Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

By par13ker

85.6K 2.5K 569

Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 12

1.7K 45 10
By par13ker

  After no more than 30 minutes. Headlights shown in the distance. Audrina  quickly pulled her self together. She flattened her hair, wiped the left over tears on her cheeks. She didn't realize how fast the car was coming until it had pulled up along the side of the road.

She walked up but the car turned off and before her Kieran emerged from the car. He strides towards her as she got close to the door. She touched the door handle and a hand stopped her from opening the door. Turning to him, Audrina's eyes instantly met his. Even in the night, those striking eyes were gleaming a hue of multiple colors. His locs we braided back but they were neatly twisted. His brown skin glowed from the moon.

"Thank you", she spoke. She had control of her voice as she nodded.

He retracted his hands and stood straight, "Yea, of course.", he scanned over her and even in the night she saw how his eyebrows scrunched together, "What... uhhhh. What happened."

   "Family drama", she countered. "I'm so sorry for bothering you. I understand it's inappropriate..... but I do appreciate i-."

Kieran held up a hand, stopping her from continuing, "The open door policy is for everyone in the law firm. You on the other hand can call me whenever you want to ok?"

Audrina didn't think more of what he was saying other than friendly co-workers who worked with each other for years. She nodded putting a smile of gratitude on her face. And before she could thank him again, Kieran reached back to the door handle and opened the door for her. He gestured for her to get in; which she followed.

Audrina buckled her seat belt and rested against the back of the seat, looking out the window to the forest. Rin was out there somewhere, and what was killing Audrina the most was that she was right.

Kieran got into the car with a sigh and started the ignition. The cool air conditioner blew against her skin. They rode in silence. Audrina just watching the street not having the energy to speak. She was so drained but there was nothing she knew that would be able to help her sleep at night.

"You hungry? I know a 24 hour sushi spot."

Audrina snapped out of her head, and turned to face him. She saw that his eyes were on the road, but she didn't see it moments before when he was spring glanced at her. Concerned now turning into worry.

No thank you", she spoke softly, turning back to the window.

   That was all they said for the rest of the ride. The continued glances from Kieran went unnoticed. She just was stuck in her head. Replaying her conversation with Rin. Hearing the pain and vulnerability in her voice was strange especially from her. Rin, unlike Haru was distant. She would follow his steps to visit her and barely spoke a word when they talked. Of course Audrina checked in on her. But Rin was just as much of a mystery to her than anything, out of all the Sohmas she was the most difficult to read.

When they arrived at her complex, he pulled to the part that was closest to her place after she directed him. And when coming to a stop, she was quick to unbuckle her seatbelt. Before opening the door she turned to the male.

"Thank you again."

He stared into her eyes for a second. Him analyzing and knowing that there was something different in her eyes for that split second. "Of course, I'll see you tomorrow."

She nodded her head, "Goodnight." And after his send off, she shut the door, walked up to her apartment, opened it, walked to her room, slid her shoes off.....

Then fell into the bed. Not to sleep, but just to bask in the silence for the first time in a couple of weeks.


About a few weeks after Akito demanded Audrina move into the estate, she has yet to hear anything to remind her of it. So she didn't bother to follow up. She came into work every day with a similar regimen.

It was a Friday, as she was sitting at her desk, she finished the documentation for an upcoming case and faxed it to Kieran who was right across the hall. Sighing, she closed her laptop and started packing her things. There hasn't been a day that the conversation with Rin hasn't crossed her mind.

She fell into a state of numbness. She went to work and tried to sleep, but caught herself some nights staying up thing about what could be happening at the Sohma estate. Just when she broke from it, she was reeled back in and the effects were worse than ever.

She's returned to not answering calls. Any from the Sohma clan. She'd look at who only to ensure she wasn't missing Yuki's. Or after what Rin said.... she was looking for a call from any of the Zodiac children.

When she had packed up her briefcase, Audrina lifted her head to get her water and was startled when someone was standing at her office door. She flinched, out of impulse.

Kieran caught that act and lifted his hands, an apologetic look on his face. Nonetheless, his lips upturned. He was wearing a suit, black on white, his tie perfectly situated. He looked professional, from coming back meeting face to face with those clients he was defending for the up coming trial.

"Sorry....", he looked around the room, not stepping in. Never has he done without permission. "You heading out?"

Audrina retracted her hand, placing them one her mouse. She looked at her desktop monitor, "Yea I've faxed everything to you. It says you've received them."

"We'll I just got back..... I was hoping to ask you something before you head out."

Kieran and Audrina's interactions have remained the same. Since picking her up that night however, she's noticed that he's been more opened and wanting to talk to her. During her breaks he would come in and ask if she wanted to go out and get something. Other times he would would come in and ask questions that were simple enough to figure out on his own. It was subtle enough that she didn'tthink too much into it.

She opened her mouth to from an "O", before shutting off the monitor and facing him, her hands situated on her lap. If anything she was ready to go home and do anything and everything to distract herself. "Shoot."

She noticed he sighed out, only quickly enough that she barely detected it. "I was wondering if you were doing anything Saturday?"

As soon as he noticed Audrina scrunch her eyebrows and Shake her head he continued, stepping in enough to shut the door behind him, he placed his hands in the pocket of his pants, "Well uhh, my sister and niece are in town. We were going to go to the aquarium together but my sister called me a few minutes go saying she got sick." He paused, searching her eyes for a second. Once seeing the curious look still on her face he continued, "Meaning i have an extra ticket. I was wondering..... if you'd like to come along?"

"Me?", the words slipped out her mouth. Which had the male laughing. His chuckle filling the room.

"Yes you"

Audrina blinked a few times. Not because she was completely against the idea of taking in the spare ticket. But she just felt as if she wouldn't be great company. Her whole aura these past couple of weeks she thought would turn anyone away. But one thing about Kieran she was that he was there. Not steering from the way he always acted.

But then the though hit her. She'd be spending her time out having fun with not just Kieran but his niece. Did she deserve to feel relaxed? That question only popped up then. Right when she opened her mouth and closed it again, it changed her answer. Not definite.

He noticed her conflict and held his hand up, "You don't have to take the ticket. I know hanging with a 7 year old and your co-worker is maybe not how you want to spend your Saturday, but the offer is up."

He took that and turned, leaving Audrina conflicted. She had yet another thing that was going to run back in forth. It seems no matter what concept in her life, it would always draw back towards her being a Sohma.

But what was weird and unsettling about his offer, was the small; almost microscopic feeling of excitement that struck her after the offer. She decided to ignore it. Play it off as a simple reaction to the possibility of breaking from her routine.

Nothing more.


The next day, she walked into the law firm and did her normal greetings. She headed to her office, writting out her plan for the day, checking emails, calls, and paperwork before it was time she felt it was ready for her to take to her lunch break. It was rare that she had time to do so, but since there was only a few cases for the week, it was ok to do I so.

In cases like this, she enjoyed reading a book, and enjoying her meal, but this time, someone had a different plan. She smelt it first, Udon.

"Hey I accidentally ordered two servings of Tempura Udon", Keiran had stood in front of her door. Audrina was looking in her fridge grabbing a water bottle, when he once again startled her. She stood straight and look to the entrance of her office.

He held up a white bag, smiling, "Do I need a bell?"

She couldn't help it but scoff, "Maybe, something to match the suit."

His smile grew to show his white teeth, "Will our clients take us seriously if they see me wearing a black and white cat bell."

"I would", she shrugged.

"And that's all that matters", he lightly sighed. Once again he lifted the bag, "How about I compensate. In serious apologies for scaring you, I give you the second serving."

She had now completely forgotten what she had packed herself. Because her mind wasn't going to let her have anything else except the free Udon. So Audrina nodded a smile creeping on her face. "Deal."

"Great", he said. This was when he took a look at her office desk. Seeing some papers spread out, pens laid on top of them, and the monitor and her personal laptop filling the rest of the available space. "You wanna eat outside. Get away from the ink and paper line fumes?"

Audrina looked down at her desk, understanding what he was talking about. Although it was a simple fix, stacking the papers, closing her laptop, and pushing the monitor further to the corner. He knew that. He's seen her do it. So has she with his desk. But instead of bringing it up, she just crossed her arms over her torso.

"Ummm yea....."

Once outside, they found a bench. Audrina was about to sit down until Kieran held out a hand telling her to wait. She scrunched her eyebrows just to realize the reason he had brought a jacket. She watched as the spot she was ready to sit in was covered by a causal grey jacket. When he was done he nodded for her to sit. Audrina stood and looked down at the covered bench for a second. It was that same feeling that washed over her again.

She hated it.

"I mean unless you prefer, pigeon particles on your suit.", he had already taken out the two bowls. She watched as the steam rose from the side of the containers.

"Would you judge me if I did?", she joked sitting down.

Kieran looked to her and raised a dark eyebrow, "Of course..."

Audrina was waiting for the 'not', but when they locked eyes, she saw the humor behind his eyes. The reaction he wanted was what he got. And that made him more amused than anything. Catching on Audrina chuckled and took the bowl from his hands, not minding the warmth that encased the bottom.

After thanking him, they both sat in silence eating on the food, Audrina opted out to people watching. She watched children go by, some reminding her of Yuki, other reminding her of Kyo. There was an emotion she tried to swallow for this moment but, they seemed to come to the surface upon seeing them. Distraction herself once more, she turned to Kieran. But what she didn't know was that he was already looking at her. They immediately locked eyes, but the one to break it was Kieran as he glanced away.

"You changed your hair. It looks nice.", he whispered.

That line had Audrina stop chewing the food in her mouth. She continued to look at Kieran as it sunk in that he just complimented her. The last time Audrina got a complement other than from ax creepy guy on the street, was from one other person. After having been belittled by Akito only weeks ago, it felt strange to receive one.

It's not as though people don't have anything nice to say to her. It's more on the ends of she never gave people them the chance.

Her hair didn't change much. Instead of the slick puff, she wore it out in an Afro. Showcasing her curls.

"Thank you", she said. Not hearing the hint of vulnerability that slipped past her barricade.

Keiran and Audrina have been working together for almost 5 years. They have been close, but never beyond the work setting. So the escalation from that to picking her up close to midnight in the middle of a crisis, was.... a gateway. And opportunity for one to make their move.

Kieran nodded taking another fork full, he chewed some before speaking again, "You thought about my offer for", he look at his wrist. At a non-existent watch, "Tomorrow."

Audrina smirked, "I don't know Kieran you only asked me yesterday. Which aquarium?"

"It's some fancy, one. Sort of like an interactive exhibit." , he shrugged his shoulders.

  "Mmm", she nodded. Chewing on her last bite of tempura. It was again that feeling of guilt that swarmed her when the possibility of saying yes  came to mind. But then there was the echo of Akito's voice reminding her that she wishes her to stays at the Sohma estate. She doesn't know when Akito will follow that promise, but she knows it will only be a Kureno situation when she finally does.

  And then her life after that will be monitored, controlled. This was the only chance she would get. So without another moment to spare, she didn't ponder on it.

"You're not the best seller on things fun", she leaned in a little, resting her forearm on the back of the bench; picking at his description of the place. When he met her eyes, a hint of nerves stirred in his own. Apprehensive about what, she wasn't sure, but she was sure of one thing, it was finally time to do something she wanted before ability was taken away, "I guess I'll go decide for myself..... I'm in."


A/n: Next chapter more Kieran and Audrina w/ a hint of Yuki?

Secrets will start to unravel from now on.

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