๐–.๐€.๐˜.๐’๏ธฑ๐๐Ž๐“๐“๐ˆ ๐Ž๐’๐€...

By kayswifey

87K 2.4K 8.9K

๐ˆ๐ ๐–๐‡๐ˆ๐‚๐‡, a young careless boy finds his soulmate in the tough streets of harlem, new york. More


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5.6K 181 711
By kayswifey

"ʏᴏᴜ ɢᴏᴛᴛᴀ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ɢᴏɪɴɢ, ɢᴏᴛᴛᴀ ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ɢᴏɪɴɢ." - ᴊʜᴇɴᴇ ᴀɪᴋᴏ ღ


❀ ᴀ ʟᴏᴜᴅ ꜱᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ emerged from Ni'mari's throat as she desperately tried to get away from Darrian, hiding behind DD for protection and clutching onto his back. The young girl breathed in and out deeply, catching her breath as DD stood confused about the situation.

The hallway was quiet and empty, other than the occasional clip clops of a teacher's heels walking or the static of a walkie talkie in the distance. 

"Yo, why you running pussy?" Ddot said, chasing after her and standing in front of DD, trying to get past DD's arms which were waving around to protect Ni'mari.

"Darrian, don't let Notti catch you tryna hit Ni." Jennaya said, laughing as she walked closer to them. "He gon' beat ya ass."

"You think I'm scared of that nigga, bro?" Ddot said, removing his focus from Ni'mari and turning around to face Jennaya. "Let him catch me, Ion care."

"Aight, Imma call him up now." Jennaya said, pulling her phone out of her pocket and unlocking it.

"Chill, chill." Darrian said, laughing slightly as he backed away from Ni and DD and walked over to Jennaya. "I was playin', bro."

"Yeah, that's what I thought." She chuckled, placing her phone back in her pocket.

"I'm gonna go to class, I'm tired." Ni said, picking her handbag up off the floor and slinging it onto her shoulder.

"Nah, bro." DD said, furrowing his eyebrows. "Stay here, shit's mad boring." 

"Where's Sky at?" Ni said, looking through her bag. "I still got her fucking water bottle, this shit's leaking in my bag."

"Keep that shit away from me." Ddot said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'll take anything that belongs to my wife." DD said, smirking as he grabbed the bottle out of Ni's hand.

Ni raised an eyebrow and stepped away from him. "Okay..."

"You so thirsty, bro." Jennaya chimed in, laughing.

"That's not the only thing of Sky's that I'm thirsty for." DD mumbled, with a smirk on his face.

"Nah, what?" Ni laughed, gasping.

Ddot shook his head. "Some horny ass nigga, bro."

Jennaya laughed, pulling out her phone and setting it up on a flat surface that was at waist height from the ground. "I'm going live, don't expose ya selves." She said, swiping to the camera on Instagram.

DD walked over to Jennaya, fixing his hair, before throwing up gang signs in the camera and laughing as Ddot ran into the frame, doing the same.

Ni'mari chuckled as she watched them act like fools, she placed her bag back down on the floor and walked over too. 

"Ooo, Ni look." Jennaya said, smiling as she moved her hand, signalling for Ni to come over. "Notti just joined, lemme add you to the live my heart." 

Notti joined the live, already smiling into the camera. "Y'all ain't think to invite me, na?" 

Jennaya laughed. "We was gonna tell you to come, but Ni said no 'cause if you get caught you gonna get expelled, you know you on ya last chance Notti." 

"Why y'all got my wifey skipping?" Notti laughed, shaking his head. "Where the fuck y'all niggas even at?" 

"We near staircase D, like 'round the corner from it." Jennaya said, looking around. 

Ni came into the camera smiling, Notti's face lit up when he saw her. "What's good, wifey?" 

"Hey, Notti." Ni said, cheesing as she looked in the camera, running her fingers through her hair.

"I miss you, beautiful." He said, grinning. Ni loved how squinty his eyes got when he smiled.

"Awwww," Jennaya said, picking up the phone and turning the camera to Ni'mari. "They so cute, y'all." 

Ni'mari blushed and laughed, covering her face with her hands. "I miss you too, Notti." 

"Imma get a bathroom pass, hollon'." Notti said, getting up out of his seat.

Notti walked up to his teacher's desk, asking for a bathroom pass. 

"No, Dinero." His teacher could be heard saying in the background. "Go back to your desk, and put your phone away please."

"Watchu' mean 'no'?" Notti replied, furrowing his eyebrows. "I needa piss, you want me to piss onna floor?"

"Dinero, you've done no work at all in the 30 minutes that you've been here." His teacher replied. "If you wanna go to the bathroom, you need to do at least one paragraph."

"Fuck that, bro. And fuck you too." Notti said, leaving the classroom. 

"Notti, stop." Ni'mari said, frowning. "Go back in, bro. What are you doing? It's like you wanna get kicked outta school."

"No, bro. How she stopping me from going to the bathroom?" He replied, running down the hallway. "It's my rights."

"I know, but like, she said you could go if you did some work." Ni replied, trying to calm him down. 

"Stop worrying, NaiNai." Notti said, laughing as he approached the top of the staircase. "Nothing's gon' happen, I ain't going no where."

"You better not, Nero." She said, sighing. 

"Where the fuck y'all niggas at, bro?" Notti said, with a tone of frustration in his voice.

"I already told you, 'round the corner from Staircase D." Jennaya replied, scrunching her curls up in her hand.

"Yeah, that's where I'm at. Ion see y'all." Notti replied, furrowing his eyebrows. He stopped walking. "Ohhh, you said 'round the corner? My fault I thought you meant on the stairwell."

Notti walked around the corner, finally seeing his friends. Ni'mari ran over to him when she saw him. He laughed as he hugged her, picking her up.

"Why these niggas acting like they didn't just see each other a hour ago." Ddot said, furrowing his eyebrows and laughing.

"Shut the fuck up, nigga." Ni'mari and Notti said, in sync. They looked at each other and laughed.

"Oh nah, I'm turning into you." She said, pulling away from the hug.

"Awww, y'all find me a boyfriend." Jennaya said, picking up her phone again and sighing into the camera. 

Notti left the live and placed his phone into his pocket. 

"Get wit' Mel, he got a thing for you." DD said, cheesing.

Jennaya scrunched up her face and laughed. "Sorry, but that's bro. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Whatever, bro. Ion even care, I just miss my girl." DD said, rolling his eyes as he sat down on the ledge of a window. 

"Relax, bro. She in class, let her get her education." Ddot said, laughing. 

"I miss her, too." Ni said, pulling her phone out of her bag. "Imma text her and tell her to come."

"Tell her I said I miss her." DD said, sighing. 

Ni'mari opened her chat with Cianna Sky and began typing. Sky replied quickly, Ni laughed as she read the message.

"What? What did she say?" DD asked, standing up and hovering over Ni to see her phone.

"I said 'come to staircase d bestie, we miss you' and she said 'no, i don't wanna be around dd fuck that nigga'." Ni'mari recalled, laughing again.

"Nah, what?" DD said, confused and laughed. "Ion get her, bro. We was just fine like a hour ago, why she mad at me now?" 

"Ion know, I asked her." Ni replied, shrugging. "She's typing now."

Ddot laughed at the situation, taking a sip of his Snapple. He walked over to Jennaya, looking for trouble and punched her in her arm.

"Fuck is you doing, bro?" Jennaya said, rolling her eyes as she ended her live. "You're mad annoying." 

"Nah, I'm dead. What was that for Ddot?" Notti said, walking over to them, laughing. "Shit was mad random too."

"Right." Jennaya agreed, mugging Ddot.

"She said 'cause tell me why he in naya's live fixing his hair tryna look good for the girls on the live and shit, like wtf'. Oh nah, Sky." Ni'mari said, laughing. She looked at DD and chuckled.

"Bro, what?" DD said, laughing. "Yo, pass me 'dat."

DD grabbed Ni's phone out of her hands, holding down the screen to send Sky a voice note. "Watchu' talking 'bout, my heart? I was just fixing my hair, I wasn't doing it for no girls. You the only girl I would wanna look good for."

Ni took her phone out of DD's hands and walked over to Notti. 

"Bro, where you goin'?" DD asked, following behind her. "This is some serious matters going on here."

"Chill, she ain't even replied yet." Ni'mari chuckled, as she checked her phone.

Notti put his arm around Ni's shoulders. "You good, hermosa?"

Ni'mari smiled, moving in front of him and hugging him.

"Fuck y'all doing? I'm in a crisis right now, bro." DD said, sounding stressed. He snatched Ni's phone out of her hand and held it up to her face to unlock it.

Sky had replied with a voice note. "Okay, I'm coming over there. But I'm only coming so I can beat ya ass, DD."

DD smiled, holding down the screen again to send another voice note. "You try to beat my ass, Imma eat ya ass."

He handed Ni'mari her phone back, she collected it with a horrified expression on her face. Notti was stood with raised eyebrows, Jennaya's mouth was open with shock and Ddot's eyes widened.

DD laughed, looking at them. "What, bro? I'm playing."

"You're really not though." Ni'mari said, backing away from him.

"Sorry you had to hear that, ma." Notti said, pulling Ni into a hug.

"Bro, you be saying worse shit than that." DD said, rolling his eyes. "She taking mad long."

"Who taking mad long, nigga?" Sky said, walking over to them. "Why you all up in cameras smiling and shit?"

"My wifey." DD said, cheesing as he stretched out his arms, pulling her into a hug. "Come here, ma."

Not being able to stay mad at him, she laughed and hugged him back. "I hate you, bro."

"No you don't." He replied, laughing.

"Sky, my heart." Ni said, walking over to her and dragging her away from DD to give her a hug.

"NaiNai," Sky replied, hugging her back. "Why you ain't text me to come earlier? You so sherm."

"Nooo, I was dead boutta leave like 10 minutes ago, but then Notti came so I stayed." Ni responded, laughing.

"I was so bored in that class, bro." Sky said, grabbing her phone out of her pocket. 

"DD has your water bottle, by the way." Ni said, walking back over to Notti. "Shit was leaking in my bag."

"Oops, sorry." Sky said, laughing. "DD, where is it?"

Notti wrapped his arms around Ni's waist, bending his head down to kiss her. "You coming to Roscoe's after school, ma?"

"Are you going?" She replied, resting her head on his chest.

Notti laughed. "Bro, you be asking the dumbest shit? Obviously I'm going if I asked you if you're going. Why would you be going to my mans' crib when I'm not there?"

She smacked him lightly on his chest. "Shutup, bro." She said, laughing. "Sure, I'll go."

The sound of loud heels smacking against the tiles alerted the small group of young teenagers. 

"What are you kids doing here?" A teacher said, as she came around the corner. 

They all took off, running and laughing. Notti picked Ni'mari up and continued running. They all laughed as they ran, trying to find a spot to hide in.



Ni'mari sat on the cream-colored leather couch with her legs crossed and her head resting on Notti's shoulder as he tried not to drift off to sleep, occasionally opening his eyes every few minutes. 

Loud drill music played in the background as DD and Ddot danced around the living room, bumping into Notti as they tried to wake him up to get him to dance with them.

"Go away, y'all." Ni'mari said, rolling her eyes as she pushed them away every time they came around. "Leave him alone, he's tired." 

DD laughed, running over to Cianna Sky who was sat on the opposite couch next to Kiyalina and Tyrell. "Wassup, ma." He said, bending down to kiss her on her forehead.

She moved back, pushing his lips away with her hand, making him furrow his eyebrows. "Don't even think about it."

"What?" DD said, standing up straight and frowning. "Don't tell me you mad at me again."

"You're making me third wheel just so you can dance with your boyfriend." She said, crossing her arms.

"Stop talking like that, bro. Nigga said boyfriend, what?" DD said, furrowing his eyebrows. "How you third wheeling?" 

Sky frowned, looking at him before turning her head to look at Lina and Meek cuddled up next to her, whispering in each other's ears. 

"Oh," DD said, laughing. "Come here, ma."

He sat down next to her, pulling her into a big hug and kissing her repeatedly on her cheek as he picked her up and put her down on his lap. She laughed, pushing him off her as he rested his arm behind her.

Alina burst out laughing. "Meek, bro. Stop."

He laughed and kissed her on her cheek. "What? I didn't even do shit."

"Awww," Ni said to Notti, smiling. "They so cute."

"Fuck Meek." Notti groaned, half asleep half awake.

"Chill, bro." Ni replied and laughed. "Why you still hate him?"

Notti yawned, putting his arm around her and falling back asleep. She looked up, checking if he was sleeping and shook her head, laughing.

"Bro, I'm mad hungry." Lina said, standing up. "Can we go get some food?"

"I can feed you sum' else." Meek said, smirking. 

She widened her eyes and gasped. "Nah, what?"

Cianna Sky laughed, looking at them. "Ty, chill bro. Get a room."

"You telling me to get a room?" Meek replied, laughing. "You basically grinding on DD right now, bro."

"What?" She said, laughing. "I'm just sat on his lap, chill."

Sky grabbed the remote from the table in the centre of the room, removing the song that was playing on the TV.

"Why you change it, bro?" DD asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he rested his right arm around her waist. 

"Shit too aggressive, sometimes you need calm relaxing music." She said, typing up a song.

"You chattin' like you not a drill feen." He said, laughing to which she responded with a laugh.

She clicked play, and 34+35 by Ariana Grande started playing on the TV, waking Notti up out of his sleep.

"What the fuck is this shit, bro?" Notti said, groaning as he rubbed his eye.

"Oh, so you can sleep peacefully to 'Shoot or Get Shot' but it's this that wakes you up?" She replied, rolling her eyes.

"Oh nah, Sky turn this shit off." Ddot said, walking back into the room taking a long drag out of his blunt. "You fucking up my high."

"Can you stay up all night? Fuck me 'til the daylight." Sky sang along, smirking as she turned around to look at DD.

DD laughed, rubbing his face with his hands. "Sky, bro."

"CS, what the fuck?" Notti said, terrified. 

She laughed, pausing the music. "That's all I wanted to say."

Ni'mari laughed, standing up and clapping as she ran over to Sky, giving her a hug. "Go, bestfrienddd." She said, laughing.

Sky stood up, laughing. "I'm playin' y'all, I'm playin'."

"Aw, damn." DD said, sounding disappointed. 

"Oh nah." Lina said, laughing. "Why you sound so sad about that, DD?"

"You heavy, Lina. Leave me alone, bro." He replied, laughing. He got up, hugging Sky around her waist and kissed her on her cheek.

"I'm just playin' witchu', mud." She said, chuckling as she played with the zipper on Meek's Nike tech.

Notti stood up, stretching his arms out. "Why you move away from me, ma?" He said as he walked over to Ni'mari. "Come back." 

She laughed, reaching up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up by her waist as she swaddled her legs around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Why all of y'all ignore me before, by the way?" Lina said, rolling her eyes.

"When, bae?" Sky asked, looking over to her.

"I asked if we could go out and get some food and I just realized I didn't hear none of y'all reply." She said, frowning.

"Oh, I dead thought you was talking to Meek." Ni said, turning her head as she joined in on the conversation.

"Yeah, me too." Sky agreed, shrugging.

"Sure, we can go out for food Lina bae." Ni said, before turning her head back to look at Notti. "Come on, Nero. Walk to the door."

"Oh nah, she giving you commands like you a dog." Ddot said, laughing.

"Shutup, single and lonely." Notti said, mugging him, before holding onto Ni tighter as he walked over to the front door.

"Single and lonely is crazyyy." DD said, laughing, trying to instigate. "You gon' let him violate you like that, Darrian?"

"Don't fall into the trap, Darrian." Jennaya said, walking into the room. "He just tryna get you mad so y'all can fight."

"Ion even care, I ain't lonely." Ddot said, rolling his eyes. "I got mad bitches, the fuck?"

"Come on, guys." Ni called over from the door. "I'm hungry."

Sky picked up her purse and held DD's hand. "We're coming, we're coming." They walked over to the door with Meek, Lina, Jennaya and Notti and exited the apartment, shutting the door behind them.


-K ♡

ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏ'ᴀʟʟ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ! ♡

ɪ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ʟɪᴋᴇᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ʟᴍᴀᴏ ɪᴅᴋ ᴡʜʏ, ᴏᴏᴏ ᴀʟꜱᴏ, ɢᴏ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍʏ ɴᴇᴡ ᴅᴅ ʙᴏᴏᴋ '5ᴀᴍ ɪɴ ɴʏᴄ'!

ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ! ᴠᴏᴛᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ! ♡

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