Life changes ( sequel to love...

By AnneMiley

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Previously on; Love never dies... Chloe lost Beca when the cruise ship sank. Chloe was devastated and broken... More



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By AnneMiley

Chloe's point of view

I see the ambulance pull up as Tim comforts me. I have watched Emma try to resuscitate Beca for a while now but nothing happens. The medics from the ambulance rush over towards Beca and take the CPR from Emma. It takes a few minutes, but then I'm relieved to see Beca wake up and cough out water. The medics carry Beca inside the ambulance now, telling us that she needs to go to the hospital to recover. Medics from the second ambulance who has arrived come over to Ryan and Emily now. I'm standing next to Emily and Ryan, and ask the medics if we can go to the same hospital.

,,Well, that's unusual."

,,Please, that's my wife." I point towards the ambulance where Beca lies. I know I'm lying but most of the time they're sympathetic about it.

,,Okay. But then we need to take the boy and the girl too. They both need to be checked." I nod and watch them load Ryan to the captain's chair first before Emily is loaded in. I sit next to Emily, holding her hand. Emily now starting to cry.

,,What's wrong? Are you in pain?" I ask Emily now, but release a sigh of relief when she shakes her head.

,,I'm so sorry, Chloe. This is all my fault. I just wanted to show Ryan I could be fun too, I didn't mean for this to happen." I rub her hand.

,,Hey, no don't do that. It was an accident." Now I think about it, I never saw another car stop, so could it be that the person who hit Beca's car, did it on purpose? ,,I don't blame you at all, so you can't blame yourself." She calms down a bit and nods. The rest of the ride is silent as we make our way to the hospital, my thoughts on Beca, hoping and praying that she will be okay.

Emily's point of view

We are all in the same hospital room hours after the accident. I'm in my bed, hooked up to monitors while Beca is in the bed next to me, hooked up to her own. Ryan is cuddling against her. Chloe, Emma, Tim, and Aubrey are all sitting in chairs around the room. Emma and Aubrey had to be checked too since they were soaked too, but they're fine now. I smile at how cute Beca and Ryan are together. He loves her very much.

Then we all hear a soft knock on the door and Aubrey gets up to open the door.

,,Good evening." A gorgeous woman walks in and I can't help but stare. ,,I'm sorry to come in here only a few hours after what happened but I have to ask all of you some questions about the crash." She's holding a notepad in her hand and smiles at Beca. Wow, she looks amazing. I feel my cheeks heat up and look down at my hands. ,,I'm detective Belova."

,,Why does a detective have to investigate this crash?" Aubrey asks, which causes us all to give her a glaring look. Detective Belova just smiles at Aubrey.

,,Because we investigated the scene a few hours ago and came across a few unusual things."

,,Like what?" Emma stands up from her chair now, walking over to the gorgeous woman.

,,Well, the towing company pulled the car out of the water and I noticed that the back of the car was crushed in."

,,Crushed in?" Detective Belova nods. ,,You mean that someone did this on purpose?"

,,That is what it looks like."

,,Someone tried to kill Emily on purpose?" Beca now points to me, what makes the gorgeous detective look at me. She smiles a little when her eyes land on mine, before answering Beca's question without taking her gaze off me.

,,Yes." Everyone in the room gasps. I can't help to smile at the detective, even tho I have to be startled too. She's just so gorgeous and sweet. I watch Beca and Chloe look at each other with questioning looks on their faces and Emma is just confused.

,,Detective Belova?" I hear Chloe whisper suddenly. I look at her. ,,Where have I heard that name before?" She asks herself but everyone hears her.

Chloe's point of view

,,Detective Belova?" I whisper to myself. ,,Where have I heard that name before?" I keep thinking about her name until a flashback takes over my mind.


I'm on my way to the police station after Kara found out about the islands. They need to see that this is a new way to investigate Beca's disappearance again, right? I mean, this is a new clue. Beca can be on one of those islands and still be alive. All the hope that had left my body has returned and I won't let this rest until they've restarted the investigation.

I open the front door of the police station and go straight to the elevator. I've been here before so I know where the 12th precinct is. I press 12 and wait, holding my phone in my hand nervously, until the elevator stops on the 12th floor. The elevator doors open and I walk out. I'm still amazed by the size of this floor.

,,Can I help you?" A young man walks up to me, holding me back to come in further.

,,In fact you can. I found new evidence about the Queen's Gambit's case. I know a lot of people went missing and I -" He stops me now, by holding up his hand.

,,Sorry miss, but that case is closed."

,,But I have new evidence and I -" I try but once again he cuts me off.

,,Miss, you need to listen. We searched the ocean and found a lot of bodies, but as of now, there is nothing we can do anymore. Let it go." He tells me and then he wants to take me back to the elevator but I won't let him.

,,Don't touch me!" I say and walk past him.

,,Hey, you're not allowed any further." He says and follows me. More men come now, holding me back. Two arms grab me and start pulling me away.

,,Let me go!" I try to get out of their grip. ,,You have to restart the investigation!" I plead. ,,Please, my girlfriend was on that boat. She can still be alive!"

,,This woman is crazy." One of the two guys who are holding me say while they pull me back.

,,Hey!" All of us startle by a voice. I look to the side and see a blonde young woman appear. ,,What's going on here? Why are you dragging that poor girl out?" I take a good look at her and can't deny that she's pretty. She's about the same age as Beca, I think. ,,Let the girl go." The guys holding me, laugh.

,,Yelena, she came in here yelling about the Queen's Gambit case and that she had new evidence. We told her to leave and that the case was closed but she refused to go." Now Yelena crosses her arms.

,,Well, have you looked at that evidence?"

,,No, but the chief told us not to reopen that case." Yelena rolls her eyes.

,,Let - her - go!" She tells the guy with a firm tone. They do what she tells them and walk away with their hands up in surrender. Yelena turns to me now. ,,Sorry about them." She holds out her hand. ,,I'm detective Belova. Please follow me to somewhere more private." I nod and follow her into an interrogation room. She sits down and gestures for me to sit down too, but I'm hesitating. ,,Don't be afraid. I don't have any weapons currently in my hands." She jokes what makes me smile. ,,I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Now I sit down across from her. ,,So, you said you had found something to reopen the case?"

,,Why do you want to help me?" I'm curious because nobody else is trying.

,,Because I thought they closed the case too early when they only found dead bodies. There can be survivors, right?" I smile and nod while opening my photo gallery. I turn my phone towards Yelena, showing her my research.

,,My sister-in-law found out about these seven islands. I know for a fact that you guys haven't searched there because it's hard to see on Google Maps. Can you reopen the investigation?" I ask her, hoping she will say yes.

,,I'm not sure, but it's a clue." She gives me my phone back and looks at me. ,,I'll talk to the chief about this and then let you know. I won't make any promises." I nod understanding and then leave the station. Two days later Yelena called me that the chief didn't want to reopen the case and that she was the one who will reopen and investigate case. And from that moment on Yelena did go to all the islands until she found Beca.

End of flashback

,,Wait, you're the detective that listened to me and helped me find Beca." Yelena smiles.

,,Yeah, that was me. I never introduced myself to you." She holds out her hand to me. ,,My name is Yelena. Yelena Belova."

,,Chloe Beale. Thank you again for reopening the case, without you Beca wouldn't have gotten home." I turn towards the love of my life and smile. Yelena turns to Beca and Emily.

,,Now if you don't mind, I would like to ask you a few questions regarding the crash."

,,What do you want to know?" Beca asks her.

,,Can you tell me in your own words how the accident occurred?"

,,I haven't seen much. When Chloe and I arrived on the scene we saw my car on its side close to the edge of the bridge. I got out and then another car hit the back of my car, causing it to fall into the river."

,,It was your car that was hit?" Beca nods.

,,Yes, Emily did borrow my car so she could take Ryan out." Yelena looks over to Ryan now.

,,And is he your son?" Yelena asks Beca and she shakes her head.

,,No, he's Chloe's son."

,,Why did you two leave him with Emily?" I look over towards Emily and see she's smitten by Yelena. I smirk a little, looking over toward Beca who has seen Emily's face too. Yelena looks at me, then Beca, and then over at Emily. ,,Did I miss something?" She asks and immediately Emily shakes her head and looks down.

,,Not at all. We left Ryan with Emily because Beca and I wanted to go on a date." I answer.

,,Right." Yelena looks back at Beca. ,,Did the vehicle try to swerve or slam on its break?"

,,No, it just hit my car and when it disappeared in the river, he just drove away."

,,And when did you get out of the car?" Yelena turns to me now.

,,After I heard the crash. I didn't even see the car pass by. All I could think about was Ryan in that car. I wanted to jump in but Beca beat me to it." Yelena turns towards Emily now.

,,You were in the car with the little boy?" She asks her now. Emily is shaken from her state and finally speaks.

,,Yes. I felt a jolt through the car and the last thing I knew was that we were in the water."

,,Is there anything else you remember from the scene?" Now surprisingly Tim is the one who speaks up.

,,No disrespect detective, but don't you think they've been through a lot tonight?" Yelena stops writing on her notepad. ,,Is it possible for them to come to talk to you tomorrow at the station?"

,,Of course, I hope you all feel better after some rest." Now she turns her gaze back to Emily. ,,I will see you tomorrow." A small smile is seen on Yelena's face. Emily puts a strand of hair nervously behind her ear and I smirk. Emily is so smitten! Yelena thanked us for our time before she leaves the room. Beca adjusts in her bed and looks at Emily.

,,Emily, is there something you would like to tell us?" Her face heats up immediately and she looks down at her hands, trying to avoid the question.

,,Guys, don't embarrass Emily." Emma says and then turns to Beca. ,,I remember a time when you were all flustered because of a certain redhead." She winks at Beca, whose eyes widen. I grab Beca's hand, reassuring her.

,,Emma is right." Aubrey says. ,,I'm glad to see Emily finally taking an interest in someone." Once again Emily's face is getting redder by the second. I walk over to Emily and sit next to her bed.

,,Don't worry Emily, I'm pretty sure that detective is single and into ladies." I give her a wink. Beca looks over at me now with a confused expression.

,,Wait, how do you know that?" I just shrug my shoulders as if it's nothing.

,,Because she hit on me when she reopened your missing case."

,,What?!" Now her expression changes from confusion to anger and slight hurt.

,,Don't worry, Becs. I told her you were my one and only." I try to take her hand but doesn't let me. I can't deny that hurt.

,,But you were with all kinds of men, right?" I raise my eyebrows.

,,No? Who gave you that idea? The only man I was with was Chicago and that was one drunken night." Beca seems lost in thoughts.

,,If you say so." She's so cold out of a sudden. I thought we talked about everything.

,,We will talk about this later but what's important now is that Emily has the hots for Yelena and she's single, so we need to help her."

,,It's no use, Chloe." Emily says and I look at her while Aubrey sits on her bed next to her. ,,She's never going to be into someone like me."

,,You'll never know until you try, Emily." Aubrey says now. ,,If you're visiting her at the station tomorrow, just be yourself because you're amazing." Emily smiles up at her.

,,Thanks Aubrey, now I'm tired. Can we all rest for the remainder of the night and deal with this tomorrow?" Everyone mumbles in agreement. Emma and Tim say their goodbyes before leaving for the night. Aubrey smiles at Emily before and then also leaves.

Beca's point of view

Emma, Tim, and Aubrey just left for the night and Ryan is cuddled up next to me. I'm holding him close to me with one arm wrapped around him. I hear Chloe clear her throat.

,,Alright now that it's just us, it's time to talk about that little comment you made earlier." I roll my eyes.

,,Can't it wait until tomorrow, I don't want to talk about it now." Chloe huffs.

,,No Beca, we haven't talked about this for a long time. We have been postponing this subject for long enough now. It's time." I shift in the bed and look at Chloe.

,,But Emily is here, I don't want her to know about it." Emily cuts in now.

,,Cut the crap, Bec. I know more about you two than you do and I've been trying to help you get back together, so now it's time to man up and talk this out." I look over at Emily, stunned at how she just spoke to me. Then I hear Chloe giggle in the background.

,,Becs, you need to tell me what you were told about me and by who." I look down at my hands before thinking: Should I tell Chloe everything or just go on about what I said? I hate keeping things from her so I take a deep breath and then look into her eyes.

,,Well, that you got drunk every night, that you had sex with several guys, that you never thought about me when you had sex with all those guys, that you got pregnant from Chicago, that you didn't regret having sex with Chicago and that you are married to Chicago. So a lot about Chicago." I say smiling nervously. Chloe looks at me with a serious look.

,,And who told you all of this?" I try to avoid her gaze.


,,That bitch! I swear, I'm going to kick her ass when I get out of here." Emily shouts now. Chloe looks over to Emily.

,,Emily, I know how you're feeling but that's not going to help anyone. We are going to talk things out now like the mature adults we are and we're going to lower our voices because Ryan is sleeping." I look at Chloe.

,,Well, you said you wanted to talk about it so what was true and what was a lie?" Chloe moves her chair to sit in between Emily and me, then takes my hand.

,,I will only tell you if you let me finish without interrupting me, okay?" I nod and squeeze her head, signalling that I'm ready to listen to her. Chloe takes a deep breath, then looks at Emily who gives her a small nod and smiles. ,,First, yes I did get drunk every night but only because I was trying to mask my pain of missing you. I was trying to drown my sorrows." She nervously plays with her hands now. There's probably something I won't like later on. ,,I did not have sex with several guys, everyone tried to get me to go out and see new people get over you but every time I tried to go I thought about you and couldn't go through with it."

,,So your cheating on me with Chicago wasn't a lie?" I look down at my hands in disappointment.

,,Yes, I did have sex with Chicago but I was drunk out of my mind, and when Nina walked in on us... Well, then I realized what I had done and regretted it immediately. I was so ashamed because I knew how you felt about Chicago and the fact I had gotten with him of all people. I was disgusted with myself."

,,And what about Ryan?"

,,Beca, please. Don't interrupt me every time." I hold up my hands in surrender. ,,As far as keeping Ryan, I named him using one of the names you wanted as a way to keep you close. Chicago does not live with me and he never will, we're not married. He offered when I told him that I was pregnant, but I couldn't. The only reason Chicago was at my apartment when you got there was because it was Ryan's birthday." Chloe pauses at this part and I can tell she's trying to hold something back. I squeeze her hand.

,,You promised to tell me everything. Take your time." A tear falls from her eyes.

,,Chicago has been in Atlanta twice a year, only when he doesn't have a mission for the army. He used to come to the apartment every time and then we would have sex together." My hand drops from hers. ,,It wasn't because I wanted to have sex with him or that I missed him. I only slept with him because I felt like I owed him. I'm so sorry Beca, I know that's not good enough and you deserve better but just know that every time I became wet because I thought of you. I never got turned on because of Chicago and when I got the release I needed, I always moaned your name." I'm taken aback by Chloe's confession and I can't get myself to react.

,,Beca, say something. You can't just stay quiet." Emily says. I turn towards Chloe.

,,So you're telling me that you slept with Chicago twice a year for three years in a row?"

,,Every half year." I look down with a sad expression, trying not to let my jealousy get the best of me. Chloe willingly had sex with Chicago six times after my disappearance.

,,Beca!" Emily whisper-yells now. ,,Stop being so jealous, Chloe said it didn't mean anything."

,,There's nothing wrong with being jealous, Emily." Chloe says now and then looking me in the eye. ,,Besides, you're not the only one that's jealous sometimes. It's okay to be angry." I'm shocked by Chloe's response because she never told me she was jealous or acted like she was.

,,When and who could you possibly be jealous of?" Chloe laughs a little and then looks over at Emily whose eyes bug out at the realization.

,,Me? You were jealous of me? Why?"

,,Well, do you remember when you first joined the Bella's and then you spend a lot of time working with Beca, bonding over songs?"

,,Chlo, why did you think I was interested in Emily? I mean, we were together from Freshman year. I thought we were fine."

,,When we were at the riff-off when I was upset at her for messing it up, you protected her instead of backing me up. And then at the retreat, you guys had a lot of eye contact, so I was nervous you were falling for her."

,,You were flirting a lot with me, Beca." Emily buts in. I shoot her a glare.

,,Dude, not helping!" I turn my gaze on Chloe, forcing her to look back at me. ,,Chlo, you're the only one I want. The four years we were together was proof of that."

,,That's exactly why I got scared. I know it was stupid and childish and I should've told you about it then but I was so scared about fighting and losing you, that I kept it to myself." Emily cuts in again.

,,If it's any consolation Chloe, I always saw Beca as more of a big sister and protector, not someone I wanted to be with romantically." I look at Chloe and smirk.

,,Now you can't tease me any more of my jealousy, Chlo. You were just as bad." I gesture for Chloe to come closer and when she does, I pull her in for a kiss. Chloe pulls away first.

,,Wait, are we okay now that we talked through everything?" I run my hand through her hair and nod my head.

,,Yes, we are okay. Thank you for explaining everything." She smiles and kisses me again.

,,Thank God! Now, can we please go to sleep? I have to prepare for tomorrow when I see the hot detective." Emily says. Chloe and I burst out laughing.

,,I knew I saw it right. You were smitten right when she walked into this room." I smirk and Emily blushes. ,,Hopefully Chloe can help you tomorrow to keep the drool in your mouth, so you don't make too much of a fool of yourself in front of her." Emily throws her pillow over at me and it hits Ryan, waking him up. ,,Way to go, Emily." Ryan sits up.

,,Is it morning already, mama?"

,,Not yet, kiddo. It's still night, so you can go back to sleep okay? I'll wake you when it's morning." I turn my hands through his hair. He cuddles back into me and falls back asleep. I say goodnight to Chloe and start to fall asleep myself. I watch Chloe get up and make her way over to Emily's bed to share it. ,,We just talked about each other's jealousy problems and now you're over there cuddling up to the one you had a problem with?" Chloe looks back over.

,,Shut up, Beca! She's like our sister, now go to sleep." In no time we're all asleep and I hope Emily gets to impress that detective tomorrow.

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