Broken Pleasure✔️

By Ali_sea16

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Book 2 of The Undefeated Nerd ''How do you get a person who drowns themselves in pleasure for the sake of the... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 We meet again
Chapter 3 breakfast
Chapter 4 drugged
Chapter 5 violated
Chapter 6 bring them to me
Chapter 7 info
Chapter 8 New friendship
Chapter 9 New development
Chapter 10 Find your push
Chapter 11 I'm going to kill you
Chapter 12 Mind blowing
Chapter 13 Who are you?
Chapter 14 Dinner with the blacks/telling it all
Chapter 15 Brother fight
Chapter 16 That was too close/frustration
Chapter 17 Fight for me
Chapter 18 Cass's Pov
Chapter 19 Talking
Chapter 20 emotional break down
Chapter 21 Bam! Bam!
Chapter 22 Cole
Chapter 23 Meeting K's family
Chapter 24 the safehouse
Chapter 25 I don't like it
Chapter 26 Cass is a boxing dummy
Chapter 28 An old trainee
Chapter 29 the beginning of a secret affair
Chapter 30 arguments/New plan
Chapter 31 The Mission Detail
Chapter 32 Cole taught him that
Chapter 33 Jerk
Chapter 34 how far are you willing to go part 1
Chapter 35 how far are you willing to go part 2
Chapter 36 Columbia
Authors note

Chapter 27 You didn't tell me

45 0 0
By Ali_sea16

Cole's Pov

I was watching them train from my window and Cass was actually a good fighter for a solo assassin but if he's going to be with Khalil I need him to be stronger because Khalil will need him when it's time.

My office phone rang  ''Hello?''

''Is this Ace?''


''Okay, I'm assuming this is you, I have some things I need to bring up''

''.......I'd start talking before I have you dead in the next hour''

I heard the man sigh on the other end ''I know who is dealing on your land but if you want to know who it is I want compensation''

I couldn't help but let out a dark chuckle ''Either tell me or start saying your goodbyes to your family, you're making me talk too much''

''He's someone close to you, someone, who you know very well I can either work with him or work with you so if you don't wan-'' I hanged up

he was annoying and not getting to the point

I looked back outside at the guys

Someone close to me huh?

Khalil's Pov

We were all sitting down and drinking water, Luke's training is brutal its worse than the training I gave years ago when I had to train some of Ria's men.

''Okay guys I gotta go, Cole, needs me'' Luke says before running off in a hurry.

''Alright, I guess we'll just pick this up later'' Alex said leaving and the rest of the guys went with him which only left me and Cass.

''I don't want to train with them anymore'' he stated moving to the side of me

''You don't want to train anymore? why'' I asked confused

''I didn't say I don't want to train anymore I said not with them'' He explained

''Why not? is Luke's training too hard''

''No I just want Cole to train me'' he said making me breathe out

''Why do you want him to train you specifically?'' I clipped

He narrows his eyes at me ''Watch your tone''

I rolled my eyes ''Or else what? because it seems you have more interest in him than me'' I snapped at the end

unexpectedly he gripped my throat holding me up a little, we were in the position with him leaning over my bottom half.

''Didn't I say to watch your tone with me'' he barks looking down at my face

I was struggling to lose away from him when my eyes trail down to his lips ''So what are you gonna do about it'' I pushed, I meant to get on his nerve because this constant Cole thing is bugging me.

He crashed down onto my lips kissing and sucking on them hard causing me to moan out. He was going down onto me, I felt myself getting hard under him until he makes a sudden stop.

''What's wrong  Tesoro?'' I asked (Hunnie)

he stands up ''Go to your room and deal with that I-I gotta go''

I was confused by his behavior but I put that aside and dealt with this before anyone sees.

Why was he acting so weird though

Sighing I went upstairs to my room, not his but mine.

After I was done there was a note saying that Cole wanted everyone to meet him in his office

In the next ten minutes, everyone was seated before Cole.

Luke was right in the side of him like a little bitch! That's my spot.

I didn't realize that I was glaring until I felt a hand rest on top of my thigh. I look sideways and connect eyes with Cass, instantly replaying today's event I removed his hand and turned my head back towards everyone else.

"I've been recently informed that someone close is the one selling and dealing in my territory" Cole said looking at all of us

Murmurs began. "No need to try and figure out who it is because we already know who is it" Luke says

Wait they know?? How did they find out it's Grey already and why didn't Cole say anything to me but he told Luke and I bet John knows as well

I'm starting to regret leaving and going  off on my own because he doesn't tell me anything anymore it's as if I'm not one of his closes trustees no-more

I'm sure a pissed-off look was on my face but I didn't care, I needed to speak with Cole.

"So we're going on a mission to bring in the boss we're not sure who all is on her side but we do know how to get to her" Luke continues

Wait her?

A girl?

"A girl?" Alex says surprised

"Yes a girl, the people for the mission will be Luke and Cass" Cole said looking Cass dead in his eyes daring him to defy his orders.

Wait he's not even part of Cole's gang why him and not me???

Cass nodded along with Luke "Alright Alex you know your job is to find her whiles they go after someone else and Blake you and the girls will be gathering the weapons that's all until further notice"

Luke took Cass with him, Blake and the girls went to the weapons room, Alex and John left together after having a few words and it just left me and Cole.

He raised an eyebrow at me probably trying to figure out why I was still here

"W-why wasn't I informed about everything before the meeting?" I asked him

"Why should you be informed before the meeting?" He answered with a question

"Because I'm a part of this mafia as well and I'm in the immediate top circle with John and Luke"

"Are you though?" The question shook me

"I-I what do you mean by that?!" I said offended

"If you are a part of my top members why aren't you pulling your weight? Matter of fact if you are a part of my top members why didn't you tell me Grey is dealing and selling on my territory yet?! I'm sure you've known for a while now, is it because of Cass? you did it for him" he said looking at me not even blinking


"I don't condone secrets inside my mafia" his voice was dark

"Cole I-I was going to tell you but I didn't know how! He was your best friend" I exclaim

"Which makes it all the reason to tell me" He snaps

I shut my mouth

"I know what he's been through but do you have no idea who the hell he's working with!! I'm trying to keep my cool with you but it's like you're just proving me wrong about you every single Jesus day Khalil, the person he's working with is more dangerous than the Chinese mafia, and every day I'm fucking trying to handle this shit and keep this mafia together but at least you could do is pull your goddamn weight after all you don't even have a mafia to run anymore so either contribute or don't expect me to treat you the same way I do with Luke because in all honesty he's more of a leader than you are right now" with that he pointed at his door telling me to leave

"Okay I understand"


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