By niallsgoldhoop

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If you love what you do - you'll never work a day in your life.. At least that's what they say. So what happe... More



2.4K 102 48
By niallsgoldhoop


What the hell.

Driving home in my slippers all I can think about is the way Harry looked at me before turning on his heel and walking away.

I couldn't even focus on my music.

Sorry, Hozier.

Being late tonight was like the cherry on top of the milkshake that I couldn't have. Even though Harry was annoyed, it seemed like he got over it in time for us to give a solid presentation to our clients.

Blocking out the emotions that surged through my body after my fight with David made it easy to flawlessly lead alongside Harry, something that was becoming easier with every day we were stuck together.

We still weren't close by any means and didn't talk outside of work, but at least we could stand to be in the same room.

My mind wanders to how it felt to see a plate of pasta placed in front of me. I can't remember the last time David ordered me something I actually wanted.

He didn't even make a rude comment about me changing out of my heels to drive, instead I swear I saw a dimple show on his cheek.

A cute little dimple.

Shaking my head as I pull into the parking garage and park my car, turning off the engine and leaning my head back against the headrest. My mind goes back and forth from the fight with David to the plate of pasta Harry ordered.

It takes me another ten minutes before I get out of the car and slip my heels back on, leaving my car slippers where they belong before heading up to my apartment.

Stepping into my apartment is like a breath of fresh air from the chaotic thoughts in my mind.

Stripping out of my dress and throwing it on the floor of my bedroom, I make my way into the bathroom to take a shower so that I can wash the feelings that are all over the place straight down the drain.

l resist the urge to call David while I'm getting ready for bed, knowing that he isn't someone I want to talk to right now.

Which is the opposite of how it should be.

Crawling into my bed alone and bringing the duvet up below my chin as I feel a traitorous tear slip down my cheek before I can wipe it away.

At the end of the day you should want to call the person you want to spend your life with and tell them the good parts and the bad parts of your days.

But what if the person you're supposed to call is the cause of the bad parts of your days?

What are you supposed to do then?

"Well I need that trajectory report right now."

With my elbows on my desk and my forehead resting on the tips of my fingers, I count to ten before looking up at the asshole across from me.

"I told you that I needed a couple more hours to get it all fixed since you decided to fucking mess with it." Rolling my eyes, I turn to my computer to continue working. "Maybe if you had left it alone like I fucking told you then you would have had it sooner."

Scoffing, Harry turns his back to me. "Unbelievable. You act like everything is my fault."

"If the shoe fits!" My hands curl into tight fists next to my keyboard. "Listen, if you would just fucking—"

"Aunt Murphy!"

Snapping is out of our heated arguement, the sight of a sandy blonde haired boy makes a smile break out over my face.

"Hey buddy!" Opening my arms wide, I laugh as he throws himself into my arms.

Harry stares at us and I swear I can see his eye twitch as he clenches his jaw at the same time. "Murphy, we aren't done talking here."

"Looks like we are." Giving him a sickly sweet smile, I turn to tickle Lachlan on his sides which makes him squirm in my lap. "Where's your dad?"

"He's right here!" Looking up, I see Mercer as he walks into the office with Harper sound asleep strapped to his chest. "Lach, I told you not to run! Aunt Murphy could have been in a meeting."

His eyes find Harry who is standing with his hands on his hips, flames shooting out of his eyes in my direction.

"You must be Harry." Standing a few inches taller than Harry, I can see in his gaze that he's thinking about all of the things I've told Mercer about him..

"And you are?" Harry doesn't even try to conceal his attitude as he turns to look at him.

This makes Mercer laugh as he moves closer to me. "Damn, you weren't kidding. He is an ass."

"Harry, this is my brother Mercer and my niece and nephew — Lachlan and Harper." I'm trying not to laugh at the anger rolling off of him.

Silence settled between us in the office, so thick that it felt like I could cut it and serve it with ice cream.

"Alrighty then." Mercer turns toward me as I hold Lachlan. "We were in the city for some stuff and decided to see if you wanted to go to lunch if you weren't busy."

"Actually, we were going over some—"

"Yeah, just give me a few minutes." Sitting Lachlan down, I smile as he walks over and reaches for Mercer's hand. "I can meet you guys in the lobby."

"Perfect. I'll meet you in a few minutes!" Mercer nods as they walk out of the door and down the hallway which leaves just an angry British man and me.

"Are you serious right now?" Throwing his hands out to the side, Harry looks at me with an exasperated expression. "Murphy, we have work to do!"

"Thank you captain fucking obvious!" Grabbing my purse from my desk drawer I look at him. "You act like everything isn't going to be here when we get back. I don't know what fucking crawled back up your ass or why you've been so fucking terrible but figure it out."

I don't even wait for a response before walking out of the office, excited to spend time with a few of my favorite people.

"He's... Charming?"

I glare at Mercer over my salad, making him laugh so hard his chest shakes and wakes up a sleeping Harper.

Reaching across the table, I take her out of his arms and let her curl up into me as I take a bite of the leafy greens. "Fuck you."

"That's a bad word! Daddy! Aunt Murphy said a bad word!" Lachlan's mouth hands slightly open as a piece of chicken nugget falls out onto the table. "She's gonna be in trouble!"

"I'll make sure she gets grounded, okay bud?" Mercer tells him, making Lachlan giggle as he goes back to his chicken and macaroni.

"Is Harry always that welcoming?" Mercer stretches his hand above his head before reaching for his glass of water. "I thought you said he was being nicer."

Letting out a long sigh, I push a couple pieces of chicken around the plate. "He was! Like, don't get me wrong.. We aren't close and never will be but I don't know what changed from him being at least tolerable."

"Have you talked to him about it?" With his mouth full of food he asks the most obvious question.

Shaking my head, I lean down to kiss the top of Harper's head. "No. It would be easier to do that but even when I asked him if he wanted anything from the deli the other day for lunch he looked like he wanted to rip my head off."

"When did he start acting like an ass again?" Without taking his eyes off of me, he reaches over to grab Lachlan's cup that's about to tip off the table.

I think back to how ever since the day he brought the cannolis things between us had been at least alright. Yet here we are at the beginning of October and it felt like we were back to square one.

"I don't know... It was like a week ago when David stopped by and brought me roses—"

Mercer scoffs as he rolls his eyes. "You fucking hate roses.."

"I know." Pushing my plate away I lock my eyes with his. "But that's the only thing I can think of. It doesn't make any sense though."

"What do you mean?" Putting his plate on top of mine and setting them to the side he leans his elbows onto the table. "It makes perfect sense. He knows David sucks ass."


"Let me just get this out, okay?" His eyes plead with mine as I lean back in my chair cradling Harper. "I love you more than anything, I do. He's just not good enough for you. You deserve someone who will stay with you at mom and dad's house, someone who remembers your favorite flower, someone who doesn't fucking order you a damn salad everywhere you go."

I let out a long sigh, knowing he's not even close to being done.

"David just isn't you, Murphy. I'll support you no matter what you do, I always will. There isn't anything you could do that would make me not love you — seriously. I'll stand next to you at your wedding next to Garrett and Sara, just like we've always talked about. I just feel like there's something you haven't been telling me and it breaks me knowing you feel like you can't."

"It's not that I'm keeping stuff from you, Mercer." Finishing my drink, I look over to an older couple a few tables away from us. "I know how everyone feels about David and I do love him, okay? Yeah, he's not perfect but neither am I."

Mercer blows out a long breath before leaning over and gently taking a sleeping Harper out of my arms and tucking her into the baby carrier. "Okay. I'll drop it."

You would think there would be tension after a conversation like this that we would be weird, but it isn't. Awkward conversations between us never changed our relationship.

"Hey Lach, do you want to come with me so I can clean you up?" With barbeque sauce dried around his mouth and a smudge of cheese in his eyebrow, he nods at me and takes my outstretched hand. "Mercer, my card is in my wallet! Just use it and then tip whatever!"

After leaving the restaurant, I walk with them all the way to the entrance of the office before giving the kids a hug and looking up at Mercer. "Will you text me when you get home so I know you made it safe?"

"Of course." Giving me a side hug, he kisses the top of my head. "Oh, by the way! Lachlan has his first ball game next week if you want to come."

"Text me the day and time? I think we might have a client meeting but so can't remember the date right off the top of my head." Out of the corner of my eye, I see a mop of curly hair approaching the door and turn to see Harry without his suit jacket.

In a pair of black pants and a white undershirt, I can see the tattoos I've only been able to see a handful of times that cover his arm. He's moving to fast for me to see what they are and he doesn't stop either.

"Well I guess I'll let you go." Holding Lachlan's hand, I wave at them. "Love you, Murphy!"

"Love you too, all of you!"

I smile as they make their way down the street before turning to look at the building in front of me, taking a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.


Petition for me to marry Mercer when?


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