The Dragon Slayer

By KaylinCanon

22.6K 678 70

When Kk is saved by Natsu she decides to join Fairy Tail to get away from the horrid life she lived. She is a... More

Welcome to the Guild
To Defeat the Other Guild
Galuna Island
Training Session
The Tower of Heavan
The Battle of Fairy Tail
Note (again)
Wendy's Arrival
What Happened Before
Gildart's Arrival
S-Class Start
The First Trial
Grimore Heart
The Battle Aganist Hades
Seven Year Slumber
Help Me!!!!!
Cover one
Cover two
Cover three
Cover four
Cover five
Cover six
Cover seven

Oracion Seis

567 18 0
By KaylinCanon

The day after the parade Gramps told us that Laxus was expelled from the guild. I still had mixed feelings about it, even today and its been a week. Natsu was furious because he wanted to battle Laxus again. That boy's going to get himself killed. Gramps also told us about how he was a dragon slayer because of a Lacrima implanted into his body. I had learned from Galia about them. They were basically a part of the dragon's soul, causing the bearer to gain the dragon's power. It shorten their lifespan so most dragons wouldn't do it but some were forced to by someone she would never name. We were walking to the guild hall and when we got there Mira was talking about the dark guilds. I recognized some of them from when I was on the streets and they were coming after me. Then Macao and Wakaba started bashing on how Oracion Seis has only six members. "Be careful with what you say. There's probably a reason they are cocky enough to only have six members and be part of the Baron Alliance." I said. "Yes and we must destroy them." Gramps said from behind me. "Excuse me." I said baffled. "They were the main topic at the conference." I had forgotten he had gone to a conference. "They pose an immediate threat and that is why Fairy Tail will join an alliance of guilds to work together. Wizards from Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, and Caitshelter will work together to take down Oracion Seis." "But Gramps we can take them ourselves." Natsu said and I wanted to smack him. "Yes because we did so well with Phatomlord and the Battle of Fairy Tail." I said in my sarcastic tone. "I'm not saying we're weak, I'm just saying that a little help wouldn't kill anyone." I said. "But its only six members are they really all that scary." Lucy said in a super scared tone. "Kk, Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy I want you to represent Fairy Tail. You may be the strongest members I can spare at the moment." "You can count on us."

"Is this the best thing we should be doing?" I said seriously doubting this plan, wait there was no plan yet! "Fiore is in danger we need to do something." Erza said in a stern voice. "I know I know but this isn't like other times. I mean our entire guild has had trouble dealing with dark guilds. Now they send 5 erh 7 of us to team up with people we've never battled with before to go destroy a guild from the Baron Alliance. Look I love the mission, I love the extra help but that's how it is." "Lighten up it'll be fine." Gray said. "Get ready to eat those words." I mumbled. We could see Bob's second house in the distance. "Woah it's huge but does he really need two houses." I asked. I jumped out of the wagon and felt the scales on my work clothes swish about. I walked inside the mansion and it was just as grand as the outside. "Hello anyone there?" I shouted. Then three figures appeared. They introduced themselves as Hibiki, Eve, and Ren. They were from Blue Pegasus. Once they started to flirt with Erza and Lucy I was out. I tried to take cover by blending in with the boys but Hibiki walked over to me. "Hey cutie what's your name?" "Uhh just call me Kk." I said backing away but he grabbed my hand. "Already with the nicknames?" He said jokingly as he pulled me towards the couch. I turned around and looked at Gray and Natsu mouthing help me. But they just causally saluted me off and smiled. I lifted the ground beneath their feet to stir them up a bit. He sat me on the couch with Erza and Lucy. "This is nice and all but-" "How old are you?" I was cut off by Eve. "13" "Really and you've come on this mission. Who would let such a small girl on such a big mission." Ren said. I stood up. "Umm anyone because we aren't helpless you know." I was getting ticked off because people write me off like that all the time. "Now now calm down." said another man from the stairs. "Oh no." Erza mumbled. "I am Ichiya and it seems fate has brought us together ladies. . . Others." he said as he started flirting with Erza. Gray and the other boys were about to fight. When Erza punched Ichiya and flew into a certain ice wizards hand I almost flipped. "Lyon?" Gray shouted, see I knew he would eat his words. "You actually joined a guild? A legal guild?" I said. "Don't act so surprised." the lady next to him said and she looked a lot different. When Lyon threw Ichiya I couldn't thank him enough. The squabbles started of long heated feuds and I was the only sane one there. I was about to but in when the last Lamia Scale wizard did it for me. "Stop this nonsense we are working as an alliance." He bellowed. Everyone stopped. "Where is Caitshelter?" Jura asked. "They aren't here yet." "I heard it's only one person." the rumors started to spread about our last member. I was just hoping he wasn't a complete idiot like everyone else. Then I heard someone fall. I turned around to see a young girl with blue hair lifting herself off the floor.

"Hello my name is Wendy Marvel from Caitshelter." everyone was completely shocked but I loved it. "They let a little girl come alone on such a big mission." "I don't see why you're so surprised I mean I'm here and she's not alone she's with us." "I don't know any offensive moves but I know a lot of support magic. So please allow me to join you." "Don't whine so much." I had just noticed the white cat at her side speaking and so did everyone else. "Oh Carla you came too." "Hey, Wendy don't sell yourself short we would love to have you." I said starting to walk towards her. But the pedos got to her first and whisked her away. Man I was getting tired of them. I soon found them making Wendy super uncomfortable. "Hey pedos my turn." I said and they rushed toward me and started flirting again. "No I mean to talk to Wendy, god I can't believe you." I said as I pushed them away and walked towards Wendy. I could hear Galia growling at the boys. I sat next to Wendy. "So you are the only rep for Caitshelter." she nodded. "You must be really strong." "Not really I just know support magic." "Well that's still really helpful and you're pretty young you don't need to fight so much." "But aren't you pretty young too." I scratched the back of my head and chuckled. "Yeah you're right but I have my reasons and I don't want you to have the same." She looked at me confused. Galia jumped on my lap and Wendy's eyes went wide. "Do you know Grandeeny?" She asked Galia. But an image of a white dragon filled my vision. It went away and I saw Galia shake her head. Wendy looked disappointed. "Wait your a dragon slayer?" I said a bit too loudly. Natsu ran over to us and pointed at her. "You're a dragon slayer?" He asked. Wendy nodded. "I'm the sky dragon slayer and you are the salamander." she pointed at Natsu "And I wanted to ask you if you knew Grandeeny." "Who?" "Figures, I lost her 7 years ago on July 7." "Me too." He said too cheerfully. "Are you a dragon slayer too Miss?" She asked me. "Yes a galactic dragon slayer and call me Kk." "Cool." "Hey guys we are about to figure out a plan." Gray came in. We all got up and walked to the main room.

After Ichiya's potty break Blue Pegasus explained what we were to do. The plan had way too many holes in it but before I could say anything Natsu busted out the door. "That boy is way to eager to find them." I said after we ran outside. "I think the only word he heard was fight." Gray said. "You got that right." Lucy said. "Come on let's go get him." Erza said running after them. All of Fairy Tail followed and soon everyone was following us. "Hey Galia ready to one up everyone." I said as I ran with Galia. She didn't even answer as she ran in between my legs and flew me above everyone. I woohooed and threw my hands in the air as I soared above everyone. We were faster than everyone in the air so we caught up to Natsu and flew just above him. "Hey, boy genius you got a plan to find them." I yelled at Natsu. "I don't need a plan." "You kinda do." "Not when it comes to punching things." "We're trying to avoid punching." I noticed the forest coming up and so did Galia. She couldn't fly in there so she flew above it. Then we noticed Christina. It was amazing, how did Blue Pegasus manage to get it. And what is it usually used for? We made it to the clearing behind Christina. Natsu broke through the clearing and onto the cliff. Galia soared around Christina and then I sensed something. "Galia up NOW!" I yelled as she veered up. Some cannonball thing flew at us and she dodged just in time. "Galia are you okay?" "Yeah it just grazed me." Everyone was in the clearing now. "Galia go land with everyone else." She obeyed and when we landed she shrunk. I turned her over and inspected her underside. She was fine, you got to love those dragon scales. I looked up to see Christina falling below the cliff. There was one of those holes I was talking about. I stood up and Oracion Seis appeared. Now the fight began.

Everyone was choosing their opponents and I was no different. I put my hands on the ground and made a small chasm large enough to throw someone in. I went into shadow form to kick Brain in but he teleported away. I felt Racer's presence and turned to block but missed as he kneed me in the face. I felt weighed down. I tried to put him in a earth dome but he dodged. I then tripped him and put a dome around him. I turned around to a snake about to bite me. Out of instinct I put my arm up to block and the snake didn't pierce through. He inched away and I saw my arm wrapped in iron scales. I turned around as a green beam wrapped in fire came towards me. I threw up my moon shield and held it. But it was breaking. My arms were in the blocking position holding the moon shield in place and I quickly figured out how to encased my arms in iron scales. When the shield broke it hit me and sent me flying. I landed with a thud. I was too weak to get up and so was everyone else. A dark magic started to fill the air. "Everyone close your eyes!" I shouted to everyone as I started to shine a bright light from my body. I was hoping to dispel the dark magic and blind them but then I felt someone stomp on my head. I lost the concentration needed to create the light. I was having trouble focusing as he stomped my head again and I blacked out.

When I awoke I was on Hibiki's back. "Hey can you let me down." I said. Hibiki let go off me and I lended against a tree my head pounding. I looked around and the only ones there was Hibiki, Lucy, Erza, and Galia. "Where is everyone?" I asked. "They went to find Wendy, who was taken by Oracion Seis, so we can heal Erza." Lucy said pointing to Erza. It was just now that I realized Erza was passed out and her arm was a deathly purple. "Looks like we have to find her to huh Galia." She nodded and we both ran back to the clearing. When we got there I jumped off the cliff as Galia came out from under me and flew me away. I sniffed the air. "That way." I pointed to the direction that I smelled Wendy from. I took the chance to inspect my wounds. I really just had a bruised chin and temple. I spotted Natsu and Gray and Racer. Natsu went into the valley and Galia followed him. I jumped off Galia. "Stay out here we might need a quick escape." I told Galia petting her head. "Kk you're okay." Natsu said. "When have I never not been okay." I said walking towards him and Carla. He gave me the "really" look. "Yeah, I see your point." "Happy." Natsu shouted. We heard some muffled shouts and ran into some cave. "No way." me and Natsu said at the same time. There in front of us was Jellal. "I'm sorry I had to." Wendy cried as she passed out. "Wendy." I yelled and I started towards her but Jellal shot some magic at me that knocked me back. Natsu went for him and got shot into the wall. I backed against the wall as Jellal walked out of the cave. I ran over to Wendy and shook her a bit. She was out cold. "Natsu I know you're not dead help me get her to Galia." Natsu popped out of the rubble and ran over with me and picked up Wendy. We ran to Galia. I jumped on and Natsu followed with Wendy. Even Happy and Carla got on when they can fly. Galia soared and started to head back from where we came from. Then I felt the presence of Racer who knocked us all off and even hit Galia in the eye. I'm going to kill him if I get the chance. I used my wind magic to keep everyone afloat so Galia can pick them up and get them to Erza. But I couldn't do anything for myself as I free falled. 'I got them.' 'Good go back and leave me I'll be fine I think.' I said telepathically as I threw my moon shield behind my back just in time as I fell onto the ground. I laid there for a second in shock then I started to get up. I then saw Racer heading towards me. I threw my hands up getting ready to block then I saw the ice wall. "Gray." I said as I saw him on the other side. "Go he's mine." "But-" "Go." he turned to me. "Don't worry about me." He smiled and I started running.

I'm ending it there for now. Is that a cliffhanger? Yeah I think it is. Hopefully the next part will be the end but this is getting too long and we are barely even half way. So yeah next chapter will be awesome.

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