Committed II

By SaucyMontana

1.4M 85.8K 71.4K

Book 2 of Committed More

Four: (short)
Twenty One:
Twenty Two:
Twenty Three:
Twenty Four:
Twenty Five:
Twenty Six:
Twenty Seven:
Twenty Eight:
Twenty Nine:
Thirty One:
Thirty Two:
Thirty Three:
Thirty Four:
Thirty Five:
Thirty Six:
Thirty Seven:
Thirty Eight:
Thirty Nine:
Fourty One:
Fourty Two:
Fourty Three:
Fourty Four:
Fourty Five:
Fourty Six:
Fourty Seven:
Fourty Eight:
Fourty Nine:
Fifty One:
Fifty Two:
Fifty Three:
Fifty Four:
Fifty Five:
Fifty Six:
Fifty Seven:
Fifty Eight:
Fifty Nine:
Sixty Two:
Sixty Three:
Sixty Four:
⚠️Sixty Five:⚠️
Sixty Six:
Sixty Seven:
Sixty Eight:
Sixty Nine:
Seventy One:
Seventy Two:
Seventy Three:
Seventy Four:
Seventy Five:
Seventy Six:
Seventy Seven:
Seventy Eight:
Seventy Nine:
Eighty One:
Eighty Two:
Eighty Three:
Last Book Is Up!🤍

Sixty One:

15K 883 606
By SaucyMontana

February 11
10:04 am

"So you down with meeting at 2 instead of 12?" Trin asked me over the phone while I laid in the bed, just waking up actually

Me, her and Lea were supposed to be meeting at the indoor playground with the kids so they can have a play date. I did invite Autumn to come but her man was taking her and the kids on a cruise for the week so they were on the way to Florida today so they can leave tomorrow

"Yeah that's fine with me. That's perfect actually"

"Mhmmm" Trin responded "you probably still in the bed up under Dre anyways"

"You wrong actually. I'm in the bed but I'm not up under Dre. He up under me"

"Okay Ana" trin laughed "well I'll see you later. And don't be late"

"Trinity am I ever late"

"You really wanna go there?"


"Should I even bring up your gender reveal?"

"BYE TRIN! I'll see you later"

She continued laughing "okay"

I hung up the phone and sat it down, rubbing my face

"I do not feel like getting up"

"Go back to sleep then" Dre muttered with his arm around me. I turned to face him

"I can't. I'm up now. And I gotta meet trin and Lea at 2"

"What time it is?"

"Like 10"

"Yeah you better start getting dressed now"

I kissed my teeth and he laughed, hugging onto me tight, almost smothering me

"You over here smothering me" I laughed, pushing Dre off of me and sat up looking at him. Dre grabbed his phone and checked it while he laid back

"You got on clothes?" I asked, lifting up the blanket and saw he had on shorts

"Yeah why?" He looked at me confused

"I had a dream last night"

"Oh hell" he sighed and I hit him

"Stoppp. I had a dream forreal. You was butt naked in it"


"I don't know. If I could ask my dream I would"

Dre smiled, looking up from his phone "having sex dreams"

"No. You was just naked"

"Yeahhh okay ana"

"I'm serious"

"If you horny just say that"

"I mean I have been. it's been like two weeks. I'm practically a virgin again"

Dre put his phone down cracking up and pulled me on top of him "well come on"

"As much as I would love to have all types of nasty sex with you this early in the morning, we have a whole infant in his crib who is due to wake up at any minute"

"He might have a good morning and stay sleep a lil longer" Dre told me in between kisses

"I wish... we practically have to schedule sex these days. And that'll only work IF the day goes according to the schedule"

Just as I said that Gio started crying and I made a face at Dre

"I told you. A mother knows" I sighed, moving off of him "and it's your turn so go get your son"

"Cockblocking ass baby" Dre mumbled, getting up which I found funny

"Not you upset. You wanted another baby so you gotta accept the cockblocking"

As I got out of the bed Dre picked gio up and sure enough, he was now wide awake crying.

"Listen twin, ima need you to chill out. I'm tryina get nasty witcho momma and you wanna cry"

"You are sooo annoying. Don't tell my son that"

Dre chuckled as I left the room, hearing noise in the kitchen. I went to see what it was, catching Gianna struggling to carry the milk out of the fridge

She had a bowl on the floor with cereal in it, as well as spilled on the ground. Her brand new box of berry flavored Kix cereal was ripped open and sat on the floor beside her bowl

When she saw me she stopped and looked down at the mess she made before glancing up at me again

"I sorry mommy"

"It's okay. Why didn't you come get me or your daddy if you was up"

"I'm just hungry"

"Well I can't argue" I grabbed the milk from her and picked both her bowl and cereal up off of the floor

"I got the broom" she yelled as she ran off and went to get the broom so I poured the milk in her bowl then grabbed a spoon

By the time Gianna came back over to me I had her cereal waiting

"Sit down and eat. I'll clean it up"

"Thanks mommy" she thanked me as I helped her in the chair

"You're welcome"

While she ate I cleaned up the cereal off of the ground and threw it away before going to sit at the table with her. Watching Gigi as she devoured the bowl of cereal, I really paid attention to how big she has really grown and I'm not only talking about the fact that she really tried to go and fix herself breakfast

She was really becoming a big girl and I wasn't prepared for this emotionally. Her hair wasn't done and clearly her bonnet didn't stay on her head last night because her hair, which was not only curly, but now also getting bigger as she gets older, looked extremely messy as it fell down her mid back

"My hands crying already thinking about doing your hair for today" I told her as I looked at her hair and she laughed, fishing her spoon around the bowl for more cereal

"You funny mommy"

Dre walked into the kitchen holding gio and did a double take when he saw Gigi

"When you woke up?"

"She was in here fixing herself something to eat like a big girl" I smiled at her

"That's my big girl" Dre complemented Gigi which she loved. A smile crept on her face while Dre started to fix gio a bottle

"Gigi you ready to see melody and king today?" I asked her

She perked up, ignoring the fact that she was eating " my cousins?"

"Yeah your cousins. You gonna get to see them later so we gotta get dressed"

"Y'all should've started getting dressed yesterday if y'all wanted to be on time cause it take both of y'all forever" Dre said to both of us

"Don't doubt us. We'll be on time this time"

He eyed Gigi's hair while shaking up Gio's bottle and my poor baby must've been hungry because he eyed that bottle like he was starving

"You got a lot of hair lil girl" he told her then looked at me "you too"

"I need to go ahead and get it done. Kenya said she wanted to try some tape ins she brought in my hair whenever I'm free. I might see if she wanna do them tomorrow or the day after. That way it'll be done for Valentine's Day"

"What's Valentine's Day mommy" Gigi asked

"It's the day where everybody spend time with the people they love"

" I love you and daddy and Gionni"

"And we love you too. Now go ahead and finish eating so we can start getting dressed since your daddy got jokes"

"Y'all gone be late" Dre tried to be funny, leaving the kitchen as he started to feed gio and I rolled my eyes

"We staying on schedule today Gigi. Okay?"

" okay mommy. I'll hurry up" she replied, finishing up her cereal

2:24 pm

"TriNiTy aM I eVeR lAtE?" Trin mocked what I said to her earlier as I pushed Gio's stroller over to where she and Lea sat while Gigi ran to play with king and of course melody was in her own world

"Listen. I tried! Okay"

"Well this is a record time. You're only 24 minutes late instead of your regular 30 minutes to an hour" Lea said as she looked at her watch

I sat down and grabbed gio from his car seat and sat him on my lap

"Oh my gosh! Let me guess, Deandre got him dressed" Lea asked while I fixed his little Dickies outfit he had on

"You already know it. Dre went so extra on the clothes but wanted to talk about the shit I brought"

"No, Dre got you best cause this is too tier adorable" trin smiled, grabbing gio from me

"Sooo what y'all been talking about before I arrived"


"FASHIONABLY late" I corrected trin

"We were talking about men"

"Ouuu, fill me in"

Lea laughed before she started taking

"Well remember Khalil, the guy I told you guys about last year?"


"Wellll... we finally started officially dating"

"I'm happy for you. I'm kinda shocked you waited a year though"

"I think we honestly took this long because I haven't introduced him to king yet so whenever we do spend time together it's whenever I don't have king. But not only that, it's also when I'm not working. So we need to get enough face to face time in cause we obviously mostly communicated over the phone"

" true. Well I'm genuinely happy for y'all"

"Thank you. I'm happy. He's such a sweet guy, he makes GOOD money and the sex is something magical"

" okay now I'm hating" trin told Lea as she changed how she held gio

"Why you hating? You having bad sex?" I asked her and she laughed sarcastically

"Darius? Bad sex? This words don't even belong together. But Darius and NO SEX is the perfect combination"

" none at all"

She shook her head which surprised me


"We're trying this thing where we see how long we can go without sex. It sounds like a great idea until your boyfriend recommends taking a shower together as a way to bond intimately. Then you see that thang thanging around and it's just talking to you. And you trying so hard to focus on the bigger picture but the dick is even bigger than the picture"

I started cracking up

"Girl. Ima pray for you. But I'm not laughing too much because I'm practically a virgin again"

"Damn. How long you and Dre been without sex?"

"Like two weeks"

They both looked at me and trin sucked her teeth

"I hate you"

"I don't even know why we entertained this girl" Lea pointed at me "you and Dre have the most sex I've ever known for two humans to have"

"Well just wait until I get my hair done. Ima be looking so good he ain got no choice eat it and beat it" I stuck my tongue out dancing a little

"Nephew it sound like you gonna be a big brother soon" trin said to gio

"No the hell he won't"

"I don't know Ana. I can see you and Dre with one more" Lea rested her chin in her hand

"Well obviously you need to get your vision checked"

She laughed, shaking her head before looking down at her phone

"You know what I just thought about? When is your sister coming back?"

When I asked about her sister it's like her expression changed. She rubbed her lips together before shaking her head

"Umm... she's not coming back"

I frowned "damn. Forreal?"

Lea let out a breath before looking down

"I guess my parents thought letting her come spend time with me would somehow show her the life they have for her is better than the life I have so when she went back for Christmas and said she was gonna come back with me after the holidays, they didn't like that"

"Why not? That's fucked up"

"Yeah" Lea pushed her hair behind her ear "so they cut all contact she had with me. The last text I received from my sister was two weeks ago when she told me they was going to disconnect her phone and how they were sending her off to Colombia with our grandparents. She said when she gets a chance she'll find a way to get in contact with me but it'll be some time"

"But she's grown"

"Yes. She is but one thing about my sister is she's respectful.. and those are her parents and-" she stopped talking, looking off like she was about to cry which made me wanna tear up

"I'm sorry Lea"

"I just... it hurts. And I'm so grateful for you guys but.."

"There's nothing like your family. I get it"

"Maybe this is what I get for getting my hopes up high. Thinking I had somebody in my family that was gonna stay" she managed to say as she continued to tear up "and I've been so strong for so long. But it's not much more I can take"

When I saw the tear fall I felt so bad for Lea. I couldn't help but hug her while trin used her free hand to rub her back

"I'm sooo sorry Lea. I know we can't replace your real family but you know we got you forever"

"You already know that" trin said to her "we love you and as annoying as all of us might be, we ain going nowhere"

"Heavy on the annoying" I added and Lea laughed, wiping her eyes

"Very heavy on the annoying. Thank you guys. I really do appreciate you"

"I tell you what I DONT appreciate" trin said randomly and we both looked at her. Gio had thrown up on her shirt and he was busy smiling like he did it on purpose

"It just means he love his auntie trin" I smiled as Lea grabbed him from her. I reached in his diaper bag and grabbed a burp cloth so she could clean his mouth while trin stood up

"Trin you're a stepmother of many. You should be used to this by now" lea joked

"Sentimental moment over.. fuck both of y'all" she cursed, walking off to the bathroom while we laughed at her


How is school going for those that started already?

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