Cyborg Luz

By Jss2141

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When a little girl is placed into a coma, her father does whatever it takes to save her. No matter how extrem... More

Ch. 1: The Accident
Ch. 2: Sudden Sickness
Ch. 3: The Truth Revealed
Ch. 4: A New Hope
Ch. 5: Sleeping Solution
Ch. 6: Gone in a Flash
Ch. 7: Taken Too Soon
Ch. 8: Present Thoughts
Ch. 9: Panicking and Rash Choices!
Ch. 10: Through The Doorway
Ch. 11: Humble Abode
Ch. 13: A Friendly Delivery
Ch. 14: Problems With Robotics
Ch. 15: Meeting Her Children
Ch. 16: Training Incident
Ch. 17: Our First Friend
Ch. 18: The Magic Word
Ch. 19: Surprise Attack
Ch. 20: Crushing Loss
Ch. 21: Shocking Development
Ch. 22: Repairing and Repurposing
Ch. 23: Good, Evil, and Nanobots
Ch. 24: Epilogue, Just the Two of Us

Ch. 12: Prison Break

971 27 48
By Jss2141

Eda got on her staff with Luz and King to fly to a rather evil looking, fairy tale like tower surrounded by a large wall.

"Luz, I believe this is a prison of sorts." The nanobots said to Luz.

'Yeah, but remember that this place has very strict laws. Who knows how many political prisoners are in here.' Luz thought.

"Luz, welcome to the Conformatorium, a place where criminals, wild witches, and weirdos are sent because they don't fit into society's mold." Eda said, gesturing to the tower.

"What do you mean by that? The last two?" Luz asked.

"Oh, we'll Wild Witches are people that don't believe in the coven system, which limits your magic to just one type unless you join a certain one. And weirdos is self explanatory, people that are just weird and society doesn't want to deal with them." Eda said before gesturing to herself and King. "King and I fall into those categories mostly."

'They fit people into prison for not fitting in?' Luz thought, 'I hate this place, it's just like home.'

Before and after she got her nanobots, Luz was an outcast because of her weirdness. It made her so sad sometimes that the only friends she had were tiny and inside her body.

"So what's the plan?" Luz asked Eda.

"Simple, I float you and King up to that window to get to the vault room while I cause a distraction." Eda said as she pointed to a high window.

"Alright but I can handle getting up their myself." Luz said as she gazed at the window. "Intimate battle mode."

"Understood, Luz." The nanobots said, changing Luz's arms and legs became metallic, her eyes become black with gold irises.

"Oh, not bad Scrap Metal." Eda said.

"So cool! Like a knight of doom!" King shouted as he jumped into Luz's shoulder! "Fly, my knight! Fly us to my crown!.....You can fly, right?"

"Yes, I can." Luz said with a smirk. "Watch my shoulders and calves."

Eda and King watched as Luz rolled up her sleeves, revealing her metallic shoulders that opened to reveal energy thrusters. Her calves also popped up tubes to reveal thrusters too. Luz bent her knees as energy built up and she took off flying up to the tower window!

"WAAAAAH!" King shouted as he held on for dear life!

They went through the window and started to move around.

"Hey, Metal Head, how'd you get out of your cell?" A female prisoner with dark hair and purple dress said.

"Well, I didn't exactly escape since I was never a prisoner to begin with. I'm just here to grab something." Luz said as she walked up to her cell. "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly are you in here for?"

"Nothing criminal, if that's what you're thinking. I just write fanfiction about living food." The woman said as she pulled out a book of her fanfiction. "What's wrong with writing about what you like?"

"Nothing, we all like what we like." Luz said as she used her robotic eyes to scan and read the book. "And I like your fanfiction. It's got plot, drama, and very interesting food characters."

"You read it?" King asked in surprise before Luz pointed to her eyes.

"You liked it?" The woman asked with a smile.

"It's full of suspense and drama, I love it!" Luz said.

This made the woman smile brighter, someone actually likes her fanfiction!

"I'm in here because like to eat my eyeballs." Said a large male creature with blue pants on and 5 eyeballs, 2 spots being empty before he suddenly ate one of his eyes and instantly grew it back.

"Really? For that?' Luz asked, removing her eyes, "Mine are interchangeable."

"Really?" The man said with a smile.

"Yep. It's nothing much, I can regrow them too but it takes a bit longer than you can." Luz said as she juggles her two robotic eyes a bit.

"Luz, please do not do that. It takes too long to reconstruct new eyeballs for you." The nanobots said to Luz as she put her eyeballs back in.

Then there was... Tiny Nose. She started going off about conspiracy theories.

"Okay... I don't have anything for that." Luz said.

"The world is a simulation! We are all nothing but slaves to a higher power! Higher than even the Titan!" Tiny Nose shouted.

"Going to ignore that and say this. NONE of you deserve to be in her just for being weird. Everyone's a little weird and that's nothing to be ashamed of." Luz said as she shook her head. "And I'm going to make it right by getting you all out of here."

Luz was about to pull the lever, when the ground started shaking.

"It's the warden. Hide!"

"Nanobots, cloak!"

She grabbed King and the two of them turned invisible. The trio of prisoners gasped at this before a door was slammed open, revealing a large and burly male demon that stepped before their cells in a white shirt, black pants and a plague mask.

"What are you weirdos so chatty about?" He asked them, not noticing Luz was close by, invisible.

He looked down and saw Eda's wanted poster.

"The Owl Lady." He said, "I will capture you soon."

Luz saw him crumble the poster up and transform his hand into a hammer, slamming it into an empty cell next to the FanFiction girl. Luz could hear King whimpering in fear and covered his mouth so the warden couldn't find them.

"We're not afraid of you, you old creep!" Tiny Nose said, gaining his attention.

"All statistics show that that was a mistake." The nanobots comments.

'Yeah.' Luz thought as the warden opened her cell.

"Horray, I'm free!"

Tiny Nose was grabbed and held up.

"Let this be a message to all of you. There's no place for you if you can't conform."

The warden stomped away from the cells, leaving the former two alone before Luz turned visible again.

"That was close." Luz said before turning to the others. "Don't worry, I'll get you two out right away."

Luz grabbed the handle and was zapped by it.

"What that?"

"There appears to be some sort of magical barrier." The nanobots said.

"Sorry but freeing us is impossible with the new magic switches. Only a member of the Emperor's Coven can use them." The woman revealed, becoming sad.

"Then I just won't use the level." Luz said, "Stand back."

She put her arm on the bars and heated up her arm. The heat she gave off began to melt the bars, surprising both the woman and monster man as they became molten sludge in the ground.

"Now for you." Luz said to the monster man, doing the same to his cell bars, "Okay, go."

The two hesitated for a moment before running away to find the exit!

"Thank you, metal girl! I won't forget this!" The woman said as she ran!

"Nice people, now lets get back to this." Luz said.

"Before the guards show up and see your molten mess." King said as he looked to the former bars.

Becoming invisible again, Luz and King continued through the tower to find the room where King's crown was held.

"We're getting close, I can sense my crowns power." King said.

"How? My nanobots can't sense it." Luz said to him.

"That's because I know my crown." King said as Eda flew into the hallway they were in.

"King, Luz! Where are you?" Eda said before Luz made them visible next to her! "AAAAH!"

Sorry, not sorry." Luz said as King jumped off her shoulder and ran to a large door.

"It's through here!" King said.

"Ha! He's so cute when he's hungry for power." Eda said.

Luz would've found this cute to, but she was too busy thinking about the ways this world worked, mainly locking people up for being weird.

"Hey, what's the matter kid?" Eda asked.

"They lock people up for being weird, and I'm the weirdest person here."

"Come on, don't let it get to you. Being weird is just another way of being interesting." Eda said, trying to cheer Luz up.

"Open up! Open up!" King said as he pushed the large door but couldn't open it.

"Uh, we have a girl with the strength of ten men." Eda said.

"20, actually but I don't like to brag." Luz said as she walked to the door and easily turned the large knob before pushing the door open with ease.

Inside of the room, Luz saw only a pillar of light in the center. Even without her nanobots, Luz could guess that all the contraband that was taken is inside of the pillar via a magic field. She was nervous, she didn't even know if this would work.

"All you need to do us walk inside and get the crown kid. Easy peasy." Eda said as she and King walked in. "It's only made to keep witches and demons out, so a human-cyborg like you can pass though it easy."

"Alright, I'll try."

Luz walked towards the pillar, holding her hand out to the barrier. A few inches from the barrier and Luz thrusted her hand in to see it had gone through without anything happening.

'That's good. It doesn't hurt.' Luz thought as she pushed the rest of her body through.

"Okay, Nanobots, scan for anything that could be it." Luz said.

"Right away." The nanobots replied as they used Luz's eyes to scan the area around them.

It was full on contraband from both this world and the human world, meaning that a lot of Eda's customers got thrown in here.

"There is a crown shaped object at the top of the pile in the center." The nanobots said to Luz.

"That must be it." Luz said, as she began to climb the pile.

It was easy enough to reach the top but once she did, Luz stuttered a bit at the crown she found in the contraband.

"Guys, is this the only crown here?" Luz asked her nanobots.

"We're afraid do, yes." The nanobots said but Luz could tell they were groaning.

Luz rubbed her head. All of this... for a piece of cardboard!?

'Eda better explain this.' Luz thought as she took the cardboard crown and left the contraband pile.

"Is this it?" Luz asked, as King jumped up and grabbed it.

"Yes! This is it!" King shouted as he put the crown on! "Yes, I can feel my peer returning! The king of demons has returned!"

Luz and Eda watched as King went to claim a random stuffed bunny as a "minion" in his army of darkness before the young cyborg turned to Eda.

"What's going on? We both know that crown is powerless." Luz said to Eda.

"Well, duh. But it makes him happy." Eda said as she turns to Luz. "When you don't have much in this world, all you have is the people that care about you most and I care a lot about King. So if that dumb crown is important to him, then it's important to me. Besides, weirdos like us have to stick together, you know?"

Luz held her wrist, she knew all too well about being a weirdo. Not just because of her Nanobots, but because she was a social outcast. Her love of magic, always being weird, and her high intellect made her a virus to be around back home but here, around Eda, she felt....,,at peace.

'Weirdo stick together, huh?' Luz thought with a small smile growing on her face.

"Now lets get going before the Warden loses his head."

"Too late."

Luz looked behind Eda to see the warden with his hand changed into an axe, ready to kill Eda from behind!

"NO!" Luz shouted as she pointed her palm out, quickly blasting Wrath away as Eda turned around!

"Damn kid, not bad!"

Wrath grunted as he crashed into the wall, his men looking in shock as the warden slowly freed himself.

"Not bad, mysterious child but that won't stop me." He said as he stood up, shaking off some rubble. "I finally gave Eda the owl lady in my clutches and I won't let her escape."

"Nanobots... defense mode."

"Right away, Luz." The nanobots said as Luz's cybertronic limbs began to glow with energy.

Luz pointed her arms out and a shield was formed between the warden and Luz, Eda, and King.

"A barrier? You think that will stop us?" Wrath said as his two guards began attacking it with spells.

"No, I don't think it will, but it will last long enough to get out." Luz said, "Eda, run!"

"And leave you? Not a chance!" Eda said as she summoned her staff and grabbed King.

Flying to Luz, Eda scooped her up as she kept the shield up to use as a battering ram to knock the guards away but Wrath jumped high to dodge!

"I won't let you escape!" He shouted before using his arms as tentacles to chase them!

"Uh, got anything else in that body of yours?" Eda asked.

"Yes." Luz replied as she dropped the shield, jumping off the staff to run right beside it. "Nanobots, rear targeting system."

"Affirmative." They said to Luz as a screen popped up in front of her left eye, showing her an image of Wrath chasing behind them.

Holding her hands out behind her, Luz began firing energy blasts at Wrath as she and Eda continued through the prison!

"Come on, Kid, we're almost out of the prison, finish them off."

"I'm trying but he's slippery!" Luz said as she charged up a large blast. "This last one my do the trick but also destroy this floor!"

"That's a risk worth taking! Let it rip!" Eda said to her!

Luz aimed at the floor and blew it up, giving them the perfect opportunity to escape.

Wrath fell through the floor as Luz began flying with her thrusters next to Eda and King.

"Better?" Luz asked Eda.

"Much." Eda said.

The duo continued to fly through the prison as Luz noticed Tiny Nose was back in her cell. Sending a blast to her cell, Luz freed and grabbed her before they flew out of the main doors.

"Alright, let's go before something else happens." Luz said.

"Agreed." King said before looking to Tiny Nose, who Luz still had in her arm. "And what are you going to do with her?"

"Set her free somewhere in town." Luz said!

"Never! I pledge my eternal servitude to you, Metal Goddess!" Tiny Nose said to Luz!

"Then I order you to live your life." Luz said.

Luz flew down towards the town in the market and placed Tint Nose on the ground before she flew back up to Eda as she flew back to the owl house.

"Great, so, any other things I have to risk my life for that I could get for free in the Human Realm?"

"Hmmmm, nope. Nothing comes to mind right now." Eda said as they landed before the owl house. "Now, since you did what I asked, still up to go home to your world?"

Luz thought about it... she isn't ready to face her mom, especially after running away.

"I...I don't think so. I don't think I can face my mom, right now. Not yet." Luz said as her body began changing back to normal.

"I can understand that, trust me, I've been in a similar situation before." Eda said as she put a hand in Luz's shoulder. "You can stay here as long as you want until you make up your mind. That sound good?"


"Are you sure, Luz?" The nanobots asked her.

'Yes, I just need time process things. Plus, you guys have to admit, there's still some stuff to see in this world.' Luz thought as she, King, and Eda headed inside the house.

"Well, if you wish. Shall we run diagnostics, see if you were hurt?"

'Sure. I have used my battle mode more one day here than back home.' Luz thought to them.

Luz stood still as the Nanobots scanned her.

'Your endoskeleton has a crack in it and is leaking oil. It will take an hour to fix.'

'Good, I'll be resting until then.' Luz thought as she decided to ask Eda an important question.

"Is there a room I can sleep in?" Luz asked her.

"Well, I've got a weapons room and a small spare closet." Eda said as she lead Luz upstairs.

She opened the small closet and Luz looked around.

"Well, it's not much, but it's better than nothing." Eda said, "See you tomorrow, Scrap Metal."

"So you're sticking with that, huh?" Luz asked Eda.

"Yep." Eda said as she walked away, leaving Luz with her new room.

"Not even a bed but I can work with this." Luz said as she close the door to her new room, "Alright, get a sketch made of this room, see what the dimensions are and what I can do with it."

"Right away." The nanobots said as a small device popped out from Luz's head, a small drone.

The small drone flew into the air and spun in a circle to scan the whole room before flying to the smaller nooks and crannies to get accurate measurements.

"Somedays, being a cyborg is actually fun."

After the drone was finished scanning the room, it returned to the small port on Luz's head as she laid down on the floor to rest.

"Enter sleep mode. Night, guys." Luz said to her nanobots.

"Good night, Luz." The nanobots said as Luz went to sleep, the repairs continuing as she slept.

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