Feathers of Bravery

By Vaulthunter357

64 1 2

For 400 years there's been a fragile peace between the owls of Neros and crows of Baldir. With war brewing, b... More

Unknown POV
King of Neros
Queen of Baldir
Jessica + Aihla
Unknown POV
King of Neros
Queen of Baldir
Author's Note
Queen of Neros
King of Baldir
Dark Mage
Dark Lord
Jess + Meylo
King of Baldir


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By Vaulthunter357

Many birds and other species have their own principals that they follow. Some make sense while others contradict or are just confusing. For me, I've always had one main one. No matter what it is, how much it will hurt or break me, tell me yourself rather than me hear it from another. You would think that it was something easy to understand. Sure, as I grew up I realized why it can be difficult to admit to certain things to those you care about. But whatever the situation, I still truly believe that it shouldn't stop you from being honest with the person.

My brother Radi was a fierce and skilled warrior. Although I would miss him greatly when he would be sent off by our father to do his duties and missions, but that just made our reunion that much more enjoyable. We only had four days together our father sent him off to meet with the enemy Queen of Baldir. I kept silent in my room knowing nothing good would come out of voicing my opinion. I was only waiting to go out into the courtyard so I can see him off but instead there was a knock at my door.

"Come in." I reply.

I was a little surprised to see Radi walk in. As I've said, we always say our good byes in the courtyard since I can remember. The look on his face has my stomach churning. He's always had this sorrowful look ever since a trip to the market years back but now. I can see it in his eyes and feel it in the air around us. And when he speaks to me, all I want to do is shout at him to shut up but I know that he needs to say these words to me for some reason.

"Hey little brother. I know that this is not our tradition but I don't want to say this with anyone else around. You know how I dislike on lookers." his voice although as strong as it's always been is filled with pain. I still don't say anything, I just keep looking at him willing myself not to cry.

"Look, I know you have always preferred that people be honest and straight forward, and I have admired you for it. It has made you one of the most honest birds I know and will make you a great leader someday. But things are going to happen soon and they are going to happen fast. Just promise me that when they do, that you don't close yourself off. You don't hate or blame father, mother or anyone else. Nobody else but the real enemy.

Things will sound crazy. Crazier than the things we've heard about Little Stella's disappearance. But you have to trust in our family, in Little Stella and in your magic. I am so sorry that I cannot tell you myself and the pain that you will have to face. Please forgive me and believe me when I say that I am so proud to call you my brother. Take care of our sisters. 'til we meet again brother." he finishes as he pulls me in for a hug.

This is the most emotion that I or anyone has been able to get him to express in a long time. I should be happy that he is no longer stoned faced but I wanted the emotions to be of joy and cheer. Instead I can hear his pain, his regret and even some fear. I could barely make out the words to say I love you back and if it wasn't because of our incredible hearing I know he wouldn't have heard me.

I should have said more than just "I love you too brother". Even though I didn't, I should have told him that I understood. That I do promise to try to forgive whatever was going to happen, that I would look after our sisters. Give him some peace of mind even if it wasn't much. A simple "I love you too brother" shouldn't have been my last words to him. I don't know what else I could've said but it should've have been more.

I saw the change in my father. He looked almost broken, mother was constantly in tears and I rarely saw Kala and Keli leave the room where Dray was. For a week I thought Radi was so badly injured that they wouldn't allow anyone to see him or Dray. By the second, I grew impatient and furious with everyone practically avoiding me. I had ideas on how to find Aihla but no one would stay in the room with me long enough for me to approach. Finally, I had snuck into Dray's room in the night and I saw how bad it really was.

It had been two weeks since he came back and his bruises were still a deep purple. One of his legs was cut off and his wing was wrapped and in a sling. I panicked when I only saw one bed. I looked quietly but frantically for any sign of my brother. Stopping when I saw among Dray's things, my brother's dagger. The one each of us had even though our own individual was different. We had them in case of emergencies and to make sure that we could always have a weapon in case our charms stopped working.

My brother wouldn't part with this dagger unless he was....

I sank to my knees and silently sobbed. I don't how long I stayed next to Dray. Sleep evaded me and before I knew it, the chamber door opened and my father stepped in. He froze when he saw me on the chair by his bed. I wanted to scream and shout at him. Hate him, but I remembered the words that Radi told me. That there are still things I don't understand and despite my principal, there will come a time for me to know them when it's right.

So I wipe my face and stand in front of him. "What do you need me to do?"

His shock would normally be something my siblings and I would appreciate. I can still recall how Aihla schooled us in the training area. But now, I don't know what to feel. I just need to do something, anything to keep busy. Only one tear falls from his eye before he speaks.

"I need you to go to and gather all the first class trainers. I will be there to speak with you all in the moment. All other training will be suspended. Your mother is with the hatchlings and nurseries. You will be filled in as we go along." he states.

I nod and say my leave before flying out to where he told me to go. Something tells me that I still won't be pitching my ideas to find my little sister any time soon. But just as long as I do something I guess... I don't even know.

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