The CEO's Wife

By Saaraaaxy

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CEO's wife? Check. Up on the carrier ladder? Check. Married to a hunk? Check. Is he a hopeless romantic? ... More

Prologue - Before the storm
Chapter 1 - Honeymoon
Chapter 2 - Durban
Chapter 3 - Whitsundays
Chapter 4 - We are what?
Chapter 5 - Well aren't you happy?
Chapter 6 - Painful memories
Chapter 7 - Deep rooted hatred
Chapter 8 - Finishing touches
Chapter 9 - I worry, mon amour
Chapter 10 - Protector
Chapter 11 - The next big step
Chapter 12 - Communication
Chapter 13 - The three of us
Chapter 14 - We are pregnant!
Chapter 15- New territory
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Magoa
Chapter 18 - Nagging thoughts
Chapter 19 - Memories
Chapter 20 - Brothers
Chapter 21 - I know it's hard ...
Chapter 22 - Taking one for the team
Chapter 23 - Surprise after surprise
Chapter 24 - Last night together
Chapter 25 - The other woman
Chapter 27 - Gender reveal

Chapter 26 - Butterflies

391 5 8
By Saaraaaxy

May 30th

Michael's POV

14th week of pregnancy

The last Saturday of May was Mother's day.

Fête des Mêres, as we call it.

And it was today.

I glanced over my shoulder and slowly creeped out of bed to not wake my sleeping wife, and went downstairs.

Greeting the bodyguards, I told them to keep an eye on her while I would make her breakfast in bed and catch the flower delivery person before she could. On Monday evening, while I "had gone to the toilet", I ordered the bouquet I had researched the whole day long to be delivered for today.

It was her first Mother's day after all.

I smiled brightly at that thought. The mother to my twins! I popped the biscuits into the oven, cracked the egg into the hot pan and got out the sausage we lately couldn't stop eating (I don't know what they put in it but we both ate it now regularly for dinner when we were too tired to cook), grilled them and started assembling everything. I wanted this to be the perfect gift and all the secrecy I pulled better be worth it.

It wasn't hard to pull though: Fête de la Musique or Music Festival was coming up in France on June 21st, coinciding with the annual masquerade ball the Beaumont's held on that day. June 21st was the birth date of my grandfather and he had been passionate about art, he would be honoured his birth date and the Music Festival coincided this year. And bless my wife, she knew I was busy expanding and perfecting my subsidiaries so she insisted she plans this whole ordeal with Anne-Marie until I had time to join her.

The food is almost done and I'm growing more anticipated, picturing her reaction and smiling like a love-struck idiot, so much so the bodyguards can't hide their chuckles.

Flowers - "Ah, thank you Andrew", I took them off his hand and placed them in the first vase I found. I swear this was a new one, Sara could gaslight me all she wants to try and make me believe she didn't go to Target again, but I know her cute ass. Dollartree, Target, Walmart, Barnes and Noble - those were the sirens whose song she couldn't escape. At first, she had deemed them 'irresponsibly large and my god why is everything so HUGE in America??' but now she always suggested them when we didn't have any plans for the weekend, batting her pretty eyes at me.

One last thing was missing. The library, the highest shelf Sara wouldn't access because of her fear of falling, held the love letter I had written in the course of this week. I snatched out the hidden love letter and gave it a look over to see if I wanted to change anything, but I still loved it, pocketed it, and went to check if the biscuits were done.

Sara was smiling sleepily from ear to ear as I came into our bedroom with the breakfast tray, flower bouquet and letter. As I saw her hand on her stomach, my heart fluttered and melted. "Andrew told me to stay put, I wondered what you were doing. What did I do to deserve this?", she asked shyly as I set it down and bend forward to kiss her good morning.

I looked deeply into those big brown eyes, my right hand cupping the back of her head while my left-hand stroke the babies. Sara's eyes fluttered, fully knowing the desiring, proud look I gave her, which was always preceded by a kiss. So I pulled her closer, tangling my hand more into that stunning hair.

My lips brushed over hers, not able to contain my smile. Now or never.

"Joyeuse Fête des Mères", I said against her lips, my hands shaking how giddy I was.

Happy Mother's Day.

I let it dawn on her.

Stroke the babies. Kissed them. "Bonjour, mes petits pois", I whispered to them. Good morning, my two peas.

I raised my head to look at my wife who had stopped moving altogether.

Her smile dropped slightly.

Then tears rose to her eyes once she understood. And I blinked my incoming tears away. God, we are such a love-struck mess when it came to our babies.

"Merci", she sobbed as she pressed her hands against her eyes. "Merci mon âme!"

I pressed her tightly against me and Sara hugged me equally strongly. She sniffled as I kissed her hair, the side of her eye and her cheek.

"You've outdone yourself", she whispered into my chest, smiling with shaking lips. She stroked the lilies and peonies I had gotten her. Then she noticed the letter. Picked it out of the bouquet and saw the little heart I draw on it. "What's this?"

I grinned.

Sara squirmed around with big eyes. "No!"

"Yes!", I got up and held her at an arm's length so I could see her face. I wanted to remember this moment forever and needed to see her reaction. "If you knew how long I practised drawing hearts you would laugh at - " My smile dropped as she cried even harder. "Babe, what's wrong?"

"You are making me all mushy", she cried with a runny nose. "It's your fault!"

I handed her a tissue from her bedside drawer. She blew her nose and added, "and these pregnancy hormones don't help!"

Now I laughed. "And I thought I did something wrong."

Sara sniffled into the tissue. "Yeah by not giving me triplets."

I threw my head back as I laughed even harder. "Patience baby, I will give you as many babies as you want", I stroke over our twins. "I can't wait for them. 26 more weeks."

"Oh stop!", Sara sobbed, blowing her nose again. "Read me the letter please, I can't stop crying."

I smiled, pressed a peck on her lips, and flipped it open. Clear my throat before I start.

I look up and Sara is laughing and crying at the same time and I can't help but laugh at her face. She shoves me and nuzzles me into my shoulder with a smile. I cuddle against her, lay my head on top of hers and continue in a softer voice.

Sara laughs now, so much so that I shoot her a big grin.

Sara's lips quiver as she beams, she shakes her head as she starts to cry again. She presses her fingers against my lips, then removes them once she has taken a deep breath and kisses me so deeply I let the letter drop onto my lap. "I love you too", Sara beams. She traces my face with such a loving smile I go red as I smile back. "This is the best present ever", she sighs dreamily, peering up at me as she rests against me.

"I have one more surprise", I whisper against her lips, gently tracing her cheek and the side of her eye with my knuckles. A knock interrupts us.

Andrew sticks his head in with a grin. "May I?"

"Send them in", I nod. Sara's face is positively puzzled and darting back and forth for an explanation.

Andrew swings the door open, stepping back.

Amar and Lejla emerge, Em right behind them.

"Hey guys", I switch into Bosnian, trying my best to speak correctly and throw them a toothy smile. Judging from Amar's smile my American accent is still strongly present. "Happy mother's day to you too, Lejla."

Lejla's eyes fill with tears. Amar rolls his eyes. "God he has a gift for sappiness. I knew what Leon meant by charming his way into your heart, zlato moje."

Sara is shaking - I draw the breakfast tray away and she jumps up to go hug them.

Sara's POV


15th week of pregnancy

I'm in the living room with my work laptop propped up on the footed breakfast tray (call Em a genius who could always repurpose things) flipping through files Anne-Marie has sent me of the past Masquerade balls the Beaumont's have held.

Mum and dad went out to see the neighbourhood after they doted on me the past three days with tears in their eyes anytime they touched the twins. Em is in her guest room, having an online lecture she couldn't miss.

Michael is close by on the other couch, stretched out and scrolling through emails on his phone because he wanted to "take a work break". When he isn't typing a reply, his one hand massages one foot of mine. He groans suddenly and I raise my head with a smile. "What's wrong honey?"

"The boys want to meet up this Friday night for drinks."

I crook my head, urging him to elaborate.

"Daniel wants to come", Michael grumbles.

"Well it's one evening and I'm sure if Philipp joins, you'll be able to ignore him."

"Are you telling me to go out and have fun?", Michael throws me an incredulous look over his working glasses and I stifle a laugh.

"Yes, I'm telling a 31-year-old man to go out and have fun."

Once a week Michael's college friends used to meet up at the bar downtown (or it used to be downtown when they had all lived in New York). Then it turned into a month because they all had moved away and were continuously setting down. The boys usually get along well but lately Daniel had some opinions that irked them and especially rubbed Michael in the wrong way. But he still went, because well, it's his friends.

"You haven't seen Nate in so long. Nor Josh. Or Robert. Andrew and Justin had to skip because their wives were close to labour and you missed three months due to our honeymoon", I softly laid out.

I could see him reason, weighing the pros and cons silently while he watches me over the rim of his glasses. In instances like this, he really seems like a man in his thirties and I have to hold back my teasing. Because Michael would deflect with the knowledge I found him irresistable when he wore those glasses; a rowdy afternoon round on his table had proven that to him. "Are you sure I should go?"

"I've never forbidden or decided that for you, bebo."

"I mean... you know."

"I know. But I have the bodyguards. And my parents. And Em. And who would willingly go against Em?"

"If they wake her up too early they would beg the devil to save them."

I shove him with my foot. Sullivan averts himself and I can't believe my eyes. "Sullivan! Oh my god!"

Michael shoots a look at the nearest bodyguard - and they break out laughing. "Oh come on babe, you know damn well what Em's like when she hasn't had her 10 hours of sleep."

I try not to smile and fail miserably. "Alright, yeah, it's true."

"I'll go then", Michael says after a comfortable silence filled us. I just nod.

"What do you think of a Greek theme for the ball?", I flip through more reports and pictures. "It hasn't been done before."

"Sure, why not? Something like Dioyonisos? Togas?"

At the thought of some men or women arriving naked like it was often depicted in paintings, I slowly suggested a Greek-inspired theme.

"Sorry to interrupt", Andrew stops by my side and hands me some letters. "Mail's just arrived."

"Thank you!" I swipe through it, tossing ads and handing Michael the water and electricity bill before I stop and smile big. "It's a postcard from Melinda!"

I flip it to show Michael and a big smile lights up his face. "It's her family. She sent us a family picture. She told me they would visit her in-laws in China" Michael scoots closer. "This is her daughter Zhenzhen, she was born 1990. And this is her husband Jūn."

"Was Melinda born in America?"

"No", Michael's smile grows a bit sad. "Her real name is Mǐn, but she had to change it. Her parents immigrated to the US and the kids teased her so much she had to switch schools. They legally changed it to try and prevent more heartbreak."

My lip trembled and I looked down at the picture again, tracing our former head secretary. "But now she is happy."

"She said she was the happiest when her daughter was born."

"Did her daughter go by the name Zhenzhen?"

"No", Michael sighs. "They called her Zoe. You know, the past left a bad taste in her."

"Kids can be so cruel", I shake my head. "They all have such pretty names."

"And nice meanings." Michael starts with Mǐn, pointing at the tooth-smiling Melinda. "It means agile."

"That she is", I laugh.

Michael shoots me a grin. "Jūn means army. Zhenzhen means very precious."

I smile at the meaning. Very precious indeed. "How do you know so much?"

"Melinda and I started a small tradition after a shit day."


Michael's POV

Before Sara

After divorcing Eleanor

"This was the shittiest meeting and day of all the shittiest meetings and days", Melinda grumbles as she slams our stuff onto her table.

I deflate against the wall, feeling a migraine incoming if I don't immediately take a pill, but I manage a nod.

The sharp-eyed secretary already presents me with my solution and a glass of water before I can even get up. "I should fire them all. Especially him"

"And let him get off easy?", Melinda huffs and whispers so quietly I wouldn't have heard it were I not so close to her desk. "屁眼儿."

"Come again?"

"Sorry", Melinda averts herself, tidying up her table. "I slip into my mother's tongue when upset."

"Chinese, right? What does it mean?"


I don't know why but I laugh. It's short but still.

"I like that much more than your moping, brooding self."

"Excuse me?", I raise my hands and direct them towards my face. "That's my resting face."

Melinda frowns heavily, backing her head away. "You'll look 60 when you are 40 if you keep that up."

I chuckle. "Teach me the phrase."

"Pì yǎn ér", she slowly says, moving her finger as she pronounces them. I try and repeat it.

We do that until she is satisfied with my pronunciation. "Teach me it in French."


And just like that, whenever we had a shit day, we would learn a new phrase from the other. By the time we had New Year's Eve, both of us still working and just stopping for the countdown, we could lead a simple introduction small-talk in each other's language.

Today's word was takeout.

Learning phrases after a bad day would result in something positive, Melinda had mused, and general knowledge never hurt, so why not?

I dug into the Chinese take-out, which was not authentic in the slightest, but still hit (which we both agreed on), and I was buzzing from the wine Melinda had snuck into work. We started drinking while we waited for our food and it worked quick on an empty stomach. If I still smoked, just like I had with Rob, this evening would have been perfect. But back then I had been a college student and now I was a CEO/president and entrepreneur.

Not that it changed the fact we were eating on the floor because we were starving and yes, those extra few steps would have killed us. We ordered enough food for five people but at the rate we were eating, I was sure it would be barely enough.

"So Jūn is where again currently? He was in France the last time we spoke."

"Spain", Melinda says between bites of orange chicken, which we share, rolling her eyes. "I can't wait when they let him work in New York once in a while. All he does is travel for work."

"Sucks for you both."

"Zhenzhen is handling it well, she's buzzing she can be at her aunt's so often and loves our girl's days", Melinda smiles into her food. "But I know her, she's counting the days we see him again."

"I'm sorry you aren't celebrating with them. You know you can still go."

"You've told me that the past 5 hours at least 30 times - and my answer stays the same. She's sleeping anyways and you need me here."

"I'm here all the time, it wouldn't make a difference."

"Michael", Melinda puts on her mother's voice, raising a brow. "We both know with my help you can at least sleep on the 2nd, without me you would have been working your ass off until the 5th or so."

I shut my mouth up because she is right.

"Ten seconds", Melinda raises her glass and we watch the countdown go down. We toast to the new year and drink a sip.

"If you had one wish", Melinda sighs and leans back "what would it be?"

I don't know if it's the wine or the fact Melinda had my back the moment I stepped into this company. I lean back as well, studying the outside, the people running down the streets, happy, drunk, celebrating, arm in arm. A minute goes by and I take a deep breath. "Promise me not to laugh."

"Why would I laugh?", Melinda shakes her head at me.

"I want a family. A child."

I turn to meet her gaze.

I don't know what took over me, but I admit it for the first time to the first person ever.

"I want to be happy."

Melinda visibly swallows. I avert my head.

"Just one child?"

I sigh in relief. She always had the talent to pick the correct end of a topic. "Actually not. But if I could just one child, no matter the gender, I would say I'm blessed."

"And if you could choose?"

"Five at least."

"Michael, I thought you only had another brother?", Melinda laughs. "Why 5?"

I gnaw on my lips. Well, I broached the topic of depression already. "I have two brothers. My youngest brother passed away when he was seven."

Melinda got up and hugged me. Shortly but tightly.

"Thank you", I whisper. I can feel her question, but superwoman Melinda knows not to ask. Day in and out she just shows why she should be the boss and not me. "Measles. My parents didn't vaccinate him and he battled the illness for years before it took over. I was too young to sign for him."

"My deepest condolences."

"Sorry I started the new year off so shit."

"Hey, this here", she raised the files we worked on "Is shit. Your personal life is far from shit."

I throw her a doubting look.

"One day then it won't be", Melinda shakes her head. "I mean, you've got the looks and I know you can be decent when you let go of work."

I smile at her. In other words: at work, you are an asshole. "You always were honest."

"Michael, they are terrified of you if they make even one mistake."



"They work more efficiently that way."

"Michael Beaumont!"


Sara's POV

"That's why you are studying languages."

"It did awaken my competitive streak", Michael laughed as he flipped the card around. An insider between him and Melinda, and my heart melted at how he traced the words.

"We should invite them over."

"Definitely. I can't wait to see her reaction when she sees you." Michael's hand strokes my belly and he kisses the twins twice. "Five more days", he whispers. "And daddy might know what you two will be."

"Daddy?", I ask and brush through his curls. Lately, his waves have turned into curls, I don't know if it's because he's getting older, or if it's my conditioner he keeps on 'borrowing'. Either way, drool-worthy. Is it possible for my sex drive to be going up? I should read up if it's a 15-week symptom.

"I mean, it would fit where we live", Michael muses, closing his eyes as I rhythmically scratch his head.

"But you would prefer the French papa much more."

"Of course", Michael scans my stomach and places two more strategic kisses down. He swears he always knows where the babies are, and his conviction is so cute I allow it.

"Then papa it will be. Just like it will be mama for me."

Nina's POV

Of course I would be late!! Why would the subway be on time for once?? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!

No fuck the smiley was a mistake abort abort abort-

So, the getting a drink portion of the date was a hit - Evan made me laugh so much my head was spinning.


Evan Williams.

What a revelation.

After we had started texting, we just wouldn't stop. From little updates during the day, to screenshots of what music we were listening to or the crazy things we saw on the subway. Around evening time, we met up for a quick drink while he worked or read and while I surfed my socials or read as well. It was a winding down hour we did together, even if we sat quietly next to each other I felt honoured he wanted me close by while he recharged himself from his day. The other day he texted me he had picked up our order while waiting on me and I nearly melted into a puddle at that.

It had taken me two hours to get date ready and I had stressed about things I've never thought of. At the end, it was a simple wine red dress with an emphasis on the hips, the only good part of my body were my broad hips as I was flatter than a piece of wood, a long, light coat and my boots. That I extra cleaned, which I never bother with. Makeup was held minimally the same but I added some highlighter to my eyes and face, as well as a lipstick Sara had gifted me and swore it suited me.

Evan spotted me and he dropped his phone into his black jeans, shooting a beaming smile at me. I rushed over and hugged him.

He looked closely at me as I let go. „Wow."

„I know, punctuality is my strength!"

„No I mean - you- well- you look beautiful."

I reddened. „You look good too", I told him once the compliment sunk in.

He reddened as well.

„Wanna go in?" he asked as I at the same time asked „how was your day?"

We laughed, he went ahead and held the door open for me, urging me to go in as he started talking about the new intern they had at work.

Like me, he loved thrifting and loved a good book or game, but he preferred nights in while I didn't mind going out so much. When he was excited, he talked with his hands. When he didn't like something, his nose scrunched up. He counted everything. He was quiet but not introverted, easily taking the lead when he ordered for us. His political views, from what I had witnessed so far, were perfect.

But now we are at the theatre and watching the show and you can tell we are both nervous again.

We were sitting close before as well but not directly next to each other. We had sat in front of each other, our knees always shy of touching, something that made my stomach tickle warmly whenever he shot me a shy smile, indicating he was aware of it as well.

Here we are now. The past two hours we wouldn't shut up, so much so we had to run here to make it in time for the show, and ever since we showed our tickets, we had gone quiet.

And of course a thousand questions shoot through my head now.

Was the date really ok so far or did I imagine things?

What if he was sick of me and wanted to leave?

Do I smell good? God, I hope I don't stink because I had nervous sweats.

I try to sniff myself unsuspiciously, but one slight movement and he meets my eyes with a smile that leaves my head spinning again. I smile back and settle more into my chair.

Ok if I would stink, he would pull a face.

I eye his arm on the armrest. There is more than enough space I could put my arm next to his without touching it but ... I want to touch his arm. Trace those freckles that peek out his white shirt, the sleeves which he always rolls up when he sits down.

I wish he would hold my hand. I know it's such a silly little girl thing, but throughout the date, he was holding himself back. I saw it. He clenched his hands when a strand of hair fell over my face. He wanted to wipe off the salt of the fries we had shared at the bar off my cheek but played it off. Told me when the collar of my coat needed to be fixed when I saw his finger twitch towards it to do just that.

And now I burned for him to touch me.

I mean he kissed my hairline the last time we saw each other!

Ok so maybe he doesn't like me after all. Maybe he sees this as a new friendship. We didn't specify what this really was.

But when I wrote to him, I didn't say the word 'date'. I asked if he was interested in going to the play tonight.

I press my shaking hands onto my lap, my stomach doing laps. If this is what butterflies feel like, then I want to ask who the fuck came up with that comparison. It feels more like a bad stomach when you have a cold and it's not an assuring feeling. It's a constant: I'm nervous! I'm nervous! I'm nervous! And my hands wouldn't stop shaking ever since I spotted him waiting for me outside the bar.

I mean come on! The last guy had me search for him inside the bar and then laughed in my face. He did the logical - and normal - thing, waited outside and drew me into a long hug that wasn't awkward because I thought forward!! I came forward and extended my arms into a hug when I saw him and yes I was embarrassed because of course it happened without me thinking about it and god was this so girlish of me-

I held back the yelp as he softly put his arm around me. I stole a little glance towards his direction and saw he was nervously looking towards the stage.

And my heart melted.

I nuzzled my head against him, my legs now shaking. But it was a good shaking. Sara had told me once she had processed her first kiss with Michael, she had dropped her glass because her whole body had trembled like a leaf. And I was having that same feeling right now.

Evan relaxed and nuzzled into me. Gone was the nervousness and it was nice. More than nice.

"Is this ... ok?", he whispers, but his voice breaks and he clears his throat.

"Yes", I whisper back, voice too high. I put a hand against my throat in surprise.

We look at each other.

And start laughing.

"Be quiet", somebody hisses behind us.

We shoot each other a look, avert our eyes from one another and snicker quietly as the curtains open. Evan pulls me closer to him and his breath constantly tickles my forehead and hair as we watch the show together.

Sara's POV

Michael lays down to go to bed, god knows what time it is, and the moment he is barely laying there he pulls me closer, so that my back presses against his chest.

I nuzzle closer as he makes himself comfortable.

„Did I wake you?", he whispers into the dark.

„No." I interwine our fingers.

Michael kisses my neck and I close my eyes.
His soft, sudden laughter makes me smile and reopen them however. „Do you remember the first time you slept over at my place?", my husband softly asks me.

„And we cuddled like this?", a happy laugh escapes my lips, my cheeks going red.

„We were both so shy", Michael nuzzles me closer „but so happy."

„We were", I giggle „I remember how kind and patient you were."

„Well it was the first time you stayed over after we slept with each other", Michael whispers „we had just gotten together. Promise you wont laugh."

„What is it?", I asks with laughter in my voice.

„Promise me."


„I was as giddy as a little boy that whole day. I was scared to hold you wrong, to cuddle you wrong, to hurt you in some way. When we cuddled to sleep my heart best so out of loop but it felt so right that i didnt know why I worried - actually I know why. I wanted to do everything right with you."

„Me too. I even, now promise me you won't laugh."


„I even practiced positions that wouldn't hurt your arm when we cuddled to sleep."

„Not that you care now", my husband says in a flirty tone.

„As if you mind", I flirt back, „if I recall correctly the twins were conceived-"

Loud banging makes us lift our heads, the dogs barking wildly. Mum and dad jolt out their bed while I can hear Emma snoring away. The bodyguards are already moving, three of them coming in to protect us.

„What's going on?", Michael throws the blanket back and slips into pyjama pants and a shirt, moving to the window. As I want to get up, he sways his hand to let it be. „It's a woman."

The dogs now jolt into the bedroom, Ella's tail wagging as she smiles at me. „They are excited."

My phone lights up. And I laugh.

Michael's POV

„You've caused a real ruckus", Sara laughs as she pets Nina's hair, who is visibly melting.

„I just had to tell you immediately!"

„How did you get here?", I address her, waving my in laws to bed.

„I ubered here", Nina drops her head on the couch's armrest as she realized. „Oh god it's almost one in the morning!"

I shake my head and go turn on the kettle. „What tea would you girls like?"

„Peppermint", both answer in unison.

Nina rambles on and on about the date, blushing so much it reminds me of my wife, telling us about the bar date and the theater. „He kissed my hands as we said goodnight! And I nearly danced down the street at that! I'm already a lost cause!"

„Oh you will race the company down after your first kiss", my wife laughs, nuzzling their heads together. „Isn't it nice to fall in love?"

My frown softens and we exchange a glance.

„I feel so silly though! The sudden nervousness when I think of him..." a slow smile spread on her face.

„And that", I point out, setting down our mugs.

„Oh it's so embarrassing!!", Nina is shifting on the couch, pulling faces that make Sara hold back a laugh.

„It's nice!"

Nina sticks out her tongue with a bleh and shakes her hand. „I'm all giddy and goofy!"

„You'll grow to like it - it's the beginning, you want to impress him, so you are nervous. This is all natural!", my wife stresses.

Nina throws me a look. „Were you ever nervous?"

I meet her eyes-deadpanned. „I sprinted out the house when Sara told me she was divorced. I waited an hour before our running date in front if the park so I wouldn't be late. I had to sit down after every date because my legs were shaking so bad." I soften my gaze. „Of course I was nervous. But it was a good nervous." I meet my wife's eyes „Because I wanted to impress her."

„He led me to a Michelin star restaurant for our first lunch" Sara softly tells Nina, who whips her head around at that „before he kissed me."

„I was jealous from the beginning", I pull a face at her, sorry „When I was never jealous before."

„He was so considerate, matching my walking speed and when I was unsure, he took a step back and gave me space", my wife's eyes melt at the memories.

Nina smiles slowly, lowering her head. „Evan was considerate too."

„That's a good sign", Sara chirps.

„You know his name finally", I lean forward, and notice Sullivan caught my drift. They would perform a background check for our safety and Nina's of course. „What's his name?"

„Evan Williams."

I lean back and ponder. „From the company Icons. Graphic designer."

Nina's mouth plops open „How on earth do you know that?"

„I've considered him when I redid the company logo."

Sara throws me a look that says „all-knowing Michael" and I throw her one back that says „you need to be disciplined again". She lowers her reddened face.

The night went on and Nina was too giddy to sleep, so we talk about anything and everything.

„My first kiss was at a high school dance", Nina sighs. „I had braces and you can imagine how awful that was! He was chewing gum and pushed his tongue into my mouth, the chewing gum got caught in my braces and he dipped when I got angry."

„Was he good at least?", Sara cringes.

„Not at all!"

I get up to put the mugs away, smiling.

„Mine was during spin the bottle", my wife says and I nearly drop the mugs. „With a neighbour boy I grow up with."

I grip the sponge so hard my knuckles stand out.

„He wasn't half bad but it was embarrassing because he told the other kids."

Breathe, Michael. You are married for gods sake. To her.

„And you Michael?"

„First high school girlfriend on the way home", I courtly reply. „Girls it's almost 2 am, we should go to bed, work awaits in a few hours." I nod my head up the stairs. „Third room on the right is yours for tonight, Nina."

She thanks us with a yawn and hugs Sara goodnight before going up the stairs.

My wife goes towards me, judging from her steps, and hugs me from behind. Her belly touches my lower back and I relax.

„My jealous monkey", Sara murmurs and showers my neck in kisses. She is trying to hold her laughter back, her eyes sparkling as I finally look at her.

I murmur I should've been her first everything and she tiptoes to kiss me on the lips. „You are my first in a lot of things. And even if you weren't, you are my last. Forever and always."

I flip around and draw her into a big hug, wanting to absorb her how much I love her. „I'll one up it."

Sara laughs.

„I'm serious. Tomorrow night is my night. Don't plan anything else."

„Ok bebo", Sara takes my hands and drags me up to bed. „I'm all yours."

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