Nsb school

By neverstaybroke0

66.6K 881 388

olegie and sebryan More

The Characters in the story (introduction)
First day of school
Get things straight olegie
Drunk Oliver
Olegie making up
Jealous Oliver
Arguments with Jackson and Regie
Gettin things straight?
Too much Olegie
Make up
Drunk Regie
Sebryan and Olegie + movies
School Sebryan
one set
Some break
Bad Luck
kinda a Heartbreak
Part title
Some moments
Part title
Last pt 4this story


1.3K 20 11
By neverstaybroke0

RYAN POV:I was sleeping and I was in a really good sleep and then justin and darren came in with their backpacks

Ryan: dude what the heck

Justin: what

Ryan: What time is it

Darren: uhm 4:34 ..?


Justin: I was going to but I called Darren and asked if I should wake you up but he said if i wake you up you'll be cranky and punch me

Ryan: dude Darren your an idiot where did you get that info from and why would you listen to him

Justin: Beacause your lowkey mad rn so Darren is right

Ryan: Ugh you guys are a bunch of idiots

*Ryan gets up and does his morning stuff*

*30 mins later*

*kane runs in*

Kane: Whats up Ryan how was school

Ryan: Shut up

*Justin and Darren laugh*

Ryan: Its not funny you guys can leave my room.

Darren: Fine I had to go anyway

Kane: Yeah

*They all leave but Justin *

Justin: But I was about to help you catch up on some assignments i guess I'll leave ..

Ryan: NO, wait help me

Justin: Nah you just told me to leave

Ryan: Come on man

Justin: Ok I will

*They help eachother catch up/get the right awnsers*

*gets text*

Sebastian: Aren't we going to study today?

Ryan: I wasn't at school today so im trying to catch up with Justin

*Out of text*

Justin: Whoos that?(he said with a smirk on his face)

Ryan: Its Sebastian he wants to study but im not going to beacause your still catching me up

Justin: Sebastiannn😏You can study with him beacause the test is on Wednesday and I'm almost done catching you up she didnt give us alot of work today

Ryan: Dude stopp and Can't you just study with me

Justin: I dont have that class

Ryan: Ugh ok


Sebastian: Oh ok

Ryan: Nvm were done

Sebastian: Ok I'll be over in 3 mins

Ryan: Ok

*3 minutes *

*Ryan scrolling on Tiktok *

* knock

Ryan: Justin can you open the door

Justin: Yeah but wait a sec im drying my hair

Ryan: Ok

*15 minutes go by*


Ryan: Oh shoot

*opens door*
Sebastian: Dude what the heck I've been here for like 20 minutes

Ryan: Oh my bad I asked Justin to open the door

Sebastian: Why couldn't you open it

Ryan: Beacause I was watching a video

Sebastian: So a video is more important than me

Ryan: welllll

Sebastian: *laughs *

Sebastian: Ok lets start

Ryan: Oh we didnt do 13 , 14, 18 and 16

Sebastian: Ok you'll do 13 and 16 I'll do 14 and 18

Ryan: Ok so *explains and solves 16* so you should get 45.684

Ryan: Ok do the next one

Sebastian: *solves the next 1* so 14 is 37

Ryan: Ok ill do 13

Sebastian pov *mind*: Wow Ryan is kinda pretty *continues to stare at Ryan*

Ryan: So 13 is 5.28 do the last one uhm Sebastian..do you need something did I p!ss you off or something..

Ryan: Helllooo *waves hand infront of Sebs face*

Sebastian: Oh my bad I was just thinking..

Ryan: About what

Sebastian: About yo- I mean about the problem

Ryan: Oh what do you mean?Do you understand ..?

Sebastian: I think so

Ryan: Are you sure

Sebastian: Yeah, im sure

Ryan: Uhm ok

Sebastian: *Does last problem* it is 7.65

Ryan: Ok and done

Sebastian: Bye Ryan

Ryan: Bye

*Sebastian is about to leave *

Sebastian: Dang its raining can I wait here for a minute.

Ryan: Yeah sure

*walks to room to go back on Tiktok *

Sebastian: Wait aren't you gonna stay here

Ryan: Why should I stay here

Sebastian: So you can lock the door when leave

Ryan: Fine ok

*Justin walks in*

Justin: Hey you guys wanna play Uno

Ryan: Sure

Sebastian: Yea

*they play uno*

Sebastian: Uno

Ryan: Youre cheating

Sebastian: How?

Ryann: They're cards by your legs

Sebastian: Oh it must've dropped

Justin *whispers to Ryan*: 😏😏😏😏 Ryan why were looking at Sebastian's legs

Ryan: Shut up

Sebastian: Uno

Justin: *trade hands*

Sebastian : Are you kidding me

*others go*⁹

*Justin wins*

Ryan: It looked like it stopped raining
Sebastian: Ok bye

Ryan: Bye

Sebastian: Wait aren't you gonna lock the door

Ryan: Ill lock it later

*Sebastian leaves*

*5 mins later*

Sebastian: Shoot I forgot my phone
*Goes back in the dorm
Sebastian: Hey I forgot my ph-

"Justin stop saying stuff like that I already told you that I dont like him anymore"

" Chill its just a joke"

*Gets phone and leaves*

*At home*

Sebastian *mind*: Were they talking about me? Did Ryan lose feelings for me?I dont really know so ima just go to sleep

*He goes to sleep.*

*Next day*
* At lunch*

Darren: Hey guys

Jackson: What's up guess what guys

Justin: What

Jackson: I got a girlfriend

Oliver: Dang bro thats good so whos the lucky girl?

Jackson: Well its Rina

Ryan: That bi-
*Justin covers Ryans mouth *

Oliver: Well Jackson you're lucky she's a great girl right kane?

Justin: KANE

Kane: Oh yea - shes awesome

Jackson: Well shes eating with us today

*She walks and sits down at out table*

Rina: Hey babe

Jackson: Hey bae *They kiss*

Ryan: Ew do that later

Darren: Do you wanna do it later with me?

Ryan: Shut up

Oliver: I lowkey agree with Ryan we're trying to eat while y'all are having a full on make out session

Jackson: You cant be jealous that I got a girl, let me put you on one of her friends

Oliver: I'm good

Kane: Can you put me on bc dang

Jackson: I can but I was lying

*Bell rings*

*Oli finishes all his classes *

Sebastian pov: I get to my dorm and Rina and Jackson are making out bro im about to snap because Jackson needs to go to his room.

Sebastian: Jackson get off the couch and go to room

Jackson: One second *They kiss some more*

*Then go to his room*MINDD: I think im catching feelings for someone
*Sebastian goes to his room and goes to sleep and has a dream about the person*

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