We Find Love

Por ohsoonayla

668 42 1

Struggling new graduate Soncerae Daniels has lost everything. Her 4-year-long relationship, her place of livi... Más

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One |
Chapter Twenty-Two |
Chapter Twenty-Three |
Chapter Twenty- Four |
Chapter Twenty-Five |

Chapter Eight

25 3 0
Por ohsoonayla

I meet Eris, Aven, and Darby at the front gates where a car waited for us. "You look hot!" Darby shouts as I approach them.

"Rock concerts are the one thing I know how to dress for," I laugh. "When I first moved into the city, rock concerts were the only things I and my friends could sneak in before we were 21, and you had to dress the part," I say, spinning around.

"Total rockstar," Darby grins.

"You look adorable," Eris adds, before pushing through the side gate and allowing all of us to walk through. "This is my friend, Melanie, she's our designated driver," Eris tells us, opening the back door. "Hey, Mel—This is Darby and Soncerae, and you already know Aven," Eris says, allowing us all to pile into the car before climbing into the passenger seat.

"Hello ladies," Melanie beams. "My name is Melanie, but you can call me Mel, Lanie, or just Me-Me if you want," she tells us.

"Mel! Come on we need to beat the traffic!" Eris says.

"So impatient this one is," Melanie scoffs, before turning in her seat and reversing away from the gate, before turning towards the city. "This is the band that's playing tonight—Lightening Fire," Melanie says, turning on the radio, and turning the stereo to the highest setting. The car is suddenly consumed with music, and it's so loud that my earbuds feel like they're about to pop.

It doesn't seem to bother the others though, I see Melanie and Eris speaking in the front seat, and Darby is rocking along to the music. Aven is resting back in her seat while on her phone, bobbing her head to the music as well. The entire car ride is nothing but the blaring music, and Melanie driving with her foot down the entire time, I was surprised we didn't get pulled over at the speed she was going.

When we arrived at the venue, the parking lot was filled with cars. People were still lounging around the parking lot smoking and drinking, and I could hear music thudding from the old building. Melanie founds a decent spot underneath a lighting post, and we all pile out of the car, immediately getting the attention of a bunch of drunk men, leaning against their truck drinking.

"You couldn't handle all of this," Darby shouts, flipping the men off, as we walk towards the building.

"Don't antagonize them Darbs," Eris scolds her, before wrapping her arm around Aven and pulling her towards the line. When we make it to the building, people are rushed inside. Eris doesn't stop in the line though, she guides Aven towards the front door, and we follow after her. When we get to the front, Eris passes over 5 tickets and gestures to the rest of us. The security guard looks over the tickets, before opening the door and allowing us in.

"Eris is so cool," Darby whispers to me, as we step into the building. The music inside here was just as loud as in the car, but it bounced off all the empty walls. Even though there weren't a lot of people inside, there weren't a lot of places to stand or sit, and the room was already starting to smell like sweat. It brought me back to my first year in the city. Squeezing into whatever rock concert my roommates could find, and drinking shitty beer, while listening to the music that I barely understood. This time Eris glided through the crowd like she owned the place, and it was almost like everyone knew who she was because everyone glided out of our way until we made it to the bar. We were close enough to the stage that I could see everything, and the crowd seemed to give us space to breathe; as if they knew better than to crowd Eris's space.

"I used to be a band manager when I was fresh out of college," Eris tells me, bringing my attention to her. "I can sense your confusion," she says with a laugh.

"Have you heard of Midnight sunrise?" Aven questions me.

"Uhm—Vaguely," I say, thinking of times when I've gone to concerts where they were headlining but I wasn't really paying attention.

"Those were my old college friends—I managed them for a few years before I realized that the rockstar life isn't really for me," Eris explains, leaning against the counter.

"And your path led you to garden?" I question.

"Gardening is just one of my many talents—It gives me something to do, and a place to stay," Eris states. "But I'm really passionate about music production, so I sideline as a producer," Eris says.

"A music producer," I say shocked, and Eris nods with a mused looked.

"Yes, Yes," Eris nods.

"That's amazing,"

"I know, isn't she great," Aven says, pulling her girlfriend into a kiss, the two twisting into a moment.

"Ew gross," Darby says, pushing against the counter. "Barkeep!" she shouts, waving over the bartender. "5 tequila shots please," Darby shouts.

"Make it 10," Eris shouts, slapping her hand down on the counter, and the bartender nods. "You can keep upright, Rae?" Eris quips in my direction, and I nod eagerly.

"My best friend doesn't like leaving the club unless someone is being carried out," I tell them. "I can manage my liquor," I smile.

"Right on, let's party!" Eris shouts.


We're 4 shots in, and the second act has already taken the stage. people are jumping around the dance floor smashing into each other, while others are actually trying to dance to the music. I just vibe along with Darby and the others, glad to be out of the house for the first time since starting at the estate—Besides finding Matilda in the city. Darby and I dance at the edge of the crowd but make sure we're still close enough for Eris to see us—Per her request.

"Soncerae?" someone shouts, and I spin around to face Dalton. He stands with a few of his friends from school—People I didn't really bother trying hanging out with because they never seemed interested in speaking to me. And a girl is glued to his side, presumably the girl he left me for. Her hair is cut short, and choppy and it's clear she did it herself. And she looks like she got her outfit from a mannequin from hot topic. "Soncerae?! Is that you?" Dalton shouts, approaching me.

"Dalton—Hey," I say, Darby, coming to a halt at my side, and looking at my approaching ex.

"Whose he?" she questions.

"My ex," I answered stiffly. Dalton approaches, yanking his new girlfriend close to his side like she was going to try and walk away.

"How have you been!? It feels like forever!" Dalton says, with a goofy look.

"Uhm yes! It's been like 3 months," I nod. "How have you been—Whose your friend?" I say, finally making eye contact with the girl who was glued to his side.

"Kendra Louise Scott," the girl says, jutting her hand forward with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Kendra," I say. "I'm—"

"Soncerae, Dalton has told me so much about you," she says with a laugh, which makes my stomach turn.

"Uh yeah, and this is my friend Darby," I say, turning to Darby who looked less than interested in this conversation.

"Heyo—Let's get another shot," Darby says, wrapping her arm around me. "Real fun reunion, see you, lover boy, or ex-lover boy," Darby says, winking towards Dalton before tugging me back towards the bar.

"Whose the dweeb giving you puppy dog eyes?" Eris questions, nodding her head in Dalton's direction.

"My ex, I really don't want to talk about," I say quickly, the last thing I wanted was to re-open the wound that was Dalton. It hasn't even been half a year and he's already moved on. I can't even think about sleeping with anyone else, let alone dating someone else. And seeing him now makes my head feel dizzy again like I'm back in the café where he dumped me.

"Rae? Are you okay?" Darby nudges me. "Another shot is needed, eh?" she grins, waving over the bartender.

"More than just one," I push out.

"If it's any constellation, you're way too hot for him," Aven says with a wink, which just makes me laugh.

"Less talking more shots," Darby snaps her fingers. "You're going to lose your buzz over that loser," Darby says, wrapping her arm around my shoulder.


After two more shots, we all move back to the dance floor for the headliner of the night. Eris manages to get us a good spot in front of the stage, and Darby forces me to dance to every song even when I didn't feel like it. At the end of the night, I was covered in sweat and smelled like alcohol, we entered the crowded parking lot, and it was filled with tired, loud, drunk people.

"Tonight, was fun ladies," Melanie shouts as we make our way back to the car.

"Yeah, we definitely have to hang out more ladies, this was fun!" Aven says happily, we make it to the car, and all pile in. I don't remember the ride much, I was asleep for most of it, even with the blaring music. When we arrived back at the estate, Darby helped me up to my room, and I ended the night curled up with my pillows. When I wake up in the morning, Embry and Orson are already having breakfast with Misha.

I take a cold shower and quickly get dressed rushing downstairs just as Orson was finishing his breakfast.

"Someone slept in," Misha comments.

"I'm so sorry," I tell him. "Good morning, Orson, Bry," I say, walking over and ruffling the girl's hair. It was clear Orson just pulled her from bed, her hair was still in the tangled-up ponytail I gave her the night before.

"How was breakfast?" I question, sitting down next to Embry.

"Delicious," Orson says. "As always,"

"Jackie actually wanted to speak to you as soon as you got down, I'll wait for you here," Misha tells me, before returning to his morning paper. I push out of my seat leaving the dining room and finding Jackie in the maid's quarters, where Darby was writing in her assignment book, and Kimberly was putting on the rest of her uniform.

"Good morning," I hum, leaning against the doorway. "My presence was requested?" I question, and Jackie smiles looking up at me.

"Ah yes, you should be happy to know that in two weeks the kids will be starting school—Embry will be entering Pre-school and Orson will be starting 6th grade," Jackie tells me. "They'll both be attending the schools in town, and a car will take them every morning so you will no longer have to worry about breakfast or lunch,"

"What will that mean for my schedule?" I question.

"You will still be allowed to live here, and your schedule will consist of getting them ready in the morning, and helping with their homework in the afternoon, and when they start extracurricular activities, you will help them with that," Jackie tells me.

"And during the day? While they're at school?" I question.

"Well, uhm—That's really up to you! You can get another job if you're up to it, but your payment won't be changing, they still need a full-time nanny," Jackie tells me.

"Lucky, Lucky chicken duckie," Darby grins, before skipping out of the room.

"I'll give you an adjusted schedule when school starts for them, and maybe you can figure something out to do with your time," Jackie says, with a smile, before stepping out of the room.

I return to the dining room, helping Orson clean the dishes, before helping Embry out of her seat. "Are you going to have breakfast?" Orson questions me, as we leave the dining room together.

"Later—What are you two in the mood for? TV? Garden?" I question.

"I want to play my video games please," Orson says, before dashing up the stairs.

"How about you little bug?" I say turning to Embry. "TV? Garden? Just a walk around?" I question.

"TV, TV—Tuna and Cat!" Embry squeals, announcing the name of her favorite cartoon show about a Tuna fish and A cat becoming roommates. I walk Embry upstairs, setting her up in her playroom, before grabbing a book and cellphone from my room and joining her. As I sit down, I notice the long list of missed calls I have from Matilda. I lean back in a bean bag in the back of the seat, returning Matilda's call.

"Morning," I yawn.

"Oh my god, oh my god," Matilda practically screams into the receiver.

"What? What?" I question.

"Fucking hell—You know Dad's half-sister Janice?" Matilda spills out.

"Uh, I guess—" I say.

"Well, she has a daughter, Sara, and Sara goes to Lincoln State!" Matilda shouts out. "And I didn't know that, and I was in the mess hall with Jo sneaking food, and I ran into her, and she remembered me, and I guess she told her mom who told dad, and now dad knows I'm in the city!" Matilda says.

"Oh—Well, Sebastian was bound to tell him sooner or later, right?" I question. "I mean they were going to find out," I say.

"I'm not done!" Matilda barks. "Janice lives 15 minutes out of the city, in a shit-hole town name Bradbury, it literally has one gas station and smells like absolute shit but that's not the point," Matilda says.

"What is the point?" I question.

"She invited Ma and Pa to stay with her so they could come and talk to me!" Matilda says.

"What?" I say, sitting up in the bean bag. "Really? How did you find out?" I question.

"Janice called me, Sara got my number from one of Jo's friends after I told them not to give it to anyone!" Matilda groans. "They're coming to the city, and they know I'm at the school what do I do? What do I do!"

"Calm down, calm down—The most they're going to do is try to convince you to come back, but you're an adult they can't force you to do anything you don't want to do anymore," I tell her.

"I can't face them alone Rea," Matilda whispers. "What if they find out about Jo? What if they try to do more than convince me?"

"Then call the police!" I tell her. "I won't let them do anything to you bug, I promise," I say. "Plus, they'll probably get to the city, and want to leave immediately, if it was overwhelming for us—Imagine it for them? They've never left Hamilton and the closest thing to a farm in the city is the Prescott Park Farmers market," I tell her.

"You're right—You're right," Matilda sighs.

"Nothing is going to happen, Matilda, I promise," I tell her.

"Right—Right, nothing is going to happen," Matilda sighs.


During lunch, I informed Orson and Embry about their upcoming enrollment at school. I had printed out packets for them to complete, and a few books for them to read, I was thankful that the house had more than enough books on the list, and Orson had already read through half of them. After lunch, Orson spends some time in one of the study rooms going through the packets, and I take Embry out on the porch for some sun. She sits with her colored books and toys, on the porch playing in the setting sun, while I sat on the side and watched her.

Embry spends the rest of the afternoon on the porch and doesn't even take a nap. After a while she joins Eris in the garden, helping her water the flowers. "Maybe you could start journaling," Eris tells me, as I follow them down the rows of flowers. "I heard about the free time you're about to be gaining,"

"It's only 2 months, and I don't know what I'm going to do without them being here all day," I sigh, running my fingers through my hair.

"Start a blog, start a book," Eris smiles in my direction. "There is a lot you could do, you have a lot at your expense, and plenty of time,"

"I guess I've never had to think about it until now," I say.

"How about this—I know you're not looking for anything you're going to have to leave the house for," Eris starts.

"I can't leave them, not now," I say, looking down at Embry who was cradling a rose in her hand, babbling to herself.

"I can get an interview with a friend of mine who works for a magazine," Eris says.

"Eris no," I start. "You don't have to,"

"But I want to!" Eris steps in. "You're a good girl, and I can see you're a really hard worker, plus eventually whether you like it or not, you're going to have to leave them—And you're going to need something to fall back on,"

She was right, it was something I hadn't really been thinking about, but she was right. soon the kids would be going to school every fall, and I'd only be needed sparsely, and during the summer, and soon I wouldn't be needed at all. Orson wasn't always going to need a nanny, and once Embry hit a certain she wouldn't need me either. And then I'd be out of a job. I didn't really want to think, because I didn't want to think about my future, but I knew I'd have to sooner or later.

"Thank you, Eris," I smile.

"I can get you the interview but that's it, kid, everything else has to be up to you," she winks at me.

"Trust me, if you get me that interview, I won't let you down," I tell her.

"I know you won't" she smiles at me, before turning towards Embry. "Come on Bry-Bry, let's go to the sunflowers," Eris smiles, nudging Embry towards the sunflowers that lined the garden fountain. I decide to sit on the fountain watching Embry bounce around and water the ground around the sunflower.

Things were getting better—For everyone. 

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