A Hybrid's Retribution (Old)

By Obsidian-Ace

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(Special thanks to jackrip for the commissioned artwork) Fighting the losing fight, humanity's downfall is ap... More

Waste of Medicine
Deals and Drinks
The Demon's Daughters
Before the Storm
An Agreement
Grim Skies
A Day at the Docks
Off The Grid
Shopping Free
History and Madness
Finally Free?
Pleasant Conversations
Old artwork

Old Friends New Plans

803 24 4
By Obsidian-Ace

One week later...


"With all due respect sir, this is bullshit!" Hector finishes as the general closes the computer screen.

"We cannot allow this to continue under any circumstances, Hector. We simply just don't have the manpower. 'Sides that, anyone who puts a foot out of line risks the safety of us all."

"But what about the treaty?! Any cruelty performed against the other will be punished!"

"Hector even with this information what do you expect me to do?! The moment any man sets foot back on enemy territory forfeits their life!"

Hector slammed his fist on the desk in front of him furiously as the general finished. "That animal is responsible for the tens of thousands killed across Europe! And you won't do a damn thing!"

The general runs a hand through his slightly grayed hair before rising to his feet becoming eye level with him. "Captain, you are dismissed..."

Grabbing the drive Hector grunted as he pushed away from the table and stormed out the door. Hector traversed his way through the crowded halls filled with refugees and soldiers. Most people were set up against the walls huddled up with their families but every so often he'd come across a few people sitting alone. Finally reaching the end of the hall a set of doors lead to the outside of the building.

The sun's light blinded him for a brief moment as he walked out. The area was completely full of tents, cars, and trucks all with people huddled together surrounded by medical staff and MP's checking in on everyone.

"Aw, hell..." Walking past the crowds was easier compared to the shelter he'd just left. However the only thing anyone could hear was the hundreds of voices all talking over each other. It sounded like the smallest amusement park having its busiest day.

Hector trudged along through the massive camp passing by the occasional familiar face helping set up the tents.

"Oi Hecter, that you?"

Hector turned to where the voice sounded from, it was hard to tell who called out his name with the amount of people out and about.

"I'll be damned, look! It's him!" The voice called out again.

Pushing his way through the crowds towards the voice Hector came across some of the other soldiers who were by his side during basic training. Most of them were covered in bandages, one was in a wheelchair.

"Am I glad to see you." The cripple says rolling up close to him. Upon closer inspection of his face he recognized the man.

"Damien?" Hector asked nervously hoping he didn't get the name wrong.

"Yup, it's me. How have you been? How long has it been?"

His mind raced for an answer, having not seen the old gang in almost eight years has caught him completely off guard.

"It's been too long old friend, but the bigger question needs addressing. The hell happened to you?"

"Me and the boys helped hold off an assault on the evac-site near Paris. Would'a brought you a postcard if I knew you were going to be stationed here. Frag got my legs a little, but for the most part we're all ok." He replies almost gasping for air.

"Take it easy, don't need the doctors yelling at me for talkin' to you."

Damien gives a small nod along with a cough, the soldier behind him offers his flask but he refused to take it.

"What's your story Hect'? Heard you fell off a bridge."

Hector lowered his head at the question, one of the last things he wanted to talk about was what happened. Even if it was a week ago it still felt like it happened just mere hours ago. Damien caught on and looked away slightly.

"You don't need to explain I-I understand..."

"Sorry Damien, it's not something I want to discuss right now. A good friend of mine died there..." he replied, his voice slightly strained.

They both look away from each other awkwardly while the others around them continued to socialize.

"Hey. Damien, are you ready to go?"

Hector's ears perk at the sudden question seemingly out of the blue. "Yeah just one second." He answers back, returning his attention to him.

"Want to tag along with us down to the Shattered Ace?"

"The what?" He answered back.

"Our old bar we used to hit every weekend before we enlisted. It's still here just down a few blocks away from this crowded shit hole."

A small smile formed on his face, memories flashback briefly reminding Hector of what civilian life was like.

"I think I'm good..." he replied, shrugging off the idea of getting drunk.

"At least tag along for the ride, come on we have more to discuss." As he finishes he turns the chair around and wheels off. Hector follows closely behind to avoid getting lost.

After about five minutes of walking and avoiding bumping into anyone they'd finally made it outside of the refuge. As they walked out a few of the others grabbed their attention to help Damien board the bus taking them around town.

Hector took a seat next to Damian who insisted they had more to discuss on the ride down, while they talked about future plans the hard drive fell out of Hector's pocket onto the floor. Reaching down to pick it up, another hand cut him off grabbing the device first.

"What's this, Hector?" Damien asks.

"Just some drive we snagged out of a Blackburn site, I managed to crack a few files and look at some pictures, but the rest of it? Who knows?"

"Should have brought it to the techies, they would have helped ya."

"No." He responded quickly. This however caught Damien's attention

"Why not?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't trust them with it, Col-" he caught himself mid sentence trying to avoid saying his name.

"Who?" Damien questioned, as a brief moment of silence passed.

"Hector you can trust me with anything, we've known each other for a while."

He sighed returning his gaze towards him. "One of my friend's brothers, Cole. He died for that." He answered sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. But hey, look, if you don't trust them, maybe you can trust one of my guys."

Hector tilts his head slightly puzzled, who was he talking about? He hardly knew anyone who understands technology even on a decent level.

"Who do you have in mind?" He asked curiously.

"I met a guy in Paris before we bugged out. His name's Curtis, ran a small cargo operation between here and France."

"Never heard of him."

"Most haven't, he keeps a tight ship. Inner-circle only type guy, ya dig? Anyway, I'll take this to him and see if he can crack it. If he can, I'll give ya a call and send you the data."

Hector was skeptical about giving up the drive, but if it meant getting more information out of it then what choice did he really have?

"Okay, just make sure that it comes directly to me, no one else."

"Also I should mention..." Damien pauses as he looks around with caution.

"What is it?"

"Curtis still runs ships over to Norway." He whispers.

"What, why?!" Hector responded almost shouting.

"Hey, keep it down you idiot!" He says, grabbing his collar and pulling him in, even in a wheelchair it was unexpected from Hector for Damian to make such a move.

"Look, I'm not oblivious or a fool. I know why you've been trying to keep low on me."

"What are you talking about?" Hector asked, his temper rising slowly.

"You want Blackburn, it's obvious. He killed your friend and you want his head. And you think this is your way of finding him." He gestures to the drive, his other hand still holding on to my collar.

Was it really that obvious? Apparently so, if the cowards up top and a guy he met eight years ago could see it.

"Okay, you got me, yes I want that fucker dead, but how would I get back, or hell even find him?"

Damien pulls out a small card and gently slides it into his pocket. "This will help with where you need to go. As for your window, his ship docks here in another week or two. They stay for no longer than three hours and if you want a ride you need a crew of your own."

"Why do I need a crew? Can't his take me there?"

"You can replace a boat. A personal crew is harder. He allows others to take his ship, for the right price of course."

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Hector asked curiously.

He sighed. "You're not the only one who wishes him dead." He rubs his eyes, returning his gaze to him.

"I'd do it myself if my legs wern't done in. And, I trust you'll get the job done."

The bus stops at the bar as most of the passengers stand up to exit. Damien hands off a cell phone to Hector before lifting a finger to his mouth signaling for silence. He rolls off in his wheelchair leaving him stunned. The bus door closed and slowly start to leave,

Hector eyes gazed out the window watching Damien stare right back at him and nod. After the bar was out of sight the phone buzzed, Hector looked down to see a text come in.

[I'll send you the data A.S.A.P but until then grab that brother that's still hanging around, I imagine he wants a chance at him too]

After he read over the message another came through.

[I'll be in touch...]

Hector slid the phone down into the same pocket with the paper. "I hope so."

The bus ride back was quiet. After getting off back at the refuge he immediately left towards the barracks. It was the only building that wasn't changed into a housing area and was left untouched for military personnel. Hector decided it would probably be better to tell Noah about the opportunity Damian presented tomorrow because he had been exhausted, and was more than likely asleep. Not wanting to admit it but exhaustion was getting to him as well.

Hector walked past a few soldiers smoking cigarettes with a few older British folks smoking pipes outside the building. Finally making it to the barracks he found an open cot and took a seat. Pulling out the phone once more he checked it again to see if anything new was there, but there was nothing. He slid the phone back into his pocket and tried to get as comfortable as possible.

Hector ended up resting his head onto his forearm and positioned himself on his side. It could have been worse but it wasn't that uncomfortable. Closing his eyes he slowly started to drift off finally accepting the warm welcoming darkness of sleep.

Short upload sorry bout the wait again school started up again and you know the rest...

Next chapter will be a big one. :)

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