Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

De par13ker

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Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 15

1.3K 43 12
De par13ker

Not bothering to change, Audrina had on a mid length dark blue skirt that hugged her skin and a white long sleeve blouse, she rolled up to her elbows. He hair was slicked back into a low bun and the sound of her heels clicked in the up the stairs towards the entrance of the school.

Since being on the campus, she felt uneasy. It had gotten worse the more that she got closer. She had to take continuous deep breaths to prevent falling into herself and chickening out. She remembered going here. Being the same grade level as Shigure and Ayame, while Hatori was in the grade below.

That was the only way they were able to convince Akito to let them attend a co-Ed school. If they had each other, there was less chance it would draw suspicion and reveal their secret. She had entered, with no intention of making friends. Her goal was to graduate. But push came to shove she was one that people were drawn too. All expect one person.

When she looked to her right, she had seen Tohru sitting with a couple of friends. But upon her noticing them, they each turned their head terribly distracting themselves. Each one had there own way but, what she noticed, was the girl with black hair had continued staring. Audrina didn't know how to handle the situation so her best bet was to turn back and face the door handle.

Yuki had said he was on his way down to guide her, for his mother hadn't shown up yet.

Meanwhile down between the trio, Hanajima, was giving her analysis.

"Her waves.... Their frantic. She's uncomfortable."

"Duh", Uotani butted in, "You have everyone drooling over her." She wasn't wrong. Each person who's past by started up their own conversation. Asking who she was, who she was with, and just in general how stunning she was. But that wasn't what had her uncomfortable. Audrina wasn't even paying attention to the crowd. "Who is she anyway?"

Tohru had spoken up, "She's a Sohma. Yuki had said that she was going to be apart of his conference."

"Are you kidding me!", Utoni shouted. "They are everywhere!"

There was a pause, Tohru smiling innocently. She had looked back at Audrina waiting patiently. Hanajima did not have to read her waves to interpret that she was uncomfortable it was in her body language. But at the same time Utoni had pointed out Kuzuma Sohma walking alongside Kyo, he had called her.

"Audrina?", Kazuma called. She tensed upon hearing the voice and slowly turned around. Hearing his voice after so long was not what she had signed up for when coming here, but it was inevitable.

She was stunned for a minute, but after they got close she found the strength to relax. Her features softening. The closer he got, the more she could see the shock written on his face.

"Hi... Kazuma.", she sighed out. And only then had she noticed Kyo beside him. She inclined her head to the boy and said her greeting to him as well.

"What are you doing here", Kyo spoke. He didn't mean to come off as rude, but his tone said otherwise.

Audrina didn't bother to take offense of his tone, instead she just pointed a thumb back to the door, "I'm here for Yuki.", she said.

Kyo, knew why. That's probably the reason why he spoke the way he did. Because Yuki not only took so much away from but. But now it's started to seem as Audrina was picking her favorites as well. He didn't know the story behind it, so he made his own inferences. But hearing it was more of a sting to the chest. Even if he had is instructed alongside him, supporting him, it was weird for Audrina to come back and immediately form a well enough connection with Yuki before anyone else.

"Well have fun", he mumbled under his breath and walked around, leaving Kazuma behind. They both watched as he went out of view before Audrina turned back to Kazuma.

"How long has it been since you've returned", he ignored Kyo's subtle outburst.

Audrina shifted footing remembering the last time she had met with Kazuma. This was right before she moved into her apartment. However her mental state was completely torn, she kept up a slight image. She didn't show him how terribly the entire situation impacted her. But she did tell him. Had blamed herself. Still to this day the guilt tears at her. Kyo never heard. He was still little then, having Kazuma take on his father roll was all Audrina had hoped for. She respected him as someone (the only), person in the Sohma clan who was older than her that truly had an idea of how shitty the life was.

"3 months", she counted. How could she forget. The day Tohru found her was the Remberance day for Amrin. That's the only reason Tohru had found her in that state. Over the years her body wasn't able to handle the drastic mood shift that inflicted her when the days grew closer. So some cases, she'd transform. Specifically during the day time, when in general her body was slightly weakened by the day light.

After hearing that, he counted the date in his head and instantly understood, "Well it's good to see you."

"Yea... you too", she pulled her lips in. She hadn't realized that leaving then returning would not just deal with reintroductions of the Zodisc members, but to those who were apart of her life in general. Yuki's mom, Kyo's dad, Momoji's parents, all people that she interacted with, argued with, even cursed at will all be present in her life again.

Each of them looked to her with disgust. Not because she's the owl. But she was the only one who had the courage  to stand up for their children. To remind them just how terrible they are. Because she didn't care about hurting their feelings. It was who they were hurting that caused her so much, pain, stress, and exhaustions.

Yuki's mom was going to be a challenge that she had not prepared for.

"Audrina?", she was thankful to hear Yuki's voice as she turned to see the door open. She turned and smiled. Despite his mom being late, Yuki was thankful that Audrina was there. In fact, if he could he wouldn't have it any other way.

Yuki beckoned her to come in. Audrina knew the layout of the school. Like the back of her hand. She knew every secret spot (for more reasons than one), and she knew where the classes were. But it was hard to go in. To walk the halls and not be swarmed by utter guilt. She nodded and turned to Kazuma. He saw the look. But he didn't want to call it out infront of Yuki so, he only smiled and inclined his head.

With a deep breath Audrina was in the halls. Walking behind Yuki. "Where's your mother?", Audrina questioned. She knew the answer, she just wanted to confirm it to give her more of a reason to be upsets

"She said she was going to be late", he said. There was sorrow in his tone. But nonetheless, Audrina didn't want to add to the dread. She just kept silent and continued to the door. As she walked by, she heard mummers.

Of course the prince is related to her

  She is gorgeous

What is in the Sohmas blood?

Audrina was not reacting. Because the further Yuki walked, the more tense she became. Of course the classroom in which his meeting was to take place. Happened to be her old classroom. The classroom, where it all began. Audrina told her self, repeating in her mind to relax, to calm herself down.

He's not there. He's gone.

You're okay, you're okay

While her mind was working a mile a minute, her body language spoke the opposite, she entered the classroom behind Yuki with ease, forcing herself to keep her gaze from wandering to the same corner of the room.

"Hi, Miss. Sohma", Yuki's teacher, Mayu stretched her hand out. "Yuki informed me that's you'd be here alongside his parents. Thank you for being here on time."

Mayu may have remained neutral on the outside, but within, she was freaking out. Audrina she believed just to be a made up woman that Shigure constantly referred to. Never have they met in person. And now that it's happening, she wasn't as prepared as she thought she'd be. When her and Shigure were fake dating, he continually mentioned Audrina's name. Saying how she wouldn't approve, or how careful she needed to be careful with her own relationship.

But now seeing her in person, lavender in her voice, it set her off guard to believe that the woman in front of her was associated with him at all.

Audrina chuckled at the slick phrasing, "Of course. It's nice to meet you. And Audrina is just fine", she shook her hand and took a seat beside Yuki

Even from across the table Mayu was spiraling in her head. She was complimenting the ways she carried herself, how good she smelt, only because if she was with Shigure, that had meant she's been around Hatori. No jealousy feelings stirred but, she wondered how he hadn't seen what was sitting in front of her.

"Great", she spoke quickly glancing at the paper infront of her to distract herself. "So, we are here to discuss Yuki's future plans. Have you discussed such with him."

Audrina nodded her head, after the last conversation they had, Yuki briefly mentioned him wanting to attend college, "Yes he's mentioned, college. Right?", she turned to look at him.

Her face was nothing but interest . Yuki felt as if this was the best decision he has ever made. Bringing Audrina in couldn't have made this conversation anymore easier. She wasn't there to judge, or force her own life on him. She was just there to listen in. Let him guide the conversation.

He hummed and nodded his head, "Yea I did. I was actually wanting to hear options for schools."

Audrina turned to her attention back to Mayu, "I mean I could only give him Law Schools. So my judgement is very narrow."

Mayu's eyes widened, the jealousy feeling now starting to creep up. "You attended law school?"

Audrina nodded, "Yes, but that may not be of interest to Yu—."

"I apologize for being late. I was having a hard time finding the classroom."

Yuki's mother walked in hanging up what Audrina assumed to be a phone call. Yuki instantly froze upon hearing that voice, Mayu's teacher looked up in a manner that had to show professionalism. Audrina only took a deep breath; at the same time a gasp was heard from the woman.

"Audrina!? What on earth are you doing here at my son's conference.", she strutted to stand beside her.

"Discussing your sons future.", Audrina spoke with spite in her voice. Her maybe eyes traveled up to face Yuki's mom's dead on, "You're welcome to join."

She gasped again, "How dare you!"

Audrina held up a hand to address her to calm down. It was all she could do without raising her voice aswell, "Please, my intention wasn't to intrude.", she got up from her seat then gestured towards its, "You can take my seat."

Yuki's mother was still in shock from seeing Audrina after so long. She was even more flabbergasted by the demeanor. Audrina as a child was extremely mature for her age, but her arguement with Yuki's mom was never pleasant. To see her so calm and not willing to argue back was rare. It seems the little girl grew up before anyone's eyes.

Reluctantly, Yuki's mother sat down not without giving a stern stare to the woman. Yuki had dreaded this would happen. He was ready to share his input about his own future, now it's seems as if he'd never get the chance.

"Ok then", Mayu cleared her throat. "So you're aware-."

"Of the topic at hand yes.", his mother flicked her hair back, "Althouth I don't understand what there is to discuss, his future has been settled."

"By who?", Audrina chimed in. Keeping her voice relatively calm.

Yuki's mother snapped her head to the woman still standing. She had now crossed her arms, keeping her straight posture. Her eyes were showing all her emotions. Annoyance, rage, a combination of both.

But as if she was nothing but a fly in her ear, the woman flicked her wrist up and turned back to the teacher. "He will be continuing his education at one of the colleges I've selected for him. Yuki's a Sohma. He's expected to position a leadership role with the family in the future. The school must reflect the high position."

Audrina saw Yuki's uneasiness the moment his mother started speaking of forcing his education. "Why did you- you can't just decide that", he stuttered.

"You should be thanking me right now.", his mother snapped her head towards her son.

"No he shouldn't", Audrina spoke, drawing her attention. This time she wasn't going to wait for an answer, "Yuki has the freedom to choose his own career path. Working for the family had only been an option for everyone. It's not a forced portion."

She narrowed her eyes at the woman standing. "Of course you'd say that. I'd like to not compare my sons path to the one that led you to work such a low affirming position."

Audrina didn't hesitate to answer back. Not taking offense to what she spit. Her wall was built; damaged but still standing strong. "I'd wouldn't wish to compare my own choices to his. It's the concept of choosing his own path that concerns me."

"Oh please", she rolled her eyes.

"Mom she's right", Yuki's soft voice sounded.

"No she's speaking foolery. Your incapable of making your own decisions. Yuki, you've never had your own opinion before, don't let her presence make you pretend you've got one now. If this is your attempt to rebel-."

"Stop", Audrina. "This whole speech is obsured. If it's so hard to stand the fact that he is entitled to his own opinion, and life choices than you may want to step outside and deal with that issue internally. Yuki?" She looked beyond his mother to the boy in the seat. He looked up from his lap, his eyes distant. But her calling his name was a sort of wake up call. "You are not required to work for the family if you wish not to."

His mother scoffed, continuing the arguement as it was clear that she was trying to avert it back to the person of focus. "Just because you didn't have parents as a guide, doesn't mean your allowed to debunk all the useful practices I'm trying to work on my son."

Audrina ignored the statement completely. Causing frustration to build up in the woman, instead she walked over to the other side and pulled up a chair to side on the other side of him. He had a desperate look for help, and she was one of the two people who were willing to do so for the meeting. It looked as if he was fighting against himself to speak up, she tried not to draw to much attention towards his state and looked up to the teacher. Mayu admired her way of turning things around. Audrina nodded at her for her to continue.

"Right", she spoke, "So Yuki , with his grades and extra curricular activities are great fit for a variety of colleges across the country."

"That's wouldn't be necessary. Too far from home won't benefit him. He will have to drive miles just to get and education when he can simply do one close by."

  Audrina tried to contain herself. She was doing a pretty damn good job at it. It was no drilling into the think skulls of any of the the Sohma parents. She's tried being nice, she's tried reasoning, but now it's as if there own children can drop dead and they wouldn't blink an eye. It infuriated her.

"That's good Yuki.", the boy lifted his head at the sound of her voice, "Colleges look for people who stand out it seems like your heading in the right direction."

"Now hold on..", Yuki's mom started. But was interrupted.

The door opened and everyone snapped there head once again to the intruder. Audrina immediately pulled in her lips at the sight and sound.

"Greeting my loves! I've arrived", Ayame was holding a bouquet of roses. The three infront of Audrina were bulged eyed. While she was look for the closest exit. The window seemed tolerable at the moment.

"Forgive my tardiness. The rain comes with many predicaments that I must tend to.", he approached Yuki not yet seeing Audrina. She wasn't surprised in the slightest. But he'd eventually figure it out. "Don't worry my Yuki, your brother has come to show his undying love." He stretched out the boquet towards Mayu, mumbling on nonsense.

It was known that Ayame and his mom were on opposite sides of the spectrum, so Audrina only smiled as they argued. All end in, Yuki getting up to follow after her exit.

  Right before he left, however her turned and face both Ayame, who has yet to recognize Audrina, and her, "I'm glad you came, both of you. Thank you."

And then he was gone. And then Audrina was looking at Ayame, as he was looking at her. There was a moment of silence. All until he shot up from his chair, sending it back.

"Audri!!", he walked up and immediately through his arms around her, "Oh my Audri is here! It's been so long."

She slowly wrapped her arms around him, patting his back, "Yea... it's been a minute."

He drew back and studied her face, "Oh my dear, have you lost a few pounds, you're features are quite sharp.", he lifted a hand to griped her jaw. "Why yes sweetness you have. But nonetheless, you look as beautiful as ever!"

Audrina rolled her eyes and slapped his hand out of the way. Just like she had do to multiple times when she was young.

"That's enough Aya."

And just like that, another relationship was reconnected. Something she could have lived on without. However, she didn't mention how much Ayame has brought her joy. He was the one who could truly make her laugh. After the incident however, he didn't know how to handle the new side of Audrina. But who could blame him.

Nobody did

"Just in time", Kieran smiled. But upon further glance, it faded a little, "What's up?"

Audrina sighed and opened her laptop to pull up a file, "Nothing, I'm okay."

"Terrible server? bad food? Horrible company", he whispered playfully.

The side of Audrina's mouth turned up a bit, before she rested her head on the palm of her hand, "1 out of the three" she joked.

"If you care to elaborate, I could probably help with that. "

"Horrible company?", she rose an eyebrow.

His features softened, his eyes gleaming. That's before he closed them and slowly nodded his head. "Exactly."

Audrina froze, her heart skipped a beat. She was joking. It was all suppose to be a joke. When Kieran opened his eyes and she couldn't help but stare. Instead of involuntarily breathing, she was now aware of everything she was doing. Blinking, breathing, she didn't even know where to look. Because that gaze was the same one he gaze her at the aquarium. She didn't know what to make of it, but what she did know was that it wasn't familiar.

It was more than that. Way more than what she was used too.

"How about after this—."

Knock Knock

Audrina jolted in place at the sound of someone at the door. Kieran didn't mean to, but she saw him roll his eyes in annoyance, as he tilted his head back to look at the door. And something in Audrinas brain was telling her to stop as she studied the sharp curve of his jaw line. His beard was freshly shaven, how she could tell..... was beyond her. But she knew.  He had unbelievably long eyelashes that she questioned him wearing mascara. But they've never changed. It's only now that she took the time to look.

His piercing had no earring but she still could vision the dangled accessory from the past week. His skin was smooth. Too smooth to be real, and she didn't notice it before but right beneath his ear there was a mole.

Little did she know that he knew she was looking at him. And to say he was nervous was an understatement. But not wanting to draw it out, he cleared his throat and called for his client to come in.

Halfway through the meeting Audrina got a call. It wasn't on and only vibrated in her pocket. She waited till after the meeting to acknowledge it.

"Do you mind if I step out?", Audrina questioned motioning towards the phone.

"Go ahead", he reassured.

Once outside, Audrina dialed back the number and after two rings, she answered.


Hi, may I ask who I'm speaking with.

"Umm... Audrina.Sohma. I'm just returning a call"

Immediately the voice on the other end perked up, Oh yes! Miss Sohma, I apologize. How are you?

  "I'm well", she hesitated.

That''s great to hear. Well my name is Tristan Youth and I wanted to reach out to you in regards to your bar exam you took earlier this year.

Her heart nearly dropped at the sound of it. Why would they call. She passed it but, what was there to discuss. Was there a mix up in test scores? Did they loose her data... everything that could of gone wrong started swarming her brain.

"Mhm", she mumbled softly, pacing now in her own office.

Well, first of all Congratulations. That's a huge accomplishment.

"Thank you"

Secondly, I understand that the exam is a pass fail, however looking at your scores, it seems you scored in the 95th percentile.

She stopped pacing after hearing it. Again her heart sunk, but for different reasons. Her score was well, but she didn't believe it to be that high.

"I- really?", she spoke, the adrenaline rising.

"Yes really", the voice was laced in humor, "And seeing so I wanted to discuss with about a position that I've been trying to fill at my law firm as a Defense Attorney."

"Seriously?", she tilted her head. The voice on the other end continued to chuckle.

You act as if you never been recognized for your intelligence. Yes I'd like for you come come check out my firm. And. I'd love for you to come in for a working interview.

Audrina hadn't been recognized for her intelligence. She never had the parents. School gave honor awards to anyone who showed up at school. And Akito belittle all of her achievements.  Sohma clan in general passed it over to be her owl spirit. The wisdom passed on for generations. All ignoring the hard word that she pushed onto herself. So no.... It was new.

"That'd be amazing", she smiled. Her whole mood changing from apprehensive to excitement. 

That is great to hear. I've already sent you an email in regards to the position and pre-interview requirements. And please don't worry about flight costs it's an all expenses paid for...."

Audrina scrunched her eyebrows. If she was hearing correctly, she heard flight. "I apologize. What do you mean by flight?"

There was a pause on the other end. Until his voice came back.

I truly apologize Audrina, I didn't specify my location....Im calling from "Youths Trusted Law Firm."

We are located in Washington D.C.

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