Escape [Fruits Basket OC]

By par13ker

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Hatori paused for a second finding his choice of words. "I understand you and Akito are still at odds..... do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
The Beginning
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Your Highness
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
He's Different
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
The God is Here
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
You Saved Me
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
The Original Story
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 11

1.6K 47 7
By par13ker

   By nightfall Akito found out. And displeased was an understatement. Her instinct was to blame Audrina. To take all her frustration on the female that has made her life and role of God all the more difficult. But after thinking. Pacing and more pacing, she came to the conclusion that there was more behind it. Tohru was the one who found her. Brought her back to Shigures house. She was the one who brought Audrina back. This gave more reason for her to finally make her confrontation.

Kureno watched as Akito came to terms. He stood at the wall opposite to her. He didn't have to find out from anyone else but her, the reasoning behind her frustration. History repeated itself only moments Audrina returned. He knew I was coming the moment he interrupted the conversation between Shigure and her that morning. It was inevitable the moment the dog locked eye with him.

"How dare he!", Akito beat her hand against the wall, making  a slight dent. Kureno didn't dare respond. "And Audrina should be gone! This is all because of that girl. She has come in and ruined everything."

With that final note, Akito's demeanor relaxed. Kureno saw it happen before his eyes, as the God turned and strutted up to the door beside him, "Come on."

This time he spoke, "Where?"

Not missing a beat Akito turned to him, dark energy stirring in her eyes, "Kicking that disgusting woman out and you will finally meet the infamous Tohru Honda."

Audrina couldn't sleep. It's always been like that after such matters. Hatori saw her brain at work the moment she returned. He saw the look in her eyes. That look he dreaded seeing again. This was the exact reason he's been tailing the pair. Yet the minute he let his guard down, it started up again. His words to Shigure about leaving Audrina out of the quarrel between him and Akito, completely vanished.

  "Please stop looking at me like I'm a sick patient", she mumbled, not bothering to look him in the eye. She continued reading a book on her side of his bed. Hatori was sitting at his desk chair, his arms folded doing exactly was she said. Instead, sick puppy was not how he would describe it.

  "Do you understand what he's doing?"

Finally growing courage, she sighed out and placed her book down. Eyeing the doctor
, not so formal in his sleep wear. The only light on in the room was the desk lamp that dimmed beside her. Providing enough to read. "I understand why and I want the same thing. So do you."

"There are other ways", he said.  His voice sharp.

Not minding his tone in the slightest, she picked back up her book and turned the page, "If your so confident about your ways, do it but don't question mines when it has been making an impact."

He blinked a couple of times, not recognizing the person behind the voice. Audrina would hardly be harsh about such things unless under certain circumstances. And this circumstance is clear. Stressed, tired, and agitated.

He was about to comment further, until the room to his door suddenly opened. Both of them snapped their head in the direction to see Akito there staring at them with a terrifying smile. Upon locking eyes Akito not only knew, but she didn't falter. Hatori was up in an instant, walking to standing infront of the bed.

"Akito what is it?", he asked.

But she didn't pay him no mind, stepped aside to view the owl Zodiac clear, she made no further gesture other than, a lifted finger, "You're done here. Pack your things, you will be staying at the main estate. Kiss your home goodbye."

That took Audrina by surprise. Instead of what she assumed to be a dismissal back to her hotel for the remainder of her stay, she was just asked to leave the comforts of her home. Akito smiled as shock and dread spread across her face. The reaction she has been trying to get out of her fyears, she finally found the trigger. But before Audrina could argue back, she turned in her heal and walked out of the door.

It closed with a bang and the woman still on the bed was frozen in shock. Her heart started beating extremely fast as her thoughts took over her. Having to leave her home not just to move, but to move back to the main estate. Possibly back to her old room. Old house which had nobody there anymore. So she would bask in the house of terrible memories. Hatori wasn't expecting that statement either. After hearing the way Akito spoke of Audrina he knew there was more to it than her moving back. It was definitely going to be about control.

More control than Kureno. Possibly worse. And he knew that's what she was coming to the conclusion. But like he wasn't in the room she was arguing with herself.

"", she shook her head. She wasn't going to. There would be hell that Akito will have to put herself through. Drag her out of the apartment, set it on fire.... Even then she will find some place else. It was not time yet for the Zodiacs to all move into the estate and she'd be damn if her move in date was scheduled earlier.

"Audrina", Hatori softy spoke.

But she wasn't listening. Instead she drew back the sheets quickly. Getting up and marching towards the door. Forgetting their was someone else in the room altogether. Audrina wasn't going down without a fight. Akito has always said that she was her biggest headache and she took pride. Even when she wasn't living in the Sohma estate Akito felt intimidated.

Hatori called her multiple times, following her down the hall. Enough so that another person heard the commotion. Shigure stepped out inconveniently, causing her to run into him. Instinctively, he grabbed her sides with both hands and looked down at her, the fury in her eyes. "Hello again", he smirked, his tone smug. Audrina didn't bother to mind his tone. Instead she apologized and squeezed out of his grasp.

She didn't hear their calls. Hatori explained what Akito had demanded of her and that had his eyes go wide. "Really? That's new for her nature."

"This is your fault. I told you to leave her out of it", they both were now trailing behind the woman as she stormed out of the house, looking around to find where Akito could have gone to. Not seeing her God anywhere insight Audrina's heart stopped.

"Shit", she cursed and picked up her pace heading in a familiar direction.


She has just made it a moment too late. The orange hair of Kureno stood out behind the trees. But what made her aware that Akito was there was her voice. The sound of that menacing tone.

"Time to back off.... We don't need an outsider interfering with our happiness. So mind your own business.... If you don't...."

You'll be punished

Those few words rung in Audrina's ears. That last time she heard that phrase she wished it was towards her. That Akito was staring at her uttering that phrase instead of him. It was before they both took her seriously. And now Audrina looks back and understands that those words go way beyond the threat. It's a promise.

She froze, hearing the steps of Akito retreat back in the opposite direction. While she started walking in the same direction. Finally, being able to tell where she was, she froze. Looking back to the bush that hide Tohru. She didn't feel the responsibility of having to take care of her. It was outside of her range. There was no instinct. But there was some true intentions behind all of her acts. Audrina was caring her nature, and no one or curse was holding her back as she continued to the bush. Stepping around it she found Tohru stunned on the ground.

Jogging up, Tohru didn't know that anyone was there until she felt a delicate touch on her jaw, as Audrina lifted it up to her. Her eyes immediately looked to the three scratches along her cheek.

"I'm so sorry", the words slipped out her mouth in a whisper. She wasn't intending to say that. She was meaning to ask if she was okay. Her cool fingers observed the marks making sure there was no true infection threat. And when it cleared she sighed a breath of relief. "Tohru?"

The girls eyes finally met Audrina's and each of them carried a look of dread. Tohru realizing that this was more than just a curse. It was a living nightmare. She didn't seem to notice it until then that Audrina has been interacting with a mask. A mask that has never been able to truly be herself. Always worrying about others, forcing herself to live on without thinking about what harm this entire curse has been to her. She is suffering in silence. They all were. But Audrina was the one who had to carry the burden of knowing she couldn't fulfill her purpose.

Tohru's eyes welded up. Audrina noticed instantly and without saying another word, she drew the girl into an embrace. Being the only one who was able to do so out of Kisa and Rin, it was needed. Seeming so as Tohru wrapped her arms around her, her hands making a fist into her clothing. Which caused a strike of pain, in her heart. They both sat in silence, Tohru understanding it. It all. No one has mentioned their mothers. Yuki, Kyo..... but they have mentioned Audrina. And she finally understood why.

They didn't need too......

"Audri?", a light voice came from behind her. She snapped her head around to the familiar sound of Momoji. And her face fell. He rubbed his eyes from the water build up. She sighed, not wanting to release her cries here. Instead she held one arm out, and silently beckoned the little boy. He drew to her, collapsing in her arms. A sob slipped past the child's lips and it took everything in her not to shed a tear. She was avoiding all of this when she left. Now she was back, and everything was coming back.

After a moment of them just feeling her warmth, she took it to put the two of them together, stroking their hair back before standing up. A poof of yellow smoke instantly formed and before her, Tohru and a small yellow bunny were holding each other. She expressed pain as she stepped back, bumping into someone. She turned around quick to see Shigure and Hatori look at her. Not at the small children.... But they were watching the entire thing.

She didn't say anything. Instead she walked up between them and turned back to the children hugging herself. That was all she was able to do at that point. That was another thought that came to Tohru as she caught a glimpse of Audrina's positioning.

She responsible for taking care of everyone else......... but who takes care of her.


Audrina returned home that night.

After ensuring that Momoji and Tohru we're safely in bed, she walked downstairs to see the rest.

Yuki and Kyo stood as she entered, eyes worried-filled. "She's ok", Audrina spoke. Her voice was softer than usual, and as much as she wanted to wrap her hands back up around herself. She refrained form doing so infront of them.

They visibly relaxed. But once Audrina spoke, saying her Goodnights, she walked out of the house, not bothering to tell anyone that she was returning home. She couldn't take it anymore. Her appetite was gone, even if Hatori thought she was, she couldn't sleep. It was eating at her again.

"Wait Audrina", she froze when hearing him. Behind her Yuki was standing his eyes curious and desperate.

"Hey Yuki..... you should probably get some rest.", she whispered. The moon providing a luminescence. The stars seemed to not show themselves, hiding away from the chaos that occurred.

But the boy shook his head, he opened his mouth, then closed it trying to find the best fitting words for his next sentence. "I-umm. Is there a chance we can talk sometime?"

Her heart picked up in speed. There was no need to be worried for a conversation but if had to do with anything she thought, than there was a lot more that she would have to explain. But seeing his face full of hope was crushing her more. She couldn't bear see him look to her with such desperation.

So , despite her mind telling her no, her head inclined to confirm, "Yea.....", she averted her eyes to a tree. Not just any tree. One that had a figure behind it. Thinking they were slick as they snuck back into the shadows. Returning her gaze she spoke again, "Of course. Just call me and we can talk about anything. Make sure your grades are up though, because I will be asking a few questions in exchange.", she winked causing him to release the tension in his shoulders. A small smile curved on his lips.

"I'll try", he nodded, "Thank you.", he finally whispered before heading back in.

"Goodnight Yuki", was all she said before turning back around. Instinctively her hands found her arms, pulling into herself as she walked in the direction of the street. The forest was thick with wildlife. But the one out of place figure continued to follow her not subtly causing a trail of noise.

Seeing she wasn't going to loose her, Audrina stopped and sighed. "Come on out."

There was a moment of silence before the cracking of leaves sounded in front of her. All from a girl with long flowing back hair, reaching her hips. It swayed with the wind and although it was only a silhouette, Audrina already knew who is was.

"You should be at home Rin."

The girl looked at her with a blank face. "Where were you?"

"It's cold.... You should head inside. If you don't wish to stay here I can get you a hotel roo-"

"Where. Were. You", she spoke again. Her words pronounced and demanding.

Audrina pulled in her lips. She didn't know what to say. She didn't have anything to say.

Rin took a step forward, "I....... You weren't here when I needed...", her voice shook, "You abandoned all of us!"

Audrina didn't say anything... she couldn't. She knew a reaction like this was bound to happen. But what she wasn't ready for, was the instense jab it took to her heart. "You don't understand..... I didn't abandon....."

"Yuki, Kisa, Hiro, Momoji....."

"Rin please...", Audrina took a step back, "I'm sor- "

"Me, Haru, even Kyo..... you left knowing that we needed you.", she paused. Looking over Audrina, analyzing her positioning, change of direction. "Where are you going?"

The woman didn't think the question would pop up, and when it did. Her silence was answer enough. Rin nodded her head, her hair flowing with her movement. Her distance that was closed in, now widened as she took a step back. Audrina sighed, "Rin...."

"No!", she sharply spoke. Her voice still on the edge of tears, "I don't care anymore. Leave. But.....I never want to see you again."

And just like that, without letting Audrina get a word out, she took back off into the darkness of the the trees. Numbness took over her as she stood there. She didn't know what to make of that conversation, but it didn't change her mind. Audrina continued to the street. She wiped the tear that ran down one of her cheeks as she instinctively dialed a number on her phone. She didn't think they'd answer. It was almost midnight. But it was worth a shot.

It rung only once.


She was caught off guard at how quickly he answered.

"Hey Kieran... I'm", she was about to speak more until she realized what she had just done. She cleared her throat. "Im sorry I didn't mean to call you I just hit the wrong number. I-"

Never apologize....What's wrong you don't sound well.

She paused thinking if she should really do it. But there was no other way.... Her home was miles away and she was desperate. Clearly it sounded in her voice. "No... no it's nothing, again wrong number ", another tear slipped out of her eye but she quickly wiped it away. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight." Quickly. She hung up the phone. Sighing out a breath. She felt stupid. Her emotions took control. But just as she released her breath, the vibration from her phone startled her. Seeing the name, she contemplated on picking up. She fought with herself until the third ring.... When she pressed the button. She drew the phone up to her ear. And didn't have a chance to talk...

Where are you?

A knot in her throat formed from the tone of his voice. Filled with concern, yet demanding. She cracked, "At the Sohma beach house.", she whispered. A car door shut on the other end. Followed by an engine start up. She didn't even have to ask when the voice, again concerned, sounded.

Send me the address.... Your vacation sounds like it's over.

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