Cyborg Luz

By Jss2141

21.3K 725 331

When a little girl is placed into a coma, her father does whatever it takes to save her. No matter how extrem... More

Ch. 1: The Accident
Ch. 2: Sudden Sickness
Ch. 3: The Truth Revealed
Ch. 4: A New Hope
Ch. 5: Sleeping Solution
Ch. 7: Taken Too Soon
Ch. 8: Present Thoughts
Ch. 9: Panicking and Rash Choices!
Ch. 10: Through The Doorway
Ch. 11: Humble Abode
Ch. 12: Prison Break
Ch. 13: A Friendly Delivery
Ch. 14: Problems With Robotics
Ch. 15: Meeting Her Children
Ch. 16: Training Incident
Ch. 17: Our First Friend
Ch. 18: The Magic Word
Ch. 19: Surprise Attack
Ch. 20: Crushing Loss
Ch. 21: Shocking Development
Ch. 22: Repairing and Repurposing
Ch. 23: Good, Evil, and Nanobots
Ch. 24: Epilogue, Just the Two of Us

Ch. 6: Gone in a Flash

1K 34 17
By Jss2141

Though, unknown to either parent, something different was happening. In her dream like coma, Luz was actually TALKING with her nanobots.

"Nanobots?" Luz said, "So you're responsible for my strength?"

The nanobots came together in her dream, appearing as a figure of blue light with a single nanobot as its head.

"Yes. We wanted to help you and heal you in exchange for giving us a home in your body." The nanobots said.

"Ooh, what other things can I do?"

Though this was surprising the Luz, she didn't find it that scary. Oddly enough, she found it exciting.

"We have been working to make you stronger by slowly increasing your bone density and transforming it into growing metal. Constructing boosters and weaponry will take a bit more time though." The nanobots said to her.

"So I'll have powers?"

"Yes, you will but they will take time master as they develop. We shall help you control them and help you hide them." The nanobots said to her.

"This is going to be cool!" Luz said.

The chemical Nathan used that made Luz sleep for three days as the nanobots "shut down" actually allowed them to communicate with their new master better. Which in turn would make Luz "normal" but only in appearance as she was going to keep her new powers a secret. Strength, speed, weapons, intellect; everything a secret. The next day, Camila looked at Luz. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. It was officially day one of her 3 day sleep and she was checking on her to be safe.

"She'll be fine, Camila." Nathan said, "I won't let her get hurt... not again."

"I know....and you better keep that promise." Camilia said but failed to make it sound threatening.

Nathan and her embraced one last time before they both left for work, already called the school to let them know Luz would be absent for a few days. Nathan was at a stop light thinking about Luz.

"She'll be fine. She will."

The light turned green and he drove forward. That's when a strong impact hit the side of his car. At the Veterinary Clinic, a vet walked up to Camila, unsure of how to tell her this.

"Camila, I was just told, that... your husband was hit by a drunk driver... I'm sorry."

Camilia paused from her work and felt herself silently crying, as she leaned on a counter. Her husband was gone!

"No, please God no." She whispered.

How would Luz react to this? And how would the nanobots be stopped after a year has passed?

"Camila, I'm so sorry for your loss." Her coworker said, "If it makes you feel better, the police have the man in custody right now."

"I hope he gets what he deserves for this. Drunk or not." Camilia said bitterly.

At the end of the day, Camila went home and immediately started crying. The heartbreak of her first love, despite his neglect until a few months ago, weighted heavy on her heart. Camilia doubted she would ever know love again. How would she tell Luz? She's so young, how would she handle it?

'She'll be so upset! Even more than I am!' Camilia thought in worry.

There was a knock on the door and Camila answered it. There was two police officers on the other side.

"Mrs. Noceda, I'm officer Adams. This is my partner Officer Williams. We're the Officers that are... we're hear to talk about what happened to your Husband."

"What's there to talk about? I heard of what happened from my co-worker, he was killed by a drunk driver." Camilia said as she wiped tears from her eyes.

"That's the thing, there was alcohol found in his car, his body smelt of it, and he was speaking with a drunken slur, but there was no alcohol in his system... he intentionally ran into your husband's car."

"I only know that he created robots, that's it." She said, "It wasn't until a few months ago that he actually started to be around more."

One of the officers wrote down this information as the other nodded to her.

"Was the last project something big? Something that would make other worry?" He asked her.

"Yes, but I can't reveal its purpose. That's the same thing Nathan told, he couldn't reveal what it was but he said it would help people." Camilia said, half lying.

"I see... and your daughter, is she here?"

"Yes, she's a little sick though." Camilia lied, not wanting them to come in.

"Alright, we'll come back if we learn anything else."

"Thank you." Camilia said with a nod to the officers, closing the door as they left.

Camila went upstairs to check on Luz. Peaking into her room, Luz was still asleep in her bed and snuggling with her teddy bear and Azura doll. Camila gave her a sad smile before retreating to her and Nat... her room. There was one thing he told her, that if he ever died before Luz was fourteen, then give her the letter in the safe on her fourteenth birthday.

'14 years old, 6 years from now. How will things be after Luz awakens and learns about what happened to you, Mi amor?' Camilia thought to herself.

Camila spent the rest of the night crying, there was nothing she could do except cry. As she crying herself to sleep, Luz had spent the whole day talking with the nanobots in her body and learning about all she could do now that she could communicate with them. She also learned that her father attempted to shut them down but Luz didn't get mad at him, if he hadn't tried this then Luz never would've connected with her nanobots.

"I can't wait to tell him about this!" Luz said.

If only Luz knew, it would make what happens in 2 days less...messy.

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