Our Story (Meliodas x OC)

By meliodasbean

46.1K 1.2K 120

Meliodas x OC Alexandria, a goddess who's been ranked a high one at that falls in love with a demon while wan... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 24

880 28 6
By meliodasbean

"Judging from your silence, I take it that's a yes?" Ban asks

"We don't have time for this right now. Alex is—" Meliodas responds but Ban goes to strike

"Maybe it's nothing to you, Captain, but to me, it's the most important thing in the world! If I kill you, she'll be brought back to life! Mom would understand, I know she would!" Ban screams, slamming Meliodas into the ground, then they continue to trade blows

"Who the hell told you such an outrageous lie?"

"Some stuck-up lady calling herself a Goddess. She spoke to us from this gigantic horn!" Hawk screams and Meliodas's eyes widen

"Don't believe a word any, and I mean any, Goddess says. You hear me?" Alex tells Meliodas as they walk side by side "We can work alongside them for now, since the whole world has turned on us... but don't ever trust one"

"That's sorta contradicting yourself, babe" Meliodas chuckles but stops once he looks at her again

"I mean it, Meliodas. No matter when, where, or how, they will try and deceive anyone or anything to get their way"

Ban lands a jab at Meliodas's stomach and sends him flying towards the wall behind them. Meliodas flies back but gets hit to the face and gets sent back.

"You idiot, Ban! If you go any further, it's all over between us, got that?"

"Since when are we friends? If you don't shut your mouth, I'll kill you, you swine" Ban tells him and Hawk starts crying

"And if I really went after you, you wouldn't live to tell the tale!" Hawk screams

"In that case, kill me! I'm begging you! That goddess told me... that you're related to the Demon who killed Elaine, Captain. If I killed you, they'd bring her back to life!"

"I see. Fine, then. Kill me, Ban" Meliodas smiles letting his demon mark fade


Meanwhile, the new generation is still wreaking havoc. Diane struggles to not get eaten alive by Jericho's monster.

"Brother... I'm gonna... Become stronger... than you" Jericho mumbles out

"I knew it, she's still alive! But what should I do?" The monster uppercuts her

"Diane!" Howzer screams but he's facing his own horde of monsters "snap out of it already!"

And King...

"Please, just stop, Helbram!" He's facing his dead best friend, for the third time.

"You... You, you, you!" Helbram smirks

"Big Sister Guila!" Gowther and Zeal at Guilas's side, Gowther helping her not become one of those monsters

"Not a problem. Leave this to me." Gowther tells no one in particular

Elizabeth, Alex, and Hendrickson keep walking to their destination in the destroyed building but then Elizabeth pulls out a knife

"Elizabeth, what are you doing?" Alex asks her

"If I kill myself, you won't have to worry about me... you can take Sir Meliodas far away from this place and heal him, and all of the Seven Deadly Sins. You won't have to worry about powerless me" She starts to tear up

"Wait, Elizabeth no—-"

"Now now Elizabeth, put the knife away" Hendrickson finally notices

"No! I won't be helpless anymore!" She goes to stab herself and Alex already moving to stop her but then

"Hendrickson!" Someone calls out from the shadows, and everyone turns around to see the person standing in front of them

"Dreyfus, so you survived?" Hendrickson smirks

"Lady Alexandria, Lady Elizabeth, please step back"

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Hendrickson... I'm the one to blame for changing you so drastically, and for bringing such chaos to the kingdom. Therefore, I should at least atone by righting this wrong myself" Dreyfus brings his sword out, while the darkness in Hendrickson is multiplying

"Do you really believe you can stop me?" He also brings out his sword

"Yes. I've got to stop you no matter what. As a Holy Knight of Liones... and as a friend!"

"Captain, you're sure you're okay with this?" Ban asks

"As if I'd joke about such a thing. Just kill me already." Meliodas tells him hoping he's cut off his and Lexi's bond enough she can't hear this "Your girlfriend will come back to life then, right? If I were in your shoes I'd do the same thing, I can't live without my Lexi" He closes his eyes

"I appreciate this, Captain. I'll never forget you as long as I live. Elaine... Wait for me" he brings up his nunchucks but before he can strike he gets hit and it sends him way far back

"Who the hell fights back after an exchange like that?! You're the one that said I could kill you!" Ban asks with blood running down his face

"I never said I'd just lie there and let you kill me. If I did that I should consider myself as good as gone in the afterlife too! Who knows what Lexi would do..." he shudders for a second before coming back to the battle. "If the tables were turned, wouldn't you do the same?"


"Elizabeth, she went with Lexi. She thinks nothing of sacrificing herself. How can I abandon them, knowing that?! I don't have time to die in a place like this!"

"I see. Even so, no way am I gonna play nice and just back off!" He gets in a fighting position

"Ban, just stop already!" Hawk shouts getting annoyed

"Shut up! This might be the only way to resurrect Elaine, you know!"

"You hopeless nitwit!" Hawk turns red and goes to charge

"Hawk! Back off!" Meliodas screams

"Because you were taken in by some horn you don't know a thing about, you're gonna kill Meliodas?! Aha! I see so, Meliodas isn't a friend or anything in your eyes?"

"The captain's my bestest friend in the whole world"

"Then what about Alex? Hmm? She's your "mother" but you're gonna kill the love of her life?? The person she's been with for how many years?"

"But if what I heard was true, Elaine will come back to life!"

"But if it's not true, you're gonna lose a couple of your best friends forever, and do you think Elaine would be happy coming back to life like this?! Alex told me a couple of stories about her, they were good friends too!"

"Then tell me what I should do. Little piggy whose only ability is to rummage through scraps!"


"After Elaine died, I met the captain and the others, and sure it took my mind off of it. It was one event after another, year in, year out, huh? But then suddenly it hit me. That I'll be on my own forever after all, and that I'll never see her again, either in this world or that world. Without her, this world is like hell. Do you get that?"

"Not at all!" Hawk shouts

"All right. But for now, just do what the Seven Deadly Sins' Fox Sin has to do! I'm ordering you as your captain! When this is all over, let's settle things once and for all"

"When that time comes..."

"Yeah. No matter what, you're my friend, Ban."

"Roger that" Meliodas stumbles a little

"Meliodas! Are you okay?"

"Hawk... Take me to where Lexi is"

"Yeah, but in the shape, you're in..."

"Lexi is already healing me, I'm gonna get some sleep now" he jumps onto Hawk's back and sleep takes over automatically

"You're gonna sleep?!" Hawk shouts "Already?! Jeez, you pig-abuser"

"Master... Look after the captain for me"

"You don't have to tell me. After all, I'm his friend!"

"Please Gil, you have to stay alive!" Margaret cries as purple smoke seeps out from the wound on Gilthunder's back

"Okay I'm borrowing this" Ban picks him up and drags him away towards Diane and Jericho

"What are you doing?—" Ban throws him at Jericho's monster and it knocks it down

"Watch it Ban! What did you just throw?!" Diane shouts

"Good thing I stole this back in Vaizel" he pulls out the green ball from his jacket and throws it at Diane and Gilthunder "Hyper Recovery!" They heal almost right away

"Oh, wait. Should I have used it on the captain, too? Oh well"

"Stop it, Helbram! There's no reason for us to fight anymore, right? Don't make me hurt you any more than I have!" King shouts while using Chastiefol to defend himself

"I... You... best friend..." Then something comes up and hits him

"Ban! If you touch him, I'll kill you! Helbram is my best friend!"

"If he's your friend, you should just off him." Ban tells him

"I know, okay" he clenches his fist "I know that!"

"Hurry. I-if it's you, I don't care how many times you kill me. So please... hurry! While... I'm still... me... Please... kill me!" Helbram chokes out

"Silken Skewer!" Dreyfus shoots but misses

"Acid down!" A big purple smoke engulfs Dreyfus

"Grand Master Dreyfus!" Elizabeth screams but Hendrickson gets pierced straight through his shoulder

"Have you forgotten, Hendrickson? Just like my will, my body won't rust, rot, or be destroyed! Even with all the force of your magical powers!"

"Impressive as ever, Dreyfus. That's precisely why it's such a shame. I would've wanted to have you as a drone forever" Hendricksons body stitches itself back

"Fucking weirdo" Alex rolls her eyes

"That ability to regenerate... Your bizarre appearance... The power of an unnatural existence, eh?"

"Yeah, a fake demon. Get with the program, Dreyfus"

"How far you've fallen, Hendrickson!"

"And he just ignores me, can you believe this Elizabeth?!" Elizabeth looks at her and giggles a bit, Alex is happy she made her smile in such a bad situation

"Now die! Star Breaker!" Dreyfus shouts

"I don't think so. From where I sit, humans are no better than insects crawling the earth!" Hendrickson smirks readying a ball of darkness in his palm then both powers collide, making the whole broken castle shake


"Hang on, Alex and Elizabeth! Two heroes are on their way to save you guys!"

Dreyfus looks up "Is he dead?" Looking to see a dead Hendrickson, instead seeing a bloody Alex laying in the middle of the room they're in. His eyes widen

"Alex!" Elizabeth rushes to her side

Flashback to like 3 seconds ago

A bright light fills the room, Hendrickson sees a chance to make Dreyfus regret everything he's done til now. He goes to grab Elizabeth to put her in the middle of the room so she gets completely demolished by the collision, but instead grabs Alex because she moved in front of Elizabeth, protecting her from any of the flyaways.

"Well looks like you are the lucky girl!" Hendrickson whispers and Alex doesn't realize what he's doing til it's too late.

"It's too much for her little body to handle, she's gonna—" Dreyfus trembles

"Oh, my, what a pity! And I didn't even mean to grab her!"

"Elizabeth look at me" Alex grabs her hand "I'll be okay!" She whispers, smiling and Elizabeth starts crying, trying to smile back

"I'd better take her away before that blood dries up"

"You're not taking me nowhere you fucking bastard" she raises her hand "Ark!" She sends a beam towards him, since she's not up, and well it doesn't do much but send him flying backward to a wall.

Jericho's monster has a new plaything, her own brother. He keeps flying in the air and getting crushed to death before Gilthunder flies in and sets him down so he can rest.

"Gustaf? Hang in there!"

"Gilthunder... please... save my sister" He whispers

Diane starts readying Gideon at Jericho

"Please... kill me." Jericho cries

"Don't say that! I don't want to kill you!" Diane shouts

"Then get outta my way!" Ban says


"Harlequin, please... Hurry up and kill—"

"I can't do it, after all! Don't say something so ridiculous! You're my best friend, you know!" King shouts

"Then... I'm not gonna be your best friend anymore!" Helbram shouts back, spitting out blood in the process. King's eyes widen then he wipes his tears"

"Spirit spear Chastiefol, fourth configuration! Sunflower!"

Ban and Jericho stare each other down

"Ban... Please kill me." Jericho says

"Sure thing! I'll be glad to kill you."

Both Ban and King send finishing blasts to Helbram and Jericho. King finishes off Helbram, completely disintegrating him. Ban snatches the monster's heart out of its system, leaving a naked Jericho falling into Ban's arms. King picks up Helbram's helmet.

"Helbram... Was I your best friend until the very end?" Then a New Gen pops up in front of him. Guila sends a shot straight at it, knocking it back

"Guila! Are you alright now?" Diane asks

"Yes. There's nothing wrong with me."

"Then let's all go help the captain, mom, and Elizabeth!"

"I'll go round up the others" Gilthunder says

"As soon as Ban and I purge the capital of the New Generation, we'll join you!" King tells her

"Roger that!"

"Try not to screw this up!" Ban shouts

"Who do you think you're talking to?" King rolls his eyes as Ban uses Chasteifol's pillow form to glide around in the air with King, purging all the New Gens

"Those guys..." Howzer says

"The Seven Deadly Sins?" The Holy Knights question "Why would those traitors..."

"I can sense the Captain and Alex's magical powers" Gowther says "Though mother's powers are weak..."

"That's the magical research building up ahead, something isn't right here" Guila shouts, then someone slashed through one of the New Gens

"Long time no see. We've returned from our mission to this?"

"The Roars of Dawn!" Guila exclaims

"Long time no see!" Gowther smiles and waves

"I wish I could get into another fight to the death with you, but that's on hold. Just leave the rest to us, alrighty?" The leader of the Roars of Dawn tells them

"Thanks a bunch!" Diane smiles

"Bye-bye!" Gowther looks back and waves

"Seems like you had some fight in you, after all, Alexandria" Hendrickson is up and standing, Dreyfus tries attacking now but to no avail. His sword is in a million pieces in less than a second. He tries to punch Hendrickson in the face but he doesn't even flinch.

"Admit defeat. You're the one person I don't want to kill" Dreyfus throws another punch "You were a fine mentor to me. A friend and a rival. It's regrettable. Now melt away. At least die a painless, tranquil death." Nothing is left of Dreyfus, only his armor. Just as Meliodas and Hawk enter the room.

"Is that you, Meliodas? Just as I thought, my acid doesn't work on Demons with their sinister powers." Meliodas's eyes drift to Dreyfus's armor, then slowly they make their way to Alex and Elizabeth. He sees blood then his vision goes red. He starts walking toward the girls and Hendrickson smirks and starts walking toward Meliodas

"I was born a sage of the forest. A Druid, who worships nature and the Goddesses, and despises the Demons. Ever since I first saw you, I sensed it, vaguely... That sinister, powerful magical power writing deep inside you... mostly the same for Lady Alexandria over there. I both feared and admired you, but Alexandria... she felt welcoming, warm, like... home? I've acquired the same power as you and—" He notices Meliodas is no longer in front of him, but instead behind him. Meliodas helps Alex sit up on some rubble, while he scoops up Elizabeth in his arms. Hendrickson looks behind him and he's no longer there, now instead in front of him

"Hawk, take Elizabeth down and away from here. I'll keep Lexi with me. I'll end this fast"

"Okay! I'll be speedy and safe! You recover quickly, okay Alex?" Hawk looks over worriedly at Alex and she gives him a thumbs up

"Be careful, Hawk"

"What are you planning?" Hendrickson asks

"All right. Go" Meliodas tells Hawk

"As if I'd let you get away!" Meliodas jumps up and slices his arm off, kicking his head. Hendrickson stumbles forward and Alex comes out of nowhere blocking the sword that was coming for Meliodas's head and kneeing Hendrickson in the face so hard you swear his face is dented in like plastic.

"Come on babe, you're supposed to be resting!"

"Yeah right, if you saw what this fucker had Elizabeth trying to do to herself you wouldn't be able to hold back either"

Meliodas runs back and starts sword fighting with Hendrickson.

"You shouldn't underestimate me" Hendrickson's hand sends a blast of energy toward Hawk and Elizabeth

"Hawk! Look out!" Elizabeth screams

"I should say the same to you too" Meliodas responds to him while Alex blocks the energy saving Hawk and Elizabeth while Diane picks them up

"Oh man, you guys are real life, life savers" Hawk exhales

"Elizabeth, are you okay?" Diane asks

"Yes I'm okay, but Alex and Sir Meliodas—"

"They'll be okay Elizabeth, don't you worry about them —" but then she looks down at Alex, who's covered in blood head to toe it seems like, bruised to the bone, and is coughing up blood. "Mom..." She looks to the culprit "I'll never forgive you!" Then King's Chastiefol knocks him down to the ground, sending him more than 6 feet under. Meliodas is dangling more than one foot over the edge.

"You still alive, captain?"

"Ban! Diane! King!" Alex shouts happily as she runs to hug Ban's waist and he brings her down to the ground with them

"The Seven Deadly Sins! Well, well! To have the legendary Seven Deadly Sins gathered here... I'm humbled and overjoyed beyond words. Not only that but..." Hendrickson says

"These are the kingdom's Holy Knights. This time, they're here to prevent not the Seven Deadly Sins, but you from escaping!" Meliodas exclaims

"We've wiped out all the Demons from the capital, too." King adds

"Well, If not, it wouldn't be any fun!" Hendrickson laughs maniacally "I don't know how you managed to rid the city of the scum in such a short time. But that's excellent, Seven Deadly Sins! But... You can't defeat me." Hendrickson brings his arm back to put it in place but Meliodas is right there to cut it off again.

"Oh yeah?" He spins a couple of times, cutting Hendrickson's stomach open but it just heals

"It's futile!" Meliodas jumps up and away and Hendrickson is met with King in the air with Alex on his back, they send Chastiefol and Ark a thousand times over

"Let yourself be killed four times over. If not, he'll rip me a new one" King says while slowly digging his knives deeper and deeper while the holes from Alex's Arks are slowly healing

"Wait who? What happened?" She looks at King

"I'll tell you later, just know he deserves whatever is coming" His knives get thrown out of Hendrickson's body

"As I am now, I'm invincible." Two giant hands form out of the earth and come on either side of him "This is..."

"Invincible or not, I'm never gonna rest until I take you out!" She spins Gideon behind her back, swinging it one last time "Double Hammer!" And the two hands smash into Hendrickson, but he keeps them open using his arms, so he doesn't get smushed

"A little girl who's huge and nothing else... Do you really think a move like that will work on— " The hands push even harder

"Since you are a noob, I'll give you a word of advice. Sure, demonic power can heal a wound, but unless you're immortal, the damage remains!" He starts flying toward Hendrickson "How many times have you regenerated yourself?!"

"Combined Attack, Metal Crush!"

"Jeez, they're totally fired up, huh?" Ban says to Gowther

"Whereas your totally lowkey, Ban."

"Not nearly as much as you. I guess I'm kinda late to the party, but how the hell did Hendrickson get all that power?"

"According to Guila, he's been studying Demon corpses for years"

"Demon corpses?" Hendrickson gets hit in Ban's direction, getting him sent into the wall behind him

"Glancing away during a battle could be your undoing, Ban." Ban's entire torso is inside the cliff while Gowther and Hendrickson dance a little now. Hendrickson throws offenses while Gowther just dodges. Ban comes back.

"Yo. Hendy, where'd you find that?" He points to the hole where he was just at


"You heard me. I'm asking you where you found that!" He shouts while slapping Hendrickson into tomorrow with his nunchucks. Then sends him flying into the cliffside, making a bigger hole where he was just at.

"Wh-What's this?" King stutters while looking at the big red Demon staring back at him

"This is the source of it all." Hendrickson laughs while wiping blood from his mouth

💀💀💀 Im so tired

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