily would have been fine with coach, but Alison wanted to be pampered, and even more-so...she wanted Emily to be treated like a queen. So she'd bought two first-class tickets.

Emily insisted that Alison take the window seat. She knew that the blonde would appreciate the view.

The seating in first class was spread out. There were only two seats in their row, so they weren't piled next to a neighbor.

Alison stared out the window at the tarmac. She didn't realize she was anxiously rubbing her hands together until Emily put her hand on top of her fingers.

"Nervous?" Emily asked.

"I have only been on a plane once before. It was a college opportunity." Everything had always been within driving distance or public transportation for her. "I couldn't stop thinking about what could go wrong, so I ate a bunch of valium like it was candy and I slept the whole way. The flight attendant had to wake me up after we landed."

"I can't believe I didn't know that." Emily's eyes brightened in surprise.

"What about you?" Alison tried to change the subject. She hadn't assumed that she'd be scared to fly. Not with Emily next to her. She kept telling herself she'd feel better when they were in the air. "Have you flown before?"

"Yeah. I have family in the Philippines. I flew out there a few times with my mom and dad. And mom and I would fly out to visit my dad when he was on different bases in the states. It's been a while, but I've flown a lot." Emily leaned back into her seat, making herself comfortable.

Alison mimicked her body language, hoping it would help her relax.

All this concentration on getting to France...

I didn't know I was going to turn into such a chicken shit on the plane...

"It helps if you think about the destination." Emily linked her fingers into Alison's.

Alison closed her eyes and smiled as she pictured exacting vengeance on France's own Jack the Ripper.

"Is it working?" Emily asked.

Alison nodded with a smile, squeezing Emily's hand. She'd never killed internationally before. It breathed a new life of excitement into it.

"What are you thinking about?" Emily asked.

Alison didn't dare open her eyes, because Emily would see the truth in them. She wasn't ready for the brunette to know that there was more than one reason for the trip.

"Sunbathing in the French Riveria. Walking the Villandry Gardens. Watching the sunset from the top of the Eiffel Tower. You look so beautiful...the wind in your hair..." Slowly her visions of murder turned into the trip of a lifetime that she was taking with her wife.

"Mmm..." Emily leaned over and kissed her temple. "What else?"

Alison finally opened her eyes, her mind no longer focused on killing.

"You..." Alison leaned closer to her and lowered her voice, "...writhing beneath me at my mercy. Over...and over..."

Emily wagged her brows flirtatiously.

"Oh?" Emily traced her index finger around the back of Alison's hand. "Is that so?"

"I can't wait to have you all to myself." Alison slid her hand into Emily's lap and squeezed her thigh, her fingers just inches from rubbing against her center.

She smirked when the brunette let out a surprised little gasp.

Alison thought about going further, but a flight attendant approached them and started asking them to make sure they were buckled in because the flight was taking off in a few minutes.

The blonde's entire demeanor changed when the plane started moving away from the gate.

The Pilot's voice was buzzing above her.

All she could think was loss of control, loss of control, loss of control.

She heard the words "in event of an emergency" and her mind went fuzzy.

When they made it to the runway she thought she was going to have a panic attack, but Emily told her to close her eyes.

"We're in Paris." She brushed her fingers through Alison's hair and narrated a story. "We're getting ready to take a hot air balloon tour. The Eiffel tower shines from a distance." As the plane started to move forward Alison concentrated on Emily's words. "The balloon is an homage to the French flag. That's all we can concentrate on as the we lift off of the ground."

Alison could see it all so clearly. She wanted to add it to their list of things to do. A hot air balloon tour of France would be absolutely breathtaking.

She pictured what they'd see, where they'd go, how she would feel. It was a tactile experience. It felt as if she was truly there. Emily painted a beautiful picture.

"Alison..." Emily whispered against her ear. "We're in the air."

Curiosity piqued Alison's interest as she opened one eye and then the other. The first thing she did was look at Emily, just to confirm to herself that she was still really there. She leaned over the armrest and kissed her.

"Thank you."

"Any time." Emily gave her a quick peck back and then nodded towards the window. "Check it out."

Alison slowly turned towards the small window to find that despite its tiny showed an incredible view.

The city below them was getting smaller by the minute. She could see the stylized suburban neighborhoods in full, as well as large land dwellings and forests full of trees. She could see it all from above.

She watched as white wisps started whipping by the window. It took her a moment to realize it was clouds. They were climbing into the sky and the clouds were becoming something that would be within reach without a barrier. She wondered if it was sights like this that made people fall in love with skydiving.

As the plane climbed higher they started to rise above the clouds, into a beautiful endless sky with large cotton blobs of white below them.

Alison marveled at the sights. Emily watched, smiling, thinking about how she looked like a child discovering magic for the first time.

Alison had been deprived of so much in her childhood. It's not that she didn't want to experience happiness. It's that she'd been jaded into an extreme form of nihilism.

Emily understood that. She understood that the blonde had never had these experiences, so it was important for her to give them to her. The pure joy on her face was something that warmed Emily's heart.

Every so often the clouds would clear and they would get a glimpse of the beautiful vast ocean below them.

About an hour into the flight Alison was completely comfortable. In way, seeing the world for how big it was humbled the blonde. The Earth was so much bigger than her and her urges.

Her intrigue was two-fold. It was a beautiful sight, but she was also thinking outside of the box when it came to her kills. Dropping a dead body in the middle of the ocean and letting it wash away, eaten by sharks and bottom dwellers. That had a lot of potential. She thought about how many human remains had been lost in the waters below.

She wondered if Marco's little group did that. But the more the thought about it the more she realized they probably just incinerated dead people and disposed of the ashes.

Emily caught a glimpse of Alison's hand on the armrest between them. She put her palm on top of it. Alison turned towards her.

Emily gave her a coy look, lifting her brow as she unbuckled her seat belt. She cleared her throat and slowly made her way out into the aisle.

She is not seriously doing what I think she's doing...

Emily licked her lips and winked at her. Alison watched her saunter away.

She wasn't sure how much time needed to lapse, so she waited several minutes before she unbuckled her seat belt and stood up. She felt a little uneasy on her feet at first. It took her a moment to come to terms with the fact that she was on a jet flying hundreds of miles an hour off of the ground. She gripped the armrest to steady herself and then walked out into the aisle, following her wife's trail.

Their fellow passengers were too invested in their little TV screens and alcohol and music to notice them both coincidentally slipping away at the same time.

Alison rapped on the lavatory door and it slid open, Emily inviting her inside.

She slipped into the bathroom. The space was tiny, but that would serve to make it more intimate.

"Are we really doing this?" Alison smirked.

"Mmm...this is tame compared to some of the other stuff we've been mixed up in." Emily pressed her body against Alison's, backing her into the door as she buried her face in Alison's neck and started placing kisses against her shoulder, trailing up the side of her neck.

Alison gripped Emily's ass and pulled her closer.

"You are so hot right now." Alison whispered against Emily's ear.

Their lips met.

"Are you implying I'm not hot when we're not in an airplane bathroom?" Emily teased.

"Stop talking." Alison growled, taking a fistful of her hair and stretching her head back so she could gain access to Emily's exposed neck.

But before she could make her move, she felt the ground shift beneath her feet as Emily grabbed the backs of her thighs and lifted her up, spinning her around so she was against the little bathroom sink.

"I said no more lifting things." Alison nipped at her lips as she wrapped her legs around Emily's waist.

"You're as light as a feather."

"I'm serious. Your back..."

"What was it you said to me a few seconds ago?" Emily shut her up with a kiss. "Stop talking."

Alison tightened her grip around Emily's waist as they moved together in a flurry of passion, hands and fingers exploring heated flesh.

Their movements were so heavy that Alison couldn't help but wonder if the other passengers thought it was turbulence.

The elation...the high...she was getting from what they were doing could only be matched by the feeling she had when she was holding a scalpel in her hand.

The fact that their trip was starting out on such a high note was exciting. She couldn't wait until they landed and started the real vacation.

Joining the Mile High Club helped to relax Alison during the rest of the flight.

When they got back to their seats they couldn't stop looking at each other and laughing.

Alison grabbed Emily's hand and laid her head against her shoulder. She gazed out the plane window and soon the sound of the jet engines were lulling her to sleep.

o ~ O ~ o

Emily had nodded off when they were about two hours away from their destination. She only woke up when the Pilot announced they were beginning their descent.

She looked over and saw the blonde asleep beside her.

"Ali." She whispered, shaking her awake. "We're here."

She didn't want Alison to miss the gorgeous view of France in the dusk of the night. The sun would be setting soon and it would make for a beautiful first impression. It was something she wanted Alison to see.

Alison yawned and rubbed her eyes. She peered outside at the city of Paris. All the buildings were lit up. Twinkling lights flashed as if they were personally welcoming the plane to France. Beyond the villas and small buildings, the Eiffel Tower stood like a grand figure in the distance, making the high-rises behind the tower seem small in comparison. The setting sun painted the city a bright orange that was fading into a darker sky.

Everything below them seemed so small, just like it had after they had taken off in Pennsylvania. But the ground was slowly getting closer.

Alison eyed the city, taking it all in.

Somewhere down there was a foe, an adversary, a man who was going to be very sorry that she came across his name.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Emily put her hand on Alison's knee.

Alison's reflection peered back at her from the window, a huge smile on her face.

"Absolutely breathtaking." Her heart was beating wildly in her chest.

I'm so close to him.

She could feel it. The blood in her veins was bubbling. Her teeth felt like they were tuning forks, vibrating in her mouth. It's how she always felt before a really good hunt.

She kept her eyes glued to the window, watching their descent into the city. She knew she had to contain her darkness for a little bit longer, so she focused on what she would be doing with her wife for the next three months.

She knew that if she gave Emily a glimpse into her eyes at that moment the brunette would know what she was thinking, so she pressed her fingertips against the edge of the window and leaned closer to watch the view.

As far as Emily knew, she was captivated by the scenery. It was a spectacular view, so it wasn't hard to get lost in it.

Lights were ablaze, shining off The River Seine, a flowing body of water from beneath the Eiffel Tower. The skyscrapers in the distance painted a gorgeous background to the panoramic view of the city.

Her eyes landed on tiny moving people that looked like ants. She was so busy searching the streets of Paris that she didn't realize the plane was getting ready to touch down on the runway.

She looked around, trying to discern where a cocky arrogant little serial killer might be in hiding.

When the plane landed Alison knew she had to keep her focus or risk rousing Emily's suspicions.

She didn't give Emily a chance to look her in the eyes. She grabbed her and pulled her in for a kiss and then let out an excited squeal.

"We're here!" She looked back out the window as they approached the gate. "We are actually here!"

They were with the first group of people off of the plane, rolling their carry-on luggage through the gate's twists and turns until they were finally in the airport.

Emily arched her back and let out a low groan. Sitting on the plane for so long had aggravated her muscles.

"I'm giving you a back massage as soon as we get to the suite. No arguments." Alison put her palm against Emily's lower back. She could feel the tension.

"Only if you let me repay the favor." Emily squeezed Alison's shoulder.

They felt like two giddy high-schoolers in love as they walked through the airport hand-in-hand. Alison told Emily she'd arranged for the airport to send their checked bags to the suite that she'd rented for the next three months, so they didn't have to wait around at baggage claim.

When they walked outside there was a car waiting for them.

Emily looked at her in disbelief.

"Ali, you didn't..."

"You up for a little tour before we go to the suite?" Alison wanted to get the lay of the land. She didn't want to waste any time in starting her search for her prey. "Nothing fancy. Just a quick spin?" She reached for Emily's carry-on, pulling it away from her as she walked towards the car without waiting for an answer. She started loading the bags into the car.

Emily shrugged and followed the blonde. She reached for her phone so she could take a picture of the city. When she turned airplane mode off she found several new messages from Hanna and Aria.

Your flight landed half an hour ago. And you have yet to send any pictures. I'm disappointed. Hanna's disappointment was followed by four frowny-faces.

We just made it out of the airport.

That's no excuse. Windows exist, Emily.

Wait. How did you know when our plane landed?

Don't change the subject. You are supposed to be sending me pretty pictures.

Emily pulled up her camera and turned it forward facing, pushing it as close to her face as she could get. Then she took a picture of herself sticking her tongue out at Hanna. She hit "send" with the sarcastic message,


Yes. Very hot. France is just as sexy as I thought it would be. Hanna's deadpan humor elicited a laugh from the brunette.

You better be careful. My wife is right next to me.

No, she's not. She's taking pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Besides, this is the GROUP chat. She can see this. She's just too wowed by the city to care right now. Maybe she'll kick my ass later.

Emily looked up, expecting to see Alison talking to the driver of the car, but she was doing exactly what Hanna said she was doing, snapping pictures of the view.

Oh my God. Are you stalking us? Emily laughed.

How else am I supposed to find you when Aria and I come to visit you?

Call us like a normal person.

No. Where is the fun in that? So, what are you two love-birds doing?

We're leaving the airport now. Alison got us a car...because my woman is fancy like that. Emily took a picture of the car and sent it with her response.

Oooh, nice! This is currently my view. Her text was accompanied by Hanna's messy living room, the boys clothes strewn about and toys everywhere. Aria and I are having some French wine in your honor.

That explained why she was being extra flirtatious. Hanna was a friendly drunk.

It's like 2 pm there.

Aria chimed in,

It's 5'o'clock somewhere. And mine is alcohol and grain free. Of course Aria would go with non-alcoholic wine. Emily couldn't help but laugh.

Mine isn't. This blend is delicious.

Ignore her. She's several glasses in...

And two shots of vodka! And a splash of rum. Don't judge me. Parenting is hard.

The phone jingled in her hand.

Hanna's contact photo always made her smile. It was a picture of Hanna with Aidan and Liam that Caleb had taken. They were all asleep in Liam's tiny little bed. Hanna had a children's book open against her chest, her little boys snuggled by her side.

Emily waved Alison over, knowing whatever was getting ready to come out of Hanna's mouth was going to make them laugh.

"Better make it quick. This is an international call you know." Emily teased when she picked up. She put the call on speaker so Alison could hear.

"I jussst....I juussst wanted to ask you..." There was a drunken laugh on the other end and then a hiccup. "Did you two do it on the plane? Are you doing it right now?"

More drunken laughter.

"Oh my God, are you twelve?" Emily glanced at Alison, who bit her lip to keep from laughing. "How drunk are you? You making out with Aria yet?"

There was a suspicious pause.

"I'm insulted by what you're insinuating. Not that Aria isn't a catch..."

"Damn straight..." Aria butted in.

"She's hot, but I'm married. And I know how to hold my liquor." Her words were starting to slur.

"Well..." Aria argued. "She did try to use a Toblerone as the TV remote earlier."

"My God, cut her off before she becomes a menace to society." Emily chuckled.

"That ship has sailed, darling." Hanna tried to pull off an English accent, but it came off as cockney and something the Brits would make fun of.

"Aria, cut her off. She's speaking in tongues. We're on our way to the suite, so I'm going to have to call you back..."

"WAIT!" Hanna exclaimed into the phone so loud that Emily nearly dropped it. "Whoa, that was loud." She lowered her voice and snickered. "Sorry. Sorry. I just...wanted to tell you that Liam loves that stuffed dog. He was hauling it around tonight. And he's been sleeping so much better. Thank Ali for me."

"You're welcome, Hanna." Alison broke her silence.

She smiled. She'd made a child's life better. She had done that for Liam. It made her feel soft and gooey and giddy inside.

Do serial killers get 'giddy'?

What a strange world.

There was a beat and then Hanna huffed into the phone.

"You're supposed to warn me before you put me on speaker, Emily. You know what I'm like when I'm drunk." Hanna scolded her.

"That's exactly why I don't tell you. Makes it funnier." Emily grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Go on. Go do the nasty with your wife."

"I will. Thank you very much."

"Send pictures!"

"Of us doing it?" Emily quipped.

"I double-dog dare you." Aria snorted.

"You two are actual children." Alison rolled her eyes with a laugh.

"We love you! Have fun," Aria said.

"And send us some damn pictures." Hanna added again.

It was their friend's last goodbye before they hung up.

Alison glanced at the group chat and started to laugh.

"They're going to crash in on us when we're mid-climax, aren't they?" She slipped her phone into her shorts.

"I wouldn't put it past them." Emily smiled.

"C'mon." Alison grabbed Emily's wrist and pulled her towards the car.

A few minutes later they were taking in their surroundings as they slowly drove through town.

The streets were well-lit and bustling with activity. Alison's eyes were focused on the people they passed. Young tourists taking in the night life. Locals on their way home from work. People walking their dogs and sharing dinner with their families. A killer was among them.

I wonder if he grabs them in plain sight or if he waits until his victims are near a dark alley.

"We should try that place for dinner one night." Alison pointed to a small restaurant.

She was doing her best to balance the two reasons she was there.

The restaurant was near a center of heavy activity, so they could enjoy their meal while she scoped the place for psychopaths trying to blend in.

Emily smiled and gripped her hand.

"We have plenty of time."

They watched the city going by in a flash of lights. The neighborhoods were as beautiful as the landmarks and the business districts.

By the time they reached the suite where they would be staying their luggage had already arrived.

There was a little note, Bienvenue, sitting on top of the luggage pile.

"It says welcome." Emily plucked the little tag from the luggage, impressed with the dedication. "Wow, this is fancy."

Who knew Marco's men were into calligraphy? Alison had to fight to keep a straight face.

"That's nothing." Alison waved it off, trying to distract her from the note. She grabbed Emily's hand and pulled her towards the sliding glass door. She pulled back the curtains to reveal a beautiful view of the city with the Eiffel Tower in perfect view. "This is our home for the next three months." She bounced on her heels in excitement. "What do you think?"

Emily's jaw went slack in shock. She seemed to be at a loss for words after the first, "Holy shit. Wow."

She sputtered something about how much it cost, but Alison warned her not to ask about prices.

"It's our anniversary." Alison argued. "You can't put a price on that."

"I mean...technically everything has a price tag..."

"You shush, ma'am." The way it came out as a scolding mother made Emily chuckle. "I'm going to play the you saved my life card." Alison gently traced her finger down her cheek where the Scarlet Letter A that Alex had given her had healed over.

Emily reached up and moved Alison's hand away from her cheek. She knew that the blonde was self-conscious about her scars. She cupped her face gently and smiled at her.

"You saved mine first." She kissed Alison's forehead.

"I did my job." Alison countered with a smiled. "You went above and beyond for me."

"Always will." Emily lowered her hand and glanced at the city.

Emily slid the door open and walked out on to the balcony. Alison followed. She stopped at the railing to admire the view. Alison stepped up next to her and Emily wrapped her arm around her.

"This is amazing." Emily marveled at the tower in the distance.

"Yeah." Alison could feel her heart beating in her chest, equal parts because she was there with Emily and because she was going to get to feed her deviant appetite.

As Emily admired the view, Alison was watching the people.

Soon enough she would hone in on him.

Soon enough he would be gone.


A/N: I know there is a lot to take in as we slowly come to a close. The fact that Emily and Alison are still dealing with their PTSD is something I wanted to focus on (and I know the nightmares seem insanely reoccurring, but that's what it is like to suffer from certain forms of PTSD, and I wanted to be true to that pain).

But with the pain...also comes the pleasure. Having the girls lean on one another the way they do is truly beautiful. And I love that they still have their spark (Mile High Club, anyone? Lol).

Beyond the scope of Emison there is so much to address (which is why I decided on making this a two-parter). I didn't want to leave anything out. Their friendship circle and Pam...and her growth as a mother and mother-in-law and Grand-dog babysitter. Toby always looking out for Emily. Marco always being there without actually being present. And their girl squad. Their chosen family.

Ending this story was so complex because Emily and Alison are essentially living two lives, one that most of their inner circle does not know about. This chapter was all about the life they live in Rosewood.

The final installment of the story will focus more on how they are trying to evolve. It will focus more on THEM. I won't make you wait for long. I'm going to try and finish editing this weekend so I can get it up soon.

*insert sign here that says 'Will Write More Content for comments. Please feed me. I'm Hungry'.*

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