How to Date an Asshole

By AlanisKorali

466K 20.4K 2K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67


6.1K 252 26
By AlanisKorali


18 months later

The smell of freshly-cut grass and perfectly-arranged flowers permeated the air, with leaves and petals dewy from the cold of the night. It was still dark out, a few minutes before the break of dawn, and the sun will rise just in time for the ceremony.

"Oh my God, Laurie. You look so beautiful," my mom gushed.

I smiled, "Thanks, Mom." She kissed my cheek and Noelle approached us with unmatched excitement.

"It's time." Her voice rose an octave, grinning as she rushed to her place, taking small steps in her kitten heels.

Strings rang and vibrated as the quartet started playing Canon in D, signifying the start of the processional.

The entourage made their entrance along the arch of roses as I patiently wait for my turn and looked down at the bouquet I carried: pale pink peonies and carnations with a few baby's-breath sticking out. The line in front of me got shorter and shorter until it was my time to go. I took a deep breath before holding my head high and taking careful steps down the aisle, my eyes squaring in on the target – in front of the altar.

Axel turned, looking undeniably dapper in his well-tailored suit. His lips curved into a smile as soon as his eyes landed on me. I can't help but smile back, feeling all giddy inside. It was like a boost of caffeine in this early morning affair. If I was half asleep before, I am wide awake now. It's both baffling and incredible how a person can hold such an effect on you; how one smile can brighten your day in an instant.

As I reached the altar, he whispered, "You look amazing."

"As are you," my lips fell into an easy smile then I settled on my place.

The quartet smoothly transitioned to the tune of Runaway by The Corrs as Hailey made her entrance. Josh's breath audibly hitched at the sight of her as he stood beside Axel. They've become so close in the past year that Josh made Axel his best man and Oliver one of his groomsmen.

Hailey walked down the aisle looking absolutely radiant – like a goddess who came down to earth in her flowy off-shoulder wedding gown. Her hair was pinned back with a few loose strands framing her face, and her lips were painted with the most flattering shade of pink. She's got one hand on her bouquet and the other wrapped around Grandpa Frank's arm.

Josh can barely hold it all inside and when I saw the tears brimming in his eyes, I whisper-shout, "Hey, do not cry!" and Axel nudged him by the elbow. Our efforts distracted him well enough that he just chuckled and nodded.

Hailey made it a point that I make sure that Josh wouldn't cry during the processional. She read this weird post online that marriages with men who cried as their bride walked down the aisle ended up in divorce – usually by cheating. I said it was ridiculous but she just shrugged and said, "Why risk it?".

The sun was beginning to rise as Grandpa Frank gave Hailey away and the ceremony started. Josh and Hailey were so lost in each other that I doubt they'd even listened to a word the Officiant said.

As the ceremony went on, I took the opportunity to take everything in and wished my mind could record this moment in perfect detail: how the water slushed in the lake behind the altar, how the birds sang from a distance, how Hailey's long veil fell down her dress like a waterfall, and how everyone in the audience smiled in content as they witness two people cement their love in matrimony. My eyes then trailed to the three empty seats in the front row – one for Grandma Fely and two for Hailey's parents. I bet they're all looking down and smiling at her.

The garden was perfectly landscaped for the wedding. It was like paradise and Noelle did an outstanding job finding it. She had her team help us this time around. I'd probably be in hospice right now if she had us do it ourselves again, like that time we arranged the proposal venue.

The ceremony went on and as Josh and Hailey said their vows, Axel's eyes caught mine and he mouthed, "I love you."

I raised my brows at him sarcastically and he pretended to be shocked, placing a hand on his chest seemingly heartbroken.

I grinned and mouthed "Quit it." Bulging my eyes at him then smiled, "I love you too."

He smiled and the Officiant announced, "You may now kiss the bride." And as planned, the sun rose in the middle of the arch right above their heads, just in time for their first kiss as husband and wife.

Some people hollered and some people clapped for the newlyweds. Personally, I did both. My best friend just married the love of her life, and I witnessed it every step of the way. My heart can't be more full.

I fixed the tail of her dress and veil as she and Josh walked down the aisle and people showered them with flower petals. Axel stood by my side taking my bouquet and helping me unfold the bunched-up fabric of Hailey's dress.

Their hands were intertwined as they exited the arch and Josh punched the air with Hailey's bouquet, earning applause from the guests.

Noelle's team of organizers guided us to the reception area to wait while the photographers take photos of the newlyweds.

Axel and I were seated next to each other at the same round table with the bridesmaids and the groomsmen. Everyone was settling down and just chatting around when I saw Oliver making kissy faces to one of the bridesmaids at the other table. I nudged Axel and whispered, "Look at this guy," I pointed to Oliver next to me.

Axel followed my line of vision and saw Oliver's futile attempts at flirting. He chuckled at the sight of his friend, "Unbelievable."

"I'm gonna do something," I said.

He smirked, already feeling sorry for his best friend, "Floor's all yours."

I elbowed Oliver by the rib.

"Ow," he winced and rubbed the area I just elbowed. "What was that for?"

"That's Josh's seventeen-year-old cousin, dumbass."

"Oh?" He stopped for a moment as if contemplating it. "When is she gonna turn eighteen?"

I smacked the back of Oliver's head, "Mm."

"Hey," he rubbed the back of his head. "I was just kidding."

"Were you?"

He raised his head to meet Axel's, not answering me, "Man, your girl can hit."

Axel's brow raised with pride, "You deserved it."

The host spoke, catching our attention, "A lovely morning, everyone, kindly settle down. The newlyweds will make their entrance momentarily."

I smoothed my dress over my lap and fixed my posture. Oliver fixed his tie, and Axel looked amused at his best friend.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, let's all welcome the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Walker!"

We all stood and clapped for them as they made their way to the dance floor for their first dance.

Hailey has changed into a different dress – one that's more casual than her wedding gown – no unnecessary frills, just a simple white A-line dress that stops mid-leg, with a plunging neck-line, two thin straps on each shoulder, and a mid-section that hugs her waist perfectly, giving her body the hourglass effect.

Somewhere Only We Know by Keane started playing and the couple danced in the middle of the dance floor. They danced like they were the only people in the room, eyes only set on each other.

The program went on and brunch was served in courses. Chalk it up to Josh being a chef, not going for the usual buffet.

As the reception neared to close, the traditional bouquet-toss and garter-passing came about.

Hailey required all of her bridesmaids, the maid of honor – me – and a few more from the guests to come in front. But instead of tossing the bouquet like usual, she had us pass it around while the music played an upbeat song. I quickly pass it off to Hailey's cousin next to me whenever it fell in my hands, but alas, the music stopped and the bouquet was in my left hand. Damn.

"Looks like the maid of honor's next in line. Sorry, ladies," the host said. "Better luck next time. You may all take your seats while you, Ms. Maid of Honor, need to stay with me."

I groaned for show. She took my arm and led me to the center with her, "So, what's your name?"

"Lauren!" Hailey shouted. They all laughed.

"What she said," I replied.

"Alright, Lauren, now we need to find your match. Josh," she turned to the couch where Hailey and Josh were sitting at. "You know it's time for the garter."

Josh stood and called up the men while the host and I moved to the side, giving them enough space.

It was so funny – Hailey was sitting at the edge of her seat while Josh removed the garter under her skirt with his mouth. One of the guests shouted, "It's still early in the morning!" And when Josh tossed the garter, Oliver caught it, but Axel snatched it right up from him and said, "Hell no, you're not putting that on my girlfriend." Everyone laughed and after that, Axel put the garter on my leg and we danced, encouraging the other guests to the dance floor.

The reception ended a little over noon and we spent our time lounging around the hotel.

I was standing on the balcony, looking out at the garden where Josh and Hailey had their wedding. It was summer but it might as well be spring with the outrageous amount of flowers meticulously arranged all over the place. The sun was overcast, with the clouds providing shade from the burning rays. I felt Axel's arms drape across my stomach, his head resting on my shoulder. I turned to him, "What's the matter?"

He exhaled, "Nothing," letting me go to stand beside me with his back against the railing and his head facing me. His tie is now loose, dangling from his neck. "I just love today."

"Wow," I snickered. "Somebody's a little sentimental."

He raised a brow at me, "As if you weren't."

"Okay, well, I'm not denying it."

We fell into an easy silence and there's nothing more comforting. Axel wrapped his arms around my waist and snuggled into my neck. I take back what I said, this feels more comforting.

"I want to show you something," he whispered in my ear.

"Oh no," I groaned.


"Last time you said that you proudly did the laundry then all the whites came out pink."

He laughed, "No, it's nothing like that. I found a nice spot near here. Did you know there's a hill?"

"Yeah, but isn't that all the way to the other side?"

"Yeah? But have you been there? It looks nice."

"Well, I can't say I have."

"Then let's go."

"Aren't you tired? Don't you want to catch some sleep? I know I do."

"Oh, come on, it's not like we're here every day."

I sighed deeply, "Alright, let's go." He took my hand as we walked to exit the hotel room. "You're lucky I love you."

He grinned full-on, "I am. And I love you too."

As we walked from the hotel to the hill, we talked about the things that happened in the past year and realized how far we've come since that New Year's Eve.

We had a tough time seeing each other during the first few weeks of being together – with me staying in California and him having business in New York. It got to the point where he considered moving to California, but it all changed when a community of hackers leaked that Katie faked the date of her "plagiarized" photo. It was all over the internet and on the news. She was arrested and imprisoned for Perjury. Never have I thought that Katie Swanson would go to jail, but here we are. On top of that, Randall Steinhouse was very publicly sued for sexual harassment in the workplace. It shouldn't be satisfying to watch their televised trials and eventual imprisonment, but I can't help it if I am glad that justice was finally served.

Before I moved back to New York, Axel and I went on a trip to Raleigh to see my family for the first time since Thanksgiving. I dreaded how awkward it will be to see them again after everything that has happened but when I saw them, it was like no time has passed and they welcomed me with arms wide open.

Noelle and I had a pretty long and emotional talk about how we'll always be sisters no matter what. I asked her how she felt when the results came back positive. She said she couldn't place a word for it; that it felt nice to finally know her roots, but it also felt sad to confirm that she isn't our parents' biological daughter. I told her how much I regret not being by her side during that difficult time and how sorry I am for running away when she needed me most. We made up and promised to always be there for each other no matter what.

I got my old apartment and my old job back. And somehow, everything went back to the way they were and how they were supposed to be. Only this time, it was better in all aspects.

Dean and I met again when I bumped into him as I got off the elevator, like some twisted fate. We had a good laugh about it and had lunch. We talked and cleared the air about our downfall. It's funny because we could've worked if we only had the courage to be honest with each other. The sad reality is the challenge we faced only proved how we aren't each other's priority – a surefire way for a relationship to fail either way. We agreed to be decent friends even after everything that has happened. And, as a friend, I'm glad to see that his career took off even after the Katie scandal.

As for Axel and I, we finally found our way to doing normal couple things. At least as normal as we could get. He would pick me up from work and we would have takeout in his car. I'd go to his shoot on weekends and we'd have dinner at Mia's diner or at Josh's restaurant. We'd go out on date nights, watch movies on days in, play board games on late nights, and spend weekends with our families. There was even one time we took the kids to Disneyland – Xan and Mia's two sons, Bow and Arrow – and gave the parents a day off. It was fun but exhausting. We all fell asleep on Axel's couch and were woken up by the kids' parents the next day.

"This is it," Axel said as we reached the bottom of the hill.

"Wait, I thought we're gonna go to the top?"

He turned to me and smiled. The same smile he had when took me to the racing track and showed me how to burn rubber and make donuts with drifting.

"Oh no, I know that look."

He smiled even further.

"What are you planning on? Ah!" I squealed when he grabbed my hand and dragged me to run up the hill.

I followed him with all my heart and all my will. My dress flowed with the wind, our hands a bit sweaty, but neither of us cared. My heart was pounding as I breathed deeply, trying to catch my breath. Then he turned to me, slowing to a stop on top of the hill. His hair swept with the wind.

The sun was beginning to set, lighting his face perfectly. He tucked an unruly strand of hair beneath my ear and stared at me with an intensity like never before, "I love you, Lauren Grant. With all my heart and all my soul; with my entire being." Then he started tearing up. And I did too. It felt like someone was squeezing my heart and I can barely contain it.

His hand made its way to my cheek. My eyes closed as pure instinct guided me to lean toward his hand. I felt my heart pump slower, back to its normal beat. I released a breath and opened my eyes meeting his. I never thought I'd see the look of love staring back at me, but here we are.

"I don't want to live a life without you. I want you with me always." He continued then chuckled, "If I could keep you in my pocket, I would." I snickered behind my tears. I knew where this was going and my heart started pumping fast again, I could hear my blood pounding in my ears.

He brought himself down on one knee and I gasped despite having a hunch of what he was about to do. "Lauren... I-" he brought his other knee down, kneeling fully in front of me. I felt like I could melt right then and there.

I brought myself to my knees as well. "What are-" he asked, confused.

"Shush," I pressed a finger on his lips. "I love you too, dummy." He grinned as he sniffed. "Will you?"

I nodded and his lips came crashing on mine. I can taste the mint from his breath and the salt from our tears. We both laughed as we parted. "We can't even finish our sentences," he paused and stared at me, marveling at the moment, "God," he exhaled in disbelief. "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." He kissed me again, but this time it was quicker than the last. He popped the jewelry box open and said, "Say you'll marry me."

The ring was the one that he was eyeing when he and I went ring shopping for Josh's proposal to Hailey. I'm probably beet red right now, but I don't care. I can be myself around him and not feel ashamed, and he can be the same with me.

I stood and pulled him up to stand with me. I pressed my forehead against his and closed my eyes, our breaths mixing together, "I'll marry you."

He smiled and slid the ring down my finger. He kissed me again then pulled me into a hug and whispered, "This is only the beginning."

I smiled to myself and reveled in the comfort of his embrace. It was so simple yet so sincere. And I've never wanted anything more.



If you've reached this far, I'd like to thank you for giving this book a chance and a moment of your time. I never thought people would read something I wrote willingly, so it means a lot that you are here reading this very text. 

In this Epilogue, I tried to give Lauren the justice and happiness she deserves and I hope I encapsulated it in this pretty well.

Now, I'm on my two-year streak of writing consistently and just because I've finished this book, doesn't mean I'll stop. So, please let me know your thoughts about the book and whether you'd be interested in another story.

So far, I'm thinking of:
Gavin's story
Mia and Hunter's story
Noelle and Harry's story
Elizabeth's story (Axel's mom)
A whole new story, unrelated to this book

You can vote here and feel free to give me notes on what I can improve on.

All the love,
Alanis Korali

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