God's Love💕

By ChristianLove01

2.7K 232 331

Bible verses, testimonies, praying & more! DM me your testimony & I can add it💕 Comment or DM me something y... More

💕How Your Testimony Can Be Part Of This Book💕
💜Rosalina's Testimony💜
❤️Jonah 2:9❤️
💜luna06masing's Testimony💜
💜justcoolandblue's Testimony💜
❤️Ecclesiastes 7:20❤️
💕Emoji Key💕
❤️ Ecclesiastes 8:6❤️
🙏Prayer for our Youth Leaders🙏
💜My Testimony💜
❤️Philippians 4:7❤️
❤️Psalm 34:8❤️
✝️Opinions on homosexuality/LGBTQ+✝️
✨Favourite Worship Song✨
❤️2 Tessalonians 2:14❤️
❤️Psalms 18:28❤️
❤️John 6:47❤️
❤️2 Samuel 7:22❤️
❤️Hebrews 4:16❤️
❤️Joshua 1:9❤️
❤️Luke 18:1❤️
💜Rando_Subscribe00's Testimony 💜
❤️Isaiah 60:22❤️
❤️2 Peter 1:3❤️
❤️2 Chronicles 30:9b❤️
✝️Opinions on Jewellery wearing✝️
❤️1 John 3:17❤️
✝️Opinions on females wearing trousers✝️
❤️Luke 1:37❤️
💕Christian Books💕
❤️2 Samuel 22:31❤️
🙏What do you need us to pray for?🙏
❤️Romans 8:16❤️
❤️1 Tessalonians 5:17❤️
❤️1 Peter 5:7❤️
💜Deniangle's Testimony💜
❤️Psalms 27:10❤️
💜Emerald's Testimony💜
❤️John 13:7❤️
❤️Psalm 103:5❤️
❤️John 8:36❤️
❤️Proverbs 19:16❤️
❤️1 John 1:9❤️
❤️Jeremiah 33:3❤️
❤️Pslam 56:3-4❤️
❤️Isaiah 28:29❤️
❤️Deuteronomy 13:4❤️
✝️Opinions on Abortion✝️
✨Christian Movies✨
💜DairyHouse365's Testimony💜
❤️1 John 1:7❤️
❤️Psalms 68:19❤️
❤️Matthew 22:37❤️
✝️Opinions on Female Pastors✝️
💜Geekgirl531's Testimony💜
✨Christian Books✨
✨Fear Vs Courage✨
❤️Acts 22:16❤️
✝️Opinions on Yoga✝️
✨Advice on Sharing the Gospel✨
❤️Psalms 100:2❤️
❤️Psalm 147:3❤️
❤️Psalm 107:1❤️
✨Same God✨
✝️Opinions on Halloween✝️
✝️Opinions on whether Catholics are Christians or not✝️
💜 Pinestripe37's Testimony💜
✨Spiritual Warfare✨
💜Morada21's Testimony💜

❤️Genesis 8:21❤️

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By ChristianLove01

Weekly Bible Verse week beginning 29th August 2022

Genesis 8:21 ESV

And when the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, the Lord said in his heart, "I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man's heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done."

This is after Noah was on the Ark and before God made the promise that He would never do this again. God kept His promise to Noah. The world nowadays is full of sin and an awful place to live at times. Sometimes, I honestly wish that God would just cause a great flood again and flush out some of the sin. The world has rebelled against The Lord and is now following and worshiping the devil. But God keeps his promises. The world now has a different meaning for a rainbow but we, as Christians, know that it symbolises God's promises and nothing else. Everytime you see a rainbow, rejoice on how God has kept all of His promises and He will continue to do so!

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