Divergent High: Fire v Ice

By Marie__reid

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Fours POV She won't break. She's the only one who doesn't gawk at me. I swear I'll make her fall for me. I'... More

Chapter 1: Good Girl Gone Bad
Chapter 2: Servants to the Boys? Hell No
Chapter 3: Kissing?
Chapter Tobias: Christmas Tampons
Chapter 5: Did You Just Save Me?
Chapter 7: Why Did I take Her Shopping!?
Chapter 8: The Haunted Sleepover
Chapter 9: Truth or Dare
Chapter 10: Uriah Just Made us Travel the Entire Midwest
Chapter 11: Jesse
Chapter 12: Revenge of the Ex
Chapter 13: The Truth about Fourtris
Chapter 14: The BIG Game
Chapter 15: Ghost in the Cemetery
Chapter 16: Tris Tripped over a Dead Body
Chapter 17: The Wedding
Chapter 18: A Walk around Town with Tobias Part 1
Chapter: 19 SOMEONES IN MY HOUSE!?!?
Chapter 20: A Walk Around Town with Tobias Part 2
Chapter 21: Caught Already
Chapter 22: Family Chrismas and Crap
Chapter 23: New Years Resolution
Chapter 24: Secret Letters
Chapter 25: Four Fears
Chapter 26: The Death of Valentines Day
Chapter 27: Edgar Returns
Chapter 28: Factionless
Chapter 29: The Solo Assassin
Chapter 30: Amazon Warriors
Chapter 31: Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me
Things You Need to Know
Chapter 32: The Sixteen Heartbreak
Chapter 33: The Bittersweet Truth
Chapter 34: Revenge Levels 3-9
Chapter 35: Help Me Im in Hell
Chapter 36: Bleeding Out
Chapter 37: I Am Gone
Chapter 38: Paradise
Chapter 39: I'm Dead
Chapter 40: My Heart Beats for You
Chapter 41: Awake
Chapter 42: Love
Chapter 43: Reunited
Chapter 44: The Pain in the Aftermath
Chapter 45: With My Bare Hands
Nothing to do with the story
Chapter 46: Not Just Any Nightmare
Chapter 47: Shady Figure Part 1
Chapter 48: Shady Figure Part 2
Chapter 49: Ben Eaton
Chapter 50: Passion
Chapter 51: Thoughts
Chapter 52: Sugar Skull
Chapter 53: I Ran
Chapter 54: Found
Chapter 55: Hope
Chapter 56: The Reason Why
Chapter 57: Dying
Chapter 58: Not Alone but Dreaming of It
Chapter 59: Energy is Neither Created Nor Destroyed
Chapter 60: What It's Like to be Alive
Chapter 61: Kitty Cocktails
Chapter 62: Jason Asson Oh I Mean Arson
Chapter 63: We're Back and Better Than Ever
Chapter 64: Blackmail
Chapter 65: "I'm Breaking Up with You"
Chapter 66: The Streets of America
Chapter 67: Earning Love and Earning Hate
Chapter 68: Wasn't Me
Chapter 69: Panic at the Disco
Chapter 70: Hot! Hot! Hot!
Chapter 71: Eric Coulter the Love Councilor
Chapter 72: You're Perfect to Me
Chapter 73: Silence After the Storm
Chapter 74: The Monster Closet
Chapter 75: Old Enemies Return
Chapter 76: Coming Soon to the Eaton Household
Chapter 77: Balancing on Thin Lines
Chapter 78: He Wants His Claws on You
Chapter 79: On a Scale of One to Ten, Negative Two
Chapter 80: Creepy Text from a Creepy Person
Chapter 81: Cannibals in Paradise
Chapter 82: Circles
Chapter 83: Uriah Actually Saved the Day

Chapter 6: Fricken Idiots

5.3K 169 151
By Marie__reid

Tris POV

I throw on a big sweatshirt and leggings and hop in bed. It's 12 in the afternoon but I didn't sleep at all last night with being kidnapped and stuff. I'm so tired that when my head hits the pillow I fall asleep immediately.

Time lapse

I wake up at 4:00 a.m. And can't fall back asleep so I go downstairs. Tori got fired. It just hit me. TORI GOT FIRED. Bot only was she the best teacher but the best aunt and she got fired because of me!

I need to do something about it. I don't know why, but I call Four. I don't know if I'm just really tired, I lost my mind, or to prove that I will go to any measure to get Tori her job back.

"Hello." a thick and tired voice says.
"Tris!?" I can hear him waking up and getting angry.
"Why did you call me its 4 in the morning!?" he shouts/whispers.

"Four its about Tori." I say.
"Listen I talked to my dad and he's still really pissed there's nothing I can do about it ok?"
"But Four..."
"Goodnight Tris." then he hangs up.

I decide its to late to go back to bed so I make breakfast and think of a plan. Ok so if Marcus hired someone new we either need to get then to quit or get fired then somehow get Tori rehired.

How will I do that? Tori can't just get a job somewhere else, it took forever for her to get hired here and it is a well paying job. I loved it when she was there and its my fault she got fired.

Its 5:00 do I decide to run to school. Its about 15 miles away and I'll arrive really early. I eat breakfast brush my teeth then leave a note. I change into yoga pants and a cut shirt. Then I pack a skirt and blouse to change into.

I go in the driveway and start running. I take a backroad cause I can't run on the highway but I'll end up going through a part of the city.

As I run through the city I pass a thrift shop and decide to go in. Right when I go in I regret it, Tori's in there working at the counter. I walk out right away and sprint. I'm going to have her get her job back no matter what it takes.

Time Lapse

It's gym class and I'm in no mood and neither are any of the girls, or Amar. Amar flipped on a ton of students already.
"I need to see you after class." he tells me and the girls and then says the boys the same thing.

After class we crowd around Amar.
"Listen up." he says,"We have to get Tori hired again," we all nod.
"But the person who is replacing her is well," he hesitates,"my cousin."

"Your cousin is replacing your girlfriend!?" Uriah asks astonished.
"No shit Sherlock," Marlene says and rolls her eyes at his stupidity.
"What do we need to do?" I ask ignoring their ignorance and waiting for instructions.

"The advantage to having her be my cousin is I know her and all the things she hates. So the thing she hates the most is chaos. So you have to make it more chaotic than ever, everything has to be out of control, understood?" Amar says.
"Yes." I say before anyone else can say anything.
"Oh yeah, and you may wanna change." he says then leaves.

Change. That's it, crazy clothes.

Time Lapse

I enter Drama class with combat boots, skinny jeans, with a black crop top that gives me a badass look. When I walk in the new teacher looks at me like I'm insane. I sit next to Shauna who's wearing a tutu and a ton of bad makeup.

Lynn is wearing goth clothes which I find amusing cause she hates gothic stuff. Christina is wearing all white and Marlene isn't here yet.
"Alright class lets get started," the all to happy new teacher says.

"I'm Miss Conti. I'll be your drama teacher..."
"No I thought you were our math teacher!" Lynn shouts sarcastically and everybody laughs including Shauna who starts laughing really loudly and rolling on the floor.

"Excuse me, EXCUSE ME!" She shouts.
"YOURE EXCUSED!" I shout and more people laugh.
"Sit down or its detention!" she yells obviously flustered.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell..." she says in a hushed tone but is interrupted by the door swinging open revealing Marlene.

Marlene is wearing a pink skirt pink bow white blouse and a MONKEY is on her shoulder. A monkey, a literal monkey. A mini monkey. He sits in her shoulder and looks at the class a little to skeptically to skeptical for a monkey.
"There are are no animals allowed," Miss Conti says shocked.

Marlene gasps so loud the whole class goes silent. Then Uriah jumps up leaving the band of boys in the back.
"HOW DARE YOU!" he shrieks, "To think this monkey as an animal! You're the real animal here!" he shouts then fake cries.

The monkey starts jumping up and down and screeches creating even my stress to rise a little.
"Oh ok?" Miss Conti says confused and Marlene takes a seat next to Christina behind me.

I go to class she starts talking about Shakespeare and I get bored.
"Hey Mar, where'd ya get the monkey?" I ask
"My dad knows a guy." she says,"Nice outfit." she says smirking.
"Thanks." I say.

"Miss Prior, is there a problem?" She asks.
"Yeah, yeah there is. I came here expecting to put in a play not here about some fricken Shakespeare." I say.
"I know your used to doing plays but here we take things a little more seriously." she says and that really ticks me off.

"ARE YOU SAYING THAT TORI DIDNT TAKE THINGS SERIOUSLY!" I scream. That surprises everybody. I'm suppose to be the good girl who respects all the teachers and gets straight A's, but when you mess with my family, things get serious.

"I know you had a personal connection with the last teacher, but no offense to you, she was totally an amateur." that sets me off, no one says that about Tori.

Without even thinking I lunge forward only to be stopped by a pair of arms. They drag me into the hall and drop me. Only one person I know would be so careless as to drop me like that. Four.

I stand up to face him. We glare at each other, an inch between our faces.
"What the hell was that." he hisses,"We want her to quit not get ourselves expelled!"
"You'd be happier if I was expelled!" I say back with more angry in my voice.
"What's gotten into you?" He growls.

I punch him in the nose and it starts to bleed, then I walk back in the classroom.
"Detention." the teacher says almost kindly. I flop back in my seat next to Shauna and Lynn and don't make eye contact with anybody even though everybody's staring at me.

After a couple minutes Will whispers in my ear,"Hey bad girl where's Four?"
"I don't know I hit him and he probably went crying home to his mommy." Wow, maybe Fours right, what has gotten into me? Then the bell rings.

Right when I walk out someone throws me against the locker.
"That's for punching me." I hear Four say. Then he grabs my hair and hits my head against his knee,"And that's for putting me through a the trouble I got into."
"What are you talking about." I say holding my eye. He has dry blood under his nose and a little in his mouth.

"I got caught out of class without a pass, and thanks to you I now have detention."
"Great," I say sarcastically.
"Let me guess you have detention also."
"Yup," I say.


The rest of the day I act mostly like myself and changed back into my normal clothes. It's the end of the day and now for detention.

I walk in and I am the first one there. I take seat in the middle of the classroom. I can't stop glaring at Miss Conti. She's working on her computer entering grades being the oh so perfect teacher.

It's drama class, you don't need to enter grades! My thoughts are interrupted by Four walking through the door.
"You're five minutes late Mr. Eaton," she says.
"Guess what?" He says smiling,"I DONT CARE!" he says in a high girly voice.

He sits down on the other side of the classroom. Detention here is about thirty minutes so we sit and do nothing. I sneak out my phone and start texting.

Stuck in detention ugh!- Tris
You bad girl!😜-Shauna
Who's with you?- Mar
4😐🔫- Tris
I'm so sorry- Chris
What's he doing- Lynn

I look back and he has his phone to.

Prob texting his friends- Tris

Fours POV

I see Tris sneak out her phone and so do I.

My dad gave me a lecture cause I was caught out of class and got sent to detention. I was five minutes late and my dad is going to murder me when I get home.-4

You wanna stay the night at our house- Zeke
No then my sisters could get hurt-4


After detention I go home. I was right Marcus is going to kill me. When I get home he yells at me and tells me to go to my room.

I texted CeCe and Victoria to hide in there room and lock the door just in case. They share a room even though we have a huge house, just to be safe.

Time Lapse to 2 hours later

I lay on my belly because my back hurts to much. I just took a cold shower which didn't help much but it did numb the pain a little. The one thing I'm dreading is school.

Time lapse to Drama class

(A/N Sry for all the time lapses)

I go in class and see the guys in the back. We a agreed not to wear shirts in this class just to confuse the teacher. Were suppose to act weird but the girls do most of the work cause first of all we are normally weird and second of a we just really don't care and third of all we're too lazy.

I sit next to them and see that Zeke has salsa and chips. Looks like we are going to be acting weirder today. The teacher walks in and starts talking and the girls start acting weird, especially Tris.

Then Zeke gets up and so does Zane and they start... dancing? The have the salsa and chips out and start doing a Mexican dance occasionally saying "Olé! Olé!"

"Excuse me!?" Ms Conti says.
"You're excused!" Uriah says and joins the dance.
"What are you doing?" Ms Conti says.
"It is Cinco De Mayo! We MUST celebrate!" Uriah exclaims.

"It's January 16" she says confused.
"Yeah but the dates are always different in different countries." Zeke says clearly believing himself.
"No it depends where you are in the world, and you can't be three months ahead of another places in the world the most you can be us a day..."

"BORING!" Will shouts. "Lets do something fuuuunnnn!" He says playing along.
"Well school isn't meant to be fun..."
"CLEARLY!" We all shout. Then Marlene's monkey starts jumping up and down squealing on her shoulder. I wonder how she even got that thing? And where she keeps it?

"LETS DITCH SCHOOL!!" I shout and literally everyone gets up and leaves leaving a confused Ms Conti.

Time Lapse to next drama class the next day.

Tris POV

I walk in wearing miss match clothes apparently according to Amar she hates things out of order.

I walk in and I'm the first one in there besides all the boys, just my luck. I take a seat in front of them and take out my phone. After I take it out someone snatches it from my hand. Zeke.

"Four!" He shouts then tosses it to him.
"Zeke, " when it gets to Zeke I jump on him.

"HELP!" he yells then Four picks me up and crashes me on the ground. The I see Lynn and the rest of the girls attack the boys.

Five minutes later Ms Conti comes in and stares. We're all in a huge fist fight.
I tackle Four and he throws me off him.
Then Uriah starts screaming at the top of his lungs like the little girl he is.

We all stop and look. He must've got in a fight with Marlene because the monkey is attacking his face. We all start laughing then just sit down causally just to confuse Ms. Conti even more.

She smiles at us and begins teaching. I realize what she's wearing and it's really weird. It's a black long coat that's buttoned up with sparkly pink heels. Christina obviously sees it cause we give a 'what the heck is she wearing look'.

Class is long and boring as always. I try to think of a distraction but I'm all out of ideas.
"And I would like to see Tris and Four after class," Ms Conti says snapping me out of my daze.

Class goes by quicker after that and before you know it Four, Amar, and I are all standing in front of Ms. Conti's desk. I wonder why she needs Amar here?

"So I've been thinking,"she begins,"This is a pretty crazy school"
"Yeah," Amar says.
"If you cant handle it you can always leave," I say and Four and Amar give me a 'don't give it away look'

"I have been thinking about that," she says.
"And?" We all say.
"I realized, THIS IS THE PERFECT AVE FOR ME!" She says and whips off her coat revealing a short, tight, pink, sparkly dress.

We all sort of just stare for a while,"My counselor has always been telling me to go out of my comfort zone, and this is the perfect thing!" she exclaims way to excited. "Can you believe it, we're going to have so much fun in this class," she says and puts her arms around me and Four with a sadistic smile on her face.

Then the door swings open revealing a pissed off Marcus.
"Carol, you're fired," he says then leaves.
"That might work to," Amar says and Ms. Conti leaves with a very confused and disappointed look on her face.

"We did it!" Amar shouts. Then Tori walks in with her hands on her hips.
"Tori?" Four asks as we all stare
"Principal Eaton rehired you just like that?" I ask.

"No, I did a little research on Carol Conti, and it turns where she's from you only need 5 years of college to be able to be a teacher. So I told Marcus and he told me he'd fire her and give me one last chance," she explains with a smirk on her face.

"Yeah!" I squeal jumping a little.
"Yeah!" Amar squeals mimicking me. Then Tori gives me a hug and we squeal together.


Four and I walk out together both surprisingly happy.
"Let's celebrate," Four says
"Since when do you want to celebrate with me?"
"Looks someone's on their period. Or has Tiny not gotten her period yet?" He says in a baby voice.

"Shut up," I say,"I got it last year in 8th grade," I murmur.
"You got yours in 8th grade!?" He shouts,"My sisters already got theirs and they're 12!" he shouts.
"Do you ever SHUT UP!" I shout rolling my eyes at his stupidity.

"Fine fine fine," he says,"I'll take you shopping and buy everything you get," he says with an easy smile on his face.
"I'm rich, I don't need you to buy me clothes," I say glowering up at him.
"Really?" he says smirking"Cause according to what I heard your daddy's little angel has been shopping to much with her best friend. But it could only be rumors," he says with a fake skeptical look across his features.

"Which ways the mall again?" I say giving up.

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