بواسطة sadhentaiboi

203K 4.4K 1.6K

@/Waffle_Cakes_Games is my old account! Requests: CLOSED! Pronouns used: he/him, they/them only! المزيد

::before reading::
::Quackity x Male Reader::
::Wilbur X Male reader::
::Karl x Male reader::
::Eret x Male Reader::
::Sapnap x Male reader::
::George X Male reader::
::Wilbur x Male reader::
::Sapnap x Male Reader::
::Tubbo x Male reader::
::Tubbo x Male reader::
::Punz x Male reader::
::Dream x Male Reader::
::Jack Manifold x Male Reader::
::Fundy x Male!reader::
::Karl x Male!reader::
::BadboyHalo x Male Reader::
::FoolishG x Male!reader::
::Quackity x Male reader::
::Karl x Male Reader::
::Dream x Male!Reader::
::Dream x Male reader::
::George x Male Reader::
::Authors Note::
::Awesamdude x Male!reader::
::Tubbo x Male Reader::
::Punz x Male!reader::
::Quackity x Male!reader::
::FoolishG x Male! Reader::
::Wilbur X Male!Reader::
::George x Male!reader::
::Wilbur x Male!reader::
::FoolishG X Male!Reader::
::Wilbur x Male! reader::
::Sapnap x Male Reader::
::Quackity X Male! Reader::
::Wilbur x Male! Reader::

::Tubbo X Male! Reader::

1.5K 32 6
بواسطة sadhentaiboi

Not proofread
Warnings: food mentions, vomiting, throwing up descriptions, sick mentions, etc
I'm so sorry for being gone so long T-T

I was still trying to finish editing a video as a ding was heard from my phone. I tried to ignore it, wanting to put my full focus on editing this video. I haven't posted in such a long time, and I don't want to upset any of my viewers for late content. Another ding was heard as I sighed and reached for my phone. I pressed on the notification and it was from my boyfriend, Tubbo.

Tubbo and I have been dating for four months now and it's been such a rollercoaster, but the good kind. We met through Tommy and other events such as being in the same team for MCC and Twitch Rivals. We became really close quite fast that even Tommy was getting a bit jealous. On my channel and my public figure, everyone knew I was part of the lgbtq community, just not which letter since I didn't want to disclose that. My viewers and fans are great supporters but can get a bit pushy whenever I hang out with other streamers and YouTubers on my streams. I always have to remind them that we are merely friends.

Yet, with Tubbo, I didn't make that clear at all. I knew I fell for Tubbo when he would invite me to VC for random stuff like him packing to go visit friends, doing chores, or even editing videos. He made me feel like I was right there, next to him through his activities and that made me yearn for his touch. I finally grabbed the balls to confess to Tubbo with much help of my others friends and I almost fainted knowing it was mutual. He was crushing on me for the longest, before I even developed my own crush.

Since then, we've been on dates which sometimes result badly. Once, my car broke down so a tow truck had to come get it while we got a ride to my home. Another time, we had a picnic under a tree until we noticed a whole hornet nest was right above us ready to swarm us. Thirdly, there was this date to the movies but we got kicked out because fans were making big crowds knowing we were coming to that theater. Overall, it has been chaotic but I do not regret going on those dates with Tubbo at all.

I finally clicked on the message and it read, "hey (y/n)! Wanna come over for dinner? I made some fish and chips with tartar sauce??: )" I snorted seeing how he went out of his way to make dinner and to invite me over. I quickly replied with my answer and brought my attention back to my video. I noticed I only have three more minutes of the video to edit so I pushed myself to focus merely on the video before getting ready to go to his house.


I clicked upload with a smile and leaned back in my chair. "Damn, finally! Now, gotta get dressed to go see Tubbo" I said to myself as I pushed in my office chair and turned off my computer. I headed towards my closet and stared at it, thinking of what to wear. I looked towards my window and saw that it looked a bit gloomy so I grabbed some shorts and a loose hoodie. I shoved my feet into some really beat down vans and got my keys and wallet. I quickly texted a quick text to Tubbo, notifying him that I'll be there in a few.

I went downstairs to my kitchen, to see my parents cooking a dinner together. "Hey (y/n)! Where are you going?" My mother asked as she stopped stirring a pot to talk to me. "Just going to tubbos to hang out. Is that okay?" I said as she closed her lips in a tight smile and reached over to give my arm a soft squeeze. "Of course it is. Make sure to text me if something changes dear. Be safe, we both love you!" My mother said as she leaned forward to give my forehead a kiss as my father only waved me goodbye as I left my home. Tubbo and I live quite close but it's still a walk to his house. I took out my phone to see Tubbo liked my message and kept walking.

It felt a little gloomy outside but it was a bit humid. Rain hasn't come yet but it does feel like it'll come very soon. I turned a left on the sidewalk, and I saw the familiar short man in his porch sitting down by the steps, his leg bouncing lightly. I made my way quickly and when his eyes finally saw me, he stood up with a smile. "Hey! Was the walk long? I hope it wasn't" Tubbo said beginning to feel guilty for making me walk to his house. "Tubbo, I've made this walk a bunch of times. Trust me, it's not that bad" I told Tubbo as I walked up to him and softly landed a kiss on his head. "Oh, good! So, I already served my family dinner and they're already finished so we can eat alone!" Tubbo said pulling on my hand to go inside. "Hey, you know I don't mind eating with your family. They're nice to me" I said as Tubbo locked the front door.

"I know that. I just want us to have some alone time" Tubbo said flashing me a smile as I chuckled. We made our way to the kitchen, which had you pass by the living room. "There he is! How have you been?" I heard tubbos mother say as she put down her glass of water and stood up to give me a hug. "Hello ma'am! I've been great, how have you been?" I asked in return as she gave me a pat and answered with a smile. I nodded as his sisters gave me a small wave and a smile. "Don't be shy, go say hi to (y/n)!" His mother said as the two girls only looked at each other and snickered. "It's okay, really. Hugs are for babies anyways" I said as his mother chuckled and let us go on our way.

"So, I've made plenty of chips because I know how much you devour them in a second" Tubbo said as he opened the oven to take out two batches of fries as he said. "You know me so well" I fake cried as he laughed, showing me a toothy smile. "And here is the fish! You can get more than one fish obviously" he said laying down the other pan full of fish tenders. "Oh! And the sauce" he said getting back up from his stool and going to his fridge. He got a tub out and grabbed a glass container to serve me some. "You spoil me so much I think I might get a toothache " I said touching my teeth to create a comedic effect. Tubbo only softly punched my arm as we began to serve ourselves and eat.

We talked while we ate and even put on a YouTube video but we have paused it so many times that it's just there in the background. "..and then I pushed him off and guess what?" Tubbo said grabbing one of my fries. "What?" I questioned with a smile as I took one of his. "He fell on fucking lava! How would a lava pit even spawn in a forest?! And worst part is, he had all of my loot with him" Tubbo finished making me drop my fish tender to catch myself from falling off for laughing too hard. "That's so random!" I snickered as Tubbo smiled at me and continued eating. I grabbed another fish tender and went to take a drink of my water. I looked down at my plate and saw the bite I just took of the fish. A glaring pink center was looking right back at me. I gave Tubbo a glance as he ate happily. I waited for him to set his tender down and reached over to take a fry.

"Why do you keep eating mine?" Tubbo groaned fake angrily as I looked down at his tender and his center was a pale white. "Hey Tubbo?" I asked tossing the fry into my mouth. "Hm?" He said finishing off his tender. "For how long did you cook these tenders? They're really crispy" I said trying to be subtle about it. "Oh! So this batch here I put them in for around ten to twelve minutes. But these only went in for six which they still turned out fine!" Tubbo said pointing to the two trays. "Where have you been eating your tenders from?" I asked him as he pointed to the ones that have been cooked the longest. My stomach felt like it dropped as I have been eating mine from the other tray. "Why? Do they taste bad? I'm sorry I could-" Tubbo began but I quickly ate my tender in front of him and smiled. "No! They're really good Tubbo don't worry! By the way, can I take these home for my family? They would enjoy them a lot" I said with a smile as he nodded and took the tray that have the raw fish tenders in and set them aside to put in bags.

"Do you wanna go watch something in my room? It's raining outside so we can't play out there" Tubbo said sticking out his thumb to the window that's above his kitchen. "Yeah! I would love to" I said as we quickly cleaned up the kitchen and packaged some fish and chips to take home, reminding myself to throw the fish tenders away later. "Okay, we can go now" Tubbo said as we went up to his room as he opened the door widely. "Sorry it's a bit messy, I was trying to clean but then I got to cooking" Tubbo said as he described messy as one shirt on the ground. "Messy? This is the cleanest I've ever seen a bedroom" I said as he grabbed his controller and turned on his tv.

"Do you wanna change into something comfortable? You still got some clothes here from the other days" Tubbo said as he clicked on netlfix and climbed into his bed. I looked inside his closet and rummaged around. I finally found the hoodie I've been looking for and slipped it on. I climbed next to Tubbo, letting my head fall onto his shoulder. "You always wear that, what's up with that?" Tubbo questioned as he chuckled, making his shoulders go up and down slightly. "It smells like you, that's why" I said shamelessly as Tubbo only snorted and got closer.

He put on a cooking show that was also a competition since we like to guess who's the worst chef and who we think will win in the end. "I think she'll probably be like top five" I said as all the chefs made a little special dish and a little intro of themselves. "Maybe, if she doesn't get flustered quickly. Her dish however was really good" Tubbo pointed out as we agreed. Other competitors made their little intros, a few dishes being called out for being either lazy or boring. "But look at that guy" I said as a tall man came into the screen. He had an overly egotistical smile and outfit. We looked at each other as his dish was all made from pre made sauces and pasta. We giggled as he got called out and was not allowed to even compete at all. "I knew he wasn't going to make it by the way he walked like that!" Tubbo laughed as I gripped his arm for support, wiping the corners of my eyes.

All of a sudden my stomach began to growl. I placed a hand over my stomach as Tubbo didn't hear it. I knew I had food poisoning. I cleared my throat as I tried to ignore it, but the more I stared at the tv in front of me the more distorted it became. The lights suddenly became too bright and the screen started to warp in itself. I lifted a hand up to my forehead and was shocked by how much sweat it already accumulated. "(Y/n)? You okay? Your face is so red" Tubbo said pausing the tv to look at me properly. I tried to laugh it off but the sudden saliva coming up my throat made me shoot my eyes wide open and slap a hand over my mouth. "Hurry!" Tubbo shouted as he jumped out the bed to the bathroom. He quickly turned on the lights and lifted the toilet seat as I practically fell on my knees and hunched over the toilet.

I threw up everything I ate, feeling the liquid coming down my nose, making my eyes tear up. Throwing up has to be the worst feeling, ever. I stopped for a second and sat back, wiping my mouth with a nap kin Tubbo gave me. "It's okay, I'm right here" Tubbo said as he placed my hair behind my ears. "You..can leave Tubbo..it stinks" I tried saying, my eyes feeling so heavy. "I don't care. I want to take care of you. Hold on, I'll get you some medicine" he said as he stood up and opened the mirror cabinets above the sink and took some medicine out. "Do you know why you're throwing up so suddenly?" Tubbo asked as he sat back down next to me and passed me the medicine. I thanked him as I took it and took a sip of some tap water he handed me. I didn't answer him, not wanting him to feel bad about his cooking. "Maybe..I moved around too much..after dinner?" I tried to say but Tubbo looked down.

"Was it the fish? Maybe it was raw? Oh my god. I'm so sorry (y/n)!" Tubbo began apologizing but I tried to hush him but another wave of nausea came over me as I stood on my knees and hunched over the toilet again. My insides emptied themselves again, feeling my stomach suck in making it hard to breathe. I gripped the toilet seat in pain as tears pooled around my tear ducts again. "But if it was the fish, why did you keep eating it?!" Tubbo said rubbing my back in circles, wiping my eyes and mouth as I pulled away from the toilet. "Because I..love you and didn't want..to make you upset" I admitted as Tubbo only shook his head and leaned over to give my head a long kiss. "Y'know, sometimes you show me that love can make you do stupid things" Tubbo said as I finally calmed down and managed to flush the toilet.

"Cmon, I got you more medicine, a heating pad, some pajamas and I'll turn on my humidifier" Tubbo said as he helped me stand up and walk over to his bed. He pulled over a trash can next to where I'll be laying just in case, some napkins and some water. "Here, I'll help you get into some pajamas" Tubbo said as he slid down my shorts and helped me climb into them. Then, he helped me back into the bed and pulled the covers up under my arms. "Thank you love" I said as Tubbo leaned down to give me another kiss on my cheeks. "Do you want something else?" Tubbo said as he walked around his room, turning off his overhead lights and turning on small lamps that aren't harsh on the eyes. "No, I'm okay Tubbo. Thank you again" I said as the room looked very cozy and he opened his blinds so I could see and hear the soft pattering of rain, bringing a smile to my face.

I felt the bed dip and I turned my head slightly to see Tubbo climb right next to me, rubbing his cheek against my arm. "Tubbo? You're gonna get sick" I said softly as Tubbo looked up at me like I was crazy. "So? Then, you'll take care of me. Now, let's continue the show" Tubbo said, lowering the volume a bit so I'm not startled by the sudden sound. I felt much better feeling my lover next to me with the upmost best care I've ever gotten while sick. "Hey Tubbo?" I said as Tubbo only hummed. "I..really love you" before Tubbo could reply I slapped my hand over my mouth again and hurled inside the trash can. Tubbo patted my back softly with a smile plastered on his lovesick face. "I love you too, you big idiot" he reached over and wiped my lips for me with a smile.

I'm so sorry, this was so random and so bad

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