Henry Creel - Short Stories

By lostgirlriddle1926

25.9K 341 276

Henry's story is so inspiring, so here's a collection of short stories and one shots about him. If you have i... More

Requests suspended
Pt 1 - 111 // Hope in the past
Pt 2 - Hope in the past
Pt 3 - Hope in the past
Pt 4 - Hope in the past
001xReader // Under the Table
001xReader // Run, girl, run
Pt 2 // Run, girl, run
001xReader // Lost Friend
001xReader // When the Sun Sets
001xReader // Test Subjects
Henry x Chrissy // Modern AU
001xReader // Labour of Love
001xReader // Join Me
Pt 1 - Henry x Reader // Your New Boss
Pt 2 - Your New Boss
Pt 3 - Your New Boss
Extra - Your New Boss
Henry x Reader // Happy Halloween 🎃
001 x Reader // Forbidden Fruit
001 x Reader // Animals
001 x Reader // Bad Blood
111 // Rewrite the Stars
Henry x Reader // A White Christmas

Henry×Reader // The Dragonfly and the Spider

903 12 5
By lostgirlriddle1926

Story requested by shanzaynoob 💕

**AU where Brenner doesn't exists and Henry has always been free

You remember the first time you saw him.
He was the new student in a town where everyone knows everyone.
His being introvert didn't make a good impression on the other boys, who started to call him weird and other names.
Just to be kind, you had approached him and said him "Welcome to Hawkins" with an encouraging smile, just to get an quick empty look back.
He is same age as you.
Through the years you saw how lonely he is, how the other students feared to be near to him.
A stark contrast with his sister, who is the most popular girl in the school.
You liked being lonely too, but never thought that little thing in common could make you close.

"Don't kill it!" his voice exclaims at your back.
You are kneeling in a corner of the school garden, observing the life of the small animals that common people ignore or dispise.
You turn to see Henry walking to you with a menacing face, then look again at the spider that is approaching its new prey on the web.
"Why would I kill it? Look, it got a big fly" you point at it and watch as Henry carefully stops one foot from you, then kneel by your side.
You both watch as the spider weave all around its prey.
"Usually people kill spiders" Henry says, his eyes lingering on the web.
"People fear them as they fear animals with many feet... or no feet" you sit on the grass, hugging your knees.
You feel Henry's eyes on you, but don't cross his stare "The other day, everyone was screaming when there was that little snake crossing the garden. You just stared at it, with wonder?".
You shoot him a bored look "That snake was more scared of us. These little beasts are more scared than us and have all rights to be since we are evil giants to their eyes".
He is silent for a while, then says softly "Some boys started calling you witch".
You chuckle "I've been called worse. I prefer being a witch just because I care of little animals and I love plants rather than people and their silly games".
You pick an ant from the grass and place it in the web, watching as the spider quickly work on the new prey.
"You're right" Henry says "We don't have to change ourselves to get others' approval".
You smile, glad that someone agrees with your point of view.
"I'm Henry" he says suddenly, offering you his hand.
Of course you already know his name. You've been at school togetherness for a couple of years now.
But it's like the first time that he lets you into his world and doesn't consider you a stranger, so a formal introduction seems fine.
"I'm Y/N" you reply shaking his hand.

Your mother knows the Creels and she heard of the weird rumours around Henry.
When she learns that you are his friend, she tries to warn you.
But you dont fear him, even when you realize that he's more unique than you imagined.

"Aww no" you walk quickly to the web to free the insect "I'm sorry, but I like dragonflies. They are predators too. Why can't spiders and dragonflies make a deal so dragonflies make other insect fly into the web and in exchange the spider let the dragonfly fly away?".
"That's an interesting deal, but I don't think they understand what a deal is. Instinct controls their choices".
"But evolution can make these deal happen. I've heard of many examples of these deals in nature...".
"Look at these lovely birds!" some nasty voice interrupts you "What a cute prey you got into your filthy web. Do you know how to play with a bird or do you just break it as you break all your toys?".
You both stand up and turn to the little group of boys that are approaching you with hostile faces. A bunch of silly bullies.
The leader of them was just being rejected by Henry's sister, after trying to harass even Henry in the previous weeks to get into her favours. And now he thinks he can have his revenge on her by pestering her younger brother.
"Why don't you look at yourself in a mirror? Any girl would reject an idiot like you" Henry spits with disgust.
The boy approaches him with clenched fists "What did you call me?".
"Are you also deaf?" you tease.
You get a heavy glare, then he launches his hand to grab your arm "Go away, this is males' stuff".
His hand is snatched away by Henry's.
"Don't touch her" Henry warns and a fist flies to his face.
You hold your breath, but the impact never happens.
Henry just stares at the fist, paralized few inches from his face.
That's when all you know makes no more sense. But you learned to accept that Henry is special. And nothing can hurt him.
Henry wraps his hand around the fist and the bully grimaces in pain.
His companions walk closer to help him "Surrender. Your name should be Henry Kneel".
One of them grabs your wrists, but you lift your knee and kick him in his groin.
"You should be the ones to kneel" you hiss.
The attackers struggle in front of you, held by invisible forces.
You see Henry's focused face, his nose starting to bleed.
You place a hand on his shoulder, fearing that he won't stop.
"Henry..." you call softly.
He inhales deeply and the boys collapse around you, then they run away like they have a pack of angry dogs chasing them.
You take a tissue and wipe the blood from Henry's face. You just hate how the stupid bullies bring out his violent side, the one rumours talk about and that even your family warn you about, wishing for you to stay far away from him.

But you're not going to let him be alone again.
You lose count of the times you follow Henry to the principal's office where the hurt boys accuse him of any sort of crimes.
And you're always there to show the evidences.
You always grab Henry's hands from under the table and place them in front of the adults.
"Well, look at him. Does his hands look like he has been punching all around?".
So the victims can only cry for their misery and never dare to tease Henry again.
And after some time, also Henry gets less involved in violent discussions.

You are enjoying the fresh morning keeping your arms up to keep your balance as you walk on the garden's wall.
Henry is keeping an eye on you as he follows you below.
"You know, I think you're right. A spider and a drangonfly can make a deal and work together" he says and his words break your concentration, so you turn and he raises his hands to help you down.
You lower yourself and rest your hands on his shoulders as his hands grab your waist and take you down, back on the grass.
"You remember it" you say with a big smile.
He nods "You reminded me of a dragonfly as you walked up there".
That's the weirdest, but loveliest thing you've ever heard. You take it as a compliment.
And you think about how he loves spiders, so you associate him to a spider. But you don't dare to say it aloud.

"So, you won't go to the Snow Ball?" he asks faking indifference.
Thinking that the winter break will separate you saddens you.
"You need a partner to go. You can't go on your own" you remind as you walk by his side "And I don't like to dress up as a silly princess for a couple of boring hours".
"But you got several offers".
"From boys that no girl wants" you point out "So no, I won't sacrifice myself for them".
He smiles, and you're glad he seems to agree with you.
But after some silence, he looks bothered.
"You could come with me" he suggests, eyeing you to check your reaction "You can come as you are now. You don't need any new fancy dress or make up. Just be yourself. So we can experience something new before the break".
He had told you that his family is planning a trip through the whole country, so you two won't meet again until the school starts again.
"I guess your family won't let you stay at home for the Snow Ball" you say, still unsure on how to interpret his invitation. You know him enough to know that he dislikes that kind of events as you do.
"Exactly" he says with a shrug.
And you know that plenty of girls tried to invite him, since he is growing quite attractive, even with his introvert and scary side.
Hearing that he chose to invite you flatters you, but make you wonder about your friendship, like there's a dangerous line that risk to be crossed and you don't feel ready to test the consequences. You don't want to delude yourself.
"It's not just for that" he says, maybe mistaking your long silence. He stops and turns to you, making you halt and widen your eyes at him "It's not to make anyone else happy. I never went to the Snow Ball. But this year, I'd like to see what it's like. And I want to go with you".
The solution seems so easy so you reply "Then let's go to the Snow Ball".
You link his arm with yours and resume walking, glad to see that he is comforted by your gesture that saved him from the little embarrassment.
"I'm curious too, to be honest" you confess "To see the school as more than just the boring routine. I bet my mother will turn crazy when I'll tell her. She won't let me wear anything comfortable".
He chuckles "You can come even dressed as a clown. It'll be fun anyway".
You laught bitterly at the idea. You definitely will look worse than a clown, but you imagine how Henry would look in a suit and your mouth dries.
You hope that he links your blushing to your laughing.
He stops again and you feel the muscles of his arm turning rigid.
"Can I tell you a secret?" he says softly, looking at your arm still linked with his and then up to your red cheeks.
"Sure" you reply simply. You've been used to share secrets, so you are not so worried by what he can tell.
He chews his bottom lip as his eyes seems unable to find a spot where to rest.
"I want to be honest. I'm not asking you just because I'm curious to try something new or because you're my friend so I ask it as a favor. Actually, I'm glad that you rejected all the offers. Or I needed to break the bones of the guy who managed to make you say yes".
He says it so strongly that you don't doubt of his sincerity. And you feel his blood boiling with repressed violence under the muscles that still keep you linked to his arm.
"Good God, Henry" you whisper, trying to read right between the lines. Because if you deluse yourself, you'd never see your friendship in the same way.
He nods and then blurts out "The truth is that I like you. I like your company, I like your way of thinking, I like everything about you. And I can't think of anyone else I'd like to take to the Ball. And I know we both can't dance, but it's alright, as long as we are together".
You're glad he's holding you or you'd faint at his feet.
Because secretly you've been dreaming to hear those words from him, to know that there is a chance of more than friendship to bond you. And you feared that if he knew about your feelings he would reject you as he rejected the attentions of all the girls who had tried with him.
"I like you too, Henry" you say quickly, but you are so speechless that you can't think of anything sensed to say "And I'm glad you invited me and not anyone else. Or I would have killed you".
He bursts out laughing and you are glad for it because it broke the tension that was strangling you.

You've been nervous for days and you just want it to be over.
"Relax, it's just a ball. Not your wedding!" your mother teases you, but it just kills you with embarrassment.
Because after what he confessed to you, the event became something so important that you just want it to be a special evening.
Your mother showed her disapproval when she learned who was accompanying you, but no one can change your mind.
She let you choose your dress. You chose a simple one, of your favourite color.
But wearing it makes you so uncomfortable. It's okay if you wear it at home, but going in public with it, and being seen by Henry, is a whole different problem.
The weekend arrives and you feel almost defeated.
You wear the dress and your mother helps you with some make up.
You spend a lot of time in the bathroom, fighting the growing anxiety.
Then the clock ticks the hour and you hear the door bell ringing.
You breathe deeply, hearing your heart running wild, but you can't betray Henry and disappoint him, so you collect yourself and walk clumsily to the front door. You chose low heels, yet that's not the kind of shoes you're comfortable with.
When you see the door open, you forget about the shoe problem.
Henry in a suit is far better than you ever imagined and you're speechless. That is definitely a living dream.
You're glad that your parents are talking kindly to him and you watch them accept the homemade pie he brought for them from his mother.
Then he looks up to you and surely it is a look that can melt even the hardest rocks.
You force your legs to bring you to him and you are so dizzy that you are barely aware of all the kind warnings your parents tell to both of you.
You just feel Henry's comforting arm linked with yours and you let him guide you to his car, where his father talks a lot too as he drives you to the school, but you are only capable of shooting shy look to Henry as he sits next to you.
Finally you arrive at school and yeah, everything is cool and wonderful, but all your attention is only on the boy walking next to you.
When finally it's just the two of you, you face each other.
"I'm worse than a clown. I'm a troll" you try to joke, to break the long silence as you can't interpret his lingering stare on you.
"You're beautiful" he says quite sharply, to erase your doubts "I just need you to tell me that I'm not dreaming".
That's your same need.
You lean to him and pinch his cheek, knowing how the gesture irritates him, but his only reaction is dropping his shining eyes to your lips, and then to your neckline.
"You're going to regret it, if you start a pinching challenge" he teases.
"Wait for me to crush your feet when we'll try to dance" you reply.
You hear other couples walk all around you, but you can't take your eyes off of Henry.
"Shall we go, darling?" he offers his arm and imitates in a mocking way the most repeated word echoing all around you.
Hearing him calling you that just drives you insane.
You take his arm "You're such a sweetheart".
He gives you one of those sideways smirk that make you want to worship him for badly.
The dancing room is too noisy and colorful, but that is not enough to distract you from Henry.
You feel several stares on both of you, but nobody can have a hungrier look than the ones you are exchanging with Henry.
That evening he is yours. And only yours. Just like you are helplessly his.
When you try to dance, you feel clumsy at first, then it feels more natural. And you enjoy it more than you ever imagined. Until you wish you can dance with him every day.
You drown in each other stare.
You barely notice when the music ends and the couples move to get some refreshments.
"Want something to drink, darling?" Henry asks winking. He sounds so natural that it makes you speechless.
You just nod and holding his hand, you follow him to get your glasses.
You avoid alcoholics. You want to be sober so you can remember every detail of that event.
When you are both satisfied and after pictures were taken, you look for some quieter place.
"It's far better than I imagined. Thank you for coming tonight. I won't forget" he says sweetly and places a rosebud he stole from the decorations in your hair.
Then his hand caresses your face, a hand that is capable of causing so much damage with just a lazy wave. But you're not afraid of him.
"Thank you for inviting me. For choosing me, Henry" you whisper, but you understand that words are no more necessary.
You see your same need reflected in his eyes, that then lowers to your impatient lips.
It starts with a soft touch, then you both grow more confident and deepen the kiss.
Everything turns blurred, until it's just you and him.


Wednesday 14th September 2022

🎵 Have I found you?
Flightless bird
jealous, weeping
Or lost you? 🎶

Ops, wrong fandom 😅

Henry is far more dangerous than some vampire biting necks around. He can crush bones under a tender caress 😍

And then Jamie could have played Edward Cullen 🥺

Anyway, how lovely it's a world without Brenner 🏖

I want to believe that if Henry was allowed to live his life, he would have found a balance to control his anger and found a reason for stop hurting people around him 💕

Also, Vecna is hopeless, but Henry at the SnowBall >>>>>>

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