Wandering Off

By inchen1100101

5.8K 217 206

GabrielxReader. Sequel to a story I liked, but has been updated last in 2019, so, I decided to continue it i... More

In the morning
A Real Date
The School Dance
Secretly Leaving
Maman's Concerned Glare
Under Pressure
Walking On Thin Ice
You're what?!?
A tiny bit of Ladynoir
Hiding from the public
The Party
A doctor's call
This isn't a lovesquare, it's a fuckin' hexagon!
Unexperienced Lovers
Let's not make it awkward
Early breakfasts
How to keep a workaholic on bed rest
New Agreements
To our future together
You must make a quick decision now!
Happy New Year!
It's still complicated
Starting In The Spring
Playing Cupid
Dinner Date
New Relationships And A Lot Of Worries
Arrangements And Support

Beautiful Pregnant Women

165 3 12
By inchen1100101

The photos were taken rather quickly, much faster even, than we had expected. Gabriel, who had out of a sudden mood placed himself and Sean in some pictures as well, seemed to really enjoy joking around with Nathalie and me, even posing to kiss her and my belly, laughing and flirting with his girlfriend all of the time.

The whole session was approaching the end, when he all of a sudden kneeled down in front of Nathalie and pulled a black, velvet case out of his pocket, taking the woman's hand into his own, whispering hoarsely:

"Nathalie Sancoeur, I love you more than my own life! I am right here in front of you, begging you to forgive me, for all those times I hurt you, with or without purpose and asking you to become my wife. Will you marry me, my love, my soulmate, my best friend?"

The assistant had tears in her eyes, when she smiled down at him and nodded vigorously, then croaked:

"Of course I will! I love you so much!"

Wiping his own tears with the back of his hand, he slipped the ring onto her left hand, kissing the back of it, as he did, then got to his feet and pulled her taut to kiss her savagely.

Francis was sobbing audibly and blowing his nose, while he beamed at the freshly engaged couple widely.

I was crying a little bit myself and Sean laid his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"It's okay!", he whispered, "I can understand, that you feel a little sad and jealous right now!"

But I shook my head with a grin.

"Those are just happy tears. Those two were meant for each other from the very beginning and nothing should have ever come in between them. I am just so touched, that I could witness this moment and be with them, because I love them both very much! Don't give me that look, I mean as part of my family. Not the way, that I love you!", I hummed, not even noticing, what I did.

He stared at me open mouthed, then cupped my face with both his hands and beseeched me:

"Repeat that please! The last part at least!"

I must have had a bewildered look on my face for a couple of minutes, then it clicked and I understood, that I had just told him for the very first time, that I loved him. With a blissful smile, I said hoarsely:

"I love you, Sean!"

His kiss was so savage and devouring, that my legs felt like pudding and were starting to give in.

It was the stylist's overly high pitched cry, that brought us both back to reality.

"You two are so cute, I could eat you up alive!", he squealed.

I giggled and turned my head a little bit, to look at him. Then I just shook my head and leaned back in, relishing in my boyfriends wild affections.

"Oh God, Sean, I would so like to go into our room right now and...!", I hummed seductively, but he shook his head.

"You know, that wouldn't go the way you wanted it to! And even if I did agree to try, Gabriel and I have something to show you and Nathalie first!", he told me secretively.

"Oh?", I wondered with a smile, "what is that?"

"Surprise!", came from Gabriel, causing the man with the pony tail(no pun intended), to let out another deafening screech.

"Francis, if you don't learn to turn your volume down, you won't be allowed to come and visit, when the babies are born!", I scolded him in annoyance.

He gasped, once again laying his right hand dramatically over his heart.

"But....I.....I....wouldn't have thought, you were.....you could be so mean, little bean!", he then stammered.

"She's right, Francis! You wouldn't want to anger a new mother, by waking her child!", Gabriel came to my aid.

He looked shocked now, as he stared at his employer, muttering:

"Oh, uhm, of course not, Sir!"

He now was quick, to say goodbye to Gabriel and Nathalie, then held his hand out to Sean, before he hugged me.

"I am very jealous, little bean!", he hissed into my ear.

I quirked an eyebrow and looked at him, then to my belly.

"Oh, please, not because of that! Because of you, having had a thrreesome with the two hottest people working in this company!", he exclaimed, then hurried out of the mansion and to the next metro station.

I bursted out laughing, as did the other three, when I felt Sean's arms wrap around me from behind and leaned trustfully into him.

"Wanna see your surprise now? And believe me, when I say, that Gabriel and I had quite some struggles, to get it ready without any of you noticing!"

Eventually Nathalie said something as well:

"Now you made me curious too. What kind of surprise are you talking about?"

Smirking but not telling just a single word, the men led us out of the office and guided us up the stairs and to the two rooms, which framed Adrien's bedroom. There they opened at first the one next to Nathalie's old room, which they had turned into their own bedroom and moved to the side, to let us in.

Nathalie went first and gasped, slapping both hands to her mouth, as the tears began to stream down her cheeks.

I took the few steps, that were now in between us to then stand at her side and take a firm hold of her hand.

"Wow!", I whispered and she nodded, reaching out her hand towards her fiance.

"You like it?", he asked her softly and she turned towards him with a loud sob, a moment later kissing him passionately.

"I'll take that as a yes!", he stated dryly, once they had parted again.

But Nathalie shook her head.

"I don't like it, darling, I love it!", she enthused and pecked his lips again. Then she walked past him and took a closer look at the light green and yellow nursery, with two little cots and two identical closets in beige with grey, the handles had the shapes of little birds and above each bed was a dreamcatcher with a butterfly sitting on it.

I inhaled sharply, seeing the reference to both the little magical creatures, yet I didn't mention it.

I just beamed widely and enjoyed, watching Nathalie, being overwhelmed and overjoyed by the surprise.

"Ready for your very own?", Sean whispered quietly and I nodded.

We left the other couple alone for now, being very certain, that they would like some privacy, and made our way to the bedroom, that had been mine before and was now redecorated too. When my boyfriend opened the door, I was thunderstruck. Instead of light blue, like I would have expected, the walls were painted in strong blue, yellow and red colours, the closet being grass green, with all sorts of music instruments as knobs and handles. The lamp on the ceiling was made from an old renewed violin and was kept in a maroon colour, each string shimmering in a different colour, while the bow was attached to it and was holding the real lighting for the room.

"It's beautiful, Sean. Those decorations, they are so wonderful and, I can tell, handmade. I don't know, who of you is the one, responsible, but I love it so, so much!", I shouted at him.

He smiled over my enthusiasm and almost fell over backwards, when I flung my arms around him in a sudden ambush.

"Hey, what about me?", Gabriel walked in with a pout, but then started to grin, as he pointed at his cheek. Letting go of Sean for a moment, I hugged him too and placed a prolonged kiss on each of his cheeks, making him chuckle.

"So it seems, as if we made the right choices", he hummed and I nodded and pecked his lips very quickly.

"You did. Thank you, both of you! Nath, come inside and have a look!", I added, when the assistant approached as well.

After we had inspected both nurseries thoroughly, Gabriel suggested, to go out for dinner and even though Sean hesitated, Nathalie and I immediately agreed.

"Well, I guess we will eat out tonight!", he said, with a slight disappointment audible in his voice.

"Hey", I pulled him towards our room, so he could change his attire, while I wanted to wear the things, I had already worn for the shoot, "what is it?"

But he shook his head.

"Nothing we wouldn't be able to do later or tomorrow. And believe me, you will love it! But now, let me have a very quick shower, so we can go and feed the little guy!"

He crouched down in front of me and whispered against my skin:

"Right, little guy?"

The baby reacted instantly with a strong kick.

Sean snickered and got back to his feet, to peck my lips with an apologetic glare.

"Sorry, if he hurt you. I didn't mean to make him kick so strongly again!"

"It's okay! I am glad, that he's strong!", I soothed him and entangled the man into a passionate kiss. I couldn't help but deepen it quickly, pressing firmly against him, my hands sneaking under his long sleeved shirt, caressing the skin on his chest.

"You know, we shouldn't, darling!", he cooed, but didn't stop either.

"We could try! Maybe this time...", but he interrupted me:

"As you won't give up anyway before we do, I promise you, that we will try very slowly and very carefully. But when we come back from dinner!"

He cupped my cheek, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Okay!", I mumbled and inhaled deeply. Then let the air out audibly.

Sean smiled and pecked my lips again.

"I'll hurry in the bathroom, alright?", he promised and gave me a last passionate kiss, then quickly slipped into the bathroom to take a shower and put on some more suitable clothes afterwards.

We returned two hours later, all of us being in a good mood, as the Italian food we had was delicious and the dessert, a mixture of several sorts of ice cream, with a huge variety of sauces and fruits as topping to choose of, was just what Nathalie and myself needed to calm our cravings for something sweet and sugary.

Walking hand in hand into our bedroom, I could tell, that my boyfriend was uncomfortable for some reason and asked him directly.

"What's wrong, Sean? Something is bothering you and I want you to talk to me about it. If it's because of me, wanting to try and have sex again, we don't have to. But please, tell me, what's up!", I pryed.

With a sigh he now took both my hands and made me sit on the bed with him.

Then he slowly began to kiss along my shoulder to my neck, up to my ear, where he hoarsely whispered:

"I want you so very much, that it's almost painful. That's what's bothering me, since we left and all through the dinner until now. And still I know, that I need to hold back and that's what I am trying to focus on just now. Regaining control over my emotions and my arousal!"

Overwhelmed and touched by this, I climbed into his lap to straddle him, while I made him lay back on the mattress, grinding my ladyparts along his very hard, protruding erection, hearing him groan the very moment our intimates made contact.

Though I was very aroused myself and on top of that, couldn't move very well with my growing belly, I tried to take my time, tried to get him almost there, before I even began to unbutton my blouse.

The moment I let it fall from my shoulders and drop to the floor, I felt the man under me tense and soon his hands were sliding up my back, to find the hooks of my bra and open it, to then slowly brush it along my arms and start to caress my bare breasts with his hands.

"Oh God", I groaned, arching my back and enjoying the sensation he caused with that, when he quickly, yet very carefully flipped us over and began to undress himself completely, to then pull down my pants and underwear at the same time, burying his face between my already dripping folds immediately.

I cried out in pleasure, as I urged my hips upwards, but reached for him despite that and pulled him back up, wrapping my legs around him, to feel his throbbing hard on rub along my clitoris and soon we were both moaning.

"Please, Sean!", I begged, "at least try it, yeah?"

He watched me for a couple of seconds, looking as if he was examining me, then he nodded and gave in.

"Okay!", he whispered, "but as soon as anything feels weird or painful..."

"I will tell you, I promise!"

He took a deep breath and placed his mouth on mine, then I could feel him enter my wet cave and inhaled sharply, being hit out of nowhere with my sudden release.

Sean looked shocked, but the twitching of my lower half soon made him understand and also caused him to come very close to his own orgasm too. And then he started to move, incredibly slowly, started to stretch me so entirely, that I could feel the next orgasm approaching, when his member not just twitched, but jolted inside of me, making me cum again, keeping me on the high sensation for what felt like forever, while I screamed his name in pleasure:

"Oh yes Sean, just like that! Oh my fucking GOD! Oh yes, aaaahhhh, yeaaahhhh!"

With a few more thrusts, very soft ones, he fucked me through that prolonged release, to then lay me back and kiss my body all over, taking extra time for my belly with the blueish shimmering stretch marks.

"Please don't!", I begged and he looked up to see a few tears run down my cheeks.

"Why?", he asked compassionately, "because of those? I don't think there is any reason to not like them! They are a beautiful reminder of the wonderful thing, your body is doing! And I tell you a little secret! They will fade over the time until they're barely visible! And they are still tiny, my darling! See? You have taken good care of your skin with that lotion, you use!"

I grabbed his hand with a sniffle and pulled him up to me.

"Thank you for being so sweet! I really do love you!", I whispered.

"And I love you!", he responded quickly, kissing me passionately again.

I was just about to reciprocate that kiss, when I felt a strong pain along my belly and immediately held my breath and cringed.

"Are you alright? What is it?", Sean asked instantly, placing his hand next to mine on my stomach.

The ache stopped quickly and I let out the air audibly, then explained:

"I figure, that was one of those so called Braxton-Higgs contractions! I was wondering, how they would feel!"

He narrowed his brows, as he spoke:

"Well, I hope you're right about that. Because if it wasn't, I would never forgive myself, if I caused any early contractions just because I was too horny too keep myself contained!"

That made me giggle.

"You sound like the girls!", I mocked him, which caused the corners of his mouth to twitch. I had been with him to have dinner at his family's home for a couple of times by now and his sisters sounded just like that, talking about the horny guys in their class and that they were sure, that 'Adrien' was totally different.

"If only they knew!", Sean had whispered into my ear and made me grin. The boy was approaching his sixteenth birthday and his girlfriend, who was just a couple of weeks younger, had quite some affect on him, as we could tell, when we watched them together. Though he had assured Sean, that they weren't at that point already and even if they would get there, they were prepared, I was very certain, that it wouldn't take much longer until they would do the last step.

Now he gave me a stern look again and ordered:

"You're staying right there, until I allow you to get up again, are we clear? I won't take any risk!"

But I pulled him back to me and hummed:

"Under two conditions! First one, I need to go to the toilet and at least wash myself first. Second, you're staying right with me!"

Taking a deep breath, he cupped my cheeks.

"I am serious. But I agree, as I can't let you wet yourself anyway. But please, do as I say afterwards. I will, of course, stay with you, so you won't even get the idea of getting up and doing anything!"

I nuzzled my face into his chest, whispering against the few thin hairs:

"You're making me feel safe, Sean. I love that feeling!"

He hugged me a little tighter, then pecked the top of my head.

"Are you sure, you should go on a trip that far?", Gabriel wondered, when we told him about our plans to have a week long vacation in the mountains. Another seven weeks had passed and being now thirty five weeks along, I was so sick of being pregnant, that Sean had suggested the little trip to distract me from all the little things that kept bugging me all of the time.

But my boyfriend could calm him down a little:

"It's not that far. It's only a four hour drive and we're going to take a long break after the first two hours, so she won't be sitting in the car for too long in one go. The change of air and the new environment will make all the unpleasantries much easier to bear for that week and maybe even after that. I mean, when we're return, this beautiful, pregnant woman will be almost in her last four weeks and the baby is already mature enough to be born!"

"And on top of that", I added, "I will have my gynaecologist right there with me, so what could possibly go wrong?"

Gabriel groaned.

"Now you jinxed it, by saying, what could go wrong. Anyway, enjoy your time! But at least wait with your departure until later, so we can show you the new pictures of the twins and hopefully figure out their gender eventually. Even Nath agreed to want to know it by now!"

I started to giggle, as I heard his words.

"What?", he asked.

It was Nathalie who answered him:

"As Sean is my doctor too, he certainly will be there to perform the ultrasound later, darling. Oh and I got something new! I can feel them kick eventually!", she gushed out cheerfully.

"Really? That's so great!", the designer enthused and hugged her tightly. So did I, just it looked kinda awkward, as her belly was almost as big as mine, though I was so close to giving birth already. But Sean insisted all of the time, that my bump was really small for thirty five weeks, though the little boy was rather big even.

"Are you excited?", the assistant and I asked at the same time.

We both laughed and nodded vigorously.

It was late in the afternoon already, when the couple and Sean returned from the examination, Nathalie's eyes red and swollen once again, but I could already tell from afar, that they were happy tears.

"Well?", I asked, as I pushed myself with some effort to my feet, "how are the little girls doing?"

"How did you know? Did you tell her?", she questioned my boyfriend threateningly.

"Oh, they really are? I was just guessing! Congratulations, Nath. And for you too, Gabriel. And I must admit, I am a little jealous, there are so many more beautiful things for girls then for boys!"

It was Sean, who interjected:

"Yeah, but from a certain age, they get really bitchy, boys just try to prove their strength. Or as in my case, to hide from the boys who are like that!"

I giggled.

"Yeah, that's true. Your sisters are sweet, but I can tell, they can be very different, when they are not told to behave!", I turned towards Nathalie, "show me the pictures, while the men can bring our suitcases downstairs, please!"

"Sure!", she hummed, "follow me to the dining room. It's getting cold outside, I feel like sitting in front of the fireplace!"

"Maybe there will even be snow in the mountains already!", I whispered dreamily, making the older woman smile blissfully.

"I wish you luck with that, sweetheart!", she said softly, then sat down in one of the armchairs, gesturing me to do the same. "Here, see! That's the little smaller one, and with little, I mean half a centimeter, and that's the bigger one. She's also a little rounder! Aren't they pretty?"

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, seeing those two little humans, who were growing inside of the woman next to me and nodded.

"They are soooo beautiful! Just like you!"

She giggled, as she took my hand and interlinked our fingers.

"What is it with the two of you always keeping some kind of bodily contact?", Gabriel teased us with a grin. Sean, who was right behind him, looked not very happy about us, holding hands like that.

"It keeps us calm and makes us both feel safe. Imagine it like siblings cuddling!", Nath explained.

"Yeah, siblings who had sex with each other!", Sean grunted.

"Oh, please, don't get jealous!", I teased him, "maybe we let you join next time instead of Gabriel!"

Now both men turned pale, while the assistant and I started to laugh.

"Aim, shoot and destroy, girl!", Nathalie exclaimed and held up her hand to 'high five' me.

I chuckled and instead, I held up my fist and called:

"Pound it!"

She reacted quickly and did the very same, causing Gabriel to frown.

"Well, I think, we should be going now. Darling? Would you help me up please?", I looked at my boyfriend with puppy eyes.

Sighing he held out his hands and I grabbed them. As soon as I was standing in front of him, I entangled him into a passionate kiss, making his expression soften in an instant.

We arrived at our little cabin about four and a half hour later and I was immediately thrilled.

"Oh Sean, that's so wonderful! How did you know about this?"

He grinned.

"It's actually mine. It belonged to my father before and I haven't been here for ages. There is an old friend who comes here twice a year for his vacation and he also looks after it in exchange. When I called him and told him, I would spend a week up here with my very pregnant girlfriend, he was so enthusiastic, that he brought his wife and they kinda sanitized the whole thing from top to bottom. Come, let's have a look!"

We entered through the small wooden door and I couldn't hold back a squeal of delight.

"Oh my gosh, this is so sweet! And look at that!"

I was pointing at a little cradle beside the bed, with a post it on it, saying:

"In case your child has already been born! Have fun. You can keep the cot as a gift for the new baby! Love, Paul!"

Sean was smiling, when he did something totally crazy and lifted me up bridal style to carry me to the bed and laid me down, so he could start to kiss me tenderly, his lips soon wandering down my neck to my cleavage, his fingers opening the buttons of my blouse. He stopped immediately and frowned.

"What's wrong? Don't you like, what I am doing?", he asked.

I shrugged.

"I'm really sorry, but for the first time ever, I don't feel like it at all. Please don't be mad!"

He cupped my face with one hand and pecked my lips.

"Stop saying stupid things. Of course, I am not mad at you! Are you feeling alright? If anything is wrong, please tell me, okay?", he sat agitatedly.

"Relax, I feel just a little sore around the small of my back from the journey and I really need to go to the toilet! Long session!", I groaned.

"Do you need help, getting up? The bathroom, if you can call it one, is over there!"

"Yes, please!", I beseeched him and he jumped to his feet and offered me his aid.

Entering the small, old bathroom, with the whitish tub on four claw like feet, in the middle and a beige toilet as well as a green ceramic sink, i was in love instantaneously!

"This is so pretty. Though nothing matches, it looks gorgeous!", I enthused.

Sean smiled.

"Yeah, my dad brought the stuff he found on the side of the street bit by bit and installed it all himself. We spent many summers here, renovating, painting, hammering.... When I am here, I feel as if he was with me again."

He turned around to not let me see his tears, but I caught his wrist and pulled him into my arms.

"There is no need to be ashamed for missing your dad! I know exactly, how you feel. Come, just let it out. The toilet can wait a couple more minutes!"

But he shook his head and nudged me forward.

"Go and finish your business, I am going to miss him still, when you're done. This trip is for you!"

I kissed his lips very gently, then hummed:

"And yet I thought, this trip was for the both of us. I'll be quick!"

"Nothing!", I grunted, when I returned, "though it still feels like it. Maybe later! That's one of the worst things of being pregnant! Obstipation!"

He was sitting on the bed, his back against the headboard and his feet on the mattress, opening an arm to invite me.

"Come, lay down and relax a little. It's getting late and I think, we're both tired now. Let's just get some sleep!"

I agreed immediately and snuggled myself into his chest.

It was two days later and we had just taken a bath together because of my constant back pain, which had only gotten worse in the tub, alarming my boyfriend immediately:

"When the pain gets worse in the warm water, it's mostly, because you're having contractions. We should pack our stuff and at least get into a hotel in the nearest town!"

But I shook my head.

"I'm feeling better already. I promise, I will tell you about the smallest change, but I don't want to ruin it for both of us!"

He agreed hesitantly.

"Fine, but I will stay awake and watch you!"

"Yeaaaahhh, suuureeeee!", I mocked him, as he was usually the one falling asleep before me lately. I was kinda hyped all the time. Nesting, the experts called it.

I woke him in the middle of the night, asking:

"Sean, can you tell me, if those Braxton-Higgs contractions are supposed to get stronger and more often?"

He didn't take the time to answer, when he jumped to his feet and reached for his clothes.

"They are certainly not!", he shouted angstily, while getting dressed, "how long have you been experiencing any contractions and how often. How many minutes between them? I told you, we should have left. Now look outside! It's snowing!"

"Oh really?", I cooed and sat up to have a better look.

He facepalmed, seeing me so utterly calm.

"You don't understand! When there is snow up here, there's gonna be a lot. We will never get you down the mountain and to the hospital in time!", he yelled.

"Sean!", I whispered, barely audible, but he heard me anyway, "come here. I am scared too, but I trust you, okay? But I will get very nervous, if 'you' don't trust yourself!"

He did as I told him and sat down beside me again.

"What would you do, if I was a patient, who had just arrived at the hospital?", I asked him.

"Do an examination, find out, how far dilated you are and attach you to the CTG!"

"Well, no CTG, but you could do the examination, right?"

He nodded.

"Let me just wash my hands. I'll be right back, don't be scared!"

Before he could even return, I felt a gush of water burst out between my legs and called for my doctor.

"Sean? I think you should bring some towels. A lot, I'd say!"

"What?", he looked back into the room and turned pale. "Crap! Now you most likely have to have the baby here! I need to go to the car and get my bag. Good thing, I brought it, just in case, though you told me to leave it at home!"

"Yeah, whate.... HOLY SHIT! Is this supposed to hurt so much?"

I cringed and held my painfully aching back.

He smiled compassionately.

"Sadly, darling, it is! When it's over, I will carefully examine you, okay?"

I nodded with tears running down my cheeks.

"When you're done, would you please call Gabriel? I feel so bad, that he can't be here with us!"

"Of course! Now let me pull down those pants and try to relax, yeah?"

I grinned mischievously, making him shake his head.

"You once told me, that I am weird! Well, so are you! Good weird but weird!", he spoke while doing the examination, "how long did you feel those contractions?"

"About two hours, why?", I questioned anxiously.

"Because, you're at five cm already. This will be quick!"

"Really? That's so good!", I blurted out and sighed in relief.

He grinned.

"Have you finally decided on a name?", he asked.

I looked around pensively, when my gaze landed on the post it.

"How about calling him Paul? Would your friend like that?"

Sean beamed widely.

"He would love it!"

A/N: I am feeling really sick today, so this is all, I could come up with!

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