Our Promise, Our Future

By JohtoAmour64

212K 4K 3.9K

After winning the Kalos League and keeping their promise, Ash and Serena continue their journey together. Fro... More

Chapter 1: Laying Out Our Feelings
Chapter 2: Serena's Home
Chapter 3: Kanto Bound
Chapter 4: Ash's Home
Chapter 5: From Celebration to Chaos
Chapter 6: The Morning After
Chapter 7: The True First Date
Chapter 8: Our Journey Starts Today!
Chapter 9: Alola, Ash and Serena!
Chapter 10: Getting Schooled
Chapter 11: Housewarming Hospitality
Chapter 12: The Island Challenge
Chapter 13: Tapu Koko's Grand Trial
Chapter 14: The Island Challenge Begins!
Chapter 15: Island Challenge - MeleMele Island Part I
Chapter 16: Island Challenge - MeleMele Island Part II
Chapter 17: Alolan Date Night - Ash and Serena
Chapter 18: Alolan Date Night - Pikachu and Sylveon
Chapter 19: Alolan Date Night - Greninja and Delphox
Chapter 20: A Day at the Pokemon School
Chapter 21: Island Challenge - Akala Island Part I
Chapter 22: Island Challenge - Akala Island Part II
Chapter 23: Island Challenge - Akala Island Part III
Chapter 24: A Different Type of Day
Chapter 25: Parent & Child, Partners & Sisters
Chapter 26: Revelations
Chapter 27: Ash's Birthday
Chapter 28: Serena & Delphox
Chapter 29: Acceptance
Chapter 30: Icy Rescue Arc Part I - Journey to Aether Paradise
Chapter 31: Icy Rescue Arc Part II - Vulpix Stands Tall
Chapter 32: Icy Rescue Arc Part III - The Power of Bonds
Chapter 33: Icy Rescue Arc Part IV - You'll Always be my Mother
Chapter 34: Honey Blonde Hair
Chapter 35: Reconciliation
Chapter 36: Island Challenge - Ula Ula Island Part I
Chapter 37: Island Challenge - Ula Ula Island Part II
Chapter 38: Island Challenge - Ula Ula Island Part III
Chapter 39: Island Challenge - Ula Ula Island Part IV
Chapter 40: One Last Day
Chapter 41: Alola Crisis Arc Part I - The Battle Begins
Chapter 42: Alola Crisis Arc Part II - The Ultimate Bond
Chapter 43: Alola Crisis Arc Part III - An Icon of Love
Chapter 44: Alola Crisis Arc Part IV - The Power to Protect
Chapter 45: Alola Crisis Arc Part V - Somber End
Chapter 47: Heroes Always Come Home
Chapter 48: Alolan Christmas
Chapter 49: Island Challenge - Poni Island Part I
Chapter 50: Island Challenge - Poni Island Part II
Chapter 51: Alola League Part I - Starting Line
Chapter 52: Alola League Part II - A Battle of Jealousy
Chapter 53: Alola League Part III - A Rocky Rematch
Chapter 54: Alola League Part IV - A Fated Battle Between Rivals
Chapter 55: Alola League Part V - Alola's First Champion
Chapter 56: Alola League Part VI - Partners, Now and Forever
Chapter 57: Alola League Part VII - Rise
Chapter 58: What Lies Ahead
Chapter 59: An Alolan Goodbye
Chapter 60: Our Journey Continues!
Chapter 61: A Surprise Reunion
Chapter 62: Gathering a New Team
Chapter 63: Serena's Galar League Challenge
Chapter 64: Galar League - Grass Badge
Chapter 65: Galar League - Water Badge
Chapter 66: Galar League - Fire Badge
Chapter 67: Galar League - Fighting Badge
Chapter 68: Galar League - Fairy Badge
Chapter 69: Galar League - Ice Badge
Chapter 70: Galar League - Dark Badge
Chapter 71: Galar League - Dragon Badge
Chapter 72: Galar League Tournament - Part I
Chapter 73: Galar League Tournament - Part II
Chapter 74: Galar League Tournament - Part III
Chapter 75: Galar League Victory! Serena's Ultimate Match!!
Chapter 76: The Darkest Day Arc Part I - Emergence
Chapter 77: The Darkest Day Arc Part II - Fighting Through the Darkeness
Chapter 78: The Darkest Day Arc Part III - The Way Home
Chapter 79: What I'm Aiming For
Chapter 80: Rise To The Challenge
Chapter 81: A Champion Time!
Chapter 82: The Very Best, Like No One Ever Was
Chapter 83: The Last Step
Chapter 84: Don't Give Up
Chapter 85: Until Its Over
Chapter 86: Ash's & Serena's Home
Chapter 87: Asking the Question
Chapter 88: A Day of Matrimony
Chapter 89: One Big Happy Family
Chapter 90: Our Promise, Our Future

Chapter 46: Helping the Broken

2.4K 54 58
By JohtoAmour64

Hello again! I'm finally writing a new chapter! The events of the previous arc had me a little drained. But, y'know, those chapters were probably the most intense pieces of writing I've probably ever written. There were things that I forgot to mention in the previous chapter, so I'll be sure to address them here. The next few chapters will be mostly comfort focused, with some drama mixed in. I know I said in the previous chapter that the dark elements of this story will slowly be transitioned out, which is true, but that doesn't mean it'll happen instantly, so expect them to still show up every now and then. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter!

A loud gasp erupted as Ash's head shot up. He started to breathe heavily as sweat ran down his face. He looked around, noticing he was still in his hospital bed. He sighed. He looked down at his arms, which were shaking. His left arm had a few bandages on it, however his right arm had a cast up to the end of his elbow. Although not noticing right away due to everything that was happening at the time, he had suffered 2nd degree burns on his right arm, a couple being 3rd degree. He was told he'll have permanent scars on his right arm.

Ash decided to get up to get some fresh air. He quietly exited his room and walked down the barely lit hallway. He passed by a couple rooms along the way. He stealthily peaked in to the first one.

He saw his girlfriend sleeping on her back. He could still make out the cast covering Serena's left arm. Like Ash, she had also suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns, and will also have permanent scars. However, to Serena, she had lost something even more important to her than anything else.

Her blue ribbon was gone.

When they performed Amoura Sphere, they were unknowingly sacrificing Serena's ribbon. When she found that out, she finally broke. Her most precious item, the thing she always kept closest to her, something that gave her the strength to keep fighting, was now gone forever.

Ash decided to let her be. He checked the next room, which contained his starter, who still had not woken up yet. He winced as he continued to walk.

He glanced at another nearby room which housed his brother. Like Pikachu, Greninja had also not woken up yet, nor showed any signs of waking up any time soon.

Ash continued his walk, a few tears coming down his cheeks.

'It's been two days...why aren't they waking up...?' He thought.

Ash entered a small room that contained a few vending machines. He pressed a few buttons and a water bottle was dispensed. He reached for it and held it up with his only usable hand. He briefly struggled to open it, his still shaking arm not helping.

"Bottoms up" he whispered.

He took a sip, almost loosing his grip thanks to all the shaking. After a sip, he continued to hold up the bottle, which was shaking enough for water to escape and splash onto his shirt.

Ash stood in the middle of the room motionless.

"I'll live on...in your nightmares...!"

His father's last words haunted him. He had barely slept at all the past couple days, and every time he did he'd have a horrible nightmare. A therapist met with him yesterday, and she had diagnosed him with PTSD. Ash started to silently cry. His thoughts then brought him back to his mother's death. He continued to blame himself for everything that had happened. And despite their best efforts to comfort him, Ash has remained relatively distant from almost everybody.

After finishing his drink, he slowly made his way back to his room. He laid back down on his bed, but sleep wasn't coming.

The next morning arrived and the doctors met with Ash and Serena. They informed them that they could be discharged in a couple more days. Serena entered the patient only cafeteria but didn't see Ash. She decided to grab some food and eat with Ash in his room. Once gathering enough food, she made her way to Ash's room. The door was closed and when Serena tried to open it she saw that it was locked.

"Ash? Are you in there? I brought some food for us to eat."

She got no response. She sighed. 'He's been like this ever since we got here...I don't know what I can do to help...' She gently set the food down on a fold out tray next to his door. "Well, I'll leave it out here for you if you want it."

She left and decided to visit her partner. She entered the room, and saw Delphox sitting right next to a still sleeping Greninja. Her left arm was in a fire resistant cast being held in a sling. She looked up and Serena could tell she hadn't been sleeping. Bags were under her eyes, said eyes looked dull and lifeless. Her facial expression was so vacant, it looked like she had never shown any emotion in her life.

"Oh...hey Serena..." was all she said.

Due to their new Aura, Ash and Serena were now able to understand what Pokémon were saying out loud.

Serena went over to her partner/sister and sat down next to her.

"Delphox...you need to get some sleep" Serena said with worry.

"I can't...I...I just...can't...anymore..." she said almost whispering.

"He'll be alright Delphox. The doctors said he is still stable" Serena assured her.

"But what if they're wrong...what if he..."

"That's not going to happen. I promise" Serena said.

Delphox turned to her. "Don't...make a promise...you can't keep..."


Delphox turned her head back towards her sleeping mate.

'I should've helped you more...you got so messed up...because I was so useless...'

"Delphox, don't blame yourself for this, it isn't your—"

"Of course it is!!"

Serena jumped at Delphox's sudden shout.

"If I hadn't been so damn weak he wouldn't be in this state!! I'm nothing but a burden! I'm...I'm...I'm so useless!!!" She yelled as she finally broke down crying.

She suddenly felt Serena's arms wrapped around her. She looked and saw Serena crying.


"...H-How could you say that...? You're strong Delphox, very strong! If you weren't, you wouldn't be here now." Serena tightened her grip. "I...I thought I was going to lose you...I was so terrified...I...I-I...I thought I was going to lose my best friend!! You're someone I can't bare to lose! If you had died...I would never be able to perform ever again. What's the point of doing something you love if you can't do it with someone you love?? Without you Delphox I..." she couldn't finish, as her tears could no longer be contained.

Delphox's heart shattered at her partner's words. She too started to cry. She had felt the same way. If she found out Serena had died, she wouldn't be able to bare it. She would become rageful and bitter, before considering to just end it all. Delphox shifted herself to face Serena. She engulfed her into the biggest hug she could give.

Ash was sitting on his bed, staring out the window. As expected, he didn't achieve sleep from last night. He said nothing, thought nothing, and did nothing. He was basically furniture at this point. He suddenly heard a knock on his door. He said nothing, hoping whoever it was would leave him alone.

"Ash? Are you in there?"

Ash recognized the voice as Jake's.

"I won't try to force you to open up, I just want to tell you something." There was a momentary silence, until Jake spoke again. "Thank you..."

Ash was surprised by this. Jake continued.

"Thank you for protecting my daughter. I'm so incredibly grateful. Grace is here too. She wants to say something."

"Ash...I bet you think I'm furious with you...because you think you broke your promise to me...but you didn't" Grace said.

Ash was even more surprised now.

"You promised you would continue to make Serena happy and keep her safe. Well she's still here, alive and safe, and happy that you're still alive too. Me and Jake are not mad at you at all. In fact, like Jake said, I'm so grateful too. I wish I could give you a bone crushing hug, but it might not be a good idea."

Ash's lip slightly tilted upward.

"Please continue to keep Serena safe Ash, like you always have" Grace said.

"We'll leave you alone now" Jake said.

Ash heard them walk away. He started crying again.

In another room, Decidueye was still sleeping with a large bandage covering his left eye. Primarina had not left his side. Whenever she didn't cry, she talked to him, pretending he was awake.

"Do you remember when we first met?" She asked.


"I didn't think so. You kept falling asleep every chance you got you're memory probably couldn't keep up." She silently chuckled. "You were a little weird, but you were also so kind. You chewed that Litten out when he said I wouldn't get picked by a trainer. You said 'with that attitude, neither will you'" She giggled. "The look he had was priceless."

Her smile slowly started to disappear.

"You were always so kind, you never held a grudge for anyone, and you were so quick to forgive me every time I gave you attitude. You even tried to...tell me how you felt..."

Fresh tears started to form in her eyes.

"Even after I broke your heart...you still put on a brave face and even when you were seriously hurt, you still said you loved me without hesitation..."

She entered hard crying mode again. She buried her head into his chest.

"It's all my fault! I shouldn't have said those things! I shouldn't have buried these feelings! I deserve to be in this hospital bed!"

She lifted her head up. She looked at him with her heartbroken face.

"Decidueye...I love you...! I can finally admit it now...! I am truly...deeply...madly in love with you! So please...please wake up so I can tell you properly...!"

She gently placed her flippers on his face and kissed him with her tears falling onto his chest. She buried her face into his chest, her muffled sobs echoing throughout the room.

Throughout the day people tried to visit Ash, but he never answered. This was understandable of course, but worrying to say the very least. The sun started to set as the visitors left. One last knock was heard. Ash was going to ignore it again.


Ash recognized the voice belonging to Kukui.

"I know you want to be alone...but there's something I need to talk to you about."

For some reason, Ash slowly got up. He walked towards the door, and slowly opened it. He saw Kukui looking at him with mixed emotions. Happy that he answered, sad because of his situation, and scared from the way he looked.

"Ash..." was all he got out.

Ash was a complete wreck. His hair was unkept, his eyes were completely void of any emotions, heavy bags were under his eyes, his lips in a mutual position.

"...what is it..." he said almost in a whisper.

Kukui had swallow the lump in his throat before speaking again.

"C-Can I come in?"

Ash remained motionless at first. He suddenly shifted to the side to let him in. Kukui walked into his room, Ash closing the door behind him. Kukui scanned Ash's room. It remained mostly untouched since the last time he saw it, although that was two days ago. Kukui took a seat on the bed. He patted a spot for Ash to sit down next to him. While hesitant at first, Ash eventually sat down. There was an awkward silence at first, before Kukui finally broke it.

"We're all worried about you Ash. Everyone wants to know if you're alright. Serena and Burnet are especially worried. Don't you think you should talk to them?"

Ash remained silent.

"Ash...we just want to help you get through this...you still have people in your corner that care about you. We all hate seeing you like this. If you want to talk about it you can talk to—"

"Just say it" Ash interrupted.

"Say what?" Kukui asked in confusion.

"It's all my fault, that I'm responsible for all this."

"That's not true, what makes you think this is all your fault?"

"They were after me...at least my dad was...they killed multiple people and Pokémon...and I couldn't stop them..."

"But you did stop them Ash. Alola was saved thanks to you and Serena. People are hailing you two as heroes who saved them. And thanks to you, Team Rocket is gone for good now. So don't blame yourself for any of this. We're all grateful to you Ash...I'm grateful too...for my own reasons."

Ash was intrigued by this.

"Your own reasons?"

Kukui looked away. "Y-Yeah...but it's...complicated, and probably not a good idea to tell you right now."

Ash didn't respond, as part of him didn't even care. Kukui looked at him again. He placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Ash...I think there's someone who needs you right now. Do you think you can see her?"

Ash remained silent. Kukui sighed and got up.

"I'll let you be alone now." Before he left he looked at Ash again. "If you ever want to talk, I'll be there in a heartbeat."

After that he left. Ash stayed silent. He tried to take Kukui's words in, but he just couldn't. He sighed as he laid back down on his bed. He wanted to shut his eyes, but was scared of the inevitable nightmares to come. And so, another sleepless night befell him.

But that all changed around midnight. Ash once again heard a knock on his door.

"Ash...it's me again...can you at least give me a sign that you're in there?" Serena asked.

Silence at first, however a sheet of paper suddenly slid under the door. Serena picked it up and read it.

"I'm sorry Serena, it's all my fault, I'm responsible for all of this. My mom died because of me, my partners might die because of me, and you got hurt because of me. Maybe it's best that you should move on from a failure like me..." the note read.

Serena was shaking with anger as tears started to fall down. The note shook in her hands.

"Ash. Open. The door." She said sternly.

After a few seconds, the door opened, revealing Ash.

"Serena I—"

Before he said anything else, a loud smack boomed. A red mark appeared on Ash's cheek. He looked at her in shock.

Serena had slapped him.

"...You've got some nerve...saying that to me..." she whispered in anger.

Ash was speechless. Serena's eyes were hidden behind her hair. Tears were starting to fall. Her whole body was shaking.

"Move on from you? Not a chance in hell! I promised your mother to her face that I'd stay by your side forever, and I'm sure as hell going to keep that promise...!"


Serena grabbed Ash's left arm.

"We're gonna have a talk. Right now!"

"N-Now? But it's midnight" Ash said.

"I don't care! We're doing this!" Serena said sternly.

She led Ash out of his room. She passed by a nurse station and told them where she was going with him. They went up to a fenced area of the roof. Ash and Serena shivered as the cool November night wind blew. There was silence at first. But Ash finally broke it.

"Why are we doing this now Serena?"

"Cause it's long overdue for starters!" Serena said.

Ash sighed in defeat. "Fine..."

"You can at least pretend to be interested" Serena said.

Ash grew angry.

"What's your deal?? Why are you acting like this?"

"Oh gee, I don't know, maybe because my boyfriend is refusing to see everyone who tries to talk to him, including said girlfriend, and has the AUDACITY to tell her to move on from him! That might be a possible reason!" Serena said angrily as she placed her hands on her hips.

Ash looked away. Serena walked up to him.

"Oh no you don't! You are NOT gonna turn your head away this time!" She placed her hand on his chin and pulled it to make him look at her. "Now you listen here mister. You will not. EVER. Tell me to move on from you! Do you understand me?! I have loved you WAY too long to ever even consider the idea of spouting such bullshit! So! You and I are gonna have a talk weather you want to or not!"

Ash was shocked beyond words at her shouting. The air silent, as a way to set the mood.

Serena scowled as she maintained her grip on Ash. She suddenly lowered her head, her eyes covered black behind her hair. "...idiot..." she whispered.

"...what?" Ash said.

Serena gritted her teeth. "...y-you...you idiot..." she whispered again, albeit a little louder. She revealed her full face, which had a look of sadness and heartbreak. "You idiot! Do you even realize how close I was to losing you?! We both could've died in that battle! I had to see you all bloodied and bruised, almost shot not once but TWICE, leaving your side only to see your dad kill himself right in front of you...and wiping his blood off your face! And still...! I stayed by you! But you don't even talk to me for almost three days?! Do you have any goddamn idea how worried I was for you?! And you...you tell me to move on! You. Are. Such. An idiot! I can't even fathom how angry I am with you! If you think you can get out of this one you've got another thing com—"

Before she could finish, her hand was swatted away from Ash. The sound seemed to echo louder. Serena held her hand with her cast one. She looked at Ash with shook.

"I..." was all Ash said. His whole body was shaking. "I'm afraid I'll lose you..."

"Afraid? Why are you afraid that you'll lose me?" Serena asked. Ash didn't respond. Serena asked again. "Tell me. Why are you afraid?" Ash still didn't answer. Serena finally lost her patience. "ASH KETCHUM! YOU TELL ME RIGHT N—"


Silence. Dead silence. Ash couldn't stay that way for long.

"My mom's dead! My dad killed himself to haunt me! My best friend and the closest thing I have to a brother might both die! I can't call Pallet Town home anymore! I had to see you all messed up! And if you ended up dying...I don't know what I would do...!"

Serena had remained silent the whole time.

"...Ash...do you know what I would do if you died?"

Ash looked at her with intrigue. Serena looked at him with a serious face.

"...I would kill myself."

Ash's eyes widened at this revelation.

"Because...I would rather be dead with you, than alive without you...because...you're my reason to live..."

Ash looked at her with sadness and amazement.


Serena started to walk away.

"If I'm willing to do that...are you?" She said as she continued to walk away.

Ash just stood there. He finally let her words sink in. He decided to return to his room after a few minutes. He did quick glances into everyone's rooms before entering his own. He decided to give sleep another chance.

The morning came and Ash had actually managed to get a little sleep. He finally had time to reflect on everything that has happened the past few days. He felt bad for isolating himself off from everyone. He wanted to make things right. But first, he had to see someone first. He got up and left his room. He made his way over to her room and knocked on her door. He heard movement getting louder. Serena opened the door.

"Who is it?" She yawned while rubbing her eye. She looked ahead but didn't see anyone. She looked down and was surprised to see Ash bowing his head, his forehead touching the floor. "Ash?"

"Serena...I am so...SO sorry!"

"W-Wha?" She said, still trying to process what's happening.

"I shouldn't have pushed myself away from you...I shouldn't have worried you so much...I shouldn't have said the things in that note...I truly am an idiot!"

"A-Ash...w-what are you...?"

"I promise I'll never push you away again! I PROMISE!"

There was silence at first. Serena suddenly bent down. She placed a hand on Ash's shoulder. Ash looked up and saw her hair over her eyes again. Ash got up and faced her. She still said nothing.


Then without warning, Serena pulled him into a passionate kiss as tears fell off her face. Ash was surprised at first but quickly kissed her back. The two held each close as they continued to kiss for as long as they could. After they separated, for the first time in so long, they smiled at each other.

"You better keep that promise" Serena said.

"I will" Ash said.

The two decided to get some breakfast. When they finished, they decided to go to a playroom that was set up for patients. When they entered Ash was immediately pulled into a large group hug. He saw Passimian, Lycanroc, Silvally and Mimikyu hugging him and crying tears of joy.

"Hehe, I'm happy to see you guys too!" Ash said with a laugh.

The hug was added onto with the addition of Pancham, Ninetails and Kartana.

After the hug ended, everyone just hung out together. Burnet, Kukui, Jake and Grace soon entered the room. Burnet gasped upon seeing Ash. She ran over and hugged him.

"Ash! I'm so happy to see you again!" She said with tears of joy.

Kukui added himself to the hug. "Welcome back Ash" he said with a few tears of his own.

Ash sniffled as he finally spoke. "Thank you..."

After that hug, Jake and Grace came up to him, and hugged him as well.

"I know I said this already but, thank you for protecting Serena" Grace said.

"We're both forever grateful Ash" Jake said.

Ash smiled. He suddenly noticed Grace and Jake holding hands. Serena saw it too and smiled.

A little bit later the Alolan gang came by to visit.

"It's good to see you out and about again Ash" Mallow said.

"You had us really worried" Lillie said.

"You fought so well" Lana said.

Kiawe was tightening his fist. "I never thought the day would come when I actually saw your bravery first hand..." he revealed his face. He had comedic tears coming out as his fist shook. "You really are the hero of Alola! I'm so moved!!"

Everyone sweatdropped but chuckled. Lana noticed that Sophocles had been silent the whole time.

"Sophocles? Are you alright?" Lana asked.

Everyone looked at Sophocles, who's eyes were hidden. He approached Ash.

"Sophocles...I...I heard about your cousin...I'm so sorry..." Ash said apologetically.

Sophocles formed a fist. Then in one quick moment, he punched with all his strength right into Ash's groin.

Ash keeled over in pain from the hit.

"Ash!" Serena yelled in concern. She looked at Sophocles with anger. "What the hell did you do that for asshole?!"

Sophocles walked away, only turning his head back for his next words.

"Hero my ass. Get out of Alola you bastard" he said. He walked away, leaving everyone completely stunned.

An Ice Pack over his groin later, everyone started to leave as visitation hours were slowly starting to end. Ash and Serena were told that if nothing bad happens, they can be discharged tomorrow. As nighttime fell Ash and Serena were out on a balcony overlooking the ocean.

"It's nice that we're gonna get outta here soon. Although...we'll still come back to check on—" Ash stopped when he saw Serena's face. She had a look that Ash guessed was sadness. "O-Oh umm...s-sorry..."

Serena looked at him with confusion. "About what?"

"It's just...w-well um..."

Ash looked away. Serena looked away too. She decided to go through with it.

"We should get to bed now. After all, it'll increase our chances of getting discharged." Ash started to walk away but stopped when he felt his shirt being grabbed. He looked back and saw Serena blushing. "Serena? You ok?"

Serena tightened her grip. "Ash...Ash, I..."

Serena led Ash back into the building and towards a wooden door with a steel frame. She made sure no one was around. After confirming no one else was there she produced a key from her pocket. She inserted it into the lock and after a click slowly opened the door. She led Ash inside, and shut the door.

All Ash could see was steam. But Serena seemed to know where to go. She continued to led Ash deeper into the area. She eventually stopped and let go of Ash's hand.

"What is this place Serena?" His question slowly got answered as he finally saw through all the steam. A medium sized pool of water appeared. There were also rocks along the sides and a large wooden wall on the opposite side.

"Is this a...hot spring?" Ash said.

He didn't get a reply so he turned to her. He went beat red when he saw her unbuttoning her hospital shirt.

"S-S-Serena?! W-What are you d-doing?!" He stuttered as he covered his eyes.


Ash opened one eye and blushed even harder. Serena was completely naked. She covered her chest with her arms.

"S-Serena...why are you n-naked?"

"I...I was hoping we could g-get in t-together..."

Ash looked away with shyness.

"I-I don't know Serena...a-are you sure you really w-want to?"

"...y-yes...I-I do..."

Ash, after some hesitation, took off his hospital clothes. The two went into the water until they were far enough in for Serena to unfold her arms. The two stood in the water in an awkward silence. Ash gulped.

"S-So what b-brought this on?"

"I w-wanted to apologize..." Serena said.

"Apologize? For what?"

"F-For the other night..." Serena said, looking away in shame.

"But that was..." Ash said but couldn't find the right words to finish.

"I yelled at you Ash...I yelled and made it all about me...and I...s-slapped you...y-you were still suffering so much and I was being selfish. I'm no better than that ponytail bitch..." she said on the verge of tears.

Ash made his way over to her. He placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Please don't apologize Serena. I'm glad you did what you did" Ash said with a smile.

Serena looked at him with shock. Ash continued.

"I was the one being selfish. I was digging a hole to bury myself in but you pulled me out of it. You made me remember that I still have a reason to live, and a reason to smile. You made me remember...why I fell in love with you..."

"Ash..." Serena said with tears.

"And you didn't go to prison for life like that ponytail bitch" Ash said with a wink, causing Serena to giggle.

"And I doubt prison will do wonders for Jessie's uglyass hair" Serena said.

"And I'm sure Meowth will be a great translator for the incarcerated Pokémon too" Ash added.

The two laughed, lighting up the mood. After a brief silence, Ash spoke again.

"I...I know the nightmares will keep happening, probably for a long time..."

Serena lowered her head in sadness.

"But when they do...will you still be there to calm me down?"

Serena looked up and answered without hesitation.

"Of course I will! I'll always be there!"

Ash smiled. "One more thing..."


"Whenever you die...I'll die right beside you" Ash said.

Serena's eyes widened. "Ash..."

The two embraced each other, not caring about their bare skins touching the other.

"...And I'll do the same" Serena said.

"We'll die together then..." Ash said.

"Only when we're old and frail" Serena said.

"Yeah...until then..." Ash said.

The two pulled apart, but still held each other.



The two then entered a passionate kiss and held each other close as steam kept rising from the water.

And there we go! This chapter is done! I did consider Ash isolating himself from others, blaming himself, etc. I was initially gonna save the argument for the next chapter, but I'm planning on having the characters start to wake up so I figured I'd make that the main focus. And uh, about that ending with them in the hot spring...The Familiar of Zero made me do it! But I figured it was a nice way for the two to fully reconcile. So stay tuned for whatever comes next. Power to the Readers!

JohtoAmour64 out!

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•~•~•~•An Amourshipping Fanfic•~•~•~• •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Serena Yvonne is a regular teenage girl at the age of 13 who just sta...
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Ash and Serena. Two who have met each other before as a child in a somewhat romantic experience, even if only one of them saw it as that. Serena is...
350K 5.9K 34
What would have happened to Serena and Ash if Serena hadn't watched the News on the day Ash saved Garchomp? After travelling though Kalos without enc...
35.2K 649 23
As the Kalos gang continue to travel around the region, one little change of mind would trigger several emotional thoughts and revelations, and cause...