It Began In Italy | ✔️

By moonlighttkisscs

6K 233 16

One last trip with her family before she goes to University. Her intentions for this trip were to spend ever... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Thank you :)

Chapter Twenty Five

139 6 0
By moonlighttkisscs

The next morning, I woke up sore and freezing cold. It was the first time I'd found myself hating air conditioning on this island. Moving towards Nico, I grab ahold of him and nuzzle my face into the crook of his neck before lifting my leg over his hips. His warm hand travels under the shirt I'm wearing and rubs soothing circles on my back.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, knowing that last night's activities took a toll on me. "We can stay in bed today, my father doesn't need me down at the restaurant." The thought of being in bed with Nico all day is something I could comply with.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I reluctantly move away from Nico to grab it. Three missed calls from my mother and two messages.

Mother: Can you let me know you're safe?

                   I know you hate me right now but we can't stay like this forever.

Huffing, I place my phone back onto the nightstand and return to my relaxed state with Nico. "I'm okay, very sore though," I say and Nico kisses my temple.

"I'm not surprised, you practically ran me dry last night," Nico laughs and I slap his chest. He did not hold back last night, he let go completely and ravished me like I'd disappear. So much for only wanting to hold me. I laugh at the thought.

"Is there anything to make breakfast?" I ask, changing the subject. Nico's hand finds my arse and he squeezes it, causing me to squeal.

"Whatever you want, I'll make it," he says and I think upon the matter for a few moments.

Smiling, I run my hands through the soft strands of his hair. "Pancakes, with chocolate and strawberries," I say and he moves out of the bed. I frown at the sudden coldness that fills the sheets but I squeal when Nico drags me by my ankles to the edge of the bed.

"Don't think you're staying here without me," Nico lifts me by my hips and I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me to the kitchen. "Now, would you like crepes or fluffy pancakes, amore mio?"

The decision was made long before I could even take another breath. "Fluffy pancakes," I say and he throws a smile my way. Nico places me down on the counter, the countertops cold against my thighs. He had managed to find me a shirt to wear and a pair of plaid shorts that, surprisingly, fit quite well.

Nico then rifles through the cupboard, grabbing pans and ingredients. Hopping down from the side, I move to help him. I may be awful at cooking but I can lend a hand one way or another.

"You are supposed to be resting, rosa," he says but I shake my head. Resting is for the weak. Yes, it may hurt with every step I take but, I can power through.

Nico takes a bowl before adding flour, an egg, sugar, milk and butter. He seems to know the ingredients by heart as he adds in the perfect amount to create a smooth, thick mixture. I watch as he pours the mixture onto a pan, creating a symmetrical circle.

"Can I flip it?" I ask and he flashes a smile before stepping out of the way. Moving towards the stove, I grab the spatula and hold the handle of the pan. Waiting until I am sure the pancake will be somewhat cooked, I use the spatula to lift the edges.

I'm halted when Nico presses against me, his hand closing over mine. "For the perfect pancake, you want to wait until it's a golden brown. Don't hesitate when you flip it, just go for it. Hesitation leads to a broken pancake," he explains and I nod.

Nico's hand moves with mine as he slides the spatula beneath the pancake and flips it in one swift movement. It looks great as the golden side faces upwards. Usually, my pancakes come out a weird pale colour, partly raw, but these... you just know this man knows his way around the kitchen.

He moves to allow me to try and I miss the feeling of him being pressed up behind me. No hesitation, I remind myself. Sliding the spatula beneath it once more, I flip it and the pancake lands in one piece. I cannot help my smile as I slide it onto a plate.

"Excellent form, are you sure you're not a chef?" Nico jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe I am a world-famous chef and I play dumb to make you feel better," I shrug and it's Nico's turn to roll his eyes before he lets out a small laugh.

"I would be incredibly turned on by that," Nico admits and I find myself wanting my statement to be true. But it's not... let's face it, I'm an awful cook and I cannot see that changing any time soon.

Smiling and shaking my head, I let him continue with making the pancakes - seeing that he is much more capable. When the pancakes are finally finished and they're drizzled in chocolate and strawberries, my mouth waters in delight.

We dig in and another message flashes on my phone.

Calli: Hey girl, you better be knee-deep in Italian dick for you to not message me for this long. Let me know what's going on and keep me updated. I'M YOUR BEST FRIEND! xoxo

I almost choke on a strawberry as I read the message's contents. It's true, I haven't spoken to her since last week and we definitely need a catch-up. I hadn't realised how infatuated I had become with spending time with Nico, that I completely forgot to message my best friend.

Heidi: Hey! Hope everything is okay and... something like that. So sorry for not messaging, I've been busy with said Italian. Will call you soon!

"Is everything okay?" Nico asks from across the table and I nod my head before taking another bite of the pancake.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just needed to message Calli back, we haven't spoken in a while and that is very odd for us," I say and Nico plops a strawberry into his mouth. I find myself focusing on his veiny hands and the way they grip my body. But, soon enough, I manage to pull myself out of the hole I was digging.

Nico just needs to stop being so... Nico.

Eventually, I grow full and I'm still as sore as ever, so I make my way back to the bed and splay myself across it. Burying my face into the pillows, I feel the bed dip beside me and I welcome the warmth of Nico as he wraps his arm around me.

"I'll remember not to fuck you as hard next time," Nico leans down to whisper in my ear and I feel the blush rise in my cheeks. "I'll be more gentle," he says as his hand runs along my body, sending shivers swarming through me.

Twisting, I turn to face him. Those blue eyes pierce into mine and I find myself getting lost in them once again. "I don't want you to be gentle," I shrug and those eyes darken.

"Oh, yeah?" he goads me on and I bite my lip. Last night was probably the best sex I've ever had and here I am this morning, an aching mess. You've got to take the bad to have the good.

Kissing his jaw, I wrap my arms around his shoulders - pulling him closer. I wish to stay here forever, to never leave his embrace and to never leave this island. But wishes don't always come true and in this case... I know for a matter of fact that they won't.

I focus on trying to sleep, to refrain from thinking about inevitably leaving. Moving closer to Nico, I let his warmth surround me and coax me into the darkness.

We spend the rest of the day in bed, bathing in each other's touch. Until I, eventually, had enough of the constant messages flooding my phone from you know who. It was close to impossible trying to weave my way out of Nico's grasp.

"Don't go yet, just a few more minutes," Nico groans, his arm tight around my waist. "Please," he says, close to begging.

"I have to... my mother, she's going to be furious and she already disapproves of this. She's still hellbent on pushing me towards Ambrose," I huff and Nico scoffs.

Rolling his eyes he says, "Your feelings are obviously not in her best interest." Nico could have never been more correct. My mother couldn't care less about what I want anymore, it's what she believes is best.

"I need to speak with her... properly. I need to know what she's hiding from me, the full story, because every moment I do not know, it is killing me. I'll fill you in as soon as possible," I say and Nico finally nods his head, loosening his grip on me.

"Go then, before I change my mind and drag you back into this bed - doing all of the unholy things I plan to do with you," he says and I quickly jump from the bed with a laugh.

"I'll see you later," I smile and his eyes watch me, intently, as I walk out of the room after grabbing my things.

I cannot help my smile as I walk back to the house, although I have a feeling my smile will soon drop. When I enter the house, I move towards my parent's bedroom. Opening the door, I find the room empty. Moving back downstairs, I make a b-line for the dining room. Vienna sits there with Nancy, piecing together a puzzle.

"Do you know where my mother is?" I ask and Vienna's head snaps in my direction, obviously surprised by the voice added to the conversation.

"It's lovely for you to make an appearance," Vienna smiles and I let out a small laugh. "She's in the garden," she says and I nod my head before thanking her.

Walking towards the back doors, I notice my mother laying on a sun lounger by the pool - bathing in the sun's rays. Her head moves to look at me as I open the door with a small creak.

"Hi," I say, my voice sounding much smaller than I was hoping. Sitting down on the sun lounger next to her, she takes a deep breath.

"I take it you have been with Nico all night and day," she says, her voice calm and lacking emotion. There's no point in lying, she can read me like a book at times.

"Yeah. He took me to this beautiful restaurant at the top of the hill... the view was amazing," I smile, finding solace in the memory. Just to think that in a couple of years I will be looking back on this, smiling faintly at the summer that changed my perception on love almost entirely.

"I'm afraid it's all a ruse, Heidi. I hope you don't think you've fallen in love with him or that he has any sort of feelings for you beyond what's in his pants," she huffs and I raise my eyebrows.

"What's going on with you? I need you to explain your vagueness before it drives me crazy," my voice raises of its own accord. I can't help it, she is truly pissing me off.

My mother sits up, turning to face me before she runs a hand over her face. "Now is not the time to be having this conversation," she ends it immediately.

"No. I want answers." I'm putting my foot down. I'm not dealing with this constant berating and bashing of Nico when he has done absolutely nothing wrong. That man has made me feel happier in the space of a week and a half than my mother ever has in my entire life.

"Fine, you want answers? When I came to this island with Mandy, I met a guy. He had the whole gentleman ruse, wanted to earn my love, playing tourist guide just as that boy is. I let him into my heart and into my bed and all it got me was alone and pregnant!"

My heart ceases to beat. My mother came to this island eighteen, almost nineteen, years ago. "What... what do you mean pregnant?" I feel like I can't breathe.

"Your real father is here, lurking the island," she waves her hand haphazardly as if she hasn't just turned my world upside down.

The man that I have called my father my entire life... isn't even my father. The man's name that I have taken is nothing more than a stranger.

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